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IN an increasingly secular(世俗的) world, some may question the need to study the religious foundations of business ethics(道德, 伦理). But there are many reasons to do so, not least the important part religion plays in many people's lives.  相似文献   

王静  汪昀 《海外英语》2013,(8X):285-286
With the development of business among China, Indian and Australia, people pay more attention to communication channels and cross-cultural business ethics and methods as well as cultural, religious and dietary issues that may impact on successful communication. This article talks about cross communication awareness and methods for improving cross cultural communication based on author’s working experience in a firm in Sydney (Australia) that exports foodstuffs to a number of countries in Asia.  相似文献   

In the course of the European Bologna process, the notion of employability becomes increasingly important for universities. Graduates are in particular employable, if they exactly possess those abilities and skills, which are required by employers. Studies show that in the context of recruiting university graduates, employers do not only pay attention to expertise and soft skills, but also care about knowledge referring to products, markets, customers and competitors of their relevant industry. Employers increasingly expect economic knowledge as well as its application which is also expected by graduates, who have not completed a course of studies in economics or business administration. At this point, business skills take on greater significance. Whereas the expertise normally is achieved by completing a course of studies at university and soft skills are incorporated in a cross-section of universities, business skills are not. The article discusses, in what way, cooperative and competitive skills are predestined for enhancing the employability of graduates. With regard to business education and ethics, particular attention should be paid to the concept of competency as well as the self-determined taking on of one's own position. An inclusion of economic educational modules as a part of extracurricular studies can, by means of its practical with use-oriented focus, not only improve employability, but also form the basis of a reflexive professional life.  相似文献   

程丹 《海外英语》2012,(20):285-286
Shopping online has become a fashionable and convenient pattern of consumption in China,and the percentage of Chinese cyber-shopping is on the growth.At the same time,many international chain supermarkets are also taking up enormous market share.Should they follow the trend of online shopping? This paper tries to analyze from three aspects that it is not the right time for those international chain supermarkets to alter their business conception of entity sales to electronic commerce and online business in China.  相似文献   

吕昊 《海外英语》2011,(10):50-52
With the economic globalization and the demand of the situation, many higher universities set up business English major. However, since business English is still a new major and research field in higher education, lots of problems exist in the major construction, in which the issue of course settings is a heated one. The author believes that as for the course setting of business English that is an important branch of English for Specific Purposes (ESP), it should be based on the demand toward business English talents from the market and the characteristics of business English.This thesis will, based on the point view of student, further discuss the issue of business English. Based on the analysis, it is concluded that the course setting of business English in China is not mature enough, which has problems involved in the content and the time arrangement. The significance of this thesis is to put forward reasonable proposals in the hope of solving the problem in the course setting of business English so that the business English graduates will be fit for the needs of the society.  相似文献   

The business" entertainment attracts many profession or "show young people. Unfortunately, only a few can hope to become famous. Talent is not enough, because show business is as competitive as any other business. Without a good manager, a performer can never hope to succeed. Fashion is very important in this business, too. The best tailor ( 裁缝 )in the world will never be a success if he makes old-fashioned clothes. In exactly the same way, a performer must change his "act" in order to follow the taste of the moment. This is true for actors,dancers and comedians, but perhaps most of all for singers.  相似文献   

刘茜 《海外英语》2013,(13):292-293
It is widely known that business negotiation is an indispensable part in international trade and probably the most common type of negotiation.Generally speaking,business negotiation is a process which business negotiators would make the interaction in order to get specific exchange goals.Because of the important role of business negotiations in business world,many Chinese researchers have engaged in study of business and achieved many useful findings.Although there are many researches in the field of business negotiation,focusing on the analysis of relational process of business negotiation is less,which is the main con cern of this thesis.The aim of this thesis is to find the language mechanism and characteristic of business negotiation.At the meantime,negotiators are more likely to attain the deep perception in choosing the better words and structure among the negotiation.  相似文献   

With the development and transportation and telecommunication,the world becomes smaller and smaller,but there still exist culture differences in the world.Different cultural backgrounds lead to distinct needs and wants(what people buy,when they buy,why they buy and how many they buy,etc).Meanwhile,cultures have great influence on business activities.International marketing,a typical business activity,is not only concerned about economy,but also related to cultures.Therefore,if a market-oriented company wants to meet the needs of foreign customers and survive the fierce competition in international market,it is wise for their stuff to understand different cultures.This is the key for any company to make successful strategies in the light of real cultural situation.That is to say,culture is one of the most important factors in international marketing,unaware of which,corporate may loss out.In my thesis,I'll probe into the importance of understanding different cultures.  相似文献   

