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 Meto situated in the southeastern Tibet, about  30°N' Lat., enjoys a tropical climate.  Below 2500m. altitude, there are monsoon rain forests and broad-leaved evergreen forests, from which the Tibetan scientific expedition has gathered 71 speci- mens of epiphyllous liverworts representing 26 species and 2 varieties in 13 genera. This may be considered as a distinct subzone for the epiphyllous liverworts in the south part of the Tibetan East Himalaya.  相似文献   

Stevenson WR 《Endeavour》2011,35(4):160-168
In November 1910, Shirase Nobu (1861-1946) sailed from Tokyo Bay aboard the Kainan Maru as part of an international race for the South Pole. The Japanese had no history of polar exploration and looked to British precedence to compensate for their lack of experience. Following the British example required that they include a scientific dimension to their venture. It is clear, however, that Shirase and his men had little scientific understanding. Nevertheless, on failing to reach the Pole, science became the central aim of the expedition and the primary means to declaring their efforts a success.  相似文献   

黄翀  史磊  刘高焕  谢传节  沈镭 《资源科学》2014,36(2):252-258
综合科学考察通过对区域自然资源及社会发展的实地深入调查研究,为国家或区域发展提供科学决策依据。作为综合科学考察活动的核心成果之一,科学考察数据具有来源多样、存储分散、类型复杂等特点。如何充分利用现代信息技术手段,高效地组织、管理这些宝贵的科学数据资源,使之能够更好地为不同领域的研究人员共享利用是综合科学考察活动的一个重要内容。本文以澜沧江流域中下游与大香格里拉地区科学考察为例,利用基于元数据的多元数据集成技术和基于组件的系统实现技术,并在ArcGIS Server、WebGIS等技术支持下,设计并开发了澜沧江科学考察数据集成系统,可实现澜沧江科学考察数据的高效管理及异构共享,为探索新时期科学考察数据如何更好地服务于科研与社会需求提供借鉴。  相似文献   

“奋斗者”号载人潜水器的成功研制及良好应用显著提升了我国载人深潜的装备研发能力和自主创新水平,为加快建设海洋强国作出了突出贡献。21世纪是“海洋的世纪”,海洋蕴含的丰富资源是支持人类持续发展的宝贵财富。开发和利用海洋资源成为各国发展的必然趋势,但是面向深海的资源开发需要更加专业化的科考装备。为此,文章在回顾世界各国载人潜水器发展历程的基础上,对目前世界上现有的大深度载人潜水器的工作性能和关键技术的发展进行了总结,分析了当前我国载人潜水器的发展现状及其关键核心技术,并提出未来发展建议,以期为加快建设世界海洋科技强国提供管窥之见。  相似文献   

A group of Chinese and German scientists recently concluded a joint scientific expedition to Lake Nam Co in the northeast of the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

Andrei MA 《Endeavour》2005,29(3):109-113
In 1886 William T. Hornaday, the Chief Taxidermist of the US National Museum, led the "Smithsonian Institution Buffalo Outfit" to Montana. The American bison was fast heading toward extinction and the mission of the expedition was to locate those of the elusive animals that remained and obtain specimens for the scientific collection at the museum. The successful expedition produced the most complete scientific series, and the finest artistic grouping of taxidermied specimens of the American bison anywhere in the world. Haunted by the scattered skeletal remains of the millions of slaughtered bison that peppered the Eastern Montana Plains, Hornaday fought to establish the National Zoological Park, which would provide sanctuary for bison and other endangered species, and a captive breeding program, which would result in the eventual reintroduction of the American bison to the wild.  相似文献   

论述了科研工作的蓬勃发展,需要科研群体有一位德才兼备的领导者,应从被遴选者的科研能力、管理能力等方面综合考虑选择科研群体领导者,以促进科研工作的顺利开展。  相似文献   

