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随着房地产行业的不断发展,“按揭”日益为人们所熟知,实际生活中,人们大量采取按揭方式购买商品房,由此也产生了诸多纠纷,但是我国的《物权法》并没有规定按揭制度,应如何对其法律属性进行界定,存在诸多争议。通过研究中国预售商品房按揭的实际情况.分析比较学术界对预售商品房按揭法律属性的不同观点,提出对预售商品房按揭法律属性的界定。  相似文献   

本文以北京、上海、广州和深圳的商品房数据信息为基础对当前我国居民的购买能力进行实证研究。得出我国目前房价家庭收入比已经超过国际警戒线近,高房价严重制约我国居民商品房购买能力。本文对虚高房价的形成原因进行深入探讨,认为政府应该切实为大众提供及时准确商品房市场信息,增强政策的可信性帮助购买者做出合理预期,这样才有助于稳定房价。  相似文献   

据有关部门统计,我国目前购房的主流为个人购房,它占商品房总交易量的80%左右,其余为集团购买,占20%左右.因此对居民而言,选择一种实惠的付款方式是十分必要的.  相似文献   

据有关部门统计 ,我国目前购房的主流为个人购房 ,它占商品房总交易量的 80 %左右 ,其余为集团购买 ,占 2 0 %左右。因此对居民而言 ,选择一种实惠的付款方式是十分必要的  相似文献   

随着我国房地产市场逐步进入良性发展的轨道,人们对商品房住宅的需求观念也发生了很大的变化。商品房住宅名称也成为吸引人们购买商品房住宅的因素之一。当前,我国商品房住宅命名行为体现出了对民族文化心理的适应、追求语言形式的陌生化以及追求语言时尚等语用特征。这些特征反映了这个时代人们对语言运用的一些新的倾向及语言运用心理。  相似文献   

本研究主要目的在分析不同生活型态对双栖族的购买行为,并比较双栖通路间购买行为的差异,以及探讨哪些主要因素及其对消费者通路选择决策的影响。结果显示:即便是双栖族消费者,其认知风险愈高倾向选择实体通路,而不同产品类型上,消费者认知风险对通路选择的影响有差异;此外,不同生活型态消费者,针对不同类型产品,在考虑通路选择时也有差异。本文除可以补足双栖族群这方面的研究,企业可进一步地了解消费者选择不同通路时,针对不同产品类型的价值考虑,亦能更精确的找出顾客需求进行区隔。  相似文献   

停止实物分房后,城镇职工要转变住房观念,主动进入市场,依靠个人积累和金融支持,通过集资建房;购买经济适用住房;购买住宅商品房以及承租廉租住房等办法解决住房问题。  相似文献   

●本期问题解答——阮海蕾、张淑燕(浙江泽大律师事务所)我现在要买一套商品房。为避免以后继承及税费等问题,我想直接在房产证上写我儿子的名字。我儿子现在只有6岁。请问我能否以儿子的名义购买房屋?如果可以,具体应该办理什么手续?温州秦一可秦女士:《最高人民法院关于贯彻执行<中华人民共和国民法通则>若干问题的意见》第10条规定:“监护人的监护职责包括:保护被监护人的身体健康、照顾被监护人的生活,管理和保护被监护人的财产,代理被监护人进行民事活动……”你作为儿子的监护人,可以代你儿子购买商品房。你以儿子的名义购买商品房具…  相似文献   

小学生购买食品时应注意的问题 1.到正规商店里购买,不买校园周边、街头巷尾的“三无”食品。2.购买正规厂家生产的食品,尽量选择信誉度较好的品牌。  相似文献   

本文介绍了住宅商品房销售决策系统的系统设计与实现。  相似文献   

Students admitted to more than one institution of higher education face one of the most difficult decisions of their lives. The determinants of these enrollment decisions are crucially important to the yield of qualified students from the number admitted to colleges and universities. This paper specifies an empirical model of the enrollment decision for students admitted both to Rutgers University and to at least one alternate college. Our estimates of the parameters of the model with a binary choice multiple regression equation show that students base their enrollment decision on the relative quality of the schools, their own abilities and family resources, and the net costs of the schools. The results are relevant to university tuition and financial aid policies. The general methodology is replicable by other institutions seeking information on the determinants of the enrollment decision.  相似文献   

