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讨论了积分中值公式和泰勒公式最小中值函数ξ(x)的连续性和可微性.  相似文献   

深受程朱化张载哲学诠释的影响及各自之理论异趣,张子<东铭>与同作为勉词,并一同置于<乾称>篇中的<西铭>相较,在历史上并没有得到应有的重视.结合张子之其他著作对<东铭>之思想作整体关照,不难看到<西铭>与<东铭>之关系就是道德理想与道德实践之关系,且<东铭>与张载思想整体有着更加紧密的关联,它从强化心的环节入手将张载哲学赋予实然化的落实与担当.从其思想建构之问题意识来看,<东铭>更加符合张子思想之本旨初衷及其主要显发于工夫论领域的历史影响,而这也正体现了张载思想针对一般儒者解决择术问题的大众化面向.  相似文献   

Background: The purpose of this study was to describe our experiences and analyze the benefits of video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) combined with positron emitted tomography (PET)-computed tomography (CT) in the diagnosis of patients with early (Stage 1) sarcoidosis. Methods: From 1995 to 2006, seven patients (two males, five females), with ages ranging from 26 to 58 years, were impressed with Stage 1 sarcoidosis (mediastinal or hilar lymph nodes involvements without lung involvement) by histological examination of intrathoracic lymph nodes (LNs) and/or lung parenchyma taken'from VATS biopsy. Three of them received PET or PET-CT evaluation. VATS was approached from the right and left side in one and six patients, respectively, according to the locations of their lesions. Results: All the VATS biopsied LNs or lung specimens were adequate for establishing diagnosis. Mediastinal LNs were taken from Groups 3, 4 in four, Group 7 in two, and Groups 5, 6 in one of them. Hilar LNs biopsies were performed in four cases. Lung biopsy was performed in all but two cases. All of them were expressed pathologically or radiologically as Stage 1 sarcoidosis. PET-CT revealed high emission signals over these affected LNs. These patients received oral steroid treatment or follow up only. All of them were followed up from 5 months to 11 years with satisfactory results. Conclusion: VATS biopsy is a minimally invasive, safe and effective procedure. It can be used as a diagnostic altermative of transbronchial lung biopsy (TBLB), and can harvest larger and more areas of specimens than mediastinoscopy for staging patients with sarcoidosis. PET-CT can provide us more accurate information about the characteristics and localization of these lesions before biopsy. VATS combined with PET-CT can provide more accurate and earlier diagnosis of patients with unknown intrathoracic lesions, including the sarcoidosis.  相似文献   

"可以"在<春秋左传>中宜分为两种情况助动词"可以1"和结构松散的两个词"可以2".本文通过比较分析认为,助动词"可以1"在<春秋左传>中处于绝对优势,"可以2"并非"可以1"的渊源.  相似文献   



The reliability of child witness testimony in sexual abuse cases is often controversial, and few tools are available. Criteria-Based Content Analysis (CBCA) is a widely used instrument for evaluating psychological credibility in cases of suspected child sexual abuse. Only few studies have evaluated CBCA scores in children suspected of being sexually abused. We designed this study to investigate the reliability of CBCA in discriminating allegations of child sexual abuse during court hearings, by comparing CBCA results with the court's final, unappealable sentence. We then investigated whether CBCA scores correlated with age, and whether some criteria were better than others in distinguishing cases of confirmed and unconfirmed abuse.


From a pool of 487 child sexual abuse cases, confirmed and unconfirmed cases were selected using various criteria including child IQ ≥ 70, agreement between the final trial outcome and the opinion of 3 experts, presence of at least 1 independent validating informative component in cases of confirmed abuse, and absence of suggestive questions during the child's testimonies. This screening yielded a study sample of 60 confirmed and 49 unconfirmed cases. The 14 item version of CBCA was applied to child witness testimony by 2 expert raters.


Of the 14 criteria tested, 12 achieved satisfactory inter-rater agreement (Maxwell's Random Error). Analyses of covariance, with case group (confirmed vs. unconfirmed) and gender as independent variables and age as a covariate, showed no main effect of gender. Analyses of the interaction showed that the simple effects of abuse were significant in both sex. Nine CBCA criteria were satisfied more often among confirmed than unconfirmed cases; seven criteria increased with age.


CBCA scores distinguish between confirmed and unconfirmed cases. The criteria that distinguish best between the 2 groups are Quantity of Details, Interactions, and Subjective Experience. CBCA scores correlate positively with age, and independently from abuse; all the criteria test except 2 (Unusual Details and Misunderstood Details) increase with age. The agreement rate could be increased by merging criteria Unusual and Superfluous details that achieve a low inter-rater agreement when investigated separately.

