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盲校教育是针对视障学生的教育,需要以多元智能理论为指导,开发学生的智能强项。音乐智能是指人敏锐地感知音调、旋律、节奏和音色等的能力。视觉的缺陷使得盲校学生的听觉方面一般得到较多的锻炼,所以对节奏、音调、音色与旋律等比较敏感。这方面对于盲生的学习英语有着特别的作用。盲校教师应认真分析盲生英语学习的特点,巧妙发掘他们的音乐智能促进英语教学,从而提高盲校英语课堂教学效率。  相似文献   

以盲校幼儿园大班至小学二年级的33名视觉障碍儿童为研究对象,利用韦克斯勒学龄儿童智力量表的词汇及类同部分测验为材料,研究以汉语为母语的低年级视觉障碍儿童词义掌握情况.结果发现低年级视觉障碍儿童词义理解能力显著低于普通儿童;在词义理解上,大多处于具体的、功用的水平,难以归纳、概括事物的本质属性;视觉障碍儿童个体间差异明显;教育对于视觉障碍儿童词义理解有显著作用.  相似文献   

盲校教师教育的对象是视觉有缺陷或有障碍的儿童,这些儿童仅生活在有声的世界里,视觉障碍对他们的学习、生活以及自身认识、个性的发展带来很大的影响,凭借嗅觉、触觉特别是听觉便成为他们认识世界的主要手段。因此盲校教师的日头语言是一个不容忽视的重要课题,尤其是盲校语文教师的口头语言更为重要、教学中,盲校语文教师必须加强自身语言训练,及时提高日头语言表达能力,那么盲校语文教师的语言程度应达到什么要求呢?我认为应做到以下几点:一、语音准确、语调优美的范读。学习一篇新的课文,教师的范读是盲生听觉的第一印象,起着…  相似文献   

本研究从低年级视障儿童的口头创作--故事续编中提取分析样本,对构成视障儿童口语表达中的语音、词汇、语法、非言语交际手段运用等能力做了初步的考察与分析,目的是分析该类儿童口语获得的优势与盲点,促进有针对性的盲校语言教学.分析结果显示,视觉障碍对语言规则的习得并无太大的影响,但对以视觉形象为主的词语、语篇以及非言语交际手段的学习等确有影响.为此盲校的语言教学应将扩大学生的认知领域和发展学生语用能力作为提高视障儿童表达教学的重点.  相似文献   

想象力的发展是智力发展的一个重要方面,它是学生学习知识必不可少的一种心理素质,同时对培养学生的思维能力、创新能力有着重要的作用。由于盲校教育对象均存在不同程度的视觉障碍,所以对其进行想象力培养与普通学校相比既有共性.又存在个性。  相似文献   

张晓梅 《文教资料》2012,(28):39-40
如何提升盲校语文学习的有效性一直是广大盲校语文教师关注的问题。本文从视觉障碍的束缚、教材不利因素的影响、现行教案的刻板僵化、教师地位的权威等方面入手、阐述了提高盲生知识建构层次、关注满足盲生真实需要、丰富盲生的实际表观、鼓励盲生的随机生成等做法对提高盲校语文课堂效率的重要性。  相似文献   

由于同一个年龄段的视障生较少,盲校往往无法对全盲生和低视生进行分班教学,大多采取混合的形式编班,课堂常常因为顾此失彼而影响教学效果。如何通过有效教学促进两类学生各自的发展?笔者在视障教育中应用差异教学理论,立足于学生个性的差异.满足学生个别学习的需要,促进两类学生全面和谐地发展。  相似文献   

视障学生由于视觉感知渠道严重受限,其认知活动主要依靠听觉、触觉、味觉、嗅觉等感觉进行,逐渐形成"以手代目"的活动方式。而美工课程作为盲校动手操作性极强的一门课程,对视障学生的视觉补偿、思维发展和情感的丰富有很大的教育意义。一、我国盲校美工课程存在的一些问题1.课程目标。目前,盲校现  相似文献   

采用《YG-WR性格检查量表》和《心理健康诊断测验》对重庆市盲校50名学生进行测试,探讨视觉障碍儿童的人格与心理健康的特征及其相互关系。结果表明:视觉障碍儿童中人格特征的抑郁和社会性较高,攻击性和神精质较低;心理健康问题的检出率由高到低分别是冲动、恐怖和身体症状焦虑;性别、家庭经济条件、盲和低视之间在人格和心理健康之间不存在显著差异;抑郁和细致性对心理健康有显著的预测效应。  相似文献   

张立薇 《天津教育》2014,(23):112-113
一、教学背景 全盲儿童由于视觉功能障碍(以下简称“视障”)的影响,普遍存在动作迟缓、笨拙、协调能力差等不同层次的非健康体态,这些情况统称为“盲态”,又叫“盲相”。这些“盲相”直接影响他们一生的身心健康,特别是对他们参与社会生活有着很大的影响。因此,有针对性、有计划、科学地对全盲学生进行“盲相”的矫正,是视障教育的重点研究课题之一,更是视障儿童发展的需要。我校参照《盲校课程设置方案》,进行了综合康复校本课程开发的科研工作,开发了《形体矫正训练》校本课程。  相似文献   

大部分盲校教学组织是仿效传统普通教育班级授课制模式建立起来的,逐渐形成了“小组班、大班校,不管多少按班教”的特征。虽然盲校实行的是小班教学,但大一统的班级授课制组织管理严重脱离盲校的实际,满足不了视障学生复杂多样的个别特殊需要,也制约、消损着小班的灵活性和个别化优势的发挥,限制了教师和学生在教学过程中行为方式的变化。  相似文献   

