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本文对固沙、食用、饲用沙生植物沙荠 (Pugioniumcornutum)的核型牲征进行观察分析 ,结果为沙荠染色体数为 2n =2x =2 0。其间期核为前染色体型。  相似文献   

 “Huangteng” is an antibacterial drug used in Chinese folk medicine.  It contains a large amount of Palmatine.  In recent years, although much chemical and pharmaceu tical investigations of this drug have been made, it has been misidentified as Fibraurea tinctoria Lour.  After a careful examination, however, the plant in question possesses three stamens with anthers about equal in length to the filaments. On the basis of thisfact, the present paper proposes a revision.  It proves to be F. recisa Pierre.  相似文献   

镰翅鸡的体长为32~41厘米,体重为600~700克。雄鸟和雌鸟的羽色相差不多,只是雌鸟羽色稍淡。头顶到后颈为灰橄榄色或沙黄色,具窄的黑色斑纹;眼的后面有一个白纹;其余全身的体羽都是黑褐色,杂以灰色和沙黄色虫蠹状斑,下胸部和腹部为黑白交替的横斑;翅膀短圆,最特殊的是翅膀上的初级飞羽硬窄而尖,呈镰刀状;尾羽有16枚,中央尾羽褐色,其他尾羽黑色,上面有宽阔的白色羽端。眼睛内的虹膜为黄褐色,眼的上缘有一个鲜红色的裸露的皮肤;嘴为黑色;腿上被有羽毛,脚和趾为黄褐色。镰翅鸡是松鸡科鸟类中分布范围最狭小的一个种,没有亚种分化。在国外仅见…  相似文献   

制作材料泡沫塑料、胶水、漆包线、磁铁、橡皮筋、塑料片、美工刀、裸铜丝、铜片、电池、电烙铁  相似文献   

 The genus Eurya was established by Thunberg in 1783 on a  Japanese species E. japonica.  Several decades later, many authors had made more or less intensive study on this genus.  But in the earlier period, the different autherities had no clear conception of the genus.  Thus Szyszylowicz (1893), Engler (1897) and Melchior (1925) entertained a much broader conception of this genus, including Freziera and Cleyera, both of which are now considered as distinct genera.  A. Gray (1855), Vesque (1895), Urban (1896), and Kobuski  (1935-37), however, concentrated their study only on the now accepted genus Eurya.  Recently, a more detailed study of Chinese Eurya was  made  by Chang Hung-da (Acta Phytotax. Sin. 3 (1954) 1-59).  But all of these authors did not sub- divide this genus into more than subgenera except Vesque, who used  the  number  of stamens and the septation of the anther cells to further subdivide this genus into 4 sec- tions.      In the present treatment, we base on the  following  characteristics  to  make  sub- divisions: the number of stamens, the septation of the anther cells, the hairness of the ovary, the length of the style, the shape and texture of the sepals, and the shape and hairness of the young branchlets.  We assume that the morphology of the flowers has the following evolutionary tendencies: stamens from large (28) to small (5) numbers; anther cells from septate to nonseptate; ovary from being hairy to glabrous, styles from 5-4 free to 3 and more or less connate, from 2-6 mm to 0.5-1 mm long, and ovules from many (60) to few (2-4) in each cell.      The genus Eurya has now about 140 species, being divided into 2 subgenera: Subg. Ternstroemiopsis Urban, with 2 species endemic in Sandwich Islands and Subg. Eurya with 138 species, in Asiatic tropic and subtropic regions  and  southwestern  Pacific  Islands. According to the characteristics mentioned above, we divide the second subgenus into 2 sections and 8 series, as follows:  (I) Sect. Meristotheca Vesque             (II) Sect. Eurya         Ser. Ciliatae Hu et L. K. Ling             Ser. Longistylae Hu et L. K. Ling         Ser. Trichocarpae Hu et L. K. Ling         Ser. Rigidisepalae Hu et L. K. Ling         Ser. Tetragonocladae Hu et L. K. Ling      Ser. Nitidae Hu et L. K. Ling         Ser. Muricatae Hu et L. K. Ling           Ser. Brevistylae Hu et L. K. Ling      In China, the subgenus Eurya distributes east from Taiwan, west to the western part of Szechuan and Yunnan, and south from Hainan, north to the southern slope of Tsin-ling Range.  The region north from southern part of Nan-ling Range, southwest to southeast Yunnan, south to northern part of the Peoples Republic of Vietnam, seems to be the centre of both maximum variety and frequency of this subgenus, for the number of species and the representatives of more primitive taxa in this region are much richer than  in  any other regions of the world.  From this centre going northeast to Japan and Korea, west to eastern part of India, south to Java and Sumatra, north to the southern slope of Tsin- ling Range, the number of species and types gradually decreases, and especially the primi- tive series and species rapidly disappear.  In addition, many species are also found in the Island of Irian, which we incline to consider as another young centre of development for this subgenus.  Furthermore, according to the distribution of quite a large number of the species in China, we can recognize several boundary lines which are in agreement with the limits of the floristic and geobotanic provinces of China.       In this article we have enumerated 80 species, and 11 varieties of the genus Eurya of China, among which are published for the first time 11 new species and 1 new variety, one species, E. persicaefolia Gagnepain, is first recorded from China, a number of specific names have been restored and a number reduced to synonyms.  They are as follows:       Restored species:             Eurya acuminatissima Merrill & Chun             E. patentipila Chun             E. henryi Hemsley       Reduced to synonyms:             Eurya parastrigillosa Hsu ( E. patentipila Chun)             E. changii Hsu (E. fangii var. megaphylla Hsu)             E. chienii Hsu (E. persicaefolia Gagnepain)             E. hwangshanensis Hsu (E. saxicola Chang)             E. fangii Rehd. var. glaberrima Hsu (E. cavinervis Vesque)             E. pseudopolyneura Chang (E. impressinervis Kobuski)             E. longistyla Chang (E. stenophylla Merrill)             E. huiana Kobuski f. glaberrima Chang (E. muricata Dunn)       New combination:             Eurya muricata Dunn var. huiana (Kob.) Hu et L. K. Ling            E. aurea (Levl.) Hu et L. K. Ling  相似文献   

