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《古诗十九首》是由汉代无名文人创作的五言抒情短诗,最早著录于萧统的《文选》。《古诗十九首》自出现以来,就受到了极高的评价,被誉为"五言之冠冕"。(刘勰《文心雕龙·明诗》)《古诗十九首》和《诗经》往往相提并论,它之所以在中国诗歌发  相似文献   

木斋将以《古诗十九首》为代表的成熟文人五言诗的产生时间确定在建安十六年以后,这有一定道理,但他认为《古诗十九首》等"古诗"都应该是与曹植有关,是曹植与甄后相恋事件的结果,这就为他的论证造成了困难。以《西北有高楼》《青青河畔草》为例,考察他对《古诗十九首》的解读,可以发现他不能证明自己的观点。  相似文献   

重言是《古诗十九首》诗歌语言的特色,重言作为汉语词汇复音化过程中的一个重要形式在诗歌发展过程中的作用不可小觑。《古诗十九首》重言现象颇有特点,分析其特点与功能:《古诗十九首》中的重言既体现出它对《诗经》等民歌中营养的汲取,同时亦体现出其文人创作的独特风格。  相似文献   

《古诗十九首》是汉末文人五言诗的杰出代表选集,具有较高的艺术价值。《古诗十九首》以抒情性见长,表现出与众不同的抒情艺术特色。本文立足《古诗十九首》的抒情艺术,对其情感特征进行深入的分析。  相似文献   

东汉末年,五言诗的发展进入了一个成熟的阶段,标志其最高成就的就是《古诗十九首》。《古诗十九首》是汉代无名文人创作的抒情短诗,最早被选录在梁朝昭明太子萧统的《文选》里,题为《古诗十九首》,后世一直沿用这一名称。  相似文献   

汉代文人的生命意识以时间和空间的形式集中体现在《古诗十九首》中。文章对《古诗十九首》的时空及其时空意象分别进行了梳理,在此基础上,一方面揭示了汉代文人写景言情和生命思考的基本思路,另一方面,将《古诗十九首》所表现的时空母题纳入古典哲学思维的范围展开说明,并进而探讨了汉代文人审美创造的社会和心理基础。  相似文献   

《古诗十九首》是由汉代无名文人创作的五言抒情短诗,最早著录于萧统的《文选》。《古诗十九首》自出现以来,就受到了极高的评价,被誉为“五言之冠冕”。(刘勰《文心雕龙·明诗》)《古诗十九首》和《诗经》往往相提并论,它之所以在中国诗歌发展史上占有如此重要的地位,主要是因为它在艺术上所取得的高度成就。  相似文献   

《古诗十九首》的内容多是抒发文人内心的情感,其思念诗与《诗经》有相似之处,但在二者对比中可发现仍有许多不一致的地方。本论文主要从二者的思念主体、表现手法与个体意识着手,深入探讨《古诗十九首》。  相似文献   

《古诗十九首》首见收录于《文选》,近代以来的多数学者认为它们是东汉后期中下层失意文人的作品.本文首先综观考察《古诗十九首》创作时代的文化背景,其次探析其内容与形式的表达,最后从文学史、美学及认识的角度对其价值作出评价.  相似文献   

《古诗十九首》是汉代文人抒情诗的最高成就 ,而以时空艺术美去欣赏《古诗十九首》另有韵味。物理时空是有限的 ,但心理 (或说主观 )时空是无限的 ,《古诗十九首》的美的原因之一是善于用心理时空生动感人地表达了当时人们的一种人生的悲剧意识或者说是时空忧患感。  相似文献   

基于对青年一代才是革除中国积弊,挽救中国危亡,建设民主富强的中坚力量和希望的认识,以及当时大多数青年的现状,《新青年》提倡一种新型人生观:在反对旧道德和传统的基础上,以西方自由、平等、独立、自主的价值取向为核心的一种新型的近代人生观,它对青年自身及其对社会发展的贡献提出了要求,即内图个性之发展,外图贡献于社会。它更是针对青年的糟糕状况和中国严峻的现实而提出的以启蒙救国为内在目的的一种务实的人生观。  相似文献   

The study was conducted with a group of 5 and 6 year old children in one playschool in Reykjavík, Iceland. The purpose of the study was to shed light on what life in an Icelandic playschool is like for the children attending the program, finding out their views on why they attend playschool, what they do and learn in playschool, what the adults do there, what they enjoy and what they don't like, and what they can or cannot decide in playschool. The study used varied research methods, such as group interviews, children's photographs, children's pictures, and a questionnaire using a cardboard game, to discover children's perceptions and opinions. The results of the study revealed that the children had strong opinions about their playschool life and expressed them clearly.  相似文献   

中国老字号企业是具有中国民族特色的老企业,是中国商业文化中较具特色和代表性的内容。然而,从20世纪90年代开始,许多曾经辉煌的老字号企业经济效益开始大幅度下滑,更有些企业已经到了濒临破产的境地。剖析老字号企业发展停滞不前的原因,探讨老字号企业摆脱困境焕发青春的对策,具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   


