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每到深秋,许多树木、花草叶片的颜色会发生变化,满山遍野逐渐呈现红、黄、褐等各种各样的颜色.  相似文献   

新时期的人民内部矛盾,是在根本利益一致基础上的非对抗性矛盾,从根本上讲,需要通过大力发展生产力来解决。“效率优先、兼顾公平”,发展社会主义民主、健全社会主义法制,加强和改进思想政治工作,应是正确处理和解决新时期人民内部矛盾的原则、手段和方法。  相似文献   

Research with young people who ‘do not fit the mould’ requires innovative and unconventional methods, but what are the implications of such methods for scholarly representation? This paper reports on the development of such a method with students diagnosed Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and offers one view of the borderland spaces and tensions between critical theory and narrative inquiry. In particular, the paper defines the methodology that underpins the ‘critical cover narratives’ method, describes the application of this approach within a doctoral study, and identifies resultant issues of representation when combining narrative and critical approaches. The paper then details the use of a tapestry metaphor to reconcile these issues. The central premise of the paper is that differing methods produce different knowledge, which demands different forms of representation. In making this case, the paper discusses the importance of a balance between the epistemological and aesthetic within scholarly representations of narrative inquiry.  相似文献   

Electroantennogram (EAG) evaluation of selected compounds from wilted leaves of black poplar, Populus nigra. showed that phenyl acetaldehyde, methyl salicylate, (E)-2-hexenal elicited strong responses from male antennae of Heli-coverpa armigera. When mixed with sex pheromone (Ph), some volatiles, e.g. phenyl acetaldehyde, benzyl alcohol, phenylethanol, methylsalicylate, linalool, benzaldehyde, (Z)-3-hexenol, (Z)-3-hexenylacetate, (Z)-6-nonenol, cineole, (E)-2-hexenal, and geraniol elicited stronger responses from male antennae than Ph alone. Wind tunnel bioassay demonstrated that various volatiles could either enhance or inhibit the effect of synthetic sex pheromone. (E)-2-hexenal, (Z)-3-hexenol and linalool in combination with Ph could not induce any male to land on source at all, whereas phenyl acetaldehyde, benzaldehyde, (Z)-6-nonenol and salicylaldehyde combined with Ph enhanced male response rates by 58.63%, 50.33%, 51.85% and 127.78%, respectively, compared to Ph alone. These results suggested that  相似文献   

Electroantennogram (EAG) evaluation of selected compounds from wilted leaves ofblack poplar,Populus nigra,showed that phenyl acetaldehyde, methyl salicylate, (E)-2-hexenal elicited strong responses from male antennae of Helicoverpa armigera. When mixed with sex pheromone (Ph), some volatiles, e.g. phenyl acetaldehyde, benzyl alcohol,phenylethanol, methylsalicylate, linalool, benzaldehyde, (Z)-3-hexenol, (Z)-3-hexenylacetate, (Z)-6-nonenol, cineole, (E)-2-hexenal, and geraniol elicited stronger responses from male antennae than Ph alone. Wind tunnel bioassay demonstrated that various volatiles could either enhance or inhibit the effect of synthetic sex pheromone. (E)-2-hexenal, (Z)-3-hexenol and linalool in combination with Ph could not induce any male to land on source at all, whereas phenyl acetaldehyde, benzaldehyde, (Z)-6-nonenol and salicylaldehyde combined with Ph enhanced male response rates by 58.63%,50.33%, 51.85% and 127.78%, respectively, compared to Ph alone. These results suggested that some volatiles should modify sex pheromone caused behavior and that some of them could possibly be used as a tool for disrupting mating or for enhancing the effect of synthetic sex pheromone in the field.  相似文献   

Although teachers may be in a position to address enactments of sexual and gender stigma among their students, little is known about their motivations to intervene in such situations. We surveyed secondary school teachers in the Netherlands, assessing how beliefs, norms, and self-efficacy were related to their intentions to intervene in two hypothetical situations that involved bullying of lesbian/gay or gender non-conforming students. We found significantly stronger intentions to intervene among teachers who were more confident in their abilities to intervene successfully and who had stronger beliefs that intervening in the situation would produce a positive outcome.  相似文献   

我国自古以来都是一个注重学习和读书的国家,"书籍是人类进步的阶梯"我国现如今在推行全民阅读、全民读书的活动每年的世界读书日各地都在推行读书的活动。书籍是人类的精神食粮,人类所学习的前人的所有优秀文化和经验大多数都是从书本里得到的,人们进行科研、教学和学术研究都离不开图书,而这些活动的进行到多数要借助于图书馆这个公共服务体系。因而要加强图书馆的管理和服务水平必须要先对现阶段的图书馆的管理和服务进行分析及思考。  相似文献   

职业教育初级阶段的学生,由于缺乏明确的生活目标、理想与现实的巨大差距以及对于新的环境和新的地位的难以适应而产生了一系列的不良心理。这个阶段的心理辅导应该引导学生根据社会的需要以及自身的情况确立新的目标为核心。  相似文献   

红,黄,蓝三种基本颜色在东西方语言文化中在民族种族,地理环境,历史背景,传统风俗,宗教影响等多方面因素的作用下,有着丰富的内涵上的异同。  相似文献   

江泽民系统地阐述了农村基层民主政治建设的地位、作用和基本内容,指明了抓好农村基层民主政治建设的途径和方法,提供了一整套怎样搞好农村基层民主建设的思路,具有重要的理论意义争现实意义.  相似文献   

