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几何是帮助小学生建立最初的空间观念和培养逻辑思维能力的重要学习内容。对中英两国小学数学课程标准中的几何内容进行比较研究后得到,两国几何内容的共性是:重视学生在几何方面基础能力的培养;重视几何学习的探究过程;重视几何学习结合实际生活。差异表现在:学段要求存在差异,内容要求侧重点不同;设置理念上英国更注重结果,中国更注重过程。  相似文献   

"几何直观"是数学学科新增加的核心概念之一,引发了人们对其的关注与思考。几何直观能力的培养要通过丰富多彩的体验活动,对比、分类,读图、画图以及合理运用多媒体等方法进行。需要广大教师的不断关注、重视,在教学中帮助学生不断提升几何直观能力。  相似文献   

新课程提出:在初中数学的图形与几何的授课中,数学教师要充分重视培养学生的几何直观能力,在教学中要结合多种有效的授课方式帮助学生掌握有关于几何的知识内容。但是在目前的初中数学授课中,部分教师的教学依旧存在许多不足之处。教师应积极反思自身存在的问题,并针对这些问题展开详细的探究和分析,从而获取有效的授课策略。本文针对初中数学教学中学生几何直观能力的培养这一话题展开讨论和探析。  相似文献   

推理是数学学习活动的核心内容,几何教学则是发展学生逻辑推理能力的重要途径。在七年级几何课程中,要重视几何推理起始教学,注意培养学生学习几何的兴趣,巩固基础知识和能力,关注探究的过程,帮助学生积累学习活动经验,在发展合情推理能力的同时,适当渗透演绎推理的要求,以逐步培养学生的几何推理能力。  相似文献   

教师要重视几何直观的教学,引导学生经历转直观、做直观、画直观、放直观、想直观等阶段,帮助学生不断积累运用几何直观解决问题的经验,逐步培养学生利用几何直观解决问题的能力。  相似文献   

众所周知,中国和美国由于政治、经济、历史、文化等背景的不同,表现在教学思想、课程理念和设置、教学方法等方面存在着较大差异。在化学教学中,由于美国特别重视学生动手能力的培养,所以化学实验一直在教学中占有重要地位。那么,美国的中学如何进行化学实验教学,对学生都有哪些要求,以及我国和美国在化学实验教学方面有哪些相同点和差异,通过比较中美两国中学化学实验室学生规则可略见一斑。  相似文献   

数学是以培养学生数学学习能力为目标的学科,而几何直观能力培养契合学科教学目标,对于学生日后的学习与发展有着深远影响,因此教师应当重视研究培养学生几何直观能力的方法。文章首先分析了培养小学生几何直观能力的重要性,然后结合苏教版数学教学案例,深入探讨在小学数学教学中培养学生几何直观能力的策略,旨在运用多元化的教学方式,引导学生对几何知识产生学习兴趣,培养学生良好的几何直观素养,促进学生几何直观能力提升。  相似文献   

中美两国在文化背景、社会价值观存在的差异,决定了两国教育在课程设置、授课方法、授课过程上的不同。中国的教育特别注重培养学生勤奋好学的学习态度,注重掌握扎实的基础知识;而美国的教育更侧重培养学生的兴趣,特别重视动脑与动手的训练,重视创新能力的培养。两国教育的差异,启示我们在发挥我国传统教育优势的同时,应当借鉴美国教育中的优秀理念,把勤学苦练与调动兴趣结合起来,动手与动脑结合起来,注重基础与重视创新结合起来,探索一条具有中国特色的教育模式、教育制度。  相似文献   

地图作为中学地理学的第二门语言,是学生学习地理的重要工具。因此,高中地理教学不仅要重视地理基础知识的教授,而且要进一步培养学生的识图、读图能力。本文主要阐述了现阶段高中地理教学在读图能力训练方面存在的不足,并据此提出一些针对性的教学训练方法,希望能够对改进高中地理教学方式、提高学生地理学科的读图能力有所帮助。  相似文献   

中国历史要籍介绍及选读课教学中能力培养初探刘敏发展学生智力,培养学生能力,是多年来各门学科教学改革的中心课题和共同任务.历史学科中的中国历史要籍介绍及选读课也不例外.中国历史要籍介绍及选读课是大学历史专业一门重要的基础课,其教学目的和任务是“通过对中...  相似文献   

《小学数学课程教学概论》是研究小学数学教学理论及其应用的一门教育学科,是高师院校小学教师教育专业的一门必修课.但是有些师范生对这门课的重要性认识不够,学习兴趣不大.在教学中让师范生提前感知小学和小学数学、感知新课标下的课堂教学,学习小学数学教育理论,进行说课、讲课训练和比赛等实践活动是行之有效的.  相似文献   

