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陈玲凤 《中学生天地》2011,(7):34-35,36
大番薯是我们班“国宝级”的开心果,拥有火星人的幽默感和抗压能力。他生性散漫,属于传统意义上令老师们头疼的小孩。  相似文献   

我们班有三个风云人物:鸡精、猴精、狐狸精。他们个个精灵古怪,各有自己的长处,让我来介绍一下吧!1.鸡精:陈烓余我们五(3)班的"搞笑奥斯卡大奖",非属大名鼎鼎、无人不晓的陈炷余同学莫属。他瘦瘦的,一看就一副幽默相,口若悬河、滔滔不绝是他的法宝。他那让人把烦恼抛到九霄云  相似文献   

今天,我们班有了一张新的面孔,她叫闫依琳。她瘦瘦的,个头不高,讲话挺温柔。 她的家乡在哪,她喜欢什么,爱好又是什么?一下课,我就带着好奇心跑到她的座位前,先作了自我介绍,并问她是否愿意与我做好朋友。面对新的学校,新的生活,她有点胆怯,也有憧憬。而面对我这个热情的朋友,她打开了话匣子。  相似文献   

“哎哟,哎哟,救命哪!”不知是哪位仁兄又“惨遭毒手”了。我定睛一看,原来是颜尧舜说了其他同学的坏话,于是班里的一位“女中豪杰”就“替天行道”了。经过一番较量,颜尧舜被教训得知他的外号一样惨——“扁鱼一条”!  相似文献   

小A是B中三年级的学生。他成绩优秀.相貌和善。可是却有点沉默和孤僻,所以同学们都不甚喜欢他。  相似文献   

李学梅 《考试周刊》2011,(45):214-214
凡是当过老师的人都知道,在任何一个班级当中,都存在着形形色色、各不相同的学生。有的学生成绩优秀,品学兼优;有的学生兴趣广泛,动手能力很强;有的学生兴趣单一,对学习没有热情;有的学生成绩较差,小错不断,大错不犯。  相似文献   

我们班上来了一个新同学。名叫黄智,是个男孩,个子高高的,已经16岁了。当我们见到他的时候,惊呆了。和我们年龄相差好几岁,这么大的人怎么会到我们班来呢?后来我们才知道  相似文献   

高三时的我们面临着繁重的学习任务,还好,有同学、父母、老师与我们共同分担,而与他们彼此的人际关系影响着我们的学习生活,关系融洽,其学习状况也往往有条不紊。最近不少同学来信反映在人际关系方面存在着困惑,本期编就从众多来信中挑选出几封并予以回复,除了为这几位同学分忧以外,也希望能和大家一起分享青春感受,并从中得到一些参考。(应来信要求,中均采用化名)  相似文献   

郭老师是我们的班主任,教数学。 “语文很棒”的五(1)班,数学成绩向来马马虎虎。郭老师很心急,但她明白,“冰冻三尺,非一日之寒”,成绩的落差不是那么轻易改变的。郭老师为了提高我们的数学成绩,总是主动给我们补课。她把放学后照顾自己宝宝的时间留给我们,日复一日,从不间断。渐渐地,我们的数学成绩有了不小的进步。  相似文献   

“啊哼!”班长——我们班的“大姐大”咳了一声,上课睡觉的同学好似听到了警铃,眼一下子睁开:做小动作的同学立马不知所措,呆果地望着老师:画画的同学,因为惊慌失措,笔一下子掉在地上。“大姐大”望了望四周,对自己的监督十分满意。  相似文献   

The reported study investigated students’ perceptions of their high-performing classmates in terms of intelligence, social skills, and conscientiousness in different school subjects. The school subjects for study were examined with regard to cognitive, physical, and gender-specific issues. The results show that high academic achievements in particular school subjects lead to negative reactions in the peer group whereas high achievements in other school subjects result in positive peer reactions. In contrast, the respondents’ gender and the gender of the successful classmates had little influence on student perceptions of high achievers. The results are discussed in regard to their implications for gifted education.  相似文献   