王为忠 《新高考》2011,(11):57-59
A society in Germany which advises on etiquette(礼仪) and social behaviour has called for kissing to be bannedin the workplace.The Knigge Society says the practice of greeting colleagues and business partners with a kiss on the cheek isuncomfortable for many Germans.  相似文献   

国玲 《海外英语》2015,(4):90-91
Different nations in the world have their own cultures, and these cultures are characterized by both universality and particularity. The former provides a foundation and guarantee for intercultural communication, while the latter often leads to negative cultural transfer in communication if the speakers are unconscious of cultural differences. This paper makes a general analysis of the negative transfer of surface-structure culture in language forms and that of deep-structure culture in values, thought patterns, religious beliefs and ethics. It holds that failure in intercultural communication will occur if inadequate attention is paid to cultural differences in the process of language and culture learning.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Because of the critical role that computing sys-tems and networks play in today’s business envi-ronment, it is not surprising that business success often goes to the company with the best information and the most efficient process for delivering that in-formation. As the principal tool for business col-laboration, corporate LANs are a vital resource in enabling today’s enterprises to adopt competitive strategies. The number of users wanting to share and access data across…  相似文献   

王恺 《海外英语》2013,(22):177-180
As the global economy communication become more and more frequent,business negotiation also become more fre quent than before and the role of business negotiation is becoming more and more prominent.The global business communica tion becomes more and more frequent which attaches great importance to business negotiation.(People who engaged in business trade or business cooperation are familiar with the business negotiation.)That requires interpreters in the business world to be re ally skillful in their business communications.The commercial trade and the commercial cooperation are mostly reached through different kinds of negotiations.In the process of negotiations,the participants communicate with language to clarify their own in terests,thus come to an agreement at last.Language is the link of several parties in negotiations,which may play an important role in the success of negotiations.It will make us get twice the result with half the effort if we are able to size up the situation and to use it reasonable.The language directly affects the success of business negotiations.So it is necessary for business people to study and master the language skills.The decision-making of enterprise is not only have to master the professional knowledge which re lated with negotiation,but also have to possess a solid language foundation and good basic language skills if want to obtain the success in the business negotiations.Interpreters’successful commercial negotiations are the art result of both sides splendid utili zation language in the process of business negotiations.Enterprise executives should not only have a good command of profession al knowledge,but also need to be equipped with good communicative ability,because no successful negotiations can be done without positive attitudes and favorable intercommunications.  相似文献   

程英 《海外英语》2011,(8):289-290,292
Business English letter is an important component of external part of business activities, politeness of the language not only shows the high quality of the businessmen, but also helps to establish a good international business relations. From a stylistic point of view, business letters in English have their unique characteristics in accordance with the Politeness Principles (PP). A sufficient understanding of this theory and its corresponding features helps to write a neatly arranged letter which may bring about good business relations. Therefore, it is necessary to explore the language characteristics of business English letters on the Politeness Principles. This paper investigates the main characteristics of business English letters in terms of vocabulary and sentence features. The Politeness Principles are elaborated through the analysis of examples. Conclusions concerning the stylistic characteristics are drawn based on these analysis. By exploring these characteristics of business letters, the paper also provides the learners of business English with the techniques necessary for writing business letters.  相似文献   

A W hy,you m ay wonder,should spiders (蜘蛛)be our friends?Because they destroy so m any insects, including som e of the greatest enem ies of the hum an race.Insects would m ake it im possible for us to live in the world;they w ould devour(吞食)all our crops and kill our cattle,if it were not for the protection w e get from insect-eating anim als. W e ow e a lot to the birds and beasts who eat insects,but all of them put together kill only a very sm all am ount of the num ber destroyed by spid…  相似文献   

Thanksgiving is A m erica s national holiday for giving thanks to G od.Thanksgiving D ay has a special significance for A m ericans because it istraced back to that group of people w ho w ere am ong the first to com e tothe N ew W orld in search offreedom.In1620,102sea-w eary Pilgrim s landed on the peninsula of C apeCod.Their ship,the M ayflow er,had intended to go to V irginia,but itm ade its landfall far to the north.A fter som e w eeks of exploring,thecolonists decided not to m ake th…  相似文献   

