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陈小敏 《精武》2012,(26):17-18
准确掌握运动项目的运动特征和训练规律是进行运动训练的前提条件。本文论述了棒球运动的竞技特征及其体能要求,并探讨棒球体能训练的内容和方法,以及目前我国棒球训练存在的问题。  相似文献   

投球、接球、跑垒……美国总统们一直喜欢参与棒球这项受欢迎的运动。  相似文献   

沈贵良 《体育教学》2010,29(1):57-57
现代棒球运动源于英国的板球(Cricket)而创于美国。棒球运动已经有150多年的历史了。棒球是以9人为一方,在室外场地使用球棒和球进行的一项球类运动。这既是业余竞技运动也是一项职业运动项目,比赛的目标是赢得比对方更多的分。棒球运动是集体性、对抗性很强的球类运动项目,它在国际上开展较为广泛,影响较大,被誉为“竞技与智慧的结合”。近20年来,我国少年儿童棒球有较快发展,中国少棒队在世界少年软式棒球锦标赛中曾7夺冠军。在学校中,因地制宜地开发利用棒球运动资源,可以发挥棒球运动应有的优势,充实体育课程内容。  相似文献   


高瞻  高斌 《体育教学》2001,(2):51-51
网棒球运动的起源与发展。网棒球运动(LACROSSE)是一项借助于器械的同场竞争项目,它是用球拍携带球移动,将球互相进行传、接或抢、打、滚球,以将球射入对方球门和阻止对方获球和得分为目的的运动项目。它源于北美五大湖畔印第安人玩的游戏,印第安人用动物毛皮做成球,用木棍制成球棒,用藤条和渔网编成圆形的网缚在球棒上将球互相投掷进行游戏。  相似文献   

中国棒球运动与亚洲职业棒球发展差距的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
棒球在日本、韩国和中国的台湾省有着悠久的历史和很高的竞技水平,与其职业棒球的发展有着紧密的联系。中国棒球联赛称不上真正意义的中国职棒联赛,只是看到了中国职棒的雏形,成为真正意义的职棒联赛,还需要有一定的时间进行棒球市场的培育与开发,只有队伍规模的壮大,球员水平的提高和拥有一定数量的球迷,真正气候的职业棒球才会实现,竞技水平才能赶超日本、韩国和中国台湾。  相似文献   

任何一个体育项目都有构成其基础的技术和知识,只有掌握了正确和规范的基本技术,才有可能进一步提高各种技术,对于已经了解棒球击球技术的人,也不妨重温这部分内容,以确认自己的技术是否规范。  相似文献   

主要采用文献资料法、逻辑分析法研究棒球运动在我国高校的开展。高校应成为棒球运动普及和发展的重要基地。棒球运动高校的资源和人才优势将是我国棒球运动普及和开展最好的切入点。  相似文献   

足球和棒球运动是当今社会比较流行的团体运动项目,世界杯足球赛、美国职业棒球联赛等全球品牌赛事吸引了众多的观众,也创造了巨大的财富和社会效应.运用文献资料法、历史分析、归纳总结等研究方法,对足球运动和棒球运动的起源与成长历史进行了梳理和归纳,主要针对足球和棒球运动的全球传播机制进行了深入讨论,以期解释足球和棒球运动为何能成为当今世界流行的体育项目.  相似文献   

中国棒球技术现状与对策的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中国武艺职业棒球之际,本对中国棒球队近10年的重大洲际比赛进行追踪和分析,并与世界一流强队,亚洲三强(日本、中国台北、韩国)作对比研究,发现90年代初期我国成年棒球仍落后于亚洲三强的主要原因是击球技术较落后,多垒打率低。以投促击,以“多垒打”为主的击球技术,是我国成年棒球在2008年奥运会取得突破的关键之一。  相似文献   

吴刚 《精武》2012,(35):118-119
从伦敦奥运套开始,棒球不再是奥运会正式比赛项目。2005年10月7日,一际奥委会应国际棒联的要求,公布了新加坡全全项目设置投票结果,棒球项目因50票支持、54票反对,以4票之差被排除出2012年伦敦奥运会。同样,棒球无缘2016年奥运会,这些决定给世界棒球运动的发展带来了严峻的挑战。为什么国际奥委会做出这一决定,作者通过广泛地查阅资料,就棒球退出奥运会的原因进行探讨和分析,并进行归纳和总结。  相似文献   

棒球投手肩关节旋转运动特征研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
棒球比赛中,投手是一支球队的灵魂,在很大程度上决定全局的比赛。肩部力量素质和活动范围是投手有效投球的基础,在很大程度上决定投球技术、机能的发挥。肩关节既是躯干和上肢的连结点,又是上肢运动的支点,是保证上肢完成三维活动的重要结构[1]。因此,肩关节在棒球运动中发挥着  相似文献   