The 1919 eclipse expedition's confirmation of general relativity is often celebrated as a triumph of scientific internationalism. However, British scientific opinion during World War I leaned toward the permanent severance of intellectual ties with Germany. That the expedition came to be remembered as a progressive moment of internationalism was largely the result of the efforts of A. S. Eddington. A devout Quaker, Eddington imported into the scientific community the strategies being used by his coreligionists in the national dialogue: humanize the enemy through personal contact and dramatic projects that highlight the value of peace and cooperation. The essay also addresses the common misconception that Eddington's sympathy for Einstein led him intentionally to misinterpret the expedition's results. The evidence gives no reason to think that Eddington or his coworkers were anything but rigorous. Eddington's pacifism is reflected not in manipulated data but in the meaning of the expedition and the way it entered the collective memory as a celebration of international cooperation in the wake of war.  相似文献   

作为高素质的人力资本,高校科研团队成员在实际科研过程中普遍存在科研动力不强的现状,直接影响科研团队运作效率。究其原因,是团队负责人没有充分重视团队成员的人力资本特性,未能激发团队成员的科研动力。从人力资本视角出发,运用委托代理模型研究高校科研团队成员科研动力的影响因素。研究结果表明:高校科研团队成员的科研动力与团队成员的科研能力水平、获得的科研成果分配份额正相关。结合当前高校科研团队管理现状,从工资、劳务报酬和科研奖金三方面出发,为科研团队负责人激励科研团队成员提出相关建议。  相似文献   

水下机器人是人类探索海洋、认识海洋的先进技术手段之一,是我国建设海洋强国的重要装备支撑。文章介绍了国内外水下机器人的发展现状,重点阐述以中国科学院沈阳自动化研究所为代表研制的我国谱系化水下机器人在深海资源勘查和科学研究、深渊科考、南极和北极调查中的最新应用成果。结合当前水下机器人研究基础,展望未来水下机器人的发展和应用方向。通过研发适应极端海洋环境的深远海科考装备,实现从航次型科考模式向深海长期驻留型科考模式的技术跨越,实现从有人科考向无人化科考模式的革命性转变。  相似文献   

On 12 January, China scientific expedition to Antarctica succeeded for a second time in climbing up to Dome A, the highest Antarctic ieecap peak. A similar feat was made by Chinese scientists about three years ago in January 2005, leaving first human footprints there. However, this time is different, because it is the maiden trip for Chinese astronomers, Prof. ZHOU Xu with the National Astronomic Observatories at CAS (NAOC) and Prof. ZHU Zhenxi from the CAS Purple Mountain Observatory (PMO),  相似文献   

在科研项目管理过程中,项目负责人和其他成员组成了合作网络。本文检验了科研项目负责人网络位置对项目创新的影响,并分析了当合作网络的创新能力处于行业不同水平时,该影响是否存在差异。利用国家自然科学基金结题数据,结果表明,科研项目负责人的网络中心度对项目创新有正向影响,结构洞数对项目创新有倒U型影响。相比较合作网络创新能力处于行业高水平,当其处于中、低水平时,项目负责人网络位置对项目创新的影响更大。本研究结论不仅完善了网络位置对创新影响的相关文献,验证了我国提出项目负责人制进行项目管理的正确性,也对项目负责人制定管理方案有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

基于项目负责人制的科研项目管理研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对科研项目的特性以及这些特性给科研项目管理带来的五大难题,提出应用项目负责人制来解决科研项目管理的问题,并从制度的层面对企业的研发结构进行重新设计,构建了基于项目负责人制的矩阵式科研管理模型.在此基础上,进一步分析了几种运行机制:团队内部沟通管理机制、权利分配机制、风险测评和监督保障机制.  相似文献   

In 1854 the British East India Company, acting in co-operation with the Prussian Crown, commissioned Hermann, Adolph and Robert Schlagintweit to undertake a scientific expedition to India and High Asia. Despite the mission's outstanding achievements, all the brothers ended forgotten and miserable. This article will discuss (1) how three sons of a Munich eye surgeon attracted and lost so much high-level attention, and (2) what the Schlagintweits' successes and failures tell us about British and German science in the middle of the 19th century.  相似文献   