Practice implication

Given its ability to distinguish between confirmed and unconfirmed cases of suspected child abuse, the CBCA could be a useful tool for expert opinion. Because our strict selection criteria make it difficult to generalize our results, further studies should investigate whether the CBCA is equally useful in the cases we excluded from our study (for example mental retardation).  相似文献   

运用文献计量学的统计方法,对2004-2008年《生物学教学》中“实验教学”栏目载文和作者进行统计分析,从中归纳了我国中学生物学实验教学研究的发展状况。  相似文献   

Data were obtained on tonic immobility from 10th-generation matings of replicated lines of Japanese quail. These lines had been selected for high and low mating ability and included the random-bred control population from which the selected lines originated. At 6, and again at 12 days of age, each bird was subjected to uniform procedures of immobilization and was given two scores, one indicating the number of trials required to induce immobility, another the duration of induced immobility. Although there were no differences between sexes, lines were significantly different for duration and percentage incidence to the immobility response at both ages. Individuals that responded faster also exhibited longer durations of immobility, suggesting a high degree of susceptibility. Heritability estimates indicate that the additive genetic variation effecting tonic immobility is low to moderate in magnitude. These results, when taken in an evolutionary context, suggest prior natural selection for tonic immobility and indicate that this trait is associated with fitness.  相似文献   

张爱玲小说中的几种女性形象剖析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据张爱玲小说中的女性的生存状态和所体现的价值观,本人把这些女性形象分为三类,即妖女与巫婆式,反“灰姑娘式”和良家妇女式。不论哪一种形象,都强烈地反映了张爱玲的女性意识。  相似文献   

斑胸草雀中脑丘间复合体背内侧核诱发鸣声的声谱分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中脑丘间复合体背内侧核(dorsomedial nucleus of the intercollicular complex,DM)是鸣禽鸟的基本发声中枢.应用电声理学与声谱分析相结合的方法研究鸣禽斑胸草雀(Taeniopygia guttata))DM核团对其鸣声的调控模式.结果显示:刺激斑胸草雀左、右侧DM产生的诱发叫声声谱图类似,不具有典型谐音频带,刺激右侧DM核团产生的诱发叫声主能量区带是刺激左侧的2.4倍,声长为1.3倍,提示右侧DM核团对诱发叫声的影响较大.损毁左、右侧DM后自鸣声中产生大量恒频声,这是在正常鸣叫声中没有的现象,提示DM核团对鸣叫声的频率调制起着至关重要的作用.损毁右侧DM后自鸣声声长为左侧的1.3倍,主能量区带为1.3倍,提示右侧损毁DM对自鸣声的影响较大.左右两侧差异体现斑胸草雀的DM核团对于非习得性鸣声的调控具有右侧优势.  相似文献   

以13 C标记的小硅藻(Nitzschia closterium f.minutissima)为研究对象,运用超高效液相色谱-四级杆飞行时间质谱联用分析系统(UPLC-Q-TOF-MS)对其总脂进行分析,直接观察总脂中各类脂标记情况。研究结果表明,小硅藻中共检测出7类脂分子,分别为甜菜碱脂(DGTS)、二酰甘油单半乳糖脂(MGDG)、二酰甘油双半乳糖脂(DGDG)、二酰甘油(DAG)、三酰甘油(TAG)、二酰甘油硫代糖脂(SQDG)和磷脂酰甘油(PG)。其中DGTS、MGDG、DGDG、TAG和SQDG都可以检测到标记的结果。该方法操作方便,前处理简单,测量结果直观准确,是海洋生态系统研究和脂类代谢研究的一种新手段。  相似文献   

鲁迅自己认为《铸剑》是写得较为认真的小说,因而长期以来学界分析解读这个小说用力很多,大多数研究通过传统"故事"的"新编"来分析小说铸造的复仇英雄。这种古今的审视往往忽视了中西的视域,而且看不到古今中西的文化元素在《铸剑》中的并置和融合,因而在古今中西汇通的视域中来重新解析小说的复仇英雄能够看到眉间尺和宴之敖形象的文化复杂性,从而为解读鲁迅晚年的小说提供开阔的文化视野。  相似文献   

We tested a California sea lion for visual oddity learning by presenting problems composed of three two-dimensional black-and-white stimuli, two identical (S−) and one different (S+). In the first experimental stage, a single problem per session was presented until learning criterion was reached. In the second experimental stage, all problems were presented only five times in succession; then a new problem was introduced (six problems/session). In the third experimental stage, each problem was presented only once. The sea lion mastered all stages of oddity learning. A final transfer test with oddity problems composed of completely new stimuli yielded performance significantly above chance. Data analyses suggested learning of specific stimulus properties in the first stage, learning set formation in the second stage, but oddity conceptualization in the third stage.  相似文献   

