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长阳县职教中心开展的德育收视课程开发活动,是中职学校德育课程领域的开创性改革活动,它使单调的文本变成丰富多彩的视频、枯燥地说教变成引人入胜地赏析、学生陌生的课程内容变成学生熟悉的甚至是生成的课程内容、"校墙内"的教育变成"融入世界"的教育、课程资源突破瓶颈束缚跃上海量资源平台。中职学校进行德育收视课程开发,有利于提高德育实效性、增强对德育规律的适应性、丰富校园文化生活并实现校企文化互动。  相似文献   

目前,以能力为目的、就业为导向的英语校本课程开发已经成为中职英语课程改革的主要方向,其必须满足职业教育改革的新要求,旨在提升学生的英语应用能力。本文分析了中职英语校本课程开发的基本含义及背景,指出了具体的校本课程开发内容,满足了不同地区不同学生的英语学习需求。  相似文献   

This article represents a snapshot of ten state secondary schools in the north of England immediately prior to the implementation of the statutory inclusion of citizenship in the revised National Curriculum. It includes data from interviews with the citizenship coordinator of each school and offers a range of responses by schools to the change. The two authors respectively, bring to the study their experience of Educational Management and Humanities and offer two different perspectives on the management of change, curriculum planning and implementation. Practical issues of status of the subject, resources, structures and staff development sit alongside contested issues of philosophy, content, pedagogy and outcomes.
Whilst recognizing the qualities and the commitment of the citizenship coordinators, a number of issues are raised that might give cause for concern at the medium to long-term future of this curriculum development.  相似文献   

中职英语课程的性质、任务和教学目标,要求中职英语发展必须构建新的评价体系。中职英语评价必须考虑社会环境、教学环境和学习者环境对评价的影响,必须贯彻《中等职业学校英语教学大纲》提出的形成性评价和终结性评价理念,建立元评价机制,采纳符合中职英语课程要求的评价方式,促进中职英语课程改革。  相似文献   

This article represents a follow-up snapshot of a group of state secondary schools in the North of England. It examines the progress of the schools in the second year of the statutory inclusion of citizenship in the revised National Curriculum. The writers use the same modus operandi as in the previous article (Calvert and Clemitshaw, 2003) to present a picture of both the management and curriculum aspects of the changes. The article draws on data from interviews with the citizenship co-ordinators (CCs) of each school, and there is an overview in the form of a grid. Readers are encouraged to look back at the previous article to track the changes that have taken place since September 2002.
The study reveals that there are some common patterns and difficulties emerging, particularly with regard to assessment and reporting and some of the problems that have always beset PSHE and pastoral care. These same issues are predictably affecting the progress of the initiative. Principally, the status of the subject, resourcing and levels of understanding, training and commitment of staff are ongoing problems. A leitmotiv running through the interviews is the constant pressure of other initiatives and their effects on change at a time of internal turbulence for a number of the schools. Some progress is being made and it would have been unrealistic to expect all schools to adopt the subject without difficulty but, in spite of the CCs' best efforts, there are still issues that might give cause for concern and that are graphically highlighted by individual cases.  相似文献   


This article represents a follow-up snapshot of a group of state secondary schools in the North of England. It examines the progress of the schools in the second year of the statutory inclusion of citizenship in the revised National Curriculum. The writers use the same modus operandi as in the previous article (Calvert and Clemitshaw, 2003) to present a picture of both the management and curriculum aspects of the changes. The article draws on data from interviews with the citizenship co-ordinators (CCs) of each school, and there is an overview in the form of a grid. Readers are encouraged to look back at the previous article to track the changes that have taken place since September 2002.

The study reveals that there are some common patterns and difficulties emerging, particularly with regard to assessment and reporting and some of the problems that have always beset PSHE and pastoral care. These same issues are predictably affecting the progress of the initiative. Principally, the status of the subject, resourcing and levels of understanding, training and commitment of staff are ongoing problems. A leitmotiv running through the interviews is the constant pressure of other initiatives and their effects on change at a time of internal turbulence for a number of the schools. Some progress is being made and it would have been unrealistic to expect all schools to adopt the subject without difficulty but, in spite of the CCs' best efforts, there are still issues that might give cause for concern and that are graphically highlighted by individual cases.  相似文献   

对河北省部分中职校专业建设的现状进行网络调查。发现的问题主要是,专业建设与市域经济社会发展之间关系的问题和专业建设的市域协调问题。改进专业建设的对策是坚持解放思想,认真对专业设置与调整进行科学论证;进一步突出重点专业,加强特色专业建设,关注一般专业建设。  相似文献   

信息技术课程设计:构成要因与价值取向   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
由于信息技术的快速发展在相当程度上促进了由工业文明向信息文明的社会转型,因而要求社会全体成员,特别是中小学生必须主动地、有意识地提升信息素养,这是中小学信息技术课程出现与发展的根本动因。中小学信息技术课程的设计,要以学生发展的需要、社会发展的需要和学科体系发展为基础。中小学信息技术课程的价值取向包括全人化取向、多样化取向和主体性取向。  相似文献   

