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文学公共领域是推动私人步出家庭及私生活进入政治公共领域的中介,是培育公众的基本机制和公共舆论的训练所。文学公共领域的充分发展是健全政治公共领域的前提。因此,解读中国近世政治演展的逻辑需要从解读中国近世文学公共领域的发展状况入手。  相似文献   

在阿伦特看来,人的积极活动包含了劳动、工作和行动三个方面。劳动由于与自然生命相关,从而将人局限在私人领域之中,而与人之本性无关;行动则将人从自然生命和私人领域中超拔出来,进入到公共生活领域之中,从而构成了人之为人的根本。现代人恰恰违反了人的本质特性,为了物质欲望而沉迷于劳动,从而退出公共领域而将自己闭锁在狭隘的私人空间中,以致成了孤立的个体。因此,现代人要想从异化状态中解放出来,就必须回归于行动。阿伦特的研究将公共政治领域的重要性空前地凸显出来,强调了政治参与是每个人不可推卸的责任与天命,对于一心关注自我的现代人无疑具有强烈的警醒作用。  相似文献   

以城市社区的道路的设计与规划为研究对象,从分析当代城市社区道路设计与规划中存在的问题入手,指出了四点现代城市社区道路设计的问题:忽视道路的系统设计,缺乏与城市的公交衔接,停车方式的单一化,与社区的公共空间绿化的冲突,引进立体化道路的设计规划比较混杂。针对这些问题实施的有效的解决问题的方法有:立体分流的道路系统设计,与城市公交的衔接,多样的停车方式,充分利用地下空间。城市的舒适度根本上来自于其功能的合理性和空间的有效组织,现在,在世界各地已经有应用规划设计立体化道路来方便民众和节约空间,欧洲部分国家已有的成熟案例展示了美好的前景。  相似文献   

In this article we explore two urban interventions art projects in the public sphere designed by our Masters’ students at New York University as they set the stage for a discussion on how urban art interventions can function as a form of critical public pedagogy. We argue that these kinds of public art projects provided a space for dialogue with people on the streets about the increased corporatisation of the public sphere. This kind of urban interventionism, we believe, is needed in art education today, as the public sphere is increasingly being eroded by private interests and it is only by reclaiming the public sphere that we can develop a cultural politics that in turn renews our democracy.  相似文献   

公共领域与私人领域的分野是现代社会生活的一个基本状态,健康发展的公共领域是现代政治文明的重要标志,公共领域的研究已经成为学术界的一个重要热点。哈贝马斯通过本人的努力,构建了一个关于公共领域问题的研究范式,确立了理想的公共领域的分析框架,这对我国推进政治文明,建设社会主义民主政治,促进社会秩序的良性运行具有重要启示和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This article is concerned with gendered spaces as they emerge from exploring Emirati female learners’ spatiality in a single-gender context. By conducting ethnographic research and utilising Lefebvre’s triad of perceived, conceived and lived space for the analysis and categorisation of students’ spaces, three types of gendered spaces emerged: ‘generally’, ‘absolutely’ and ‘conditionally’. These spaces were grounded in the sociocultural context of the institute and its participants. The research also revealed the dynamics associated with such gendered spaces, including mobility restrictions and the agency of the female learners through the ways these females contested gender segregation practices, negotiating and attempting to establish new positions of power within cultural and institutional constraints.  相似文献   

The case study of an early twentieth century controversy over “white slavery” demonstrates the importance of an explicit consideration of mobility based rhetoric to understanding space and political subjectivities within space. Through an analytical framework of mobility that considers scale, connection, time, and agency, I find that the city was constructed as a gendered and racialized space, which enabled restrictions to corporal mobility. I provide both a justification and a model for reading mobility based rhetoric in public controversy.  相似文献   

乡村公共空间设计与乡村现代化建设辅车相依,针对当前乡村振兴发展过程中乡村公共空间存在形式化建设、模块化构建、拼贴式设计等日益泛滥的空间改造设计乱象,提出多元价值表现与动态规划建设,并以福建永泰县尾林村改造为个案进行硏究,从乡村公共空间的功能性、系统性、文化性以及自主性四个方面进行深入剖析,从乡村环境整治、空间系统规划、人文空间建设及本地村民参与四个维度切入,为乡村现代化建设提供一些设计思路和实践参考。  相似文献   

Women's empowerment is a concept that has acquired substantial recognition in the past decade. However, it is better known among international development organisations, NGOs, and grassroots groups than in academic circles. This article examines the concept of women's empowerment as a foundational element in a theory of social change in which the oppressed must be key actors in the change process. On the basis of empirical evidence, it highlights four dimensions of empowerment: economic, political, knowledge, and psychological. The knowledge dimension is fostered by one of the most respected and universal of institutions: formal education. Yet schools do not always provide friendly or even safe spaces for girls; moreover, the school curriculum emphasises academic subjects and avoids ‘life skills’ discussions. Most successful cases of empowerment through education have occurred in non-formal education programmes that specifically promote critical reflection on gendered social norms and encourage corrective responses. The article argues that the empowerment process must consider the close connection between the private and the public arenas, as the private space seriously constrains women's availability and possibilities for transformative action; therefore, both macro- and micro-level interventions are needed to create a modified gender division of labour. The promotion of agency — at both the individual and collective levels — plays a major role in the development of women's empowerment. Such a process requires the engagement of non-state actors, particularly women-led NGOs. The article ends with challenges for policy.  相似文献   

