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The mental health needs of college students are placing increasing demands on counseling center resources, and traditional outreach efforts may be outdated or incomplete. The public health model provides an approach for reaching more students, decreasing stigma, and addressing mental health concerns before they reach crisis levels. Implementing a public health model within a college counseling center can require a shift in perspective and the acquisition of new skills for staff. This article describes the benefits and challenges of implementing such a model, details a case example, and provides suggestions and considerations for other institutions.  相似文献   

体育运动与健康促进策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
结合我国具体情况,分析了体育锻炼的职能和作用,探索以体育运动改变不健康行为,减少影响健康的因素,达到健康促进的目的对策。  相似文献   

积极心理学对高校心理健康教育的启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
积极心理学作为一股新的心理学思潮,主张心理学应该对人类自身拥有的积极品质进行研究。积极心理学在主观层面研究了积极情绪与体验,在个体层面上研究了积极的人格品质,在群体层面上研究了积极的公众品质及良好的社会组织。当前高校心理健康教育主要沿袭了以往的消极心理学模式,应该将积极心理学理念引入高校心理健康教育,从而达到增进学生积极的情绪体验、培养学生积极的人格品质的目的。  相似文献   

加强对学生的心理健康教育是时代的呼唤,如何有效地进行心理健康教育还处于探索阶段。,列举了一些事实和调查数据阐述当前青少年中普遍存在的心理问题及产生这些问题的主客观原因,针对这些问题,从注重学生心理素质的培养和把心理健康教育与德育工作有机结合起来两个方面论述了如何对学生进行心理健康教育。  相似文献   

采用文献综述的研究方法对国内外有关体育运动与心理健康的研究成果进行分析,对关于心理健康的概念、标准与测量、体育活动和心理健康关系及其机制的研究成果进行了讨论,指出了该领域的研究现状,存在的问题及未来的可能发展方向.  相似文献   

Counselors who work in a college environment are aware that financial aid is available to help students with college costs, but they may not be aware of all the financial pressures on students that may influence a student's psychological well-being. This article gives an overview of financial aid programs and financial factors affecting students, and explores practical ways that counseling centers and financial aid offices may interact.  相似文献   

我国心理健康教育活动正步入百花齐放、百家争鸣阶段,为了进一步深化心理健康教育活动,使其在今后的学术探讨上更加严谨,在实践操作中更加规范,本文对心理健康教育、心理咨询、心理治疗等一些基本概念进行分析比较。  相似文献   

通过文献资料查询、问卷调查、实地考察等方法,对构建深圳市健身气功的推广模式进行了研究·研究表明,深圳市健身气功的推广模式由管理、实施、宣传、监督、协作等网络构成;以政府调控为主,以社区为单位,网络化推广是深圳健身气功较为合适的推广模式.  相似文献   

国外健康促进政策对我国心理健康服务体系建设的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
健康促进是解决全球健康问题的新策略。美国和世界卫生组织健康促进政策对我国心理健康服务体系建设的启示主要包括以下内容:(1)美国健康促进政策的连续性、科学性、法制性、可操作性以及灵活性值得我们借鉴;(2)转变心理健康服务观念,树立以人为本的健康价值观;(3)加强心理健康服务体系的理论研究;(4)完善组织管理体制,建立国家健康促进委员会统一规划指导全国的健康促进工作;(5)建立高效务实的心理健康服务体系,实现人人健康目标。  相似文献   

This article describes efforts to increase faculty involvement in suicide prevention and mental health promotion via curriculum infusion. The participants were faculty, staff, and 659 students enrolled in classes of a large eastern university from Fall 2007–Spring 2011. Counselors, health educators, and medical providers recruited faculty from a variety of disciplines to develop mental health promotion programs in their courses. This article describes seven such collaborations, illustrating how faculty was able to encourage students to see connections between their academic content and real world college experience, and the implications for mental health. As a result of these collaborations, faculty had a deeper understanding of mental health issues and resources on campus and an appreciation for the opportunity to collaborate in novel ways. After curriculum infusion was introduced to the campus faculty referrals to counseling did not noticeably increase, but there was increased faculty engagement in mental health programs and promotion.  相似文献   

Teacher education students sometimes question the value of educational psychology courses even though educational psychology textbooks are primarily concerned with understanding and improving classroom teaching and learning. A survey of current educational psychology textbooks and instructors reveals that (a) most texts cover a wide variety of topics, (b) instructors rate most of these topics as important, (c) there are large variations in depth of coverage among texts, and (d) all texts contain numerous classroom applications. The questionable reputation of the educational psychology course may stem from its broad coverage. A dozen or more topics in one semester may decrease the probability that most students will achieve a solid grasp of any one topic, leaving students uncertain about the course's meaning and applicability. A proposed solution is to offer the introductory course as a two-semester sequence, with the second course offered as an elective.  相似文献   

