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随着我国人口老龄化形势日趋严峻,养老问题日益凸显,老年人的精神慰藉需求日益提高。本文基于实证数据,描述了我国老年人对居家养老保障中精神慰藉需求的基本情况,采用logit模型对老年人居家养老精神慰藉需求的差异及影响因素进行了实证分析,并提出了完善居家养老服务的相关建议。  相似文献   

老龄问题是当今世界的重要社会问题之一。养老不仅仅是经济养老,而且是精神养老。通过对城市老年人的调查,发现城市老年人心理需求主要有社会生活心理需求、家庭生活心理需求和性心理需求。这些心理需求具有年龄效应、性别效应、文化程度效应、婚姻状况效应和养老方式效应。因此,对于不同需求的老年人应该有不同的社会政策和社会服务。  相似文献   

伴随人口老龄化速度的加快和老龄人口绝对数量的增多,在老年群体的物质需求得到一定程度的满足后,其精神需求问题日益凸显出来。这些需求表现在情感交流、人际交往、文化娱乐、知识教育、自我实现等方面。老年群体的精神需求作为社会需求必须靠社区精神养老服务加以满足。调查发现,大多数老年人对目前社区精神服务的满意度比较低,社区精神养老服务体系存在着设施和人员严重不足的问题,老年人的精神需求无法通过社区服务加以解决,并且整个社会对精神养老问题尚未引起足够重视。因此,加强和完善城镇社区精神养老服务体系是当务之急。  相似文献   

解决精神养老,促进健康老龄化,服务社会是老年大学的三大基本功能.老年大学能为解决精神养老问题发挥良好作用,能有效地满足老年人的学习需求、社交需求,促进健康老龄化.  相似文献   

养老方式多样化的探索-互动式异地养老   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国老年人口越来越多,对多样化养老方式的需求也是越来越强烈,发展互动式异地养老有着非常积极的现实意义并且具有可行性.作为一种新型的养老方式,互动式异地养老在实践中还存在法律责任不明确、保险费用的异地支取问题、老年人精神慰藉问题、老年人的安全问题等诸多难题.总之,异地养老除了要具备一定的经济能力外,还要综合考虑老年人的个性特点、身体状况,以及所去城市的自然状况,开发异地养老的市场不能"一窝蜂".  相似文献   

基于福州市的调查数据,从城市老年人生活质量诉求、社会参与意愿、养老服务偏好、幸福感取向为起点,采取青中老三个年龄层进行对比,并以个人特征、家庭特征、职业特征为视角,探讨老年人精神诉求及精神照护问题。研究发现:精神服务诉求在老年服务需求中显露出来,老、中、青年龄层存在一定的差异,社区化社会服务在未来将成为主流;个人特征、家庭特征、职业特征等对城市居民精神赡养均具有影响。对此,有必要立足服务需求差异,厘析老年人精神赡养的发展和走向,构筑满足养老意愿和精神照护的社会化养老服务体系。  相似文献   

文化养老基于满足老年人精神层面需求而产生的养老模式。作为文化养老产品,书法具有独特的养老养生功效。建构循序渐进的书法训练体系,对促进老年人身心健康、持续保持安宁愉悦心境颇具意义。  相似文献   

本研究从社区老年人的精神养老这一问题出发,通过实地走访和问卷调查,重点从精神养老方面分析首都城市老年人晚年生活现状,发现问题、提出有效对策和合理化的意见、建议,向有关部门反映和表达老年人在精神养老方面的多样化诉求,为促进社会养老转型提供积极帮助。  相似文献   

社会化养老服务作为一种老年福利制度,是国家为了满足老年人的经济支持、起居照料和日常护理、医疗保健、精神文化、社会参与等特殊的生活需求,保障并提高老年人生活水平而采取的养老政策措施和提供的养老设施服务。本文解析了当前牧区养老服务体系建设中存在的问题,并在此基础上从个人层面、政府层面、社会层面的三个维度探讨如何创新牧区社会化养老服务体系的问题。  相似文献   

不同经济类型地区农村中高龄老年人家庭养老对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国农村中高龄老年人的群体数量在迅速增加,养老已成为这一群体的主要问题。通过对上海和河南两个乡镇的实地调查发现:不同经济类型地区中高龄老年人养老资源、照料主体、精神需求等方面呈现明显差别。调查结果表明,随着经济和社会的进步,家庭养老的功能并没有出现弱化的迹象,反而出现子女对父辈的赡养责任得到增强,代际之间的关系得到进一步改善,老年人的物质生活和精神生活均得到了提升。  相似文献   

面对我国未富先老的严峻挑战,探索老年人力资源的开发已成为我国应对老龄化问题一条必要的新途径。在现代医疗卫生条件下,老年人力资源开发潜力巨大,但也存在许多不确定性;老年人力资源的开发利用对个人、家庭及社会具有重要的意义;加强政府重视与支持、改革退休制度、拓展老龄办职能、广泛开展老年人社区活动、发挥老年大学的专长互补作用、重视老年人健康等,可作为开发老年人力资源的尝试对策。  相似文献   

社区是老年人除家庭以外的最主要生活环境,是老年人走出家庭、融入社会、参与社会的重要场所,社区积极的养老环境是居家养老的重要支撑载体。以社区为载体,开展老年团体活动具有十分重要的意义。为推进社区开展老年团体活动,应科学规划社区老年人的室外活动空间,加强老年人对社区的认知,推进老年团体活动的专业化进程,将老年团体纳入民间组织范畴,引入社会捐赠机制,并转变老人及其家人的观念。  相似文献   

