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谈高职院校科研方向与项目获取途径   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高等职业技术教育必须从事科学研究;科学研究分为基础研究、应用研究、发展研究等类型。高职院校科研方向应该符合国家有关高职教育人才规养规格的意见;针对高等职业技术教育的实际,探讨了获得科研项目的若干途径。  相似文献   

This article examines selected variables related to the type of postsecondary education experience chosen by young adults with learning disabilities (N = 225). A one-way analysis of variance was utilized to identify significant differences between groups participating in alternative postsecondary education experiences. Variables related to use of community resources, community mobility, participation in vocational education while in high school, autonomy, peer influence, and gender were found to be significant factors that differentiate among groups. Recommendations for further research are discussed.  相似文献   

北京市职业院校实训基地运行管理策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
职业教育实训基地建设和管理是培养技能型人才的重要保障。针对北京市职业院校实训基地运行管理实际情况进行分析研究。重点从实训基地的科学规划、管理体制的统筹规划、加强配套工程建设、发挥产教结合的政府引领作用、充分挖掘实训基地的社会服务功能、建立健全管理制度和配套措施、实施多样化的实训基地管理模式、制定实训基地评价和奖励制度等方面提出对策建议,以满足技能型人才培养的需要,保证实训基地的使用效益最大化和实训基地的健康发展。  相似文献   

This article examines the interplay between qualification systems reforms and technical and vocational education and training (TVET) teachers' competences and qualifications in the context of the future of work and learning, and the United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda. The article reviews international standards and trends and examines a range of country case studies. The concluding section focuses on future scenarios for TVET Teachers Competence frameworks.  相似文献   

As increasing numbers of students with disabilities access postsecondary education, research studies and literature reviews have investigated the needs of these students who chose to pursue postsecondary education. These articles included studies that (a) asked students with disabilities to identify needs and (b) summarized needs in literature reviews about students with disabilities in postsecondary education. This article summarizes needs and recommendations from college students with disabilities and authors who reviewed related literature from 1995–2006. The summary includes needs in five areas: self-determination, social skills, academic preparation, accommodations, and assistive technology (AT). Each of these areas of need is described and recommendations for practice are discussed. The purpose of this article is to identify a set of evidence-based transition practices that will address these needs and increase the likelihood of success for students who enroll in postsecondary education institutions.  相似文献   

This article examines the effect that postsecondary education has on earnings and the duration of time spent in the Social Security disability programs for young persons who are deaf or hard of hearing. Our hypothesis is that investments in postsecondary training increase the likelihood of employment for persons who are deaf or hard of hearing and thus reduce dependency on disability-related income support programs. A longitudinal data set based upon records from the National Technical Institute for the Deaf and Social Security administrative records is used for this analysis. We find that those who graduate, even those who graduate with vocational degrees, experience significant earnings benefits and reductions in the duration of time spent on federal disability programs when compared with those who do not graduate with a degree. This finding suggests that reductions in the duration of time spent on Social Security programs are not limited to those with the highest level of scholastic aptitude and that investments in post-secondary education can benefit a broad group of deaf and hard-of-hearing persons. In addition, the data show that individuals who attend college, but withdraw before graduation, fair no better economically than individuals who never attended college.  相似文献   

实施乡村振兴战略是以习近平同志为核心的党中央对“三农”工作作出的重大决策部署。乡村振兴战略的实施对农村职业教育人才培养提出了新的更高的要求,作为人才培养和输送基地,农村职业教育要为乡村产业振兴提供智力支持与人才保障。在乡村产业振兴背景下,培育新型职业农民是农村职业教育人才培养的全新定位,但是当前农村职业教育还因“崇道轻技”的传统观念受到歧视,存在专业设置未能完全对接产业、人才数量与质量供需失衡、追踪反馈机制不健全等问题。因此,应构建目标明确、对象清晰、培训内容精准对接产业项目、具备激励与追踪反馈作用的农村职业教育人才培养机制,充分发挥农村职业教育人才培养效能,助力乡村产业的振兴。  相似文献   

高职教学过程中的知识传授、技能训练、素质培养都需要科研工作给予支撑,高职院校的科研课题必须反映教学需要,科研过程应有助于提高学生能力,科研成果应及时反馈到教学内容中,必须用全面的、发展的、相互联系的观点看待高职院校教学与科研的辩证关系。  相似文献   

高职生物制药技术专业实训教学,是实现该专业培养目标的有效途径和方法。以培养学生的职业能力为主线,构建了基于"工作过程"的实训教学体系;以制药企业真实生产任务为载体,实施了项目导向、任务驱动式实训教学模式;以"工学结合"为切入点,实行了多学段、分级式的教学组织;围绕专业培养目标,开发了专业的典型实训项目及职业技能鉴定项目;建立了符合制药行业标准的技能实训考核标准,实现了学生综合能力与生物制药技术岗位要求的"零距离"对接。  相似文献   