Technology has become an essential component in our society and considering its impact in the educational system, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) cannot be dissociated from the educational process and, in particular, from pedagogical practices adopted for students who are blind or partially sighted. This study focuses on Portuguese reference schools for the education of blind and partially sighted students, regulated by the Decree-Law No. 3/2008, in which are concentrated the human and material resources that can offer an educational response with quality for these students with special education needs. The study intends to analyse the perceptions of the teachers, who teach visually impaired students in middle school and secondary school education in these reference schools, of their knowledge, teaching and training in the area of ICT, as well as of the real ICT integration in the teaching and learning of these students. A survey, which has been applied to these teachers in the 2012/13 school year, was adopted as a method of data collection. The results reveal a sample confident in their technological capabilities, however with little resourcefulness in some tools and software specific to the area of visual impairment and a very significant number of teachers ignoring many of these. The implementation of ICT with students who have visual disabilities is lower compared with the sighted students. The lack of specific training is considered to be the main obstacle for teachers, with regard to the real integration of ICT in the teaching and learning of these students.  相似文献   

大量符合各种感知觉特点的教具是盲校直观教学实践的基础。触觉教具是盲校直观教学的重点,教师应理解各种类型触觉教具的直观层次。盲校教师在制作、使用触觉教具时,不应受视觉规律的主导。多感官教具的效果通常较好,计算机多媒体教具对盲生只是听觉教具,并不适应盲童缺乏事物客观表象的特点。语言在直观教学中有重要的辅助作用,但是,把抽象的语言作为直观的一种方式值得商榷。  相似文献   

盲校直观教学在性质和数量上都与普通学校有很大区别。教师理解听觉、触觉、视觉和残余视力等不同感知觉的特点是盲校直观教学的基础。遵循不同感知觉各自的规律是盲校直观教学效果的保证。提供符合各种感知觉特点的感知机会,能够使其它感知觉补偿视力残疾的可能变成现实。应当特别指出的是,要打破对残余视敏度的数字迷信,不要以视觉规律主导触觉认知活动。如果恰当地开展了直观教学,盲童的发展是没有上限的。  相似文献   

自1980年以来,国家加强对特殊教育的重视并出台更多指导特殊教育发展的法律、法规。盲校是满足视障学生需求并开展特殊教育活动的专门场所。盲校教师作为特殊教育教师,不仅需要具备普通教师的技能,还需加强对特殊教育和特殊教育学生的理解。加深对盲校课程设置的原则和策略认知从而确定教学原则和教学方法,依据专业发展途径实现教师的专业成长。  相似文献   

This paper deals with English teachers who work with deaf and hard‐of‐hearing (D/HH) students. In France deaf students are required to attend foreign language classes – mostly English classes. The purpose is not to teach them British sign language (BSL) or American sign language (ASL), but written and/or spoken English. Indeed, sign languages are distinct from spoken languages and differ from country to country: there is no universal sign language. English teachers of the deaf are mostly hearing people. They work either in mainstream or special schools. Most of them have no specific qualifications. In this context, they are faced with the tremendous challenge of how to adjust their teaching to their students’ impairment and at the same time develop the latter's knowledge and skills in English. In order to analyse teaching practices in English classes, questionnaires, interviews and in‐class observations in several special and mainstream schools were conducted. Findings show that different teaching strategies are used in order to make English lessons accessible to D/HH students: teachers have to adapt their teaching language and also use written and visual supports to accommodate D/HH students. Obviously teacher training needs to be improved.  相似文献   

盲校语文教学与心理健康教育的互动作用在培养盲生良好的心理品质方面发挥着重要的作用。本文介绍了在盲校语文教学中渗透心理健康教育的三种方法和途径:紧扣教材,提高盲生心理素质;指导作文,促进盲生自我调节;教师情感,优化盲生健康的心理品质。教学实践结果表明,教师可以在盲校语文教学中有效渗透心理健康教育。  相似文献   

This article examines the pattern of placement of students with significant special educational needs at Statement and School Action Plus levels in English secondary schools, comparing sponsored and converter academies, maintained schools and the newly created free schools, studio schools and university technical colleges for 2013 and 2014. The analysis shows a clear pattern of differences: converter academies (which are governed by their own governing body) had significantly lower proportions of students with significant special educational needs overall than maintained (those remaining under local authority management) and sponsored academies (those considered to be weak/failing schools forced to become academies with outside sponsors that oversee the schools). There was a similar pattern of findings for most areas of special educational needs, except visual impairment and autistic spectrum disorder. The pattern of placement of students with Statements in the newly created free schools also showed that some free schools have unusually high proportions of students with special educational needs. These findings are discussed in terms of the increasing stratification of English secondary schools and the potential of small secondary schools to be more inclusive.  相似文献   

从执行力的角度来探讨中职语文教学,当前的教学实践中还存在教学预设盲目与教学氛围麻木等不足,在执行力的实现上还有着较大的改进空间。学校应该加强教师的掌控力与感染力,善待学生的张扬力,发挥主动力,打造信息化教学环境下的高效课堂。  相似文献   

盲人概念特征的跨通道表征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以生物概念和非生物概念的视觉特征和触觉特征为材料,采用启动条件下的特征确认范式,考察了盲人概念表征中的特征模拟机制。结果表明:(1)同明眼学生比,盲生视觉特征和触觉特征联系更加紧密。(2)盲生视觉特征间并不直接相连,而是通过触觉特征相互联系。(3)盲生触觉特征到视觉特征的转换需要一个特征整合的过程。  相似文献   

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