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本文根据对西洋大小调与其他各类自然音调式的比较,指出如何正确地分挤西洋大小调与其他各类自然音调式。  相似文献   

英语学习目标定向与英语学习动机各项变量之间关系紧密,其中掌握目标与英语学习动机变量中的积极的情感、积极的课堂情绪、自我评价、英语能力自我观念、内在价值和动机强度等呈正相关,和考试焦虑、消极的情感、消极的课堂情绪呈负相关.而成绩目标则相反,它与英语学习动机变量中的积极的情感、积极的课堂情绪、自我评价、英语能力自我观念、内在价值等变量呈负相关,和考试焦虑、消极的情感、消极的课堂情绪、动机强度等呈正相关.此研究在一定程度上和教育心理学领域的研究结果一致,成绩目标有消极的一面,也有积极的一面.学校环境应该强调掌握目标,以培养英语学习者掌握目标的形成,才有利于他们对英语的最终掌握.  相似文献   

Interpreting science in the culture is coming to be the responsibility of a science teacher. The author finds that some neophytes are prepareil.  相似文献   


Eighty‐four 4‐, 5‐, and 6‐year‐olds in Saturday and summer classes offered at Towson State University for gifted children, ages 4–12, were tested using the Woodcock‐Johnson Psycho‐Educational Battery and Raven's Progressive Matrices, after being accepted only on parent recommendation. Test results confirmed the accuracy of parent recommendation, the high ability and achievement levels of the children, and their variability within achievement. Program adaptations resulting from the testing included more mathematics teaching, more individualized instruction, more parent meetings, and allowance for inadequate handwriting skills and emotional and social variability.  相似文献   


This study examines gender differences (and similarities) in the context, meaning and effects of unwanted sexual behaviour in secondary schools.


First, the study's purpose is exploration of variables that discriminate between girls' and boys' experiences of unwanted sexual behaviour. Secondly, the aim is to find empirical grounding for diversity in schools' interventions and policies.


Respondents were 2808 adolescents (14 or 15 years of age) in secondary schools, randomly selected in two regions in The Netherlands. Of the 22 schools that participated in the project, 30% were Catholic, 25% Protestant, 11% interdenominational (several religions within one school) and 38% of the schools were public schools. School size varied. The majority of the students' parents were born in The Netherlands (86%), 14% were born in Morocco, Turkey and Surinam.

Design and methods

Survey questionnaires were to be completed during class time. Non-response rate: 2%. Analysis: discriminant function analysis.


Girls more often experienced unwanted sexual behaviour by school personnel than boys. Their experiences were more often non-verbal in nature, physical or a combination of different sorts of behaviour. Girls experienced unwanted sexual behaviour as more upsetting than boys and they also experienced more psychosomatic health problems. The typical form of boys' experiences of unwanted sexual behaviour was verbal harassment by peers. The behaviour was less upsetting to boys and they experienced less psychosomatic health problems than girls.


This study was the first attempt to find out whether girls' and boys' scores on several variables form a different type of unwanted sexual behaviour. Two different types of unwanted sexual behaviour were found. Although the context (locations and the presence of others) was more or less the same for both sexes, the meaning and the effects of unwanted sexual behaviour were clearly different for girls and boys.  相似文献   

This study compared the relationships between the goal orientations, learning strategies, and mathematics achievement of Chinese Miao and Han students. A total of 211 Han and 321 Miao fifth‐ and sixth‐grade students from Qiandongnan participated in the study. The results suggest that, in both samples, mastery orientation positively predicted the use of surface/deep learning strategies and mathematics achievement, and that performance‐approach orientation significantly predicted the use of surface strategies. Ethnic differences were also detected. The positive relationship of the performance‐approach orientation to deep strategies was stronger among the Han than the Miao students. Overall, our findings confirm that goal orientations have an important influence on Chinese students’ strategy use and achievement and that ethnic differences affect the patterns of these relationships. Possible explanations for the results and the practical implications for school practitioners are discussed.  相似文献   

多渠道全方位促进青年教师成长   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一流的师资是一流大学的基石。建设一流师资队伍 ,引进人才固然重要 ,但如何加大青年教师的培养力度 ,开发现有人才资源 ,保持学校可持续发展的潜力 ,也成为上海交通大学日益关注的重点。本文重点介绍了学校近几年在青年教师培养工作中的一些探索和实践  相似文献   

Eighty-four children from rural, urban, and suburban families were tested with the PPVT during a parent intervention program and with the SIT three years later as part of program evaluation. Results indicated the mean IQ on the SIT was substantially higher than expected based on the earlier PPVT scores. Sampling error and examiner error were excluded as explanations for the difference. These results suggest that the PPVT and SIT yield different scores and lack comparability.  相似文献   

The authors compare school motivation in Kenya and Italy, two countries that differ in terms of socioeconomic conditions, structure of the school system, and access to education. Free primary education is indeed a recent attainment for Kenyan students. The participants, 449 Kenyan and 480 Italian students, 9–14 years old and attending Grades 4–8, were asked to complete a questionnaire about learning motivation. A factor analysis revealed that school motivation can be described by five dimensions in both contexts: intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, academic self-concept, causal attribution, and amotivation. Differences between countries and lower (Grades 4–5) and higher (Grades 6–8) grades emerged: intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, and academic self-concept were found to be higher in Kenyan than in Italian students, whereas amotivation was lower. Moreover, only Italian students showed less intrinsic motivation and more amotivation in higher grades than in the lower ones.  相似文献   

