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ABSTRACT This study examines potential responses to a change in an employee reward system from permanent merit pay increases to one‐time bonus payments. Removing long term risks associated with escalating pay is an increasingly common compensation strategy. Often overlooked, however, are employee perceptions of reward fairness under such conditions of change. Receiving lump sum payments in lieu of permanent merit pay increase may de‐motivate employees. There has been little or no research conducted on this topic. In this study, using samples of practicing HR managers and university students, an equity questionnaire gathered data on the perceived equivalence between a permanent merit pay increase and what might be demanded by employees as a single payment in its replacement. An analysis of the data collected indicate an approximate 1:2 ratio is needed, such that a proposed lump‐sum payment of $2400 would be perceived as a fair replacement for a permanent merit pay allocation of $1200 per year. Our research indicates that this 1:2 ratio holds for both high and low job satisfaction levels.  相似文献   

The public school choice plan implemented in Richmond, California in 1987 through 1990 received much favorable publicity at the time, but in 1991 the school district filed for bankruptcy. This paper describes the choice plan and the events leading up to the financial collapse. It also presents trend data on student absenteeism, dropout rates, test scores and school desegregation. There is no evidence that the choice plan produced any improvement in these outcomes. At the same time, the district's financial failure is not necessarily attributable to the choice plan itself, but rather to the imprudent manner in which it was implemented.  相似文献   

高等学校推行绩效工资改革,历时7年尚未全面推行。绩效工资改革涉及教职工切身利益,关系学校发展和稳定,是高等学校管理工作中的重大改革课题。本文回顾了高校绩效工资改革的进程,分析归纳了已经实施绩效改革院校的评价机制和管理模式,指出改革尚处于起步阶段,分析了推进改革的难点问题,并从提高认识、立足实际、平衡关系等方面提出深化改革的建议,以期对改革实践有所裨益。  相似文献   

美国教师绩效工资制度的分析与反思   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
推行绩效工资是美国近来教师教育改革一系列重要举措中的重要组成部分,它旨在通过工资和奖励制度的改革,形成与美国近年来注重质量和效率优先的教育改革政策相匹配的扶优罚劣的教学激励机制。这既是美国基础教育和教师教育改革的深化,同时也是教师管理机制的一次大胆变革。本文旨在先通过案例的分析,寻找绩效工资争议的核心问题,然后通过对于教师工资本身的特殊性,美国教师工资制度的发展和教师绩效工资制度本身,来谈下我对教师绩效工资制度的看法。  相似文献   

长期以来在美国公立学校占统治地位的单一工资制近些年来受到了许多批评,随着“增值评估”的出现,影响绩效工资实施的技术障碍似已不复存在,绩效工资制度改革在美国一些地区的公立学校中正深入开展,以激励教师与提高学生成绩为宗旨的绩效工资已经成为美国全面教育改革的重要组成部分。典型案例包括罗蒙内计划、米尔肯家庭基金会的教师提升项目、田纳西州查塔努加的教师奖励方案等。改革目前虽遭受很大的阻力,但受到了两党的支持,具有广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   

美国中小学领域“教育增值评估体系”研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,美国中小学领域中的"教育增值评估体系"是在国家重视教育问责、鼓励建立新一轮绩效工资制度的背景下产生的,教育增值的计算原理和计算结果的有效性成为其立论基础。该体系的实施以增值评估的统计分析方法为前提,现实中有很多具体案例。除了评估学校与教师的工作绩效以计算绩效收入外,教育增值评估体系的内容范畴还涉及教师专业发展、职前教师培养和教师从教资格与级别的认证等方面。  相似文献   

The Yonkers public school district is under a federal court order to desegregate its schools. Accordingly, the district has developed and implemented a detailed desegregation plan that will cost up to $170 million over a five-year period. However, there are various constraints on school district financing that could affect the plan. The Board of Education in Yonkers, which is appointed by the mayor, is fiscally dependent on the city. Thus, the school district budget must be approved by city officials. Also, because Yonkers appears to be a wealthy district, it receives less wealth-equalized state aid than other large-city districts. Given these circumstances, in addition to increase in state and federal aid, other measures to assist the district should be explored. Note: The opinions expressed in this paper are my own and do not necessarily reflect the official views of the New York State Education Department.  相似文献   