通过对中国与日本、韩国和中国台湾棒球的开展状况及发展水平的对比分析,找出中国棒球落后的原因,以期为中国棒球更好的发展提供参考。  相似文献   


Baseball players exhibit a pattern of improvement and decline in performance; however, differing lengths of careers and changes in rules and characteristics of the game complicate assessments of age-related effects on performance. This study attempts to isolate the impact of age on several player skills while controlling for relevant outside factors using longitudinal data from 86 seasons of Major League Baseball. The results indicate that players age in different skills in accord with studies of ageing in other athletic contests. For overall performance, multiple-regression estimates indicate that hitters and pitchers peak around the age of 29 – later than previous estimates. Athletic skills such as hitting and running peak earlier than skills that rely heavily on experience and knowledge, such as issuing and drawing walks.  相似文献   

中国棒球职业联赛管理制度的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以探索棒球职业化的管理模式为切入点,在对我国棒球运动有关材料的收集和客观分析的基础上,以实现我国棒球运动职业化为目标,从管理方面对目前我国棒球运动现状进行客观分析,对棒球联赛中存在的若干问题进行了较深入的研究。本研究为推进中国棒球运动的职业化过程,对我国棒  相似文献   

By manipulating stimulus variation in terms of opponent pitcher actions, this study investigated the capability of expert (n = 30) and near-expert (n = 95) professional baseball batters to adapt anticipation skill when using the video simulation temporal occlusion paradigm. Participants watched in-game footage of two pitchers, one after the other, that was temporally occluded at ball release and various points during ball flight. They were required to make a written prediction of pitch types and locations. Per cent accuracy was calculated for pitch type, for pitch location, and for type and location combined. Results indicated that experts and near-experts could adapt their anticipation to predict above guessing level across both pitchers, but adaptation to the left-handed pitcher was poorer than the right-handed pitcher. Small-to-moderate effect sizes were found in terms of superior adaptation by experts over near-experts at the ball release and early ball flight occlusion conditions. The findings of this study extend theoretical and applied knowledge of expertise in striking sports. Practical application of the instruments and findings are discussed in terms of applied researchers, practitioners and high-performance staff in professional sporting organisations.  相似文献   

Major League Baseball (MLB) has proposed rule changes to speed up baseball games. Reducing the time between pitches may impair recovery from fatigue. Fatigue is a known precursor to injury and may jeopardise joint stability. This study examined how fatigue accumulated during baseball games and how different pace of play initiatives may influence fatigue. Pitcher data were retrieved from a public database. A predictive model of muscle fatigue estimated muscle fatigue in 8 arm muscles. A self-selected pace (22.7 s), 12 s pace (Rule 8.04 from the MLB) and a 20 s rest (a pitch clock examined in the 2014 Arizona Fall League (AFL)) were examined. Significantly more muscle fatigue existed in both the AFL and Rule 8.04 conditions, when compared to the self-selected pace condition (5.01 ± 1.73%, 3.95 ± 1.20% and 3.70 ± 1.10% MVC force lost, respectively). Elevated levels of muscle fatigue are predicted in the flexor–pronator mass, which is responsible for providing elbow stability. Reduced effectiveness of the flexor–pronator mass may reduce the active contributions to joint rotational stiffness, increasing strain on the ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) and possibly increasing injury risk.  相似文献   

我国定向越野运动员注意特征的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用注意能力测试软件对我国18名优秀定向越野运动员、26名一般定向越野运动员和32名普通学生的注意能力进行测试。结果表明:优秀定向运动员的注意集中稳定能力要明显高于普通学生和一般定向越野运动员,注意广度水平比普通学生强,而与一般运动员不存在显著性差异,注意分配能力比普通学生和一般运动员差,注意转移能力与普通学生并不存在显著性差异,但强于一般定向越野运动员。其中注意广度、注意集中稳定两项指标可作为定向越野运动员选材和训练的有效指标。  相似文献   

对抗项目竞技能力层次要素特征的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
根据竞技能力结构体系,遴选7个运动形态复杂的对抗项目作为代表项目.分别通过专项内部和专项之间竞技能力系统要素影响权重的多元比较,探讨对抗项目专项运动竞技能力层次要素的异同特征.发现各个专项竞技能力要素的权重影响程度均为不同;专项运动特征显著反映的主要要素是二级要素中的身体形态、运动机能和运动技术要素;专项运动特征全面反映的主要要素是四级要素中各个竞技能力要素的具体表现.研究认为这种差异既反映竞技能力非衡发展的普遍现象,同时反映不同竞技能力的影响作用.  相似文献   


Baseball umpires, players, and control participants with no baseball experience were asked to call balls and strikes for video clips. In a basic judgement task, umpires and players were significantly better at calling pitches than controls. In a direct information task, borderline pitches were presented following clips of definite balls and definite strikes. Participants called target pitches closer to the strike end of the scale when viewed after definite balls than when they followed definite strikes. Similarly, when borderline pitches were shown in different pitch counts, participants called pitches more towards the strike end of the scale when there were three balls in the count (3–0, 3–2). These findings indicate that the standard for evaluation changes based on the context in which stimuli are processed. Moreover, the strength of the contextual factors is illustrated in that the effects were shown in observers with and without experience in the task. Overall, however, umpires had a greater tendency to call strikes, indicating that they may use a norm of “hastening the game”.  相似文献   

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