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The population explosion has evoked public interest and concern on the part of demographers. Consideration has been given to a variety of measures designed to curb the growth of population. The book explosion, also menacing, does not seem to have evoked analogous anxiety, and bibliographers, in contrast to demographers, prefer to adapt to the multiplication of books rather than to try to curb it. The intent of this paper is to explore the bibliographic analogies to several of the more popular devices designed to curb population increase. It is concluded that an effective restraint upon the writing and publishing of ever increasing numbers of books has yet to be discovered.  相似文献   

A core goal of librarians is to maximize usage of the content to which their libraries subscribe. Webscale or resource discovery systems offer a single search box for library users to access subscribed content. This article examines usage data at the University of Huddersfield to show how resource discovery has helped to increase the usage of publisher content that has been made available to discovery vendors, and considers the implications for publishers who are yet to do this. The article concludes that resource discovery systems have effectively levelled the playing field, allowing small to medium‐sized publishers to make content discoverable to users, and encourages publishers who do not have their content indexed in resource discovery systems to speak to discovery service vendors in order to do so at the earliest opportunity.  相似文献   

关于我国团体名称规范检索点的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章从适应虚拟国际规范文档的需求出发,列出了目前我国中文团体名称规范检索点存在的问题,从理论上或实践中进行了讨论。呼吁要搭建交流和沟通的平台,协调编目机构之间规则上的差异,以期最终形成全国统一的编目规则,以使能适应虚拟国际规范文档的需求。  相似文献   

Evaluators of library programs have different perspectives on why to conduct an evaluation and also how to do so. The author suggests that a minimal approach to conducting a library program evaluation is to prove that the program exists. But this perspective has expanded to include different degrees of interest in the client and operations, culminating in a combined focus that leads evaluators to conduct outcome assessments. The chapter includes speculation on what motivates managers to undertake an evaluation, a review of some ways that library evaluations are conducted, and a discussion of several examples of program evaluations. Though there are not single directives for undertaking a library program evaluation, there are a variety of tools and advice to entice librarians to do more of them as a way to improve understanding the value of a library to its clientele and in society.  相似文献   

Public libraries have been seen to have an important role in providing digital services to potentially excluded groups in order to help meet government targets regarding the delivery of digital services. Geographical information systems (GIS) have been used to investigate library service areas, to aid initial location decisions, and to model the implications of the opening and closure of library services. Recent studies have promoted the use of GIS-based techniques to investigate spatial variations in accessibility to public and private services in relation to socio-economic characteristics of population groups. One such technique, based on floating catchment area (FCA) approaches, has been primarily used to investigate potential inequalities in health services, access to employment and leisure opportunities, as well as planning public transport. In this study, FCA techniques are used to research variations in accessibility to public library facilities using bespoke application tools developed within a commercial GIS package. Drawing on a preliminary analysis of variations in accessibility to library services in a local authority area in south Wales, UK, a case study is presented whereby GIS-based models can be used to investigate spatial variations in digital services provision. As a result, provision gaps of such services can be identified. This study's findings help guide national government delivery programs to promote digital inclusion.  相似文献   

公共图书馆在构建和谐社会中的作用   总被引:65,自引:17,他引:65  
吴慰慈 《图书馆》2006,(1):1-2,10
文章论述了公共图书馆的性质和作用。强调在建设社会主义和谐社会中,公共图书馆必将起到缓解社会矛盾、缩小社会差距,维护信息公平、保障公民权利,活跃文化生活、提高教育水平,弥补数字鸿沟、推动和谐发展的作用。指出公共图书馆的一些新理念,如维护信息公平,保障公民权利等,是进入新世纪后才提出并逐渐认识的。要加强对这些新理念的宣传和研究,原有的一些教科书显得陈旧,有必要重写。公共图书馆是图书馆体系中的重要类型,要加强公共图书馆研究。  相似文献   