宁本涛 《中学教育》2011,8(2):51-54,60
义务教育绩效工资改革旨在激发教师积极投身教书育人事业,充分挖掘教师潜力,吸引和鼓励优秀人才长期从教,终身从教。然而,一些财政不充足县域农村教师绩效工资的实行不仅没有调动一线教师的积极性,反而导致了相当一部分教师消极怠工。教师绩效工资政策有效落实的关键是确保"教育公平与民主"的价值定位。教育行政部门要合理核算农村中小学教师编制,加强义务教育基本经费保障、福利保障与法律保障制度建设,提高政府部门人员的法律意识力,政策的贯彻力和执行力,依法明确各级政府的责任。奖励性绩效工资发放要向农村教师倾斜,学校要积极探索教师绩效工资考核评价指标体系和分配等次的特殊性。  相似文献   

One urban district in the state of Arizona sought to use an alternative achievement test (i.e., the Northwest Evaluation Association’s (NWEA) Measures of Academic Progress for Primary Grades (MAP)) to include more value-added ineligible teachers in the districts’ growth and merit pay system. The goal was to allow for its K-2 teachers to be more fairly and inclusively eligible for individual, teacher-level value-added scores and the differential merit pay bonuses that were to come along with growth. At the request of district administrators, researchers examined whether the different tests to be used, along with their growth estimates, yielded similar output (i.e., concurrent-related evidence of validity). Researchers found results to be (disappointingly for the district) chaotic, without underlying trend or order. Using the K-2 test for increased fairness and inclusivity was therefore deemed inappropriate. Research findings might be used to inform other districts’ examinations, particularly in terms of this early childhood test.  相似文献   

Merit review processes within academic departments usually consist of two parts: a performance review and evaluation step and a monetary calculation step. Of the two, the performance review step is clearly the more important in achieving fairness and equity. However, the monetary calculation step also plays a key role in maintaining the integrity of the overall process. In an attempt to address the issue of salary compression, the principle used by most departments in allocating merit pay is to award comparable percentage increases in salary to faculty members with similar merit ratings. A merit pay allocation model based on this principle is presented in this paper. The model, a major generalization of an earlier one presented by Camp, Gibbs, and Masters (1988), enables users to calculate merit pay amounts for individual faculty members in a systematic and efficient manner. It is also sufficiently flexible to allow for the incorporation of policy directives often contained in pay packages.  相似文献   

随着全民体育运动的开展,公共健身成为人们必不可少的一项休闲活动,越来越多的小区都对公共健身区域愈加重视。公共健身区域让人们在居住地附近就可以锻炼身体、追求良好体质,但也存在着大量的问题。文章通过分析公共健身区域现存的问题,讨论如何规划场地,避免空间浪费,同时提出建议和解决方案,利于全小区各个位置的居民都能很好的利用公共健身区域达到强身健体的目的。  相似文献   

我国义务教育学校绩效工资政策的目标是提高教师待遇、保障教师权力、激发教师工作积极性。本文从公平理论出发,分析现行教师绩效工资政策中存在的问题,并提出相应改进对策,以期对各级政府和学校顺利推行绩效工资制、提高政策实效提供参考。  相似文献   

在城市形象越来越受重视的今天,区域标志性形象具有隐喻性和承传性及旅游引力性等多方面价值,构建区域标志性形象系统对城市形象的塑造和城市品牌的营销起催化作用。然而,目前正处于经济发展高速期的哈尔滨只有城市规划方案而无标志性形象规划方案,在未来各种标志性形象建筑还会不断出现的情况下,分析和设计其标志性形象空间配置规划方案刻不容缓。本文从城市的标志性形象建筑的概念人手,分析其特征和作用,明确标志性形象在城市形象中的重要地位和价值;通过实际调查,现状分析,结合地理理论原则,提出了合理定位及配置标志性形象空间关系的设想,从而改善和提升城市形象并延续城市的文脉。  相似文献   

