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The oppressiveness of current ideals concerning female body size and shape in Euro-American culture has been well documented. Prevalent ideals of thinness are physiologically difficult for many women to achieve, and available techniques for reducing are greater health risks than fatness. Yet the number of women who attempt to reduce their bodies continues to increase. This essay analyzes America's obsession with thinness and its meanings for women's bodies and body identity. A summary of research challenging conventional beliefs about fatness is presented, followed by an exploration of the special meanings of fatness and slenderness for women in a culture that evaluates women on the basis of their appearance. The mind-body dualism experienced by women, especially fat women, in this environment is then discussed. An argument is made for rejecting the popular but unachievable and arbitrary standards of thinness and for abandoning the separation of mind and body inherent in the obsession with weight loss.  相似文献   

“共生”是学习障碍研究领域近期提出的一个新概念,其中阅读障碍与数学学习障碍共生现象在学习障碍领域存在尤为普遍,近年来研究者对阅读障碍与数学学习障碍共生现象的诊断和发生率、表现特征、产生原因等方面进行了研究,并取得了较大进展。然而对阅读障碍与数学学习障碍共生现象还有许多问题有待研究。  相似文献   

Although there is evidence for a close link between the development of oral vocabulary and reading comprehension, less clear is whether oral vocabulary skills relate to the development of word-level reading skills. This study investigated vocabulary and literacy in 81 children aged 8 to 10 years. In regression analyses, vocabulary accounted for unique variance in exception word reading and reading comprehension, but not text reading accuracy, decoding, or regular word reading. Consistent with these data, children with poor reading comprehension exhibited oral vocabulary weaknesses and read fewer exception words correctly. These findings demonstrate that oral vocabulary is associated with some, but not all, reading skills. Results are discussed in terms of current models of reading development.  相似文献   

Converging evidence from a number of neuroimaging studies, including our own, suggest that fluent word identification in reading is related to the functional integrity of two left hemisphere posterior systems: a temporo-parietal system and a ventral occipito-temporal system. These posterior systems are functionally disrupted in developmental dyslexia. Reading disabled, relative to nonimpaired, readers demonstrate heightened reliance on both inferior frontal and right hemisphere posterior regions, presumably in compensation for the LH posterior difficulties. We propose a neurobiological account suggesting that for normally developing readers the temporo-parietal system predominates at first, and is associated with aspects of processing critical in learning to integrate orthography with phonological and lexical-semantic features of printed words. The occipito-temporal system, by contrast, constitutes a fast, late-developing, word-identification system that underlies fluent word recognition in skilled readers.  相似文献   

目前 ,不可抗辩条款在我国不具有法律效力 ,不能作为保险理赔的依据 .但该条款对保障投保人的利益、发展我国的保险事业具有积极的意义 ,因此 ,建议将该条款列入新修订的《保险法》中 .  相似文献   

阅读互动论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨邦俊 《教育科学》2001,18(2):30-33
本文借鉴当代西方经验主义的研究方法,自觉将阅读心理研究的主要课题由一般的阅读原则、阅读本质研究转向深层的阅读经验、阅读方法研究,对中学生阅读心理进行了大量实验观察,立足于科学实验和实践探索,科学地接近阅读的本然方式,按照实验研究-知性分析-理性概括的轨迹探索阅读心理活动规律,深刻地发现阅读过程中情境关联下的个性化、互动性特点,以此为理论基础提出阅读互动理论,继而深入探讨这一理论的实践价值。以此为尺度来审视中学阅读教学及其改革问题。  相似文献   

本试图运用功能语言学中“主位-述位”。的理论来分析小句、段落以及篇章中的主位,探寻篇章的快速解读方法。  相似文献   

长期以来,中小学生课外阅读的现状令人担忧。作为语文教师,我们必须对课外阅读的意义重新进行审视和思考。须知课外阅读是语文学习的重要组成部分,是提高学生语文素质的一条重要的途径。它可以为语文教学拓展一片广阔的天地。我们只有在思想上重视它,把它当做语文教学的一项重大战略任务来抓,才能在教学中真正把它落到实处。下面谈谈自己对这一问题的认识,以就教于大家。从课外阅读与人的发展关系来看课外阅读可以改变人生。中小学阶段是人生读书的黄金时期。这一时期的学生就像人生的一张白纸,可以说物欲未染。他们对所读之书印象最…  相似文献   

该文通过对资本市场的界定,论述了在当前发展资本市场,应特别注重证券市场功能的全面发挥,债券市场的发展,以及商业银行的深入改革。  相似文献   

图式是认知的建筑构件。读者运用图式知识进行语言理解和文本解读的学说被称为图式理论。根据这一理论,阅读教学不应是一个单纯的认字释义过程,而应是一个重视心理因素和文化背景知识,积极引导学生将语言与思维紧密联系起来的过程。阅读理解的图式理论应引起广大外语教学工作者的关注。  相似文献   

本文根据大众健美操近几年在社会上的发展趋势浅谈大众健美操在全民健身中的地位和作用。健身健美是阳光工程,那么大众健美操便是这工程中的基石,大众健美操是健身产业可持续性发展的力量。发展大众健美操会促进在新时期健身运动向着良好方向发展,同时全民健身运动的深入开展,也会加快大众健美操进一步的改革,把大众健美操与全民健身有机的融合在一起,达到真正意义上的增强人们体质,提高生活质量的目的。  相似文献   

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