This paper describes a self-study in which I, as a teacher educator, seek to understand how to respond effectively to my pre-service students' fears about learning and teaching primary mathematics. I studied my students' response to a new mathematics methods course that is tied to practicum. Results include the importance of listening closely to students' feelings about learning and teaching math, responding with opportunities to re-learn primary math concepts in a collaborative and hands-on environment, and providing opportunities for pre-service teachers to experience success with math teaching in primary school settings. What I did not realize at the outset was that the students and I would be on a parallel journey. While I endeavored to listen to their voices, I struggled with my limited voice as a sessional instructor. While they struggled to feel like “real” math teachers, I struggled to feel like a “real” math professor. Fear of teaching math to young children was mirrored by my fear of pioneering a new course. Examination of a key incident in the first year of the course and of the role of a critical friend helped me to see and understand these parallel paths.  相似文献   

以专题和模块形式呈现的选修课程是普通高中数学新课程改革中一大亮点和难点,尤其是选修系列3、4的设置,增加了许多新内容,这些新内容涉及到多门大学数学课程。相对于此,高师数学专业毕业生还存在着知识上的缺陷和教学技能上的不足。因此,要适应高中数学新课程需要,高师数学教育专业课程设置就应该覆盖中学数学内容并且加深、拓宽,更新高师数学教师的观念,转变原有的教学模式并注重教与研的结合。  相似文献   

随着时代发展,越来越多的教育工作者选择微课这一种教学模式。因为微课不仅能使学生学习立体几何更轻松,还能更好地提升学生对立体几何的学习兴趣,从而提高学习能力。总的来说,微课教学在我国中学数学教学实践中已获得良好的效果,并在一定程度上提升了中学数学教学质量。本文基于微课实践,探究立体几何性质定理,以期为提高中学生的逻辑推理能力提供一定参考。  相似文献   

There is not a clear consensus on the categorization framework of the educational values of the history of mathematics. By analyzing 20 Chinese teaching cases on integrating the history of mathematics into mathematics teaching based on the relevant literature, this study examined a new categorization framework of the educational values of the history of mathematics by combining the objectives of high school mathematics curriculum in China. This framework includes six dimensions: the harmony of knowledge, the beauty of ideas or methods, the pleasure of inquiries, the improvement of capabilities, the charm of cultures, and the availability of moral education. The results show that this framework better explained the all-educational values of the history of mathematics that all teaching cases showed. Therefore, the framework can guide teachers to better integrate the history of mathematics into teaching.  相似文献   

在深化现代汉语教学改革中,对现代汉语课程体系这一根本进行重新审视和思考,并揭示其对现代汉语教学改革的关系及作用.从教学实际出发,结合自己教学实践和我校的实际,提出实施现代汉语课程教学改革的几点尝试.  相似文献   

In some of the western countries,students learn phonics when they start to study English,but we Chinese young learners study letters and spelling.They are different.There are so many relations between the pronunciation and the form of the words.We think that phonics teaching is important to the elementary students.So I want to share some of my ideas about phonics teaching with our teachers.  相似文献   

If the intellectual norms and values embedded in the mathematics education reform movement are to move beyond individual classrooms and significantly influence entire schools and districts, school and district administrators will need to become centrally, rather than peripherally, involved. This paper discusses the ways administrators' ideas about the nature of mathematics, learning, teaching, and school culture affect their interpretations of the nature and intent of the elementary mathematics reform movement and their thoughts about of how they might support it. In particular, administrators' views of parents' concerns, professional development for teachers, and of how new ideas move around in a school are discussed. I argue that administrators have well-formed ideas about mathematics, learning, and teaching, which influence their views of reform and their ideas of how to provide support. These ideas need to be taken into account if administrators are to be central actors in reform. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Students mainly perceive the transition to secondary school as an opportunity to start their school career anew. Reality often proves them wrong, especially in the case of mathematics. In our paper, we briefly discuss children’s transition to secondary school as both an opportunity and a problem, with reference to the Greek context. In discussions about the transition to secondary school and its effect on the teaching and learning of mathematics, primary and secondary school teachers in Greece often depict school mathematics as a “chain” of concepts and procedures. With this metaphor as our reference point, we discuss how ideologies about the teaching of mathematics are enacted in both school levels. We will base our discussion on the analysis of extracts taken from dialogues in primary and secondary school mathematics classrooms in Greece. In our analysis, we employ a Peircean view of semiotics in an attempt to conceptualize students’ rushed introduction to rigor in justifying mathematical statements in secondary school. These extracts are part of a longitudinal study that aimed, on the one hand, to pinpoint discontinuities and continuities in the teaching of geometry between primary and secondary schools and, on the other, to investigate whether a set of curriculum material that we designed could serve as a link in the teaching of geometry between the two school levels.  相似文献   

任强 《天津教育》2021,(4):120-121
在素质教育和新课程改革的推进下,我国教育事业也进行了很大的革新与发展。各个学校和教师都在注重培养小学生学习能力,提升小学生学习水平的同时,对教学理念和教学模式进行了反思与优化。小学语文生活化教学模式被广泛地应用到实际教学中,并取得了良好的效果,有效地加深了学生对语文的认知和理解,值得我们进行深入的研究和应用。  相似文献   

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