Since the 1930s, the Library Bill of Rights has acknowledged the ethical responsibility of librarians to provide access to information in all formats to all people. Librarians are charged with selecting, organizing, and instructing patrons on how to locate and use the resources, and preserving information regardless of format or technology. The information revolution and the pervasive thinking that everything is available on the Web have created new challenges to these traditional professional ethics. Acquiring and providing dependable access to electronic resources require librarians to learn and apply new skills such as negotiating license agreements and understanding evolving technologies. Print publications provide a degree of permanence, but e-information, if it is not properly managed, can be highly transient. Internet services provide large, uncontrolled, unregulated collection of resources. If the very nature of the Internet makes it nearly if not completely impossible to evaluate the content of web-sites, how does the librarian protect the integrity of the information the library provides? Along with traditional ethical conflicts, librarians in the virtual library are faced with new challenges to provide equitable access to usefully organized resources, to address petitions to deselect or filter, to negotiate less-restrictive licensing policies, and to maintain the anonymity of individual users within electronic transactions.  相似文献   

Since the 1930s, the Library Bill of Rights has acknowledged the ethical responsibility of librarians to provide access to information in all formats to all people. Librarians are charged with selecting, organizing, and instructing patrons on how to locate and use the resources, and preserving information regardless of format or technology. The information revolution and the pervasive thinking that everything is available on the Web have created new challenges to these traditional professional ethics. Acquiring and providing dependable access to electronic resources require librarians to learn and apply new skills such as negotiating license agreements and understanding evolving technologies. Print publications provide a degree of permanence, but e-information, if it is not properly managed, can be highly transient. Internet services provide large, uncontrolled, unregulated collection of resources. If the very nature of the Internet makes it nearly if not completely impossible to evaluate the content of web-sites, how does the librarian protect the integrity of the information the library provides? Along with traditional ethical conflicts, librarians in the virtual library are faced with new challenges to provide equitable access to usefully organized resources, to address petitions to deselect or filter, to negotiate less-restrictive licensing policies, and to maintain the anonymity of individual users within electronic transactions.  相似文献   

试论读者参政权   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The readers right of participation is, so to speak, the right to participate in the library management and the library construction. It is contained by the right to make policy decision, the right of management, the right to appraise, the authority to supervise, the right to recommand materials for the library acquisition, the right to purchase on the library s behalf and the right to reject library materials. To give full play to the readers right of participation is a major way for the library to maintain close ties with the readers and an effective measure for the library to overcome difficulties in human resources,etc.,so as to speed up the construction of library undertaking.It is also a significant means for the library to realize its social value and an important way to serve the society wholeheartedly.  相似文献   

This study assessed the impact of coworker support on lactating mothers’ breastfeeding self-efficacy after maternity leave. A cross-sectional survey of 1000 working adults assessed effects of perception of fairness, coworkers’ support for breastfeeding colleagues, and ick response on willingness to help mothers needing breaks to pump breastmilk at work. The study also examined how coworker support affected mothers’ self-efficacy to continue breastfeeding. One out of four coworkers showed moderate to strong stigma, saw breaks to pump breastmilk as unfair, and showed less intention to help new mothers. These results suggest that while the majority of coworkers are generally supportive, lactating women are likely to encounter disapproving coworkers who may discourage them from continuing to breastfeed. The data showed that the majority of organizations included in this study have only passively fostered mother-friendly workplaces and could do more to encourage employees to be supportive of lactating colleagues.  相似文献   

多媒体在推进图书馆无障碍服务中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为残障人士提供无障碍服务是图书馆的职责所在。将多媒体应用于图书馆无障碍服务中,有利于调动残障读者利用图书馆的积极性且方便其利用图书馆。图书馆利用多媒体推进无障碍服务的实施措施主要有:开办免费电脑培训班以提高视障人士信息技能;开展有声化OPAC服务;利用辅助器具扩大服务资源;丰富残障人士的精神文化生活;促进残障人士与健康人之间交流,开展丰富多彩的读者活动;与相关机构合作,共建助残平台;建立共建共享机制,拓展服务领域。  相似文献   

馆员沉默现象在图书馆界广泛存在,它影响了馆员的身心健康,影响了图书馆工作的开展。必须采取多种措施减少图书馆的沉默现象,为图书馆的发展献计献策。主要措施有:培养图书馆员热爱图书馆事业、加强馆员的培训工作、建立相关制度,保障图书馆信息渠道畅通、馆长重视图书馆员的建议、扩大图书馆管理的开放性、培养图书馆的信任文化氛围等等。  相似文献   

图书馆员的职业素养是衡量图书馆服务成效的关键要素。文章在剖析图书馆员生存危机的现状与特点的基础上,重点分析了图书馆员出现生存危机的成因,并提出解决生存危机的对策。  相似文献   