Establishing the NCEDL (National Centre for E-learning and Distance Learning), electronic universities are some initiatives to introduce e-learning to the KSA (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia), which have led to a fast, strong, and impressive movement toward e-learning in the Kingdom. However, e-learning in Saudi Arabia is still in the early stage of its development due to many challenges of e-learning that will still have to be faced. E-learning in Saudi higher education has been examined in a number of studies. Yet, focusing on e-learning among Saudi women through the social and religious customs of society is not sufficiently examined. Therefore, this research seeks to investigate the possibilities that exist for the utilization of e-learning in the enhancement of the higher education opportunities of women in Saudi Arabia within the social customs and religious beliefs by identifying the barriers to higher education for Saudi women, the modes of e-learning that currently exist within the higher education programmes in the Saudi higher education system, how e-learning can support higher education opportunities for women in Saudi Arabia, and a successful model of e-learning to improve higher education opportunities for women in the KSA. In order to achieve the aim of this research, a pilot study was made by using a semi-structured interview as a method of data collection from Saudi females who live with their related (mahram) male in the United Kingdom and a three stage coding analysis of the grounded theory analyzing the data collected from the field to formulate a theory and a model. A primarily model was presented which described the contributions of e-learning to higher education of Saudi women. The model is presented consisting of three main categories: (1) social and religious barriers; (2) women's use of the Intemet; and (3) women's use of e-learning, as well as a number of sub-subcategories. In addition, the need to illuminate the ability of Saudi women to convert e-learning into a valuable educational achievement is demonstrated. The next stage of our research will investigate all of the issues indicated by the pilot study in order to improve the success of using e-learning for Saudi women's higher education and eventually to devise a research theory.  相似文献   

N ow playing football is getting m ore and m ore popular in the world.A lot of people often spend their spare (空余的) tim e playing footballwith others.Footballseem s to be a fast gam e.Each of the football players(运动员) alw ays runs fast enough in order to kick (踢) the ball to thegoal.Som e football fans(球 迷)not only watch the football m atches butalso discuss(讨论)w hether the team s played w ell or not.N owadays football m atch has becom e very popular with students inChinese univers…  相似文献   

In the Albanian schools settings does not exist religious discrimination, neither gender discrimination, but there exists a discrimination, as unfair against children called "difficulty". The children who drop out of school are by far less numerous compared with those who start school, but who are not properly treated, so that they can progress the same as other children. The object of this article is the children with learning difficulties, the causes of these difficulties. One of the reasons, among many others, why this secret dropping out of school happens is also difficulty in learning that quite a few number of pupils have, which are not known to everyone, and consequently are not treated by all the teachers, or by the other people who surround the child, condemning him to a school failure and slim chances to succeed later in life. It has often been pointed out that to define the causes of these learning difficulties it is not an easy task. A large number of factors intermingle bringing about the hell of learning for some children. If it is impossible to intervene in different organic damages (even they in many cases can be prevented though), at least those depending on people can be avoided by offering a favorable environment, showing fondness towards them and making efforts to help these children. Above all, the authors have to be willing, to know and be able to do this as parents and precisely as teachers.  相似文献   

陈小丽 《海外英语》2012,(21):83-84,89
Task-based teaching approach(TBTA) is widely accepted and plays a more important role in foreign language teach ing.This paper is aimed at analyzing specific task design and the application of task-based teaching approach to business oral Eng lish teaching.It briefly introduces what the task-based teaching approach is and Willis’model for TBTA.Based on this model,it probes deeply into the teaching tasks design and teaching procedures.By applying the task-based teaching approach in business oral English teaching,teachers can assign students various tasks in the class to not only arose students’interest in English but also develop their communicative competence of business English.  相似文献   

李弘 《海外英语》2011,(12):88-90
There are many universities and colleges open the Business English courses for English Majors. These courses are orientated at improving practical business skills of the students for meeting the demands of the rapid development of society. Choosing the right text-books for these courses plays a vital role in cultivating the interdisciplinary English majors. After the empirical investigations and theoretical studies conducted for this paper, it is suggested the proportion and difficulty level of business knowledge and English language should be adjusted according to the real situation of universities as well as the needs of English major students. Moreover, the use of authentic material from the professional portfolio and task-based activities are also highly recommended to be included in the textbooks.  相似文献   

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