老年舞蹈蓬勃成长于城市的社区,具有实用性、自娱性、民间性,其教学安排应该重视理论学习,强调基础训练,鼓励舞蹈参与,提高自创能力,尊重个性施教。在老年舞蹈教学过程中,需要加强与社会的互动,利用社会资源,激发其活力。在构建和谐社会的过程中,老年舞蹈活动是大有作为的。本文对老年舞蹈的理论定位和教学作一初步探讨,以期有助于人们对老年舞蹈的认识,有助于老年舞蹈的健康发展。  相似文献   

在加速老龄化的背景下,老年社会福利服务政策面临严峻挑战。源自西方的积极社会福利理念试图为全球各国应对老龄化问题和提升老年社会福利提供有益思路。中国老年社会福利服务也在不断地应用积极福利主张推动政策变迁,以提升、完善养老福利服务体系。尽管已经进行了初有成效的积极社会福利实践探索.但是由于制度原因,积极社会福利政策的发展仍面临许多困境。如何使当前的社会福利体系朝向积极的、整合的、有利于社会发展的方向变迁。是摆在我们面前的一个重要课题。  相似文献   

养儿防老、家庭养老是中国传统孝道的应有之义,而在新形势下传统孝道瓦解与变异,一种新"孝道"在乡村社会产生。基于化村养老调查,发现这种新"孝道"整合下,老年人逐渐走向自养模式。自养模式建立在理性化关系和劳动观念基础上,惠农政策提供了物质基础。在此"孝道"整合下这种自养模式已成村庄规范,老年人老有所养不成问题,但老有所乐的问题还需要进一步解决。  相似文献   


The purpose of this research is to highlight the aging and elderly care in Pakistan, a country considered the seventh most populous country in the world with an estimated population of 220 million people (citation, 2017). In 2013, Pakistan signed a MoU with China for 56 billion in US$ to create opportunities for the youngsters, but there was no story of opportunity included for the senior citizens. An attempt has been made to raise awareness of the plight of seniors to the Pakistan Government’s attention; however since there is no formal policy dedicated to elders from the Chinese mega MoU and political instability, only little has been accomplished to better the lives of older adults. Modernization has had a major impact on the life of older Pakistani, and not always a positive effect. This research focuses on the important issues that are making the lives of senior citizens more difficult. The issues include psychological factors, anxiety, physical issues, and environmental issues. The research concludes while many factors are making the lives of senior citizens problematic, seniors are still living a satisfied life because they are not depending on their children or others. Senior citizens demand and desire time with their children and grandchildren. Increases found in elders’ psychological problems are likely correlated with modernization. Unfortunately, the China–Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and the mega project remain totally for the younger population with no economic prospects for elders to directly benefit. Thus, the question remains what will be the outcome for Pakistani seniors?  相似文献   

The study, funded by the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts and the Pennsylvania Department of Aging, measured the effect that an artist in residence program (conducted by state-vetted professional teaching artists) had on self-reported loneliness in senior citizens. All participants were aged 60 years or older and participated in programming in state-funded senior community centers located in 14 sites throughout the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Artists offered 10 sessions in creating and critiquing art to senior citizens in their respective art forms including performing arts, visual arts, and multidisciplinary/interdisciplinary arts. Through pre and post-tests, changes in loneliness were measured using the Revised UCLA Loneliness Scale. The data revealed that there was a significant correlation between a self-reported decrease in feelings of loneliness and participation in a program conducted by professional artists.  相似文献   

Parents with deaf children face many challenges in making educational choices, developing language and a sense of belonging. Other key aspects of life including concept development and social competency are also critical decision points faced by parents. Developing language, whether it is through spoken or signed modalities, is of utmost importance during the formative years and for many families with deaf children, there are no prior experiences with deafness, American Sign Language, Deaf culture, or the deaf community. This study aims to understand the educational and familial experiences of older deaf citizens by examining the meaning of being deaf and members of biological and cultural families, and the concern for education of young deaf children as constructed by deaf senior citizens from both deaf and hearing families. For the purpose of obtaining both childhood and educational experiences of older deaf citizens and examining what advice they would offer to families of today with deaf children, a qualitative design was implemented in which 13 participants participated in focus group and individual interviews. Themes that emerged from the data include, but are not limited to, community-based learning, the value of communication, involvement with other deaf individuals, importance of family communication and signing, sibling involvement and including deaf children as true members of a family. One recommendation made by the deaf senior adults was that families with deaf children engage with deaf seniors more frequently as a valuable resource.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to collect and organize survey data relating to new driving courses and refresher driver courses for the older driver in the United States and to determine whether training programs were available for the driver who transports elderly citizens to various locations for services. All 50 states and the District of Columbia were surveyed.

The survey was conducted by telephone and utilized a fixed series of questions to be asked of the person in charge of transportation in the office of aging in each of the states.

The principal findings were (1) there are no statewide programs or curricula to assist senior citizens in obtaining driving skills to operate within the highway transportation system and (2) 37% of the states have no training programs for drivers who transport senior citizens. The other states reported that all training is decentralized and is given to the area agencies to conduct. Consequently, there exists a conglomeration of programs, ranging from a single course in American Red Cross first aid to school bus driver training programs.  相似文献   

We present contemporary, historical, and literary evidence of civic learning and action in senior citizens’ lives and suggest a framework for understanding seniors’ various levels of involvement in civic activities. A seven‐stage civic involvement continuum emerged from real interviews with living older adults and simulated interviews with fictional and historical older adults. The continuum began with the fulfillment of basic needs through volunteering and ended with becoming an advocate of a specific cause. Implications for adult education practice are suggested.  相似文献   

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