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All the books about the twelve signs of the zodiac say that Leo is the most adventurous one. It is indeed true, because it is typically embodied in my character. In my memory, I began my first adventure at the age of six. One Sunday, one of my friends came to my home in a hurry. As soon as she sat down, she said to me immediately, "I hit upon a wonderful idea that we could go to the mountain behind our school to pick some bamboo shoots. Do you agree?" It was completely fresh to me, so I raised both of my arms to show my approval.  相似文献   

Critically needed in the area of school consultation are field-based, evaluation reports of outcomes of actual implementation of school consultation. This article is such a report, describing how the Resource/Consulting Teacher model was implemented with resource specialists in a pilot program in Sacramento, California. We describe: (a) the procedures necessary to bring about such an implementation, (b) the district itself, and (c) the training efforts made to prepare the resource specialists for the new role. Emphasis is placed on how 13 resource specialists formed a collaborative working group among themselves, as well as their efforts to engage in collaborative consultation with classroom teachers and building administrators to assist certain special education students and certain students at risk for school failure. Preliminary evaluation data are included that describe the progress of individual students and groups of elementary students (N = 79) who received specialized remedial reading instruction, and individual students who received intervention to increase appropriate social behaviors. The specialized reading and behavior instruction was provided to special education students in resource rooms and general classrooms; the at-risk student instruction was in general education programs. As a result, 29 special education students were mainstreamed back into their general education reading classes, 7 students were nearly ready to be returned, and 9 students were totally dismissed from the special education program and reinstated as general education students.  相似文献   

刘三姐的故事流传至今已有一千多年的时间,其形象众说纷纭,莫衷一是。从壮族歌圩文化的角度来分析刘三姐形象的性质特征、发展演变及其现代审美意义等。  相似文献   

Adventure into Learning was planned for the classroom situation, so that it was essential to equip the classroom with the appropriate apparatus, and with the help of the Rank Organisation, each classroom was equipped with a sound projector, several filmstrip and slide projectors, a tape recorder, some kind of 8mm. cassette projector, and various ancillary equipment such as a variety of screens, lenses and lamps. A central store of films, filmstrips, cassettes, charts, maps and pictures was created, and this was situated as near as possible to the school library, consisting mainly of reference books.  相似文献   

良晨 《海外英语》2003,(6):28-29
Part oneCatacombs, Pistols and CarbinesI.坟墓,手枪,卡宾枪Lonely and homesick, I was staring at the Eiffel Tour from the single window of my attic. Suddenly"Rhig, ring, ring", the phone rang. I cheerfully rushed on my phone. It was my partner for table tennis, a student in Paris. "Do you like adventures?" "Yes, of course! " "How about an adventure in the sewer system1 tomorrow night?" "In the sewers! ! Why the sewers?" "To find the Catacombs! " As a foreign student in Paris, I felt so alone that I accepted his invitation in excitement. It was 15 years ago.  相似文献   

Part Five: Iron Cage and AtticV.铁笼与阁楼Before reaching my imagined destinations: the 8th district where the Elysee Palace and the Matigon Hotel were situated, the van stopped in front of an old building in the 6th district, near the Church Saint-Germain. It was a police station. Of course there was no red carpet out for me. The waiting hall was an iron cage where there were already plenty of sardines(沙丁鱼). The cage was so full that my bodyguards had to cram (填满) me into it, boxed in with at least 15 people. It must have had the highest population density(人口密度) of anywhere in the word. Squeezed in among the others, I could hardly breathe and soon was dripping with sweat. The waiting time was long; one minute seemed to me a century.  相似文献   

“Gosh!We havc just escaped the jaws ofdeath!And now we fall into the tiger's mouth!”Isaid to myself.The four sturdy men glared at uslikc tigers eyeing their prey.Fortunately they werenot gangsters, but unfortunately they wereplain-clothes policemen.They frisked us one byonc.My kitehen knife was found.but not my iden-tity card.“Who are you?Why are you here?Why doyou have a knife?”they asked me.“I am a Chinesestudent.I followed my French friends to discoverthe Catacombs in the tunnels.I brought a knifc,because I want to protect myself,”I answered.Myfriends in the adventure backed me up:“Yes.it istrue.We invited him to follow us and suggestedhim to bring something to protect himself.And weare students!Sorry.we forgot to bring our identitycards.”Obviously their faces were good enough toprove their identity and innocence.“Good,you  相似文献   

