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目前小学科学课堂教学中突出存在下列问题:一是教师将科学实验、观察活动等同于科学探究活动;二是教师处理教材时人为地割裂探究活动;三是过分强调科学探究活动前的活动指导,压缩科学探究活动空间和时间;四是忽视甚至放弃探究活动后的研讨活动。为了帮助学生在共同体的学习、交互活动中有效建构科学概念,获得问题求解等方面的高阶思维技能及策略,笔者在教学中开展了基于认知学徒制理论的科学探究活动设计。  相似文献   

科学区活动是儿童自主探究的活动场所,是教师 个体观察和指导的活动过程。在这个地区,教师为孩子们提供 丰富的色彩和完整的材料,让孩子们自己做出选择。教师要关 注儿童科学活动区的每一个动作,注意了解儿童在科学活动区 的发展需求,并适当给予儿童有效的指导,促进儿童科学探究 活动的有效、顺利进行。因此,如何在科学探究活动领域支持 和帮助儿童,满足儿童游戏的需要,促进儿童能力的有效发展,成为教师研究和探索的问题。  相似文献   

<正>一、小班幼儿科学活动开展的现状分析一些教师对科学探究活动的目标把握不准,致使在组织指导上出现了偏差,出现了材料的提供未能起到支持幼儿探究和发现的作用、提问没有指向核心目标等弊端;一些教师虽然努力引导幼儿亲历科学探究的过程,对幼儿有效指导,但还是暴露出对一些探究环节的作用理解不够,对各环节应如何指导把握不准的问题,对各环节中应如何指导经验不足等问题。这些都影响了我们组织科学探究活动的有效性,从而也使幼儿对科学探  相似文献   

实验是科学探究活动的重要组成部分,教师的"下水实验"指科学教师在指导学生实验前,对课堂上学生要做的实验进行多次的预演或试验,从而为有效指导学生开展实验(科学探究活动)做好准备的行为。教师课前的"下水实验"对于提高整个探究活动的有效性能起到积极的作用。在《浙江省小学学科教学建议科学》中就  相似文献   

《科学课程标准》提出了“科学学习要以探究为核心”的基本理念,指出“探究既是科学学习的目标,又是科学学习的方式,亲身经历以探究为主的学习活动是学生学习科学的主要途径。”可见,科学课堂的主要活动是科学探究。高效的科学探究活动离不开教师的用心指导,如何优化教师的指导策略,有效地调控科学课堂,是我们每个科学教师深思优化教师的指导策略,可从以下几方面入手。  相似文献   

叶蕊 《家长》2024,(6):177-179
<正>素质教育背景下,人们对幼儿教育效果日益关注。如何提高教育质量,促使幼儿全面成长,是教师普遍关注的问题。科学探究活动作为培养幼儿探究思维的有效手段,教师要合理组织与科学指导,提高幼儿的参与感,全方面强化学生的科学素养,促进幼儿身心健康发展。基于此,教师需加强重视,采取不同的方式,健全幼儿教育工作体系。一、科学探究活动简述科学探究活动是培养幼儿探究能力,加深幼儿对外界事物认知的各项教学活动。该类活动在幼儿园的具体表现是,教师借助园内场所,围绕教学目标,  相似文献   

蔺江莉 《早期教育》2010,(10):28-30
在教研组的教学活动观摩中我们发现:教师们在设计和实施以动物为内容的科学探究活动中普遍存在关于活动材料设计的问题,不同的材料设计直接影响了科学探究活动的有效性,影响了教师对幼儿科学探究活动的有效指导。下面例举中班《认识鲫鱼和昂刺鱼》活动中的若干个情境来谈。  相似文献   

科学探究是科学学习的中心环节,真正的科学探究活动应该是学生多种感官主动参与的活动。学习主体能否主动有效参与,是科学教学成败的关键,而其核心之一就是学生的探究能力有否得到有效发展。长时科学探究活动的提出,是小学科学课堂教学的一个目标,它是相对于目前教学活动中教师的过分指导导致活动被割裂而言的,长时科学探究活动将更有利于学生主体性的发挥,更有利于学生科学素养的发展。  相似文献   

<正>《义务教育小学科学课程标准(2011年版)》明确指出:"探究是科学学习的核心。""亲身经历以探究为主的学习活动是学生学习科学的主要途径。"在科学课堂教学中教师就是要教会学生经历科学的探究过程,掌握一定的科学方法,在这个过程中,教师就像导演,学生就像演员,教师的导演水平将直接影响学生的表演水平。因此,教师在学生探究活动中指导的时机和程度显得特别重要,即教师必须处理好学生自主与教师指导的关系,有效处理好探  相似文献   