坚持群众路线是我们党的优良传统。改革开放以来,邓小平同志从唯物史观的高度,进一步丰富和发展了党的这一重要思想,形成了具有鲜明时代特征的群众观:即尊重群众的首创精神是邓小平新时期群众观的时代特色,为人民谋利益是邓小平新时期群众观的本质特征,人民满意不满意是邓小平新时期群众观的实践标准。  相似文献   

The experiences of pupils with Special Educational Needs (SEN) and their parents at pre-transition from primary to post-primary school have received little attention in the literature. The current study investigated these experiences using a mixed methods approach within the Irish educational system. Thirty-two pupils with SEN and 42 parents of pupils with SEN participated in focus groups, and also completed a questionnaire which qualitatively complemented the parental focus groups. Emergent themes for pupils included: things I will miss; fitting in and performing as well as others; laying the groundwork: getting to know new people; and experiencing and talking about ‘going to the new school’. Emergent themes for parents included: losing ground?; information is critical: ‘I’m not asking for the moon, but a bit more information’; I’d like help but I don’t want to make trouble for my child; and challenge and support. Critical issues emerging from the data concerning pre-transition experiences for both pupils and parents are discussed.  相似文献   

我国目前雇佣劳动与资本关系的深层思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国社会主义初级阶段是一个包括资本主义经济在内的经济主体多元化的历史阶段.在社会主义初级阶段,我国具有存在和发展资本主义经济的历史条件.我国的资本主义经济是世界资本主义已经发展到国际垄断资本主义时代的资本主义经济,具有资本主义经济的一般性和特殊性.我国社会主义初级阶段的雇佣劳动是指在社会主义不发达的历史阶段上劳动者为他人提供剩余价值的劳动形态.雇佣劳动与资本的关系不是技术关系,而是生产关系.雇佣劳动与资本的关系具有两重性.一方面,雇佣劳动与资本的关系具有剥削性.另一方面,这种剥削与前资本主义剥削相比,有利于生产力的发展,我们把这一重性叫做发展性.经济的发展,和谐社会的构建,都需要正确认识和处理雇佣劳动与资本的关系.  相似文献   

义务教育阶段的择校行为分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
择校行为是我国义务教育阶段无法回避的问题。从教育公平角度分析,义务教育阶段的择校现象有:分择校,钱择校,权择校。  相似文献   

高等教育大众化阶段教学与科研关系探究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
大学教学与科研的关系反映在学校、教师和学生三个层面,其历史演进经历了一个漫长而曲折的过程.由于主观和客观原因的同时并存,目前大学教学与科研关系呈现扭曲状态.要改变这种局面就必须更新教学与科研统一的观念,建立高校多元评价机制,根据高校实际实行分类拨款,落实校内分工,使教师有所为有所不为.  相似文献   

1992年春,邓小平在南方谈话中,对于社会主义本质做出了"五句话"的概括.这一概括对于我们进一步理解和把握社会主义的本质具有重大的指导意义.但是,这一概括是以社会主义初级阶段理论为立论基础的,并不是对整个社会主义社会阶段的本质概括,对于"什么是社会主义,怎样建设社会主义"的问题也只是做出了初步的回答.客观地讲,这一本质论断只是社会主义本质在社会主义初级阶段的具体表现和反映.  相似文献   

现阶段我国发展企业集团,是适应社会主义市场经济和社会大生产的客观需要而产生的,有其优越性,但也存在着许多困难和问题,为使我国的企业集团沿着法制轨道健康发展,应认真解决以下问题,确定企业集团的统一模式;设立审批制度,完善成立程序,用股份制重构或组建企业集团;国家政策调控;废除企业集团“等级制度”;制定《反垄断法》实施调控,等。  相似文献   

在新的经济发展形势下,高速公路已在我国广泛应用,现代化的进程使高速公路迅猛地发展,给人们的交通带来了极大的便利。在实际应用当中,高速公路的施工技术涵盖各个内容,在工程体系中具有举足轻重的地位,其技术的进步则代表着高速公路的工程质量得到了质的提升,目前我国的高速公路的强度和抗冲击力都较强,具有一定的稳定性和持久性,随着交通运输的通达特点,高速公路已越来越适应时代的要求,向着更高的层次探索。下面,本文就以高速公路的施工技术为切入点,通过对施工作业前的准备及施工中的不同技术应用,探讨混凝土施工技术的应用要领。  相似文献   

李苏  陈铭德 《生物学教学》2007,32(12):46-48
蕨类孢子的正常萌发需要蓝光照射,否则不能形成"心形"原叶体。本实验通过对白、蓝、红三种色光照射下的球子蕨孢子萌发进行定性观察和定量分析,生动展示了这一原理与过程,以使学生的相关知识和能力得到扩展及锻炼。  相似文献   

Drawing on the model of managerial responses to multiple organisational identities (integration, aggregation, compartmentalisation, deletion and multivocality), this article explores managerial responses in Ukrainian research universities whilst means-ends decoupling takes place at the state level. The latter term implies that practices of state policies are disconnected from the state’s core goal of enhancing public welfare. Data is taken from recent interviews with 11 top managers from three Ukrainian research universities. Our findings reveal that the greater the institutional complexity experienced by the university and the more the top managers maintain confidence in practices and organisational identities that deviate from the global model of the research university, the greater the means-ends decoupling at the organisational level. The university that sustains the least degree of means-ends decoupling at the organisational level shows aggregation as the managerial response, while the university with the highest degree of means-ends decoupling is characterised by multivocality with underdeveloped identities of research at the international level and knowledge transfer. As a higher degree of means-ends decoupling at the organisational level implies a larger efficiency gap and significant diversion of both human and financial resources, a managerial response that lacks synergy, in our case multivocality, also leads to the above-mentioned negative consequences.  相似文献   

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