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民族问题是历史教学中一个必须涉及的重要问题,历史上的民族关系错综复杂,对这个问题的讲授要从历史唯物主义的角度出发,具体而全面地分析,目的是给学生一个正确的民族关系认知。  相似文献   

从云南少数民族的鸟崇拜看凤凰起源的多元轨迹   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从分析云南少数民族的鸟图腾崇拜入手,力图从一个侧面说明中华民族文化精神的一个象征物--凤凰作为神鸟崇拜的起源的多元性.  相似文献   

饮食是人类活动中必不可少的环节,事事男女有别,而这种男女差别在饮食活动中也有所体现。主要介绍和分析了新疆少数民族在饮食及饮食活动中的男女性别角色差异以及不同的分工。  相似文献   

我国西部农村教育是中国教育改革和发展的难点,面临教育投入体制不合理、农村中小学布局不科学、教师队伍素质不高、群众观念落后等问题,急需从理顺财政投入机制、加强师资队伍建设、更新教育观念等方面综合治理。  相似文献   

A sense of obligation to support, assist, and respect the family was examined among approximately 700 urban and rural 10th- (M = 16.6 years) and 12th- (M = 18.9 years) grade students in the People's Republic of China. Urban male adolescents reported a weaker sense of family obligation than did rural male adolescents and both urban and rural female adolescents. Only children did not differ from those with siblings in terms of their attitudes toward family support and respect. A sense of family obligation was generally associated with more positive family relationships and a higher level of academic motivation among Chinese adolescents. Discussion focuses on how the shift to a market economy may influence adolescents' identification with the family in contemporary China.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) hypervariable segment-I (HVS-I) C-stretch variations and explore the significance of these variations in forensic and population genetics studies. The C-stretch sequence variation was studied in 919 unrelated individuals from 8 Chinese ethnic groups using both direct and clone sequencing ap-proaches. Thirty eight C-stretch haplotypes were identified, and some novel and population specific haplotypes were also detected. The C-stretch genetic diversity (GD) values were relatively high, and probability (P) values were low. Additionally, C-stretch length heteroplasmy was observed in approximately 9% of individuals studied. There was a significant correlation (r=-0.961, P<0.01) between the expansion of the cytosine sequence length in the C-stretch of HVS-I and a reduction in the number of up-stream adenines. These results indicate that the C-stretch could be a useful genetic maker in forensic identification of Chinese populations. The results from the Fst and dA genetic distance matrix, neighbor-joining tree, and principal component map also suggest that C-stretch could be used as a reliable genetic marker in population genetics.  相似文献   

IP资源在西部农村中小学教学应用时出现的问题主要有两点:一是教师缺乏对IP资源的二次创作能力,二是教师在将IP资源与课堂的学习活动进行整合时存在问题。针对以上两个问题,本文系统论述了对IP资源进行二次创作的方法,以及如何在课堂学习活动中选用和组织IP资源的策略,以期对使用IP资源的中小学教师有所帮助。  相似文献   

Ethnic identity development was assessed in the context of ego development in 12- to 15-year-old students from a Southeastern American Indian community. Self-protective was the modal level and was characterized by awareness of ethnic group membership but little exploration or self-reflection. Impulsive adolescents had the least developed ethnic identities and highest levels of interpersonal vulnerability. Conformist adolescents expressed positive feelings about ethnic group affiliation, described relationships as harmonious, but demonstrated moderate social anxiety. Postconformist adolescents had the highest levels of agency, social competence, and identity achievement, but also had high levels of psychological distress and family conflict. Adolescent identity strivings may be understood in context with the level and timing of psychosocial maturity, for which ego development appears a useful marker.  相似文献   

The purpose of the research is to explore second graders' concept of number development and quantitative reasoning. For this purpose, there were two stages of trials for the children. The first trial was concrete objects. After three months, the children participated in the second trial of half concrete objects. Since understanding the process of solving problems in children is necessary, the researcher observed how children used strategies to discriminate numerosity. After that, the researcher interviewed some students. The research sample came from second graders in Taiwan and Hawaii elementary schools. Twenty students participated in each place. In addition, it was observed whether numerical discrimination strategy in children is the same as in adults. The sample included 20 adults. The result of the research showed that Taiwanese and Hawaiian children reached up to a 90% rate of correct answers in the trial of real objects. However, in the trial of half concrete objects, the rate of correct answers was down to 65%, especially when children compared two quantities of 5:6 ratios. As for strategy, the strategies of the children who gave correct answers were the same as the adults who gave completely correct answers. Because their discrimination was not influenced by distance effect, they could judge the numbers correctly. However, the children who got 90% correct answers were impacted by distance effect, but not influenced by the size of the object. The research suggests that teachers give children real objects to estimate or discriminate the quantities of numbers in their lives.  相似文献   

建设社会主义新农村是中国现代化进程中的重大历史使命,西部地区的新农村建设尤其任重而道远。地方高校为西部新农村服务,既是满足社会的需要,也是高校自身发展的需要。因此高校探求服务新农村建设的新模式,是建设西部新农村的必要途径。绵阳师范学院"全国千县工程信息员培训基地"的成立是我校服务社会主义新农村建设的具体体现,为新农村建设培训优秀信息员奠定了良好的基础。  相似文献   