《科学课程标准》指出,亲身经历以探究为主的学习活动是学生学习科学的主要途径。科学课程应该向学生提供充分的科学探究机会,使他们在科学探究的过程中体验学习科学的兴趣,增长科学探究能力,获得科学知识。学生有效进行科学探究活动,需要教师有效地指导和引导。一、创设问题情境问题的提出是科学探究的开始,也是激发学生探究兴趣,引发学生探究行为的关键环节。在科学探究活动中,教师应创设能够引起学生探究兴趣的问题情境,指导学生提出有价值的探究问题,满足学生的探究欲望。  相似文献   

文章阐述了对培养创新能力的理解以及基于问题学习的教学方法。在创新思想指导下,运用现代的技术手段进行实验室的管理,为本科生开展研究性学习及实践活动提供了条件,在培养本科生创新能力方面进行了有益的探索。文章以开展电子信息专业的本科生科研实践活动为例,介绍了科研实践活动的组织、管理方法以及近几年来取得的成果。  相似文献   

探究性学习是幼儿的一种新的学习方式,它是以探究的方式进行科学活动,也是一个学习过程,它提倡幼儿在教师的指导下,以实际体验去发现问题、探究问题、解决问题,从而体验探究的乐趣,养成探究的态度和精神。幼儿的探究性活动大致可以分为四个过程:创设探究主题—引导幼儿进行探究—幼儿相互交流探究成果—教师进行正确评价。针对探究性学习的不同过程,教师要采取不同的策略。  相似文献   


In this article, we reflect on the contributions of the social sciences to the field of adapted physical activity by examining the theories and methods that have been adopted from the social science disciplines. To broaden our perspective on adapted physical activity and provide new avenues for theoretical and empirical exploration, we discuss and evaluate broad ideas/tensions arising from the social science literature—the individual versus social/ecological, and social science of adapted physical activity versus social science in adapted physical activity. We intentionally focus discussion on the application of specific lines of inquiry in the social sciences that have not yet emerged (or have done so only in limited applications) in the field of adapted physical activity. Such untapped areas of scholarship in the social sciences can lead to broader understanding, innovations, and new lines of inquiry when applied to an adapted physical activity context.  相似文献   

Inquiry instruction often neglects graphing. It gives students few opportunities to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to take advantage of graphs, and which are called for by current science education standards. Yet, it is not well known how to support graphing skills, particularly within middle school science inquiry contexts. Using qualitative graphs is a promising, but underexplored approach. In contrast to quantitative graphs, which can lead students to focus too narrowly on the mechanics of plotting points, qualitative graphs can encourage students to relate graphical representations to their conceptual meaning. Guided by the Knowledge Integration framework, which recognizes and guides students in integrating their diverse ideas about science, we incorporated qualitative graphing activities into a seventh grade web-based inquiry unit about cell division and cancer treatment. In Study 1, we characterized the kinds of graphs students generated in terms of their integration of graphical and scientific knowledge. We also found that students (n = 30) using the unit made significant learning gains based on their pretest to post-test scores. In Study 2, we compared students' performance in two versions of the same unit: One that had students construct, and second that had them critique qualitative graphs. Results showed that both activities had distinct benefits, and improved students' (n = 117) integrated understanding of graphs and science. Specifically, critiquing graphs helped students improve their scientific explanations within the unit, while constructing graphs led students to link key science ideas within both their in-unit and post-unit explanations. We discuss the relative affordances and constraints of critique and construction activities, and observe students' common misunderstandings of graphs. In all, this study offers a critical exploration of how to design instruction that simultaneously supports students' science and graph understanding within complex inquiry contexts.  相似文献   


This study investigated the influence of guidance instruction and type of activity on parental guidance of young children’s mathematics and scientific inquiry during cooking, games, and nature activities at home. Thirty families participated with their preschool-aged child; half were randomly assigned to an inquiry guidance instruction group and encouraged to support children’s reasoning with open-ended prompts and questions. Families participated in activities for one month, some of which they audio-recorded. Families engaged in processes of comparing, predicting, evaluating and concluding more often after inquiry guidance instruction, and incorporated inquiry processes into all activity types. Mathematics was most frequently observed in games and cooking. The results suggest that parents can use inquiry guidance to support preschoolers’ mathematics and scientific inquiry in a variety of activities performed at home. As children engage in inquiry-based learning during co-constructed activities with parents, they develop conceptual understanding of mathematics and scientific inquiry in a positive social context.  相似文献   

This study was an exploration of the conceptions of inquiry science held by exemplary elementary teachers. The origins of these conceptions were explored in order to establish how best to improve elementary teachers’ understanding and implementation of inquiry science teaching. Four focus group sessions were held as well as classroom observations. Data were also collected through surveys and interviews. The six exemplary teachers in this study held ideas about inquiry as “finding things out” and all described themselves as having been children who explored and experimented with the world around them. The teachers provided information about successful classroom environments and attitudes that they use to achieve strong inquiry science learning. The teachers had a number of recommendations for helping other teachers become inquiry science teachers and suggestions for professional development for teachers are made based on these recommendations.  相似文献   