This real‐data‐guided simulation study systematically evaluated the decision accuracy of complex decision rules combining multiple tests within different realistic curricula. Specifically, complex decision rules combining conjunctive aspects and compensatory aspects were evaluated. A conjunctive aspect requires a minimum level of performance, whereas a compensatory aspect requires an average level of performance. Simulations were performed to obtain students' true and observed score distributions and to manipulate several factors relevant to a higher education curriculum in practice. The results showed that the decision accuracy depends on the conjunctive (required minimum grade) and compensatory (required grade point average) aspects and their combination. Overall, within a complex compensatory decision rule the false negative rate is lower and the false positive rate higher compared to a conjunctive decision rule. For a conjunctive decision rule the reverse is true. Which rule is more accurate also depends on the average test reliability, average test correlation, and the number of reexaminations. This comparison highlights the importance of evaluating decision accuracy in high‐stake decisions, considering both the specific rule as well as the selected measures.  相似文献   

《The Educational forum》2012,76(1):29-47

This essay considers school and external factors that influenced a teacher’s decision to pass a high school student, thus allowing him to graduate high school. I explore my role in understanding and then enacting change within the classroom. This article prompts educators to self-reflect on their positionality, moral decision-making, and culturally relevant pedagogies to address inequities within their institutions. This self-study is example of research that informs teachers about the complexities of ethical and moral decision making in the classroom.  相似文献   

长期以来,传统经济学一直将躯体性因素排除在理论体系之外,是一种"离身"的经济学。具身经济学(embodied economics)则是在具身理论框架下对个体经济行为进行解释的一种(神经)经济学取向,它考虑身体信号、肌体状态、他人动作或位移(或其位移)所提供的信息对个体经济心理及行为的影响。近期大量有关动作、姿势、肌体状态影响决策、估价及消费行为的心理学研究已经为具身经济学奠定了坚实的实证基础。深入理解躯体性因素对经济心理及行为的影响,有助于更好地理解个体经济决策的动力机制,让经济学和心理学更贴近现实生活。  相似文献   

在同时考虑成本和需求均非对称的条件下研究建立房地产投资决策的期权博弈评价模型,并利用matlab软件对相关主要因素作比较静态分析及经济含义说明,拓展了期权博弈评价方法在房地产投资决策领域的应用,也进一步完善了房地产投资决策的期权博弈评价理论体系.  相似文献   

The questionnaire survey reported in this paper is part of an ongoing evaluation of the effect of a bursary scheme on recruitment to Cambridge University. It sought to identify factors that encouraged or discouraged highly successful A Level students from applying to Cambridge. Findings reveal three main dimensions associated with the decision to apply to Cambridge, the nature of the courses, the prestige of the university and anxiety about the application process combined with fear of failure. Further analyses showed that there were complex interactions between these three dimensions which governed the decision to apply to Cambridge. These findings are relevant to other prestigious universities. The availability of a bursary did appear to influence the decisions of those who were eligible, but its influence was not as great as some of the other factors.  相似文献   

运用文献资料、问卷调查、数理统计等方法,对湖南省大学生“休闲体育”的开展现状进行了调查研究,并对高校中影响和制约休闲体育的因素进行分析,提出了体闲体育在高校中开展的建议,旨在为高校相关部门的决策提供一定的参考依据。  相似文献   

旅游者态度的形成或改变是旅游决策形成过程中的重要一环。这一环受诸多因素的影响,主要包括旅游者的个性、态度的特点、期望值、旅游产品及其它相关信息等方面因素。将这些复杂的因素加以整合,可以发现旅游者态度形成或改变的一般心理规律,为旅游工作者进一步寻找相应的经营策略提供心理依据。  相似文献   

部分承担社会责任的企业存在决策困境的状况,原因是决策中的各种不确定因素。从理论概念看,企业的社会责任并未形成广泛认可的通行的定义;从现实情况看,企业社会责任决策过程中的不确定因素可以从以下四个方面进行分析:关于企业社会责任存在认识误区,企业面临的决策环境是不确定的,决策者素质存在差异,方案形成困难导致不确定性增加。如果处理不当,这些因素中的多个甚至一个也能导致承担社会责任的企业陷入决策困境。决策者应尽力减轻这些不确定性所带来的负面作用,以便做出有责任的判断和选择。  相似文献   

大型综合超市选址评价体系构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大型综合超市是近几年我国应运而生的迅猛发展的一种商业业态。国内零售业业内人士都意识到,只有大型综合超市的选址做到科学、合理、正确,才能在竞争中立于不败之地。从大型综合超市的商业特征和效益成本角度出发,列出诸多选址因素,对影响大型综合超市所有影响因子进行逐一分析。旨在提出一套大型综合超市选址因素评价体系,以期提高选址工作的科学性。  相似文献   

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