瑞祥 《高中生》2011,(13):58
学校也是一个小社会,正确处理同学关系是同学们关心的一个重要问题。那么,什么样的同学受大家欢迎呢?有人在互联网上进行了一项调查:你最喜欢什么样的同学?请说明理由。这份调查问卷一共设置了五个选项:①学习成绩好的同学;②乐于助人的同学;③乐观开朗的同学;④长得漂亮、英俊的同学;⑤其他类型的同学。要求只能选一项。参与问卷调查的有2435人,结果32%的人选  相似文献   

Although including children with developmental disabilities in preschool classes has become increasingly common, little is known about how experiences in an inclusive classroom affect young children's development. In Study 1, 36 typically developing children (mean age = 55.2 months) attending an inclusive, university-based early childhood program were interviewed about their knowledge of and attitudes toward children with disabilities. Parents answered questions about: (a) expectations for their children's prosocial behaviors and (b) their own beliefs about interacting with children with disabilities. Parents' beliefs and children's attitudes toward children with disabilities were positively related to the frequency of children's actual contacts with classmates with disabilities during free play time. In Study 2, the beliefs and behaviors of 20 children from an inclusive university-based early childhood program and 18 children from an inclusive community-based program were compared. There was no difference between the two programs in the amount of contact typically developing children had with classmates with disabilities.  相似文献   


In Italy, Law 517 has since 1977 sanctioned the right for all children to attend ordinary schools in normal classes, reduced in number (maximum 20). Integration has been particularly difficult with children affected by various forms of autistic behaviour. In this paper, we shall study the interactive process that has gone on in two of the ten classes of a primary school where ten autistic children have been integrated, each in a different class. The study has been conducted through observation of interaction in the classes, Moreno's sociometric approach and the psycholinguistic analysis of fairy tales written by classmates on the autistic child, compared with ones written on a classmate of their own choice. The autistic child has an average sociometric status (i.e. he is chosen by an average number of classmates who are very popular in the group). Moreover, observation shows that very vulnerable children with fear of confusion of their own identity reject or imitate the autistic children, while bright, well‐adapted and emotionally rich children interact with them in different ways (listening, teaching). These last children in fact observe their autistic schoolmate and try to explain his symptoms and to propose therapies for the disorder. They have also a clear representation of the disorder and its symptoms.  相似文献   

Designers of computer-based practice systems give primary attention to aspects of cognitive learning. However, observations of students practicing arithmetic, with two CAI systems widely used in Israel, revealed factors in the computer learning environment that substantially affected students' social behavior, particularly with respect to competition and cooperation in the course of learning. A questionnaire was designed on the basis of the observations to examine the effects of these factors in CAI work. It was administered to 457 fourth graders in 16 classes (two CAI systems x two SES categories x two schools x two classes). While neither CAI system was intended to foster competition, the observations and questionnaire data suggested that one encourages social comparison and competition whereas the other discourages these features and encourages cooperation and peer help. Boys appear to be significantly more competitive than girls. One system, compared with the other, significantly increases competitive behavior of high achievers (but not of low achievers); results in teachers' greater encouragement of social comparison and competition among students; and, as used in the schools we studied, causes disadvantaged students rather than advantaged students to develop negative feelings because of low CAI performance. The other system discourages competitive behavior and encourages cooperation. All these findings bear important implications for the instructional design of computer-based learning environments.  相似文献   

马睿 《双语学习》2009,(7):I0031-I0031
Do you know about the family life of ants? Shall we go and visit an ant's family? Some insects live alone, but ants are different. They live in a large nest, in which each ant has a job. Their home is like a big palace underground.  相似文献   

动漫的世界就是一个梦想的世界,她是属于我们幻想的国度。那一个个幻想的故事,虽远离现实,却寄托着我们的梦想;那一个个不存在的人物,虽不食人间烟火,却吸引着我们,甚至影响着我们的生活。  相似文献   

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