公共艺术与政体及权利有着一定的因果关系,同时,公共艺术又是公共文化精神的凝聚与显现。公共艺术应当作为政府、民众与艺术创作群体之间对话、交流与合作的开放性领域,表现出与现代城市的政治、经济、文化、艺术及生态环境相和谐发展的价值趋向。  相似文献   

公共领域的研究已经成为学术界的一个重要热点,在历史的视阈内,对其追根溯源,探究其形成历程很有必要。古代希腊孕育了公共领域的雏形,产生了朴素的公共领域思想,后来经过黑格尔、阿伦特等人的努力,哈贝马斯建构起成熟的公共领域理论。本文通过考察思想大师的天才构想,勾勒公共领域理论的形成图式。  相似文献   

The concept of space is gaining increased attention in studies of sexuality and gender, not least those focusing on heterosexism and heteronormativity. Such studies have demonstrated that space is sexualised, gendered and actively produced. In this article, we present the findings from an ethnographic study of two Icelandic upper secondary schools. One is a traditional academic school in Reykjavík (the capital city) and the other is a mixture of a vocational and an academic school, located in a small urban community in the northern part of the country. In addition to the ethnographic component of the research, five former and current lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) students from the two schools were interviewed. We describe how different spaces are constructed through the discourse of heterosexuality and hegemonic gender performances. In doing so, we focus on the processes of inclusion, exclusion and queering of different spaces, and the interplay of these processes in constructing sexuality and gender. The findings indicate that the spaces observed, which are depicted in this article as three stories, included and excluded both LGBT students and other students who did not conform to the dominant norms. These same spaces were also a platform for various queering activities, where alternative discourses could be established and even disturb the dominant discourse of heterosexuality and normativity, whether in terms of gender performances or bodily appearances.  相似文献   

Traditional literary images of London posit a male space, yet the city also allows women to step beyond the gendered norms of their times. For contemporary women writers, London typography becomes a backdrop on to which they project their investigations of female creativity, identity and connection. The work of Buchi Emecheta, Beryl Gilroy, Gilda O'Neill and Sarah Waters shows that urban space is not only gendered, but that it is also racialised and sexualised and that class differentiation underscores the urban experience. For these authors, exploring different parts of the city becomes a metaphor for trying on multiple selves, and London comes to represent freedom and possibility despite the obstacles.  相似文献   

在清末民初,许多女性感应着革命风潮和女权思潮的激荡,“逃离”家庭的私性空间,而进入到家庭以外的公共空间去寻觅自己的人生出路。女作家吕碧城就是其中成功的典型范例之一。论文通过吕碧城在文字拟构的媒体公共空间、现实的社会事功空间、一己的私性生活空间中的开掘和拓展,表明女性的新的生存空间的开启,作为一种新的理念已为很多接触到新思想的男女所认同,而这也恰是社会性别意识变动并使女性能够迈人“英雌”行列的重要社会条件。  相似文献   

This article reports on a case study that investigated how six Japanese American youth interpreted the effectiveness and relevance of extra-curricular diversity initiatives at their Midwestern middle and secondary public schools. These initiatives were intended to raise cultural awareness, but ultimately promoted cultural fetishism and racially derogatory understandings of “differences.” The findings suggest that the diversity-related extra-curricular initiatives produced a range of gendered, racialized, and sexualized stereotypes with/in school spaces that defined the participants and their peers of color in misleading and problematic ways. Recommendations call for more collaborative, critical, and integrated approaches to learning about “differences” with/in school spaces.  相似文献   

Private higher education: The Philippines as a prototype   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A high proportion of college and university students in the Philippines attend private institutions, mainly because of limited space in public institutions. The system is examined as a case study for studying certain hypotheses about the impact of substantial private provision on higher education systems. After presenting basic data for the system as a whole the article compares public and private institutions and then explores the policy implications.  相似文献   

随着温州市人均GDP的增长,国家政策的扶持和城市空间的拓展,小汽车在温州得到了快速的发展,温州市每百户小汽车的拥有量在国内处于领先水平。小汽车的迅猛发展对温州的城市交通造成了严重影响。应加快建设快速轨道交通的可行性研究,大力发展常规公共交通,合理规划和建设停车设施,合理引导小汽车的使用。  相似文献   

论宪法规范的效力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
无论从立宪角度还是司宪角度来看,宪法规范都应当具有普遍直接的效力。这是宪法法律性的必然推论,也是宪政的内在要求。宪法规范在公法领域的效力是绝对的,公民基本权利对抗国家的效力是无限制的,但宪法规范在私法领域的效力则是很有限的。  相似文献   

通过提出现代城市公共工程形式和内涵上存在的问题,结合公共艺术在城市总体设计和城市公共空间设计2个层面上的表达,指出公共工程的设计与建造,应依据不同的场所地域特色、工程类型限制和民众需求,更加积极主动地融入城市环境与市民生活中,体现出以强调"融合"和"公众需求"为主的公共工程艺术化趋势.  相似文献   

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