The present study highlights teacher stress related to student mental health promotion through the relationship between perceived competence, perceived responsibility and negative emotions. Data were derived from a mixed methods design, utilizing three focus group interviews (n = 15), followed by survey research (n = 771) amongst Norwegian K–12 teachers. The results suggest that teacher stress emerges chiefly from a mismatch between feeling responsible for and being able to help students with mental health problems. The data also point to the impact of time constraints in school context. Finally, the findings reveal significantly higher levels of perceived responsibility and negative emotions amongst female teachers, and significantly lower levels of perceived responsibility amongst teachers at higher grades.  相似文献   

Children and adolescents with cognitive and developmental difficulties show difficulty in social interaction, feelings of rejection, autonomy, social rules and in behavioural and emotional self-regulation. Importantly, their subjective well-being is associated to social support and personal factors, such as self-esteem and a positive self-image. The data were collected in 16 schools, 8 in the North Region and 8 in the Lisbon Region of Portugal. The sample is composed by 1181 young people of which 51.5% were female, with ages ranging between 8 and 17 years. From the sample, 2.6% had special educational needs (SEN), and 3% did not use the Portuguese language at home. 12.2% had been retained one grade or more. Three regression models were built. Model 1 establishes the association between having SEN, grade and subjective well-being. The final model with all variables showed that social and personal characteristics present a stronger explicative value on children and adolescents’ subjective well-being. The model also showed that, when social and personal variables are included the association between being a student with SEN and well-being is not statistically significant. Research and intervention implications include the need to promote subjective well-being, social and personal skills and a positive development in children and adolescents with SEN.  相似文献   

In spite of technology and medical science''s ability to manage complex health problems, the current maternity care environment has increased risks for healthy women and their babies. It comes as a surprise to most women that standard maternity care does not reflect best scientific evidence. In this column, evidence-based maternity care practices are discussed with an emphasis on the practices that increase safety for mother and baby, and what pregnant women need to know in order to have safe, healthy births is described.  相似文献   

Despite the documented efficacy of counseling, evidence supporting a claim of expertise among counseling practitioners is found to be lacking. A review of selected literature finds that counselors frequently hold inacurate or biased cognitive schemata concerning clients and engage in faulty reasoning regarding clients' concerns—producing clinical judgments that appear no better than those of less experienced individuals (novices). The concept of expertise in counseling may be justified if clinical judgment is viewed as an ill-structured problem and the criterion for judging expertise is changed from enhanced clinical accuracy to one of enhanced clinical certainty.  相似文献   

随着教育大众化和高校人数的剧增,以及大学生群体出现的种种不健康行为,对高校人才培养和社会发展造成了很大的影响。探究其产生的原因,建立高校心理健康教育工作体系,把高校心理健康教育落到实处,丰富课余活动,减轻大学生的心理压力,已显得尤为迫切。  相似文献   

团体咨询技术在高校心理健康教育中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
团体咨询技术是一种在团体情境中提供心理帮助与指导的心理治疗形式,具有比个别心理咨询影响广泛、咨询效率高、效果明显易巩固的优点,特别适应高校心理健康教育发展的需要,能够缓解高校专业心理咨询人员相对不足,解除学生对个别咨询的顾虑。团体咨询以其高效性和对高校心理健康教育的推动作用将具有极大的发展前景。  相似文献   

防控新冠肺炎疫情常态化,学校在保证将疫情阻挡在校门外的同时,还应将"健康第一"的理念贯彻到教育系统各个层面,提升我国学生群体健康素养水平。健康教育实效的关键在于利用好《体育与健康》课作为载体课程,实现健康与体育从理念、情感、形式、内容等多维有机融合。从强化体育服务于健康的理念,教学目标锚定学生健康素养和体育素养的提升,教学内容注重健康与体育知识、技能的糅合贯通,课程设计基于能力的培养,学业质量评价体现习得、活用、探究的过程和结局等方面全方位推进。  相似文献   

This article examines how urban principals can proactively respond to neighborhood violence through a community-oriented leadership framework. We analyzed principal interviews to understand the important and multifaceted roles of urban secondary school principals in creating safe and responsive schools that meet the diverse needs of grieving students and families. Findings suggest the importance of tapping into community assets, developing partnerships with community organizations, relying on pre-established routines, and modeling an ethic of care.  相似文献   

随笔作为一种比较自由的写作方式,可以实现心理辅导的意义表达、情绪宣泄、沟通与建构功能。在开展学生心理辅导过程中,教师通过学生的随笔了解学生,与学生对话,引导学生在随笔中吐露心声,反思生活,建构意义。教师在通过批语或面谈与学生对话中要坚持平等、理解、鼓励的原则。另外也可以通过随笔展示开展师生间、生生间的对话,以扩大辅导效果。  相似文献   

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