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学前教育出现"小学化"倾向,幼儿教育者和家长在教育观念和教育方式上的偏差是造成这种倾向的主要原因。幼儿教育者要真正树立起"以幼儿为本"的教育理念,实施探究式游戏课程;帮助家长树立正确的学习观念和终身学习的理念,并通过举办家长开放日活动、主题亲子活动及有主题的家长会等,使家长理解优质学前教育的内涵。  相似文献   

经过"原野行动"的前期试点和后期逐步推开,普兰店市"十一五"教师教育"校本研修"的主要模式已经形成。要在回顾"十一五"前期校本研修的基础上,找出存在的问题,认真探讨下一步工作的方向。  相似文献   

幼儿园在教育教学内容与形式上存在"小学化"倾向,这种现象的产生既有幼儿园自身的问题,又有社会和家长的认识问题。要改变这种现象,须找出其存在的原因,采取适当的措施及对策。  相似文献   


As a contribution to the debate, this article analyses the different meanings of the word 'love' and uses this analysis to demonstrate that good teachers love both their subject and the teaching of it, and that this involves them in respecting researchers in both their subject and in pedagogy.  相似文献   

根据现实生活中教师职业的三种不同状态,可以把教师的自我观分成三个不同的层次:无我、有我、超我。超我观对职业院校教师成长有着巨大的推动作用,尤其有利于激发教师自主成长意识,养成自我反思习惯,实现教师终身持续发展。  相似文献   


How can we teach inquiry? In this paper, I offer practical techniques for teaching inquiry effectively using activities built from routine textbook exercises with minimal advanced preparation, including rephrasing exercises as questions, creating activities that inspire students to make conjectures, and asking for counterexamples to reasonable, but false, conjectures.  相似文献   

论述了对教师进行灾难教育的必要性。灾难教育的内容,包括责任意识、灾难知识、组织能力、心理品质的教育。提出了对教师进行灾难教育的形式,如系统培训、专题讲座、灾难展览、情境模拟等。指出对教师进行灾难教育的途径是通过教师进修院校、教师所在学校、社会各种媒体提升教师抗灾避险能力。  相似文献   

对我校顶岗支教工作的反思及建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为海南师范大学“播种希望”行动计划之一的面向少数民族和贫困地区顶岗支教与师资培训工作,自2006年10月正式启动以来,至今已成功组织了三期,初步达到了预期的目标,取得了令人欣慰的效果,产生了广泛的社会反响。当然作为一项初创性的工作,其中存在着不尽如人意的地方。文章指出顶岗支教工作中存在的问题,并提出了改进的建议,以期顶岗支教工作越做越好。  相似文献   

通过文献检索和调查搜集人们描述小学优秀教师心理特征的词句。进而概括这些特征。通过分析概括,发现小学优秀教师的心理特征主要体现在热爱教育事业之情、先进的教育理念、优良的知识结构、全面而精熟的教学技能、较强的人际能力、良好的个性等六个方面。小学优秀教师在这六个方面的心理特征。可为教师教育提供启示。  相似文献   

研究生培养质量自我评价指标的初步构建   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究生培养质量评价体系主要是由外部评价体系和内部评价体系构成。目前我国外部的质量评价体系已初步建立,微观的自我约束体系还没真正建立起来,而评价指标是评价功能得以正向发挥的关键因素,由此,本论文试图在调查的基础上,运用主因素分析法初步构建研究生培养质量自我评价指标,以达到保证和提高研究生培养质量的目的。  相似文献   

生命的缺失,是现实教育的一个病理性存在,在现实教育中,生命往往被遮蔽与忽视了。在这种异化教育中的教师与学生过着一种“非人”的生活,教师在由“神”到“微人”之间徘徊,学生在由“物”到“上帝”之间穿插。然而人与动物有着本质的区别,人的生命在受到不合理的规训后,会努力寻找新的途径而决不任由生命受到残酷的摆布,要还教育以生命,让教育成为师生共度的生命场。  相似文献   

教师职业的发展经历了漫长的历史过程。从古代教师职业的萌芽到兼职教师的出现、职业教师的出现,再到近代独立师范教育的诞生、教师资格制度的实施和教师职业的专业化,一路走来,教师职业发展的道路充满了坎坷,同时也饱含生机和活力。  相似文献   

A number of research agendas including teaching games for understanding, invasion games tactics, cooperative learning, seeking solutions to ill-defined problems, and examining learner's use of domain specific knowledge share thoughtful decision making as a common denominator. For the most part, each of these research strands have been investigated individually with little effort to link findings to a larger construct addressing thoughtful classrooms. This paper discusses the agendas and proposes a schema whereby thoughtful decision making represents a common conduit that might well lead to a more inclusive and informative theoretical model in physical education.  相似文献   

In light of the complaints of some that study of the history or philosophy of science could be of no value to scientists themselves, some specific advantages are discussed. Likewise, possible sources of the complaint are identified as resulting from the history of the philosophy of science movement in its attempt to use science to attack idealism, as well as the introduction of various a priori views. A remedy for scientists and science teachers is proposed by way of a new principle which seeks to demarcate those elements of the history and philosophy of science of greatest use to them.  相似文献   

Teaching Future Teachers: A Model Workshop for Doctoral Education   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Doctoral student training has become focused in recent years on acquiring subject-area knowledge and research skills, rather than on teaching. This shift often leaves aspiring junior faculty feeling unprepared to address the demanding pedagogical requirements of the professoriate. In the area of social work, few programs contain a structured, required program of study that addresses issues unique to teaching in a school of social work. This article outlines a doctoral teaching workshop as a model framework for social work doctoral programs. Suggestions are provided for ways to incorporate such an effort into current social work doctoral education.  相似文献   

Introducing critical pedagogies into undergraduate early childhood teacher education programs may enable working class teachers who work with working class children to better examine assumptions of developmentally and culturally appropriate practices. This study focuses on a Latino assistant teacher who, after having returned from a semester of student teaching, attempted to cultivate an ethos of professional interaction among his peers. His ability to name, challenge and ultimately reject inappropriate ideologies and practices (Bartolomé, 2004 Bartolomé, L. I. 2004. Critical pedagogy and teacher education: Radicalizing perspective teachers. Teacher Education Quarterly, 31(1): 97122.  [Google Scholar]) are coupled with his concern for his children and his community. Illustrating Dahlberg, Moss, and Pence's definitions of “quality” and “meaning making,” (2001) this study also considers ways in which administrators and teacher educators can respond to and support teachers who return to their jobs after their student-teaching experiences.  相似文献   

尽管国内学者对教师反思实践的理论进行了热烈的探讨,但他们的研究集中于在职教师实践性知识的发展上,甚少涉及学生教师的反思实践。在该研究中,我们设计了反思干预方案,让一群英语教育专业学生教师在实习期间进行小组反思,收集自己的教学点滴,与学校和大学指导老师开三方会议,利用翔实的自我评价表和总结性评价表进行自评和他评。通过分析学生教师实习后的总结日志,我们发现学生教师在实习期间能对教学的各个方面进行不同程度的反思,该反思实践对他们的专业成长起到了促进作用。  相似文献   

什么样的语文教育是理想的语文教育?这是很难以一言以蔽之的。但是,语文教育应当是意蕴深远、滋养情感、充满理趣、开启智慧、建构语言的。因此,立意、生情、明理、启智、得言,应该成为当下语文教育追求的境界。  相似文献   

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