Due to historic reasons China encounters some special difficulties in ESI(electricity system industry) restructureing,An easy and simple electricity value equivalent(es-EVE) method for day-ahead pool purchase pricing of China is therefore presented in this paper.The es-EVE method is different from two-part and one-part tariffs.It is more like the UK‘s method in form,but revised for China with some new concepts and procedure.The main contributions of it include:(1) Find two kinds of eigenvalue,namely EVEs,in an optimization model.(2) Define new concepts of virtual units units and feasible region,(3) Twice merit orderings are employed successively to find marginal price.They are simple maximum and minimum comparison procedures and so on.The special economic significance of the method for China is discussed.and some suggestion for ESI Restructuring based on es-EVE method are provided.A case study is offered at the end of the paper.  相似文献   

The recent enrollment decline and its cost implications are major financial concerns for many school districts. This paper presents an analytical framework enabling the examination of the cost impact of a school reorganization that specifically involves the shifting of ninth-graders to senior high school and simultaneously transferring sixth-graders to junior high schools. Main considerations pointing to the merit of such a plan are likely benefits of scale economies and increased capacity utilization, combined with the economic advantage of having the most expensive resources (vested in high schools) least underutilized. An empirical study of schools in a metropolitan suburban county suggests that there can be a major cost saving under the proposed plan.  相似文献   

美国教师绩效工资制度为我国开展教师绩效工资制提供了重要启示:政府的政策与财政支持、各级各类学校的重视、绩效评价体系的不断完善、评价方法的多样化、设置合理的绩效工资比例与结构、对评估结果的重视与合理应用。  相似文献   

“合作学习模式”在高职院校教学中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
传统填鸭式的教学模式使学生缺乏合作学习的意识,针对目前多数在校大学生普遍欠缺的合作学习精神,通过对开展“合作学习模式”的重要性的分析,并将其置于合作学习理论视野下进行思考,提出实施合作学习的具体方案以及在实施过程中应该注意的关键问题。根据近年来的教学实践,“合作学习模式”既可以培养学生合作的学习能力和团队精神,又可以激发学生的学习兴趣,还可以提高课堂的教学质量,是一种较为理想的教学途径。  相似文献   

Over the last decade many districts implemented performance pay incentives to reward teachers for improving student achievement. Economic theory suggests that these programs could alter teacher work effort, cooperation, and retention. Because teachers can choose to work in a performance pay district that has characteristics correlated with teacher behavior, I use the distance between a teacher's undergraduate institution and the nearest performance pay district as an instrumental variable. Using data from the 2003 and 2007 waves of the Schools and Staffing Survey, I find that teachers respond to performance pay incentives by working fewer hours per week. Performance pay also decreases participation in unpaid cooperative school activities, while there is suggestive evidence that teacher turnover decreases. The treatment effects are heterogeneous; male teachers respond more positively than female teachers. In Florida, which restricts state performance pay funding to individual teachers, I find that work effort and teacher turnover increase.  相似文献   

四川省义务教育学校绩效工资制度自2009年1月实施以来,取得了较大的成效,但仍然存在着一些问题,激励效果欠佳。义务教育学校教师工作积极性是否提高与教师所在城市、职务、职称、教龄不相关,与教师所在区域、工资收入、绩效考核办法是否存在问题、奖励性绩效工资分配方案的满意度、奖励性绩效工资分配的公平感、奖励性绩效工资的满意度、工作快乐度、学校领导与普通教师奖励性绩效工资的差距大小等因素紧密相关。主要原因在于城乡存在区域差距、奖励性绩效工资的效价较低、外在奖励挤出内在动机、绩效考核办法与绩效工资分配方案凸显形式主义以及两种去激励的分配方式并存。  相似文献   

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