The domestic dog is an ideal model species in which to study the genetic and environmental factors that influence play behavior. Dogs exist in a wide variety of breeds and frequently engage in multiple forms of play. In the present study, we investigated whether the levels of solitary and social play differed between dogs of three breed types with distinct predatory motor pattern sequences (herding dogs, retrievers, and livestock guarding dogs [LGDs]). Furthermore, we investigated how environmental factors (social and nonsocial contexts) influenced play in dogs of these breed types. Groups of breed-matched dyads with working experience and of equivalent age, sex, and neuter status ratios were exposed to four experimental test conditions and two control conditions in randomized orders. With respect to solitary play, environmental context did have a significant effect, with toys reliably producing the highest levels of solitary play across all breed types. Retrievers engaged in significantly higher levels of solitary play overall than LGDs, and there was a trend in comparison to herding dogs. In contrast, neither environmental context nor breed had a significant effect on social play levels; however, neuter status of the dyads did have a significant effect on social play, with mixed-status dyads engaging in significantly higher levels of social play than same-status dyads. Our findings provide experimental evidence for identifying proximate, environmental stimuli that reliably facilitate social and solitary play and discuss possible genetic (i.e., breed type) and lifetime influences on the form of play in domestic dogs.  相似文献   

运用区位商指数模型分析自贸区建设中各片区生产性服务产业集聚的现状和特点,针对传统生产性服务业集聚为主,高级知识型生产性服务业低集聚度,部分高级知识性生产性服务产业缺乏比较优势、竞争力弱、集聚基础薄弱等问题,提出改善区内生产性服务业集聚短板的缺陷、加快自贸区内生产性服务业集聚形成和构建多样化集聚模式共存、完善人才引入机制和配套设施等建议。  相似文献   

Some laboratory diffusion tests were conducted with diffusion device to determine the diffusion coefficient of Cr(Ⅵ) ion passing through Dalian red clay samples. The concentrations of Cr(Ⅵ) at different places of the samples were then measured spectrophotometrically after a standing time of 1 000 d. A one-dimensional solute transport equation was used to simulate the transport of Cr(Ⅵ) through clay samples. Back-calculation of diffusion coefficient of Cr(Ⅵ) was made with finite difference method. Parametric analysis was conducted to simulate variations in soil dry density, temperature, pH and standing time. The results show that the method used in this paper is simple and effective. The diffusion coefficient of Cr(Ⅵ) in Dalian red clay varies from 1.50×10-7 cm2/s to 2.08×10-7 cm2/s. After 1 000 d diffusion, the concentration of the source solution drops down to 1.27 mg/L from 62.5 mg/L, and the diffusion distance is only 3.5 cm. Under the assumption that diffusion coefficient is constant, the diffusion effect becomes more obvious with lower density, lower temperature, higher pH value, and much more time.  相似文献   

通过对新乡市郊区4个乡镇的45个村庄农田土壤耕层重金属铅(Pb)抽样分析结果表明:不同乡镇农田土壤耕层中重金属铅含量不同,同一乡镇同一村庄的不同地块重金属铅含量也不相同.4个乡镇的土壤耕层铅含量的平均值大小顺序为:牧野乡>和平路办事处(乡)>小店乡>电源产业园乡,铅含量平均值分别为17.92mg/kg,16.61 mg/kg,14.31 mg/kg,13.58 mg/kg,在45个村庄中铅含量最高的是牧野乡朱庄村的一块耕地,含量为28.22 mg/kg,而铅含量最低的是电源产业园乡前河头村的一块耕地,含量仅为7.09 mgkg-1,均未超过国家<土壤环境质量标准>(GB-15618-1995)中规定的铅含量≤350 mg/kg,所测土壤均未受到铅污染.  相似文献   

本文运用自制问卷对在邕东盟留学生进行体育消费观的调查与分析,主要从体育消费意识、体育锻炼情况、体育消费结构、体育消费的影响因素、体育消费满意度这五个方面进行分析。并根据调查结果提出有针对性的建议,以帮助在邕东盟留学生更好地适应留学生活、保持身心健康。  相似文献   

《礼记·乐记》作为中国古代一部重要的音乐理论著作,常常是从美学的角度被解读的。其实“美”在先秦时还十分模糊,《乐记》通过“美”的表象向世人展现的是涉及美学、哲学、伦理道德等层面的更广更深的社会文化内涵及文化意义,而所有这些,在“和”这个概念中都得到了充分的体现。  相似文献   

本文运用文献计量学方法,对2002—2006年度《陕西广播电视大学学报》的载文及引文情况进行了统计分析,为该刊今后的发展及图书情报部门确定和优化馆藏提供了可资参考的系列数据。  相似文献   

中华职业学校在1918-1929年间蓬勃发展,本文试就其发展的原因进行分析,起到“以史为锚”的作用。  相似文献   

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