This qualitative video study explores how two elementary school teachers taught for conceptual understanding throughout different phases of science inquiry. The teachers implemented teaching materials with a focus on learning science key concepts through the development of word knowledge. A framework for word knowledge was applied to examine the students’ level of word knowledge manifested in their talk. In this framework, highly developed knowledge of a word is conceptual knowledge. This includes understanding how the word is situated within a network of other words and ideas. The results suggest that students’ level of word knowledge develops toward conceptual knowledge when the students are required to apply the key concepts in their talk throughout all phases of inquiry. When the students become familiar with the key concepts through the initial inquiry activities, the students use the concepts as tools for furthering their conceptual understanding when they discuss their ideas and findings. However, conceptual understanding is not promoted when teachers do the talking for the students, rephrasing their responses into the correct answer or neglecting to address the students’ everyday perceptions of scientific phenomena.  相似文献   

New approaches for teaching and assessing scientific inquiry and practices are essential for guiding students to make the informed decisions required of an increasingly complex and global society. The Science Skills approach described here guides students to develop an understanding of the experimental skills required to perform a scientific investigation. An individual teacher''s investigation of the strategies and tools she designed to promote scientific inquiry in her classroom is outlined. This teacher-driven action research in the high school biology classroom presents a simple study design that allowed for reciprocal testing of two simultaneous treatments, one that aimed to guide students to use vocabulary to identify and describe different scientific practices they were using in their investigations—for example, hypothesizing, data analysis, or use of controls—and another that focused on scientific collaboration. A knowledge integration (KI) rubric was designed to measure how students integrated their ideas about the skills and practices necessary for scientific inquiry. KI scores revealed that student understanding of scientific inquiry increased significantly after receiving instruction and using assessment tools aimed at promoting development of specific inquiry skills. General strategies for doing classroom-based action research in a straightforward and practical way are discussed, as are implications for teaching and evaluating introductory life sciences courses at the undergraduate level.  相似文献   

Many students in secondary schools consider the sciences difficult and unattractive. This applies to physics in particular, a subject in which students attempt to learn and understand numerous theoretical concepts, often without much success. A case in point is the understanding of the concepts current, voltage and resistance in simple electric circuits. In response to these problems, reform initiatives in education strive for a change of the classroom culture, putting emphasis on more authentic contexts and student activities containing elements of inquiry. The challenge then becomes choosing and combining these elements in such a manner that they foster an understanding of theoretical concepts. In this article we reflect on data collected and analyzed from a series of 12 grade 9 physics lessons on simple electric circuits. Drawing from a theoretical framework based on individual (conceptual change based) and socio-cultural views on learning, instruction was designed addressing known conceptual problems and attempting to create a physics (research) culture in the classroom. As the success of the lessons was limited, the focus of the study became to understand which inherent characteristics of inquiry based instruction complicate the process of constructing conceptual understanding. From the analysis of the data collected during the enactment of the lessons three tensions emerged: the tension between open inquiry and student guidance, the tension between students developing their own ideas and getting to know accepted scientific theories, and the tension between fostering scientific interest as part of a scientific research culture and the task oriented school culture. An outlook will be given on the implications for science lessons.  相似文献   

早期STEM教育是近年来继项目活动后出现在学前教育领域的一种新的教育形态。STEM教育与项目活动非常类似,两者都是基于问题的学习,都有助于培养幼儿解决问题的能力;但同时两者在其价值取向、整合方式、探究内容、对幼儿个性化发展的促进以及教师的角色与作用等方面也有着明显的区别。项目活动更多看重的是教育的个人发展功能,而STEM教育更多追求的是教育的工具价值;项目活动是一种跨越学科领域的、大范围的整合,STEM教育则是一种围绕同类型学科的、小范围的整合;项目活动以幼儿的兴趣为出发点,探究的内容往往极为丰富多彩,基本上可以囊括幼儿生活的全部,而STEM教育主要集中在幼儿对周围物质世界的探究方面,其内容主要涉及到"物理知识"及"逻辑数理知识"两个方面;项目活动能满足所有幼儿的个性化发展需要,故而能促进所有幼儿的适宜性发展,而STEM教育则相对只能更好地满足某些特定学习风格(场独立型)的幼儿的个性化发展需要;在项目活动中,教师的"引导"作用更多地表现在对幼儿已有兴趣的合理引导,在STEM教育活动中教师的"引导"既有对幼儿已有兴趣的"引导",更有对兴趣的"引发",带有一定的"外烁论"的痕迹。厘清这些差异,有助于幼儿园教师提升相关教育理念,从而更好地开展这两种教育活动。  相似文献   

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