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Youth that are victims of commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) have a host of clinical problems and often run away from home, residential care, and treatment, which complicates and limits treatment effectiveness. No research to date has attempted to predict running away in CSEC victims. The present study aimed to 1) characterize a clinically referred sample of girls who were victims of CSEC and compare them to other high-risk girls (i.e., girls who also have a history of trauma and running away, but deny CSEC); and 2) examine the utility of using the Youth Level of Service/Case Management Inventory (YLS/CMI) to predict future running away. Data were collected from de-identified charts of 80 girls (mean age = 15.38, SD = 1.3, 37.9% White, 52.5% CSEC victims) who were referred for psychological assessment by the Department of Child Services. Girls in the CSEC group were more likely to have experienced sexual abuse (χ2 = 6.85, p = .009), an STI (χ2 = 6.45, p = .01), a post-traumatic stress disorder diagnosis (χ2 = 11.84, p = .001), and a substance use disorder diagnosis (χ2 = 11.32, p = .001) than high-risk girls. Moderated regression results indicated that YLS/CMI scores significantly predicted future running away among the CSEC group (β = 0.23, SE = .06, p = .02), but not the high-risk group (β = −.008, SE = .11, p =.90). The YLS/CMI shows initial promise for predicting future running away in girls who are CSEC victims. Predicting running away can help identify those at risk for and prevent running away and improve treatment outcomes. We hope current findings stimulate future work in this area.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of girls in prostitution poses great challenges to professionals who work with adolescent girls at risk and in distress. Prostitution is socially stigmatized and seen as something shameful. However, current theory and research show adolescent girls in prostitution to be victims of violence, exploitation and trauma. This naturalistic qualitative study examined the views of 15 social workers at six Adolescent Girls Treatment Units in Israel on prostitution and on adolescent girls in prostitution. Data was collected through in-depth semi-structured interviews. The participants struggled to link the term “prostitution” with the adolescent girls in their care. The findings explore the source this perceived conflict, and its manifestation in the participants’ professional intervention with the girls. The discussion examines the participants’ professional discourse about adolescent girls in prostitution, and offers explanations for their difficulty in associating the adolescent girls in their care with prostitution.  相似文献   

Richard Peters and John White have both argued that education should contribute to the meaning people are able to find in or give to life. Both dismiss the idea of ultimate or profound meaning (‘the meaning of life’) in favour of ordinary meaning, or ‘meaning in life’. Thus they exemplify the trend visible also in the general philosophical literature on life’s meaning. I argue that in their rejection of ultimate meaning and retreat to ordinary meaning they concede too much. There is room for plausible notions of ultimate meaning between the extreme they reject and the alternative they embrace. I propose two such notions, one meta-ethical, one metaphysical (specifically, Whiteheadian). If there are indeed plausible notions of ultimate meaning, and if ultimate or profound meaning is therefore a possibility we cannot dissmiss offhand, then it would be wrong to reject the possibility of ultimate meaning in education. Instead, education should both help people come to terms with doubt in this area of life, and foster their capacity to enjoy experiences of ultimate meaning.  相似文献   

以词汇意义的历时演变为观照对象,借助现代语言学的不平衡理论及认知观念,结合语言使用等人为性因素,讨论语义的演变是意义结构的不平衡和认知心理所致;有时,字和人为的强制性因素也起作用。  相似文献   

如果在《现代汉语词典》里查找"窝囊"这个词,义项里并没有"衣服穿得不得体、肥大、不利索、邋遢、不整洁、不齐楚"的义项,而实际交流中,常常使用"~穿得很窝囊"这样句子。这给学习汉语的外国学生带来一些困难。  相似文献   

广东职业院校办学理念还存在一定的偏差,这种偏差与校长的办学理念偏差、学校的办学定位不准以及学校办学特色淡化都有密切的关系,办学理念的偏差对培养模式有直接的影响.  相似文献   

闽台合作办学具有良好的历史基础与现实条件,已经形成良好的发展势头,在合作规模、合作形式、专业建设及联合人才培养等方面取得了显著的成绩。海西建设及闽台交流的深入发展虽然为高校合作办学注入了动力,但是其后续发展依然面临诸如合作的形式、水平、层次、经费及政策等方面的限制。因此,要深化闽台高校合作办学需要立足现实、统筹内外部资源,切实深化办学层次,拓展办学领域,提升办学水平,推进制度建设,着力构建合作办学机构的现代大学制度。  相似文献   

本文通过考证,认为王道士《墓志》所记在"流水疏沙"过程中发现藏经洞的事或为信史,应有一定的可信度。  相似文献   

在中国文学中,诗与酒的交融表现为一种心灵的自远的状态。这种心灵自远也是诗人的精神生命在天地境界中的远游和放飞。在诗与酒中沉醉的诗人们在心灵的自远中走向生命的本真。  相似文献   