对云南红河哈尼族彝族自治州开远市碑格乡的实地调查表明,偏远少数民族地区的新农村建设具有不同于其它地区的特殊困难与问题,发展基础薄弱、自然环境恶劣、文化贫困、基础教育滞后、人才资源匮乏、资源掠夺严重等构成了其推进新农村建设的现实瓶颈。偏远少数民族地区的新农村建设必须根据自身特点,找准切入点,逐步突破偏远少数民族地区新农村建设的现实难题。  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of Pen-Point and Powerbook computers on solving a multiple step chemistry (molaritý) problem among White, Afro-American and Hispanic students (N=60) at the high school level. The screens on both computers were partitioned into a work field and a reasoning field. Both computers were programmed to record the time spent in each field, the number of entries made, and a copy of the entries made. Statistical analysis of data showed that more of the White and Afro-American Pen-Point computer users solved the problem correctly than did students using the Powerbook computer. All three ethnic groups made fewer entries, and took less time using the Pen-Point computer than the Powerbook. Attitude survey results of all ethnic groups showed that more Pen-Point computer users felt comfortable working with computers. Over all, the results suggest that the Pen-Point computer has a more positive effect on the problem solving performance and attitude of students towards computers than the Powerbook computer.  相似文献   

道光末年始,清王朝统治政策趋于保守、落后,云南地区汉族与少数民族在生存空间、经济利益上的争夺也逐渐白热化;外国势力也开始在云南地区展开了领土和宗教的侵略。时代背景变迁下内外诸多层面的变化使得云南地区传统的民族关系格局逐渐开始向近代转型,满洲贵族统治下多民族多元化的基本格局进一步凸显为政治上要求趋同的多民族共同反抗满洲贵族专制压迫和外来势力入侵的近代民族关系格局。  相似文献   

Fang Gao 《比较教育学》2010,46(2):207-222
Koreans have been successful in nesting their educational achievement into places like China and the United States, where they have earned the title of ‘model minority’. This research is a comparison of the manner in which the model minority stereotype is handled by Korean Chinese and Korean Americans. The gathered data leads us to argue that ethnic Koreans in China and the US construct a multi‐faceted meaning in reaction to the ‘model minority’ stereotype. The meaning complicates the model minority stereotype through capitalising upon a shared East Asian sense of cultural superiority to other ethnic groups while strongly emphasising its economic marginalisation and limitations. This results in valuing education as a practical means for achieving economic upward mobility or sustaining ethnic culture and identity that is perceived as being unique to Koreans in the two different sociopolitical contexts.  相似文献   

在全球化时代,民族认同、国家认同、文化的冲突与融合等问题凸显。面对新疆特殊的民情、区情,分析新疆各民族在国家与民族认同上存在某些不一致的原因,找出新疆各民族增强国家意识的途径和方式,对维护国家政治稳定、维护国家统一及提升文化软实力,将我国建成文化强国,都具有重大而深远的现实意义。  相似文献   

章从控制论的角度,对民族地区学校课堂教学目标、师生的民族成份搭配教材内容、双语教学语言、教室的布置有教具的选用、课堂纪律问题的科学合理的调节控制进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Asia Pacific Education Review - The research literature indicates that self-regulated learning can strengthen teacher agency in taking charge of their own learning and teaching, which is important...  相似文献   

BackgroundBullying victimization among school-aged children is an important public health issue that may affect their well-being and mental health. However, few studies have been conducted on left-behind children in rural China, who are defined as the children who stay in rural areas for more than six months and have one or both parents migrating to urban areas for work. The mechanisms through which bullying victimization will influence depression have disproportionally adopted a psychopathological perspective, and the protective factors are understudied.ObjectiveThis study aims at investigating the factors that might contribute to breaking up the vicious circle between bullying victimization and developmental problems, focusing on the protective role of self-compassion and hope in the association between bullying victimization and depression.MethodsUsing questionnaires, data were collected from a sample of 1091 school-aged left-behind children from west and central China.ResultsCompared with rural children living with their parents, left-behind children reported a higher level of bullying victimization. Bullying victimization was positively associated with depression through decreased self-compassion and hope, and self- compassion played a more crucial role than hope in the linkage between bullying victimization and depression.ConclusionsOur study's findings suggest that it is necessary to incorporate self-compassion and hope in mental health prevention and intervention programs targeting left-behind children with bullying victimization experiences.  相似文献   

A comparative analysis of the statistics of the two population censuses conducted in 1990 and 2000 showed that with the development of ethnic education, average years of school attainment have been increased for all ethnic nationalities, and education has been more equalized within different ethnic nationalities. However, educational inequality among different nationalities has been widened. Although the extent of the widening is limited, sufficient attention should be paid by policy-makers. __________ Translated from Minzu Jiaoyu Yanjiu 民族教育研究 (Journal of Research on Education for Ethnic Minorities), 2006, (5): 16–20  相似文献   

Yip T  Fuligni AJ 《Child development》2002,73(5):1557-1572
This study examined the links among Chinese American adolescents' (N = 96) global ethnic identity and their ethnic behaviors, ethnic identity salience, and psychological well-being based on daily diaries collected over a 2-week period. The daily association between engagement in ethnic behaviors and ethnic salience was positive regardless of overall ethnic identity. The daily-level association between ethnic identity salience and well-being, however, was dependent on adolescents' global ethnic identity. Among adolescents who were moderate or high in global ethnic identity, ethnic identity salience was consistently associated with positive well-being at the daily level. In contrast, the daily association between ethnic identity salience and well-being was less strong for youths who were low in ethnic identity. Additionally, a higher level of salience and a weaker association between salience and negative symptoms was found for girls than for boys, and older youths reported a weaker association between salience and positive symptoms than did younger youths.  相似文献   

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