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刘红斌 《今日教育》2006,(7S):11-12
传统的数学备课要求我们做到“六备”:备大纲、备教材、备教参、备练习、备板书、备学生:钻透“七点”:钻透重点、难点、关键点、知识点、能力点、切 入点、渗透点:研究“二法”:教师的教法和学生的学法。实施新课程后.我与许多教师一样对现在如何备课产生过困惑。难道我们以前的“六备”、钻透“七点”及研究的“二法”还不全面吗?通过对新课程理念的不断学习.我逐渐认识到:传统的备课强调的是“以本为本”、“以纲为纲”.以传授知识和培养技能为本.脱离社会交际和学生生活实际,新课改则鲜明地体现出“以人为本”、“以促进学生的全面发展为本”的价值取向,数学教师应树立正确的备课思想.才能以崭新的教学设计代替传统的教案。  相似文献   

对于每一位初中数学教师来说,在上数学课时都有自己的经验和办法。但是,怎样上好每堂数学课,使学生在课堂上最大限度地掌握知识,提高数学成绩,是我们每一位初中数学教师需要探讨的问题。作为一名有着十几年教学实践的初中数学教师,我有以下几点体会。一、教师要提高课堂教学质量,必须备好课备课是上好课的前提,不仅要备教材、备教法,还要备学生。1.精心备教材。我们要理解每节数学课的教学目标,教学重点、难点,备课要突出重点。在每节课有限的时间内,我们应该  相似文献   

钱江 《考试周刊》2014,(34):68-68
1.注重备课 备课分备教材和备学生两部分,二者相辅相成,互相影响。备教材就是根据所学内容设计课堂教学情景,力争做到深入浅出,生动活泼,方法灵活,讲练结合,真正体现学生主体作用和教师主导作用:备学生指的是全面掌握学生学习数学的现状.依据学生的学习态度、水平设计合理恰当的教学过程,充分考虑学生的智力发展水平,扩展学生的认知领域,为学生提供思维训练的平台,创设熟悉易懂的学习情境,为学生的心理发展和知识积累提供可能。  相似文献   

作为一名数学教师深知课前备课的重要性,有效的备课关系到数学授课的质量,有效的备课是备有用的课。教师在授课之前首先要做好的就是备课,备出有效的课。有效备课是教师依据课程标准进行授课内容的研究,找寻教学的重难点,分析三维目标的落实,探究适合学生数学学习的有效教学方法,巧妙构思。有效备课要求教师灵活地运用手中的数学教材,选取适合班级学生数学学习的方法,抓好授课中的学生训练环节,让课前备课真正有效。  相似文献   

教材为学生的学习活动提供基本素材,是实现课程目标、实施教学的重要资源。理解教材编写意图,遵循学生学习规律,提升学生思维品质,是数学教师的教学追求。以“平行四边形章小结”为例,让学生通过学习,达成数学知识系统化、基本技能熟练化、数学思想深刻化、数学思维品质化。  相似文献   

数学教师的教学要善于借“题”发挥,在理解教材内涵、尊重教材要求的基础上,根据学生学习的实际发展需求,以数学教材文本题材为教学依据,并适度地对教材进行二次开发,拓展题材外延,丰富学习资源,达到帮助学生启迪智慧、发展思维的教学目的。  相似文献   

1说课、备课和授课概述 1.1“备课”概述 “备课”是教师从事教学工作的基础和前提,是教师在授课之前的准备工作环节,它包括备教材、备学生和备教法三个重要部分.备课是静态的工作程序,是教师钻研课标和教材以及分析学生情况等方面的独立思维活动.备课的必要性虽然在理论上是“人人皆知”,但是在实际工作中,却有着各种不同的理解.有...  相似文献   

备课,是搞好课堂教学的前 提,也是教师自身学习、提高和完善的重要过程。在备课活动中,“备教材”又是必不可少的基础和前提。教师在备课时该如何“备教材”,使英语教学更好地体现新课标精神呢?我的做法是:多角度钻研教材,创造性地理解和使用教材,设计探究式的学习活动,引导学生体验、参与并合作,  相似文献   

要想“教“成功,必需“备”先行。“备”,字面理解为“准备”,教学活动中的备课包括备教材、备教法、备学生,其中备学生可视为对学生较为全面的了解、分析与研究。教师历来都很重视备教材和备教法,都能够较好地把握大纲对教学内容的要求并能理解教材的要点及内在联系。但长期以来,备学生却没有得到足够的重视,这在一定程度上影响了教学效果,阻碍  相似文献   