It is commonly believed that teacher turnover is unusually high and that this is a sign of failure in the education system. Previous studies have tested this idea by comparing teacher turnover with that of similar professions, but have come to contradictory conclusions. We provide additional evidence by comparing teachers with professionals from other fields that are arguably comparable, namely nurses, social workers, and accountants. Using data from the Current Population Survey, the results suggest that the average rate of teacher turnover is not significantly higher than these professions, even after controlling for other measured differences among them. Where teacher turnover differs most from other professions is in the greater prevalence of turnover among older workers, likely reflecting earlier retirement. We find some evidence that the relatively high ratio of pensions-to-salaries in teaching partially explains this behavior. Other factors affecting turnover are also studied.  相似文献   

Previous research on student typological models has centered on undergraduates' general philosophies of higher education. This study focused on students' more specific views of the purposes of education, desired teaching-learning arrangements, and roles with faculty in academic decision-making. Undergraduates (N = 3,628) completed the Student Orientations Survey, and orientation scale scores were used in a multidimensional typological analysis. Five distinct student learner profiles were identified; coefficients of group homogeneity and between-groupF's supported the uniqueness of each group profile. Discussion centered on various implications for postsecondary institutions regarding the use of a typological scheme premised on student orientations and learning preferences.Presented at the American Educational Research Association Conference, March 28, 1978.  相似文献   

The present study examines the manifestation of structural differences in the manner in which men and women students perceive and engage the content and context of learning. These differences are explored, and shown to be consistent, within a hierarchy of progressively more complex conceptual models of student learning. Conclusions are that structural gender variation differences emerge in terms of deep/strategic rather than surface, forms of learning behaviour: men students distinctively manifest and qualify deep/strategic learning behaviour in terms of operation and comprehension learning styles, while women students integrate these styles in a manifestation of style versatility that is clearly organised and not achievement motivated. An apparently separate female trait is distinguishable in terms of comprehension learning style and achievement motivation. It is argued that gender differences constitute a potentially important and neglected source of variation in student learning which, when detected in context, can and should be explicitly managed by academic practitioners.  相似文献   

Research has found students' epistemic beliefs to predict their achievement goal orientations. Much of this research emerged from the dimensional approach of epistemic beliefs, which hypothesized a relationship between particular independent dimensions of epistemic beliefs with different achievement goals. Research in this approach has primarily applied a variable-centered approach to investigating these relations. The authors adopt an alternative conceptualization of epistemic beliefs, which considers epistemic beliefs and achievement goals as orthogonal to each other, and which favors a profile-centered approach to researching their relations. They hypothesized that while a variable-centered analysis would identify relations between epistemic beliefs and achievement goal orientations, a profile-centered analysis would demonstrate the independence of these psychological constructs. In three studies with high school students (ns = 256, 149, 250) the authors demonstrate that epistemic beliefs and achievement goals form different personal profiles that are differentially related to learning strategies.  相似文献   

Child maltreatment has consistently been found to be associated with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). However, the robustness of this association and the direction of the link between maltreatment and ADHD remain unclear. We used data from the Environmental Risk (E-Risk) Longitudinal Twin Study, a cohort of 2232 British twins, to investigate the associations between exposure to abuse/neglect and ADHD in childhood and in young adulthood, and to test their robustness and specificity. We also aimed to test longitudinal associations between abuse/neglect and ADHD from childhood to young adulthood, controlling for confounders. Results indicated strong associations between abuse/neglect and ADHD in childhood and also in young adulthood. In childhood, the association was concentrated among children with comorbid conduct disorder. Longitudinal analyses showed that childhood ADHD predicted abuse/neglect in later years. This association was again concentrated among individuals with comorbid conduct disorder. Abuse/neglect in childhood was not associated with later ADHD in young adulthood after adjusting for childhood ADHD. Our study does not provide support of a causal link between child abuse/neglect and adult ADHD but highlights the possibility of a long-term effect of disruptive behaviors on the risk for experiencing abuse/neglect. These findings emphasize the need for clinicians treating people with ADHD, especially those with comorbid conduct disorder, to be aware of their increased risk for experiencing abuse/neglect. Interventions aimed at reducing risks of abuse/neglect should also focus on the environment of individuals with disruptive behaviors.  相似文献   

The verbal interaction of 12 mothers and 12 fathers with their 19-month-old girls and boys in 2 situations was assessed. In 1 situation, all 3 family members were together, while in the other, each parent was alone with the child. Analyses indicated that when all 3 family members were together, fathers spoke less and took fewer conversational turns than mothers. Other than these significant differences, fathers' speech to their children was not different from mothers' speech on a range of quantitative and qualitative measures.  相似文献   

This study empirically addresses the claim made by Gibbons et al (The new production of knowledge: The dynamics of science and research in contemporary societies. Sage, Thousand Oaks, 1994) that a novel form of quality control (associated with Mode 2 knowledge production) is supplementing the “traditional” peer-review process (associated with Mode 1 knowledge production). A qualitative design was used to explore faculty members’ views on the criteria for assessing scientific research. Ninety-four semi-structured interviews were conducted with biomedical scientists, clinical scientists, and social scientists working in Canadian universities. Results show that the vast majority of participants are aligned with the “traditional” Mode 1 peer-reviewed procedures for assessing research and defining scientific excellence. These participants asserted that peer review is the best quality control mechanism for assessing scientific research, and peer recognition the key attribute for legitimacy in the academic arena. In contrast, participants ascribed a low value to non-academics’ judgment of their work. While the study findings do not provide support Gibbons et al.’s claim, they add to a growing body of evidence that supports the continuing importance of peer review in academic career success.  相似文献   

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