迈克尔·谢若登的“资产建设”理论为农民工城市创业精准教育与培训提供了一个恰切的理论视角。CHIP(“中国家庭收入项目调查”数据库,包括“城镇住户”“农村住户”“外来务工住户”三大类调查数据)数据表明:农民工创业比例高,聚集于低端服务业,劳动流转率低,收入较高;社会保险等无形资产累积不足;有形资产具有一定的固定资产累积和闲置资金,但资产配置简单,创业本身负债不显著,资产抗风险能力低。据此,笔者提出将“资产建设”纳入农民工创业精准教育与培训,增加有形资产和无形资产建设内容,依据资产水平建立精准培训筛选机制等发展建议。  相似文献   

<正>It was a beautiful sunny day and Jack Mouse was eating a thick slice~1 of home-made toast with his very favourite jam. He sat at his front door and could feel the warmth of the sun.今天是一个阳光灿烂的日子,老鼠杰克正在吃一块自制的厚吐司,蘸着它最喜欢的果酱。它坐在前门那儿,能感受到太阳的温暖。  相似文献   

Part Nine: Chinese "Merchandise" and Animosity It is certainly worthwhilc writing down this unusual story fifteen years later, but the adventure itself was more frightening than exciting; the experience with the police and the court was more humiliating(屈辱性的) than interesting. A foreigner, in particular from different ethnic(同种同文化的民族) group, is not only the easy prey of criminals, but sometimes also of those who suppress(镇压,抑制) them. . . On one hand, many Chinese abroad are attacked by the local  相似文献   

Part Seven:Court but also theatreⅧ.不仅是法院,而且是戏院“Curious,how were you able to understand eachother.as one of you is deaf and dumb?I fail to un-derstand.Aha,yes!You abominable(讨厌的,令人憎恶的)gays,a glimpse is enough for you to recognise(识别)each other.How did you dare commit such adisgraceful(可耻的)act in a public place in the day-time?Didn't you realize that many ladies and chil-  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

CE  YiAnimation 《英语辅导》2017,(12):14-19
这是一个食物世界,美食拥有生命.在这里,面点一族经常受到咸鱼海盗的袭扰.包强(Super Bao)是个牛肉馅的少年包子,他一直梦想着成为先祖那样的英雄将领,却只能在后勤船“蒸盒号(Steamer)”上打杂.某天,舰队在风暴中遭遇海盗,战舰全被摧毁,只剩下蒸盒号了.在保护蒸盒号的过程中,包强遇上了海盗的雇佣武士寿司武藏(Salmon).鲜热的包子与生冷的寿司,两个不共戴天的死敌却因发现了海盗的惊天秘密被迫凑成一盘,从此肩负起了重任.  相似文献   

This study is an investigation of what happens to participants during their adventure education (AE) experiences and the meanings they ascribe to those experiences. These topics were explored through the qualitative framework of educational connoisseurship and criticism at three sites: a backpacking expedition, a challenge course and a multi-activity adventure programme. Through 183 hours of observation and 74 interviews with 41 participants, the qualities of AE as aesthetic experience were revealed. This conception of AE experience is characterised through sensory encounters, full attention and aesthetic paradox. Findings are supported with the voices of participants, and the significance of this conception of AE experience is discussed.  相似文献   

冒险游戏在儿童游戏中占据重要地位,不仅对儿童个体的身心发展产生积极而长远的影响,而且对于人类社会发展也意义非凡。但由于中庸保守的文化影响和现实的教育环境制约,出于对安全问题的考虑,我国对冒险游戏研究尚不充分。明确冒险游戏的价值,对于儿童游戏理论构建和实践指导具有重要的意义。有效地组织儿童冒险游戏应该做到:1)改变固有态度并适当支持儿童冒险游戏;2)引导儿童区分积极冒险和消极冒险;3)强化冒险精神在游戏中的体现并对冒险游戏形式进行充分发掘;4)拒绝过度保护并给儿童创造一个自然游戏环境。  相似文献   

梅山不是山名,而是古梅山蛮据有的地域;它随着梅山蛮势力的扩大、削弱而变化。梅山名称起源于战国时沅湘之间,徙来了一支梅姓越人,这支越人中出了个传奇人物梅娟钅。梅娟钅在秦末农民起义时,起兵从吴芮伐秦,为颠覆暴秦立下了显著战功;是中国历史上第一次农民起义中的少数民族首领,也是梅山文化的主要奠基人之一。  相似文献   

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