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本文在分子结构的基础上讨论了胆甾型液晶的热光效应,并总结了胆甾型液晶在温度测量中的广泛应用及前景,展望了胆甾型液晶的未来.  相似文献   

介绍挡土结构选型及设计的专家系统建造过程.该系统是交互菜单驱动系统,包括挡土结构选型及设计两个主要部分.运用知识库进行选型,设计部分由3个独立的子程序构成,子程序分别用于计算挡土结构的强度、位移、稳定,并画图显示计算结果.使用该专家系统程序,可自动完成挡土结构设计的全过程.  相似文献   

文章主要应用Hopf极值原理,对一类散度型方程进行研究。通过构造适当的泛函,验证该泛函满足极值原理,同时利用极值原理对方程的解进行估计。  相似文献   


To design and to manufacture in science learning are increasingly important in science education. Yet, evaluation techniques in school for evaluating students’ creative products are apparently left behind. With the aim of developing an evaluation method to evaluate creative products in science and technology class, this study constructed a set of criteria with data collected from teachers and students. The analytic hierarchy process (AHP), a multiple criteria decision-making tool for single rater, was selected for the purpose of weighting and evaluating students’ products. However, the traditional AHP used one rater’s pair-wise comparisons; its subjectivity and complexity limit its applications in school. For solving this problem, this study developed an advanced technique, called direct-rating AHP (DR-AHP), to extend the applicability of the traditional AHP. The DR-AHP is used to obtain weights or preferences for criteria/alternatives by a process of directly ranking criteria/alternatives by single/multi rater(s), checking consistency, and developing a rank vector matrix. The DR-AHP was implemented in obtaining criteria weights of a hierarchy framework for creative products evaluation by a group of science educators (N = 13) and field-tested in ranking creative products by another group of science teachers (N = 9). Results showed its superiority in objectivity and efficiency over traditional ways of evaluation. The results also demonstrate how the AHP and DR-AHP are capable of helping evaluators systematically construct criteria and/or to evaluate students’ creative products for classroom instruction as well as during many other activities.


To design and to manufacture in science learning are increasingly important in science education. Yet, evaluation techniques in school for evaluating students’ creative products are apparently left behind. With the aim of developing an evaluation method to evaluate creative products in science and technology class, this study constructed a set of criteria with data collected from teachers and students. The analytic hierarchy process (AHP), a multiple criteria decision-making tool for single rater, was selected for the purpose of weighting and evaluating students’ products. However, the traditional AHP used one rater’s pair-wise comparisons; its subjectivity and complexity limit its applications in school. For solving this problem, this study developed an advanced technique, called direct-rating AHP (DR-AHP), to extend the applicability of the traditional AHP. The DR-AHP is used to obtain weights or preferences for criteria/alternatives by a process of directly ranking criteria/alternatives by single/multi rater(s), checking consistency, and developing a rank vector matrix. The DR-AHP was implemented in obtaining criteria weights of a hierarchy framework for creative products evaluation by a group of science educators (N = 13) and field-tested in ranking creative products by another group of science teachers (N = 9). Results showed its superiority in objectivity and efficiency over traditional ways of evaluation. The results also demonstrate how the AHP and DR-AHP are capable of helping evaluators systematically construct criteria and/or to evaluate students’ creative products for classroom instruction as well as during many other activities.  相似文献   

本文介绍了一种基于粗糙集理论的优化车牌字符识别的方法。粗糙集理论是一种继神经元网络和模糊数学之后的新的处理含糊和不确定性知识的数学工具;粗糙集方法是一种具有发展潜力的智能信息处理方法。本文主要思想就是在汉字的网格特征提取过程中保持分类能力不变的前提下,通过知识约简提出了一种车牌字符网格特征选择的改进算法;它不仅找出了对识别最有效的网格特征集,而且可以大大降低图像特征空间的维数,减少工作量和无用特征干涉,从而提高了分类识别率。  相似文献   

随着经济的发展,人们生活观念及审美意识的改变,将植物景观引入室内已蔚然成风。特别是近几年,人们对室内环境的要求呈现出自然化、多样化、特色化的趋向,渴求在舒适的环境中工作与休憩,以缓解紧张的工作气氛和精神压力。观赏植物成为了各类室内场所不可或缺的重要装饰元素。本文就室内观赏植物的形成历史、应用现状、发展趋势及生产应用过程中存在的问题和应对策略进行浅述。  相似文献   

本文从时代背景及教育现代化发展需求 ,探讨如何结合外语教育目的、语言学习特点及学校的实际 ,构建多媒体语言教学环境  相似文献   

本文介绍一种改进遗传算法,通过引入强制变异算子,避免了超级个体的出现,保证了杂交算子的有效性,提高了遗传算法的全局寻优能力.用改进的遗传算法代化仿人智能控制器.得到了理想的结果,由此得出一阶纯滞后对象的OIC参数整定公式.  相似文献   

文章把《史记》人物传记的结构方式归纳为一套模式和十二种方式。文章着重论述的是这些结构方式的意义和作用,以及这些结构方式在中国叙事、写人文学史上所具有的重要开创和开辟意义。  相似文献   

本文简要的综述了原子吸收光谱法在环境样品中一些无机阴离子的测定方法及其应用进展。  相似文献   

本文首先获得了超越函数,零点全分布在左半复平面的判别准则,然后将其应用于时滞直接控制系统获得其解绝对稳定的充分条件,特别当n=1时,获得了其解绝对稳定的充分必要条件为  相似文献   

采用文献资料、问卷调查、专访、社会调查、比较分析及数理统计方法对安徽省6所高校社会体育专业办学现状存在问题进行调查研究,据此作出分析与评论并提出对策.  相似文献   

从分析一个优秀教学教师的现代标准同我国教师现状之间的差距,论述继续教育的必要性和课程设计的指导思想,并提出一份课程体系设计方案.  相似文献   

利用投入产出模型分析研究由于一个或若干个部门产品价格的变动对浙江省各部门产品的价格和收入可能产生的影响,为有关部门制定价格策略提供参考.  相似文献   

西方文化的强势地位是由多方面要素共同作用的结果。具体分析可以发现,它是由西方国家的文化势能、权力体系、对外文化战略、大众文化、科学技术和媒体传播等要素有机组成的完整的结构体,从而保证了西方文化在多元文化竞争中独领风骚的地位。从现实的角度来看,我们需要理性分析西方文化的各要素,探求文化发展的现实条件和影响因素,以保证中国文化的先进性质。  相似文献   

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