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This article sounds a call to action and addresses the challenges of creating inclusive, queer‐affrming art teacher education curricula. We examine such challenges through case study vignettes of our varied US university settings and explore the perils of teaching in an increasingly queer‐hostile culture. Strategies are given for avoiding attacks against LGBT‐supportive pedagogy and championing the cause of social justice for queer students, parents, artists, teachers and faculty.  相似文献   

This account of a programme for PGCE Art/Design students at University College Bretton Hall, Wakefield (UK) describes an attempt in initial teacher training to develop a course of study which links art, design, environment and education. It seeks to develop a range of perceptions of the built environment, including those of the artist, the critic and the designer. The ideas and methods of working developed on this programme support students’ work in schools. The paper explains the rationale and describes the intensive workshop programme, which includes streetwork, studio sessions and critique. It reports on students’ research and their work in schools. Issues include the place of built environment studies in the Art/Design curriculum, the use of the environment as an educational resource and learning methods and teaching strategies. It comments on the satisfactions and frustrations of developing such a programme in initial teacher education. It presents the work at Bretton Hall as a case study in a wider range of work currently being developed by students, tutors and teachers involved in other courses. They have come together through the ‘Site Specific Project’ to create a research network to support curriculum innovation and teachers’ professional development.  相似文献   

In this article we aim to highlight the issues we have encountered in teaching art curriculum courses on the primary BAEd degree programme. The main issues addressed are student self-confidence and the conditions which form barriers to active engagement in art activities. These we have addressed in the context of the wide changes taking place since the Education Reform Act of 1988. Our concern is that students develop the confidence to implement change in accord with their own convictions. We describe how we support them in their developing autonomy through the various strategies we have developed including the recognition and transfer of prior knowledge and reflection on the process of their own learning.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine the degree to which institutional structures and their rationales affect educational opportunity in art. The meaning of educational opportunity is explored to disentangle individual learning which is negotiated within it. Curriculum is limited in its effectiveness unless it is accompanied by appropriate teaching where silent voices may be made audible. A swing of power in knowledge, methods, or skills from a teacher or curriculum-centred to a traditional learner-centred approach is insufficient. Individualised learning, leading to personal empowerment, is seen in the construction of self-belief that allows the learner to question the tenets of the teacher, the institution, and the politics of education, i.e., to see the system not in order to succeed within it, but in order to question its validity. The paper is in four sections – contexts and problems, art and curriculum, art and teaching, and individual learning.  相似文献   

This article explores how art and design education can contribute to the imperative of climate change and help societies adapt to living more sustainably. Drawing on methods from arts‐based research and qualitative case study, it reports on an investigation into what can be learned from creating environmental art installations with preservice teachers (those training to be K‐12 teachers), as part of an environmental art education programme in a leading Canadian university. Findings support that preservice teachers experienced behavioural and attitudinal shifts towards sustainability after engaging in the processes of creating environmental art; involvement in the programme also provided opportunities for building community, engaging multiple domains of learning, modelling sustainable art‐making practices and prompting environmental activism. The results of this study inform a developing pedagogy for environmental art education in higher education settings.  相似文献   

This article analyses the results from a study conducted among the total population of full‐time Postgraduate Certificate in Education course (PGCE) students in Norwegian universities (N = 283) in the autumn of 2006. The students responded to a questionnaire examining their motivation to take the PGCE course and their motivation to become teachers. The findings show a relatively high motivation among the students, but they also reveal much uncertainty about their future job as teachers. Twenty‐five percent of the students do not know if they are going to enter the teaching profession. They take a PGCE course primarily because they want more options in the job market. The general view among the students is that they need the PGCE course to be confident in the teaching role and they think it will be a demanding course. The main motivation to become teachers is that the students want to continue working with their academic subject, which they in turn want to teach to others.  相似文献   