本文通过举例并分析一些诸如表示颜色动物的中英文词之间的概念意义和内涵意义之间的异同,试图说明对词语的概念意义和内涵意义的了解,有助于我们了解一种语言的文化,历史以及社会背景,从另一方面来讲,对一种语言的文化、历史及社会背景的了解也有助于我们对某种语言内涵意义的认识。  相似文献   

倡导"理解"与"生成"的现代课程知识观转型,要求课程改革更多地关照知识与人的生存意义之间的联系,提升人的精神生命。据此,面对"知识灌输"与"人文化成"之间的矛盾,高校德育课程目标设定应由实体思维转向过程思维,促进大学生的意义世界生成;课程内容设计应以问题意识为中心,回归生活;课程实施应以理解为基础,变知识灌输为平等对话。  相似文献   

实现独立学院办学主体转换的途径是独立学院确立自己的办学定位,并且建设与这种定位相适应的师资队伍和人才培养体系。独立学院现阶段的办学定位是办好大众化高等教育,为社会培养和输送应用型人才。师资队伍建设的重点是增强教师的实践素养,培养和引进骨干教师组建教学团队。探索建构"大众化、应用型"人才培养体系,要认真研究和借鉴工程教育的教育理念和教育模式。  相似文献   

庄子一生追求精神自由,其绝对的精神自由对人们的行为有着积极的影响,但更有其消极的影响。在此,我们应该对其思想进行重新剖析,变消极为积极,充分挖掘其可为现代社会所用的有用价值。  相似文献   

试析我国近现代女童教育的变革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中国近现代教育史上,先后颁布了五大学制,女童受教育的权利经历了从无到有的质变,并随着社会的进步和发展,女童受教育的状况逐步又从数量上的增加到追求高质量的教育发展。尤其是新中国成立之后,尽管困难重重。但是,女童教育特别是农村女童的教育更是得到政府和社会各界的充分关注,并取得了长足发展。  相似文献   

校地合作办学整体办学时间短,机制尚不完善,校园文化建设对校地合作办学的持续发展有着不可替代的作用。本文主要从校园文化的内涵、重要性以及对校地合作办学校园文化建设的几点思考和建议进行论述。  相似文献   

推进境外高校独立办学立法是重大教育改革于法有据的必然要求,是支持跨境教育新业态健康发展的法治保障,也是推进跨境教育治理现代化的必由之路。海南自由贸易港应尽快制定境外高校独立办学的专门管理法规,以区域性跨境教育先行先试,进而辐射更大区域、更大范围乃至带动全国教育领域改革开放的协同发展。境外高校独立办学立法的主要原则是教育主权原则、教育公益性原则、高校独立办学原则和透明原则。立法的重点是厘定独立办学机构的法律地位,明确其法律权利和义务,规范其审批程序,加强政府部门对独立办学行为的监管和不当行为的责任追究,实现境外高校独立办学法治化、规范化。  相似文献   

在对《六书故》词义引申材料进行全面测查的基础上,从标注术语、标注位置、理据说明三个方面对《六书故》词义引申条例进行了整理研究,并指出《六书故》所释引申义的失误。  相似文献   

汉英词汇联想意义差异和词汇空缺   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
俞秀红 《高教论坛》2003,(1):109-111
词汇的联想意义是一种概括性术语,在不同文化中,词汇具有相同或不同的联想,甚至会出现某一词汇在另一文化中难以找到或没有对应词的现象,了解这种现象,对词汇学习是极其重要的。  相似文献   

近30多年来,扩大和落实高校办学自主权的改革陷入“政府放权不放心、高校要权又怕权”的两难境地,且集中统一的授权方式也存在逻辑偏差。通过对高校办学自主权的特性分析,提出未来高校办学自主权改革重心应在提升高校办学自主能力,其构成要素包括自主意识、制度系统性和制度正义性等三个方面,并指出高校办学自主权 “落实”与“扩大”的可能选择:在遵从历史和现实的前提下,“落实”高校办学自主权的关键在政府和高校对执行原则理解的一致性,以协议方式“扩大”授权,重点在事前对高校办学自主能力的评估,着力培养高校的自主能力。  相似文献   

我们每个人都拥有生命,都在为自己的生活而忙碌奔波,似乎每天都过得很充实。然而,当我们静下心来问自己“我生活的意义是什么?”时,往往会感到十分的迷惘和困惑,我们需要意义,我们时刻也离不开意义,我们生活的本性就是要追求意义。  相似文献   

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