The study was a follow-up investigation of research previously reported in this journal. In the original analysis" an examination was made of relations between the family environments and cognitive performance of 11 year old Australian children from different ethnic groups. Those data were used in the present study to examine correlates of the educational and occupational aspirations of the children when they were 16 years old. The adolescents also provided information on the perceptions they had of their parents’ aspirations for them, the encouragement they had received from their parents, and the interest they considered their parents had in their education. Hierarchical regression analyses indicated that adolescents, aspirations were related strongly to a set of family environment measures, but that there were ethnic group differences in the relationships. The results suggested that if teachers are concerned about constructing school contexts that will assist in the formation of adolescents, aspirations, then they will need to take into account the strong parental influences on aspirations.  相似文献   

In 2004, the University of Michigan Medical School reduced its gross anatomy curriculum. To determine the effect of this reduction on resident perceptions of their clinical preparedness, we surveyed alumni that included residents from the original and new shortened curricula. A Likert-scale survey was sent to four classes of alumni. Respondents were compared in old curriculum (OC) and new curriculum (NC) groups, surgical specialty (SS) and nonsurgical specialty (NS) groups, and subgroups of SS and NS were compared for differences between OC and NC. Mean response scores were compared using independent samples T-tests. As a single population (n = 110), respondents felt their anatomy education prepared them well for residency, that a more robust anatomy curriculum would be helpful, that dissection was important to their residency preparation, and that a 4th year anatomy elective was effective in expanding their anatomy education and preparing them for residency. No significant difference existed between OC and NC groups, neither as a whole nor as SS and NS subgroups. The SS group felt dissection was more important to their residency preparation than the NS group (P = 0.001) and that a more robust anatomy curriculum would have better prepared them for residency (P = 0.001). Thirty percent of SS respondents who did not take a 4th year elective commented that they wish they had. Fourth year anatomy electives were highly valued by residents, and respondents felt that they should be offered to students as a way of revisiting anatomy following the 1st year of clinical training.  相似文献   

根据“宋玉是屈原的弟子”和“宋玉为顷襄王文学侍从”等历史文献资料,可以推断宋玉的出生年龄为公元前330年(楚威王十年)。宋玉师从屈原,需要有一个比较稳定的学习环境。这段时间应是怀王十四年至二十四年(公元前315—公元前305年),屈原被放逐江汉之前。这时的宋玉已由青年走上成年(十五岁至二十五岁)。宋玉作为顷襄王的文学侍从这个时期,是顷襄王纵情佚乐,骄奢淫欲的时期,即顷襄王即位后至郢都陷落前(公元前298—公元前277年),也就是顷襄王元年至二十一年,处于相对“和平”时期。二者的年龄基本相同,都在三十多岁。  相似文献   

This comparative small‐scale (Swedish and Polish sample) longitudinal qualitative study investigates political science students' conceptions of their studies, their future profession and their workplace learning. The students (10 in Sweden and 11 in Poland) were interviewed twice, first when they were at the end of their studies and a second time when they had worked for approximately one year. The questions asked were designed to try to understand the transition from higher education to work life. The results indicate that they bring with them a set of academic generic skills from their education when they enter working life. Furthermore, the students in the two countries have very different perceptions of the subject Political Science, and the expectations they have regarding their studies and future working life also differ considerably.  相似文献   

时代的负荷者——再论张爱玲小说的男性形象   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张爱玲小说中的男性人物形象基本上可以分为两类,一类是封建没落家族的遗老遗少,另一类是当时社会上的成功人士/生活优裕者。后者没有显赫或富贵的家庭背景,但在社会上拥有一席之地,思想则亦中亦西,在动荡的时代和畸形的文化环境里,他们的精神价值失落,成了都市里的人生失败者。他们的生活和思想特点、他们的得意与失意的悖反都受制于动荡的时代和畸形的文化,他们是“这时代的广大的负荷者”。  相似文献   

This article describes the preferences expressed by 16‐year‐old and 17‐year‐old boys when they were asked what they want to learn from sex and relationship education classes and how they want to be taught. Research was carried out in eight secondary schools with boys in year 12. Qualitative responses from questionnaires issued to 307 boys were analysed together with the results from three focus groups carried out in three of the schools. The research found that in most areas boys are not being taught what they want to know. The areas of feelings and emotions, sexuality, sexual techniques, sexually transmitted infections, pornography and the effects of the ‘boy culture’ are not being addressed sufficiently, or in some cases at all. Boys also called for smaller class groups, and for more active methods of teaching and some of them asked for time away from girls to express themselves without censure. They called for more education at an earlier age and that their desire for a safe, non‐critical environment should be met.  相似文献   


Two case studies (a 6–8 year old girl and a 10–12 year old boy) are discussed. These will show structured, sustained multi‐sensory teaching, integrated where appropriate with a range of good educational software, for reading, writing and spelling, can enhance and optimize literacy learning as well as improving self‐esteem.

The importance of such students using software in the classroom is shown. If they are provided with this kind of programme they can look positively towards the future but without it (and currently too many do not have it) life is likely to be very hard indeed for them.  相似文献   

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