论研究生教育中师生关系的异化与重构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在研究生教育中导师与研究生的关系是最基本的师生关系。知识形态的迁移带来了师生关系的异化。而以"人本主义"教育哲学观为基础,以"交互性主客体观"(主体间性)为内涵,以教学相长、民主平等的师生对话与互动为基本特征,以导学关系为载体建立起来的新型的师生关系,将成为缓解导师与研究生之间的诸多矛盾和问题的有效途径,也将成为提高研究生培养质量、促进研究生素质教育和高等教育长远发展的有力保障。  相似文献   

中国近现代的美术教育经历了一个世纪的风雨历程,但中国的师范美术教育总是没有摆脱专业美术教育的影响,没有形成师范特色。原因是其自身的培养目标不明确,执教者的艺术取向大于教育取向,社会动荡中的中小学美术教育和政治的运动使美术师资的培养不被重视。并指出中国师范美术教育的教育专业化道路。  相似文献   

在当前高等师范院校教师教育专业的课程设计中,要合理吸取职业主义和科学主义的价值取向.明确教师教育课程结构的指导思想,逐步建构并优化教师教育课程结构体系。突出教育课程的统一性、实践性、广博性、衔接性和超前性等主要特征.努力增强教育科学课程体系的开放性与兼容性。丰富教师教育资源,提高教师教育的质量。  相似文献   

This paper discusses how a postgraduate certificate course in third-level learning and teaching for academic staff in the Republic of Ireland has adopted a particular approach in teacher education. An important aspect of the successful integration and use of learning technology is the way in which it effectively reflects and articulates a given learning model; this course has its theoretical basis in the Kolb Experiential Learning Cycle. The work illustrates that no one technology can support all types of tertiary-level learning and teaching; an effective approach is to combine a range of technologies. The self-study focuses on analyzing key experiences regarding the integration of a variety of learning technologies in an effort to determine how the teacher educator can integrate technology into the curriculum effectively. What I learned from this self-study will assist the course participants with some of the integration issues that they, in turn, will be dealing with as they move towards incorporating more learning technology into their own subject disciplines. Course tutors deliberately set out to model what we advocate to our own participants.  相似文献   

艺术设计学科是集科学、艺术学、市场学、生态学、应用技术为一体的、综合性的、知识密集型的学科,具有明显的科学性、实践性与实用性特征。艺术设计教学的核心在于学生实践能力的培养,以适应社会发展的需要。构建适应时代要求的实践性教学体系,已成为普通艺术院校教学改革的趋势,而"双师型"教师模式为艺术设计师资培养提供了一个新的思路。  相似文献   

单独科目的美术教育活动,其活动目标的制订和内容的选择多以幼儿美术领域的学习和发展为考量,并较多考虑美术学科本身的内在逻辑和要求,活动组织的结构化程度较高.在幼儿园课程与教学改革的大背景下,单独科目的美术教育活动的目标制订和内容选择应充分考虑幼儿的兴趣和需要,活动设计可采取一些“变式”,活动过程中应关注幼儿的感知与体验,多为幼儿提供自由探索和发现的机会,活动可作适当的延伸或拓展.  相似文献   

2009年7月6-18日,由教育部和国家自然科学基金委员会共同主办,华东师范大学承办的2009全国研究生暑期学校(教育学)在华东师范大学举办.受邀专家们主要围绕教学与学习的创新、基础教育改革与实践、高等教育理论与实践研究、职业教育的发展、教师发展、教育与文化、学术自由与学术知识来源等七个主题进行了深入报告.因此,笔者在此分别从研究内容、研究视角与方法和总体评价三个维度,针对每个主题的学术报告进行综述,希望能为广大读者提供教育学之下二级学科碰撞下的火花,即从教育领域,乃至其他领域的不同视角来审视教育学的发展,从而推动我国整个教育事业的不断向前发展.  相似文献   

美术教育在农村小学全科型教师培养中具有独特的作用.在美术教育中应构筑多元化开放式的人才培养途径,培养一代既能教美术,又能教其他学科的农村小学全科型教师.  相似文献   

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