基于对许多活植物的观察,对兰科中兰属的若干种类进行了分类学考订,结果承认菅草兰Cymbidium tortisepalum与峨眉春蕙C. omeiense为独立的种,将春剑C. longibracteatum移至菅草兰之下作为变种,送春C. szechuanicum移至莎叶兰C. cyperifolium之下作为变种。由于春剑、峨眉春蕙和送春的模式标本及引证标本已在30多年前全部丢失,本文指定了新模式。  相似文献   

根据对18个国家和地区120个标本馆收藏的万余份八角属植物标本的研究,提出3个新组合,对13个种、6个亚种、3个变种和2个变型作了归并,确认全世界现有八角属植物34种3亚种和1变种。  相似文献   

根据对12个国家53个标本馆收藏的5,000余份五味子属Schisandra植物标本的研究,结合野外调查和采集,对世界范围的五味子属种类作了分类学订正。在五味子属中,10个种被确认,22个种、7个亚种、14个变种和1个变型的名称被作为新异名。文中附有分种检索表。  相似文献   

作者近期检查了英国三个大标本馆(BM,E,K)所收藏的马兜铃属标本,发现《东亚和南亚马兜铃属的修订》(见本刊27(5):321—364,1989)尚有不完备之处,需作补充修订。本文共收载8种,其中1新名,确定了1个存疑种,补充了1个种的描述,修改了1个种的模式记载,合并了1个种,扩大了4个种的地理分布。  相似文献   

 This paper reports chromosome  number  and karyotype  analysis  of Cycas panzhihuaensis endemic to China.  The material was collected from Dukou, Si- chuan. It is a diploid species, with 2n=22=2m+4sm+4st+l2t. The karyotype of Cycas panzhihuaensis is different from that of the other species of the genus Cycas, which was known to be 2n=4m+8st+10t.  The former is a new karyotype in the genus.  The authors briefly discuss karyotype evolution of the genus Cycas in this papar.  相似文献   

根据植物类群的地理分布与系统发育相统一的原理,本文讨论了以礼草属的分布中心、起源地、 起源时间和现代分布格局的形成。以礼草属全世界约26种、6变种,隶属于3个组,主要分布于中国,哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦、塔吉克斯坦、阿富汗和伊朗也有分布。其中,中国的青藏高原汇聚了该属的大多数种类,且不同等级和演化水平的类群均集居于此,使其成为该属的现代分布中心;而该属的原始类群、以及与原始类群很近缘的鹅观草属却分布在这一中心之外的天山地区,加之天山地区自新生代的晚第三纪再次抬升以来,具备了以礼草属发生和繁衍的自然条件,因而天山地区很可能就是该属的起源地,起源时间也可能在晚第三纪或第四纪初。以礼草属自天山起源后,扩散的途径大概有3条,其中西南向途径和东南向途径从东、西两侧侵入青藏高原,在青藏高原得到极度发展,并随着高原的继续隆起,进一步衍生出最高级的类群短穗组,从而形成了以礼草属现今的分布格局。  相似文献   

A revision of the Chinese species of Androsace updates our knowledge of the genus by providing a brief historical survey, character analysis, discussion on gene- ric relationships and geographical distribution, and a key to species currently recogni- zed. For the sake of completeness, the key is supplemented by an enumeration, and a record of the known distribution of each species.  Furthermore, some specimen citations and additional notes on species previously very incompletly known are also included. Seven new species and two infraspecific taxa are described.  相似文献   

中国五加科木怱木属一些分类群的订正   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 在全面修订五加科木忽木属的基础上.对中国木忽木属几个有问题的种,即A . chinensis L.,A.de- caisneana Hanece,A.elata(Miq.)Seem.,A.stipulata Franch.,A.dasyphylloides J.Wen,A. thomsonii Seem. ex Clarke,A.vietnamensis Ha,A.foliolosa(Wall.)Seem.,A.armata(Wall .ex Don)Seem.,A. finlaysoniana(Walli.ex Don)Seem.和A.debilis J.Wen进行了讨论,井对若于名称作了异名处理。  相似文献   

 A revision is made of the species Walsura xizangensis C. Y. Wu et H. Li found in Xizang. A new combination, Glycosmis xizangensis (C. Y. Wu et H. Li)D. D. Tao, is made.  相似文献   

本文研究了星叶草属的核形态。其间期核和前期染色体分别为简单染色中心型和中间型;中期染色体较小,长度介于3.00μm到1.20μm之间;核型公式为2n=30=22m+8sm。其明显很高的染色体基数以及其它退化和特化的形态学性状,表明该属是一个孑遗的古多倍体类群。该属与独叶草属在间期核形态、前期染色体形态以及中期染色体的大小和形态方面极为相似。结合其它方面的资料,本文认为星叶草属和独叶草属有较近的亲缘关系,支持将它们一起置于星叶草科的观点。  相似文献   

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