普通高中学校课程建设是指学校对课程进行实施、开发、管理、评估一体化的过程,它是一个渐进的、长期的工程。其目标可分为核心目标和具体目标,其任务可分为近期任务、中长期任务、根本性任务等。合理确定普通高中课程建设的目标和任务,是有效实施新课程的必要条件。  相似文献   

与其他学科的课程资源相比,农村地区中学英语课程资源相对比较稀缺,教师教学观念僵化,缺乏英语课程资源开发意识,而学生则主要以背诵方式来学习英语,其接触和使用英语的场所常局限于教室环境,学生的英语学习严重脱离日常生活实际。这背离了新的《英语课程标准》所倡导的"拓展学生学用渠道"理念。为了积极响应新课标的要求,现结合农村中学校内英语课程资源开发现状,探究农村中学校内英语课程资源的开发策略。  相似文献   

进入新时代,面对立德树人高质量发展的新需求,中小学劳动教育的价值与目标落实需要劳动教育课程的开发与实施为之提供现实的呼应。但是反观中小学劳动教育课程实践,在对劳动教育及其课程内涵的理解,课程实施的体系化和劳动教育理论的课程实践探索等方面都存在较大的问题。为此,聚焦于劳动教育课程实践的基本要素:整体规划、目标与内容的组织实施与评价,以及课程开发与实施的保障等方面进行了分析和阐述。  相似文献   

借鉴大量前人对我国中小学信息技术课程的研究,概述我国中小学信息技术课程从计算机课程到信息技术课程的发展脉络,从时间顺序以及发展理念上对我国中小学信息技术课程的教学大纲中的教学内容、教学方式、教学评价等方面作出初步分析。  相似文献   

This study describes the concepts used by two classes of middle school (Grade 8) children, one advanced and the other of average ability, to explain the changes that occur when water is heated to boiling point. There was little difference between the advanced and average group in terms of the personal misconceptions used to explain boiling. The study also examines the changes that take place in conceptual knowledge immediately after instruction using a specific strategy of conceptual conflict resolved through the mediation of analogy. Results show that some pupils acquire a scientific understanding of the process of boiling but for others personal misconceptions continue to be held.  相似文献   

评价是实施中小学公民教育的一个重要环节.为了解决缺乏系统的检查、评价而导致难以评估中小学公民教育绩效的问题,澳大利亚制定了详细的公民教育评价内容,设计了合理的评价体系,并在全国范围内予以实施.澳大利亚中小学公民教育评价内容的整合性、评价指标的科学性、多维度评定学生成绩的特点,这些成功的经验为我国的中小学公民教育提供了借鉴.  相似文献   

国外中小学在课程决策方面有丰富的实践经验。它们赋予学校一定的决策自主权,充分发挥决策主体的作用,建立基于学生生活经验的个性化学习决策理念,注重实践性课程决策,创建决策团体,发挥集体优势,建立一定的保障措施。这些对我国中小学学校课程决策具有参考价值。  相似文献   

西方中小学课程决策机制的转变及启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西方国家中小学课程决策的传统主要有三种:一是集权型决策传统,二是分权型传统,三是自由型传统。20世纪80年代以来,各国针对其传统进行了改革,走向国家、地方、学校和课堂四级相结合的格局,但各国在这四级之间的决策权限分配又存在差异。西方国家中小学课程决策机制的转变给我国以多方面的启示。  相似文献   

随着学校课程多样化和个性化趋势的日益明显,中小学教师参与校本课程开发的研究也显得尤为重要。本研究采用问卷方式对深圳市中小学教师参与校本课程开发的行为意向及其影响因素进行了调查。调查结果显示,深圳市中小学教师参与校本课程开发的行为意向明显,其影响因素主要有利他性、利己性、校外支持、自身特性和校内支持。不同个人属性教师的行为意向有一定差异性。校本课程开发的进一步深化发展,需要为教师赋权增能,增加校长的课程领导力,强化行动研究。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,世界发达国家中小学课程改革出现课程的分科化与综合化并行,科学性与人文性相整合,课程动态化、弹性化、职业化、乡土化及微型化发展趋势。  相似文献   

1997年,以布莱尔为首的英国工党上台执政。布莱尔政府对英国公民教育进行了全面改革,《科瑞克报告》是布莱尔政府改革公民教育的重要蓝本。《科瑞克报告》由三部分组成,第一部分是引言,第二部分对改革英国公民教育提出了13条建议,第三部分说明了初等、中等学校实施公民教育的框架。《科瑞克报告》在英国公民教育发展史上具有里程碑意义,但是,报告本身也存在着一些问题。  相似文献   

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