张凡 《科教文汇》2013,(25):167-167,169
高校领导干部考核评价的科学化是一个历史过程,回顾考察这一历史进程并分析面临的突出问题,进而提出当前高校领导干部考核评价进一步科学化的新举措,有助于建立"促进科学发展的高校领导干部考核评价新机制"。  相似文献   

南极地区独特的地理位置和自然环境条件使其成为世界各国开展各类科研活动的热点区域。本文采用文献计量学可视化方法,以Web of Science数据库核心合集为数据源,分析了2000—2020年南极科学研究的中外发展态势和进程,明晰了近20年南极科学研究的热点及前沿研究领域,并对比分析了中国与美国等西方发达国家在南极开展科学研究的现状,进而为推动中国南极科学研究提供支撑。结果表明:①国际南极科学研究在地球科学(综合)、生态学和海洋学等学科领域发文量较高,而环境科学在南极研究的受关注程度呈不断提高态势;②美国在南极领域的发文量最多,远超其他国家。中国在南极科学研究中与美国、澳大利亚、英国、德国和法国等国家合作密切;③近年国际南极研究的热点问题主要包括南大洋生物资源和碳循环,南极气候变化和海冰异常过程,南极地质演化和古环境,南极微生物资源开发以及南大洋水团及其动力学等;冰盖质量平衡、乔治王岛、生物地理学和生物多样性等研究领域是近年南极科学研究的前沿领域。④中国在南极的科学研究相对侧重环境科学、微生物学和食品科技等领域,而在地球化学与地球物理、生态学和自然地理等领域落后于西方发达国家。未来中国要加强与南极科考强国之间的合作,在学科交叉、边缘部分寻求突破,力争在重要科技领域成为领跑者,在新兴前沿交叉领域成为开拓者。  相似文献   

Irwin Mark Jacobs, Founder and CEO of QUALCOMM, Winner of the 2001 Bower Award for Business Leadership.Irwin Mark Jacobs is that rare individual who combines scientific and technical ingenuity with entrepreneurial spirit, strong business leadership, and philanthropic spirit to become a leader in intersecting arenas. Jacobs has combined these qualities to position his company, QUALCOMM, into the world's leader in cellular telephony.  相似文献   

Regal B 《Endeavour》2008,32(2):53-57
Those who would seek monsters not as metaphors, but as flesh and blood organisms have gone largely overlooked by the history of science. Starting in the 1950s and 1960s a group of amateur monster hunters and physical anthropologists began to pursue such creatures as Sasquatch, Bigfoot and the Yeti as living species. Whether or not such creatures exist, the monster hunters themselves are fascinating subjects for study, illustrating the tensions that are all too common between amateur naturalists and professional scientists.  相似文献   

朱明 《科技管理研究》2012,32(2):116-119
学习型组织理论改变了我们传统的管理思维。对照学习型组织管理理念,高职高专院校科技创新更需要不断学习,培养学习型领袖,实现自我超越,改变心智模式,重视科技创新团队建设和团体学习,以系统思考去整合科技创新的各种要素,重视系统交流。  相似文献   

纵向科研项目对于高校进行基础研究具有重要意义。以某典型煤炭行业高校近10年的2 648个纵向项目为样本,研究行业高校纵向科研项目结构构成、项目负责人年龄结构、入职时长以及实际到款关系。研究表明:国家科技计划改革对高校纵向科研影响很大,急需协同创新;科研发展结构性矛盾突出,帕累托法则效应明显,加大青年教师培养力度;国家自然科学基金已成为校纵向科研的重要经费来源,更加注重为基础研究创造条件;急需建立与提升科技创新能力相适应的人才制度;行业工科高校在社科领域的研究薄弱,急需政策引导激励。  相似文献   

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