<正>作为数学教师,往往有一个误区,平时的备课中,把主要精力用在了备教材、备教法之中,而忽略了备语言,甚至没有备语言的意识.以为我们数学教学讲究的是思维训练,而对教学语言不屑一顾.殊不知,长此以往,老师讲得越多,学生越感到疲乏寡味,教学效果  相似文献   

数学日记是一种全新的学习方式和新型的师生交流方式,它是新课改的一个亮点,它是师生反思成长的镜子,是师生情感交流的纽带,是数学与生活联系的桥梁与发展性评价的支点。正被广大教师应用于实践中。  相似文献   

This article describes an innovative capstone mathematics course that links college mathematics with school mathematics and pedagogy. It describes how college juniors in a secondary mathematics teacher preparation program engage in leadership experiences that enable them to learn mathematics for teaching while developing student-centered pedagogical and assessment strategies. Examples show how students teach the class, complemented by excerpts from student journals containing students?? perceptions of their learning. Preliminary research indicates the effectiveness of this course for preparing future mathematics teachers.  相似文献   

Typical patterns followed in American colleges and universities in the preparation of mathematics teachers are inadequate for at least four reasons: some mathematics courses are perceived by students as irrelevant, the preparation is often not in step with societal changes, little attention is given to developing a solid understanding of mathematics content which is particularly important for secondary teachers, and insufficient emphasis is placed on the big ideas and unifying themes which pervade all of mathematics. This article discusses the reasons for these shortcomings and suggests a possible remedy involving the design of a program based on the intersection of certain needs of a secondary teacher and certain mathematics courses studied by prospective teachers.  相似文献   

数学课程改革要求数学教师的本体性知识、实践性知识和条件性知识做出调整,不仅每一种知识本身需要更新,而且各种知识之间也要不断融合,走向一体化,形成生成性知识。  相似文献   

Our aim was to highlight the issues of the reflections of pre-service mathematics teachers in their learning portfolio about the teaching-learning process taking place in a university teacher-training classroom. Category systems were designed which, together with the analysis system used, could provide a method helpful to teacher educators, teachers and to future research. The pre-service teachers showed difficulty in considering themselves as ‘authentic’ mathematics teachers. The study revealed that the preparation of a portfolio can help pre-service teachers learn more about themselves and provide educators insight into how to help pre-service mathematics teachers engage in the teaching-learning process.  相似文献   

Student teaching is often a capstone experience in the preparation of mathematics teachers. Thus, it is essential to better understand key aspects of the experience. We conducted a qualitative study of post-lesson conferences led by supervisors (classroom cooperating teachers and a university supervisor) working with mathematics student teachers. Analysis of conference communications revealed differences in the types and content of communications in conferences led by the cooperating teachers and by the university supervisor. Cooperating teachers tended toward evaluative supervision that lacked a focus on the mathematics of the lessons while the university supervisor tended toward educative supervision, guiding student teachers to reflect on and learn from their own classroom experiences including the mathematics of their lessons. Differences are discussed, and suggestions concerning the supervision of student teachers are made along with recommendations for further research.  相似文献   

The National Institute of Education is the only teacher education institution in Singapore and all pre-service teachers for the Singapore education system are trained at this one Institution. There are several programs for the pre-service preparation of teachers for the various levels of schools and the preparation of mathematics teachers varies between the programs. Within the context of a national educational system which is very centrally controlled, teacher education programs have changed much over the past decade, constantly seeking improvement, not only in response to environmental changes but also to be leaders of change in the educational field. This chapter describes the teacher education programs of Singapore with respect to mathematics teachers, their pedagogical training and their mathematical education.  相似文献   

小学数学教师要具有良好的师德修养、足够的数学专业知识、系统的教育学与心理学知识、宽厚的数学文化与一般科学文化知识。小学数学教师的能力结构应该包括基础能力、数学能力、数学教学能力以及教学研究能力。小学数学教师要增强自身专业发展意识,提高数学教育理论修养,丰富数学教育实践性知识,积极参与数学教育科学研究,在教学反思中得到锻炼和成长。  相似文献   


The mathematics achievement gap in special education is a chronic and significant challenge for the field. The need for improved teacher preparation in mathematics is crucial in addressing this gap. This study examines a capstone experience in higher level mathematics tutoring for preservice teachers. Results indicate that the experience was effective at improving preservice teachers’ higher level math content knowledge compared to teachers who did not receive experiential math learning in their teacher preparation. Implications for preservice teacher preparation programs are presented.  相似文献   

数学教学是数学思维的教学.在数学解题教学过程中,教给学生正确的观察方法,引导学生进行科学的尝试和创造性的联想是对学生进行数学思维训练的有效手段.  相似文献   

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