The implementation within Europe of a credit system for vocational education and training known as ECVET is a European Commission priority. The potential for permeability between the ECVET and European Credit Transfer and accumulation System (ECTS) was foreseen in the Recommendation to establish ECVET in 2009, while the Bruges Communique of 2010 called for the promotion of flexible links between vocational and higher education and increased coherence between ECVET and ECTS. To this end a significant number of EU-funded projects were undertaken to explore compatibility between ECVET and ECTS. This article reviews the findings of these projects and reflects on their success in terms of achieving this policy goal. These bridging projects identified several points of compatibility between the two credit systems and produced valuable tools and frameworks to facilitate such permeability. Achieving credit equivalency between ECVET and ECTS does not appear feasible, rather the evidence points to using a learning outcomes-based equivalency framework. However, this article calls into question the sustainability of these project results with regard to the lack of success in translating these findings into practice and the lack of co-ordinated efforts to implement these findings at a national or pan European level.  相似文献   

Eighty-six students with mild disabilities living in a rural area who had graduated (n = 52) or dropped out of (n = 34) high school were interviewed at two points in time (7 months apart) about their employment, residential status, and participation in postsecondary education and training programs. Information was also collected on students' high school experiences (educational, vocational, and work) and the reasons they dropped out of school. Of the students who had graduated (Caucasian = 26, black = 25, and other = 1), 31 were male and 21 were female. Of the students who had dropped out (Caucasian = 18, black = 15, and other = 1), 22 were male and 12 female. It was found that the majority of graduates and dropouts were employed full-time at both interviews, and held jobs that paid above minimum wage and provided employee benefits, as well. Nevertheless, by the time of the terminal interview, graduates had worked proportionally more time since high school than dropouts and had been employed in their current job more than twice as long. Neither group of former special education students was particularly active in pursuing postsecondary education or training programs. Finally, these former students had participated in a limited range of educational and vocational experiences during high school, both in terms of diploma tracks and vocational education programs. The implications of the findings for long-term employment and community adjustment are discussed.  相似文献   

本研究围绕"谁学习——学什么——怎么学"的框架,深入探索了智障学生职业教育模式的运作规律与途经:(1)分析学生现状,了解从业方式;(2)尊重学生为先,开发教学项目;(3)调试课程设置,重组专业资源;(4)优化课程实施,创新训练策略。通过深入研究,学校的职业教育课程设置进一步完善,智障学生的生活能力、职业技能和品质、就业能力获得提高,专业型职业教育教师团队日渐形成。  相似文献   

台湾职业教育的特色及启示   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
台湾职业教育特色主要表现在完善的教育体系、发达的私立教育、科学的管理体制、大规模本科教育以及良好的学生实践素养教育等方面,对内地职业教育的启示是:要完善职业教育体系;建立纵向垂直的职教管理体制;鼓励发展民办教育;产教结合,加强实践素养教育。  相似文献   

美国的第三级教育与法律的关系历经了一个从分离到密切相关的变化过程.从美国现行高等教育法制来看,现代第三级教育法具有诸多表现形式,大范围、深层次地影响着第三级教育的发展.目前,我国高等教育法已纳入修改议程,研究和了解美国第三级教育法的变化与发展,分析和借鉴美国第三级教育法的有益因素,无疑有助于我国高等教育法制走向完善.  相似文献   

高等职业教育教师的素质特征及"双师型"教师队伍的建设   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
高等职业教育的教师除具备普通高校教师所必备的职业道德素质、文化素质和心理素质外,根据其培养技术应用型人才这一目标的特殊性要求。高等职业教育的教师同时还要具备实践教学能力素质、操作演示能力素质、职业教育研究能力素质、职业研究能力素质、就业指导能力素质以及组织协调和人际沟通能力素质等。高等职业教育要形成自己的办学特色,要实现从学科型教育向技术型教育的转变,必须结合实际制定具体措施,建立一支专、兼职的“双师型”教师队伍。  相似文献   

欧瑞宏 《高教论坛》2002,(3):98-100
我院自1998年改制以来 ,为认真贯彻落实《教育部关于加强高职高专教育人才培养工作意见》 ,以“六双”教学改革为核心 ,全面推进教学改革。其中 ,基础课教学改革是一个重点 ,也是一个难点。本文对高职教育基础课应如何进行教学改革作些探讨 ,目的是共同探索如何构建有高职特色的基础课教学模式。  相似文献   

职业教育师资队伍建设存在的问题与对策   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
当前,我国职教师资队伍还存在一系列问题。加强职教师资队伍建设,应大力发展职业技术师范教育,强化职教师资培训基地的建设,完善职教师资培训机制,加强职业学校教师的在职进修提高,统筹调配、使用师资,充分发挥专业课教师的作用,合理解决职业学校教师的各种问题,鼓励企业参与职教师资培训。  相似文献   

电子工艺实训项目的确定和训练内容的安排,必须以实际电子产品生产工艺为基础,技能训练方法必须与工厂生产实际操作相吻合,这是高职教育在电子工艺实训教学上的具体体现,结合电子工艺实训的教学改革,提出了4项具体措施。  相似文献   

随着知识经济时代的到来,我国在全面推进素质教育的同时,大力发展高等职业教育.高等职业教育培养目标的实现依靠素质教育,而实施素质教育的关键在于教师,高等职业教育与素质教育要融会贯通,就必须有一支高素质的师资队伍.本文仅就实施素质教育对高职教师的基本素质要求浅述看法,旨在共同探讨.  相似文献   

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