BALIS的实践与发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
信息资源的日益多样化以及信息数量的急剧增加,使得单靠各馆构置新的文献资料来满足读者的需求不切实际,馆际间的信息资源共建共享是最好的解决办法。因此,建立一个对图书文献资源进行有效的管理、促进北京高校间的资源共享、为师生提供高水平服务的保障体系势在必行,在此形势下,北京地区高校图书馆文献保障体系(BALIS)应运而生。本文首先分析BALIS的发展意义及优势,陈述了BALIS的发展现状,最后针对面临的挑战提出解决方案。  相似文献   

Student deep participation in library work allows students to actively participate in library operation and become deeply involved in library service and program development. There are usually two levels of deep participation: level I refers to the employment of student assistants in different areas of library routine work, ranging from shelving to IT support; and level II refers to the engagement of students as library partners or collaborators, working with librarians to complete independent project. Sharing Tsinghua University Library's experiences, we provide a holistic view of how the two levels of student deep participation are implemented at an academic library, with a focus on level II. We seek to generate a thorough understanding of the practices and benefits of student deep participation, and encourage academic libraries to create more opportunities to deeply involve students in library work, and to ultimately demonstrate the value and relevance of the library to the campus community.  相似文献   

许育彬 《编辑学报》2021,33(5):539-540
作者被假冒网站诈骗事件时有发生.科技期刊编辑部在受骗作者查证相关信息时,应鼓励其理直气壮地面对诈骗者,建议其积极收集证据的同时应向当地工商、公安等执法部门报案,并借助法律的强大威慑力,勇敢地与假冒网站进行交涉,严正指出其行为的违法犯罪性质,强烈要求尽快返还被骗钱款.科技期刊应对打击假冒网站违法犯罪、协助作者追损的成功案例进行积极宣传,一方面可为其他受骗作者追损提供经验借鉴,另一方面有助于净化期刊办刊环境和增强作者与期刊的亲和力,促进期刊发展.  相似文献   


As distance education programs continue to grow, so do the services offered by libraries to the communities created by such programs. However, for these programs to be successful, the people that they are intended to serve need to be aware of the support and services available to them. Without such awareness, the services will go unused. Through a survey, the librarians at Emporia State University learned that making distant students aware of services was essential to the success of distance learning library services. Librarians discovered that creating a marketing plan to guide the marketing process was essential. This tool serves as a road map to visually illustrate the path from the conception of ideas to the realization of the marketing goals and objectives. This paper examines the process of writing a marketing plan and intends to illustrate how it can assist the library in marketing its services to a distant population.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Portsmouth NHS Library Service is exploring methods of raising its profile within its host organization and wishes to demonstrate its contribution to achieving organizational goals, perhaps by means of an impact study. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this small scale study, regarded as a possible precursor to an impact study, was to identify areas where there is potential to increase awareness among clinical managers of the Library's contribution. METHODS: An e-mail survey was sent to clinical managers to elicit their opinions regarding the contribution of the Library Service to organizational goals. RESULTS: Perhaps unsurprisingly, the role of the Library Service in education, research and effectiveness was most widely recognized. Of responses, 30/42 (71%) rated it as 'very important' and a further 11 (26%) rated it as 'important'. The low appreciation of the Library Service to Clinical Services is a disappointment in view of the body of research evidence. Only 12 respondents (29%) thought that the Library Service contributed 'significantly' by 'supporting informed and timely clinical decision making'. CONCLUSION: The study suggested areas where there might be scope to raise awareness of the Library contribution. In considering how best to achieve this, the benefits need to be weighed against the resource implications. Portsmouth NHS Library Service decided to increase its marketing efforts but not to carry out an impact study in the short term.  相似文献   

In carrying out prior art searching, the European Patent Office (EPO) is obliged to take into account all information available in the public domain up to the date of filing of a patent application. In order to do this effectively, it is necessary to have rapid, selective, and comprehensive access to all information relevant to a topic being searched. In recent years, the method of searching in the EPO has been moving from a predominantly paper-based approach to one relying on handling information in electronic format. For such a change to be possible, it is necessary to have electronic access to all relevant information as either primary or secondary data. The means of searching electronic data is the Epoque system. The progress toward development of a uniform approach to the handling of patent and non-patent data in both character-coded and facsimile format is described.  相似文献   

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