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P-析取(I-析取)ω-语言是P-稠密的(I-稠密的).为了判断一个给定的ω-语言是否为P-稠密的(I-稠密的),定义了P-稠密辖区和I-稠密辖区,并证明其与稠密辖区等价.  相似文献   

对已有的无处稠密等价性质进行阐述和补充性研究,得出与无处稠密等价的两个新的结论,使无处稠密集与稠密集之间建立起了等价关系.  相似文献   

百慕大群岛(the Bermuda Islands)位于大西洋中西部,面积54平方公里。人口6万,是世界上人口最稠密的地区之一,群岛上60%的居民为黑人和黑白混种人,40%为白种人。英语为通用语言。  相似文献   

左移位句式是一种有标记的句法结构,是一种常见的语言现象。学者对左移位句式的研究主要从生成语法、功能及语用角度出发,该文将从认知语言角度出发,用话题象似性理论来阐述左移位句式,以便更好地理解左移位句式及其存在的话题象似性理据。  相似文献   

在半群中引入I_稠密子集和I_极小理想等新概念——它们分别是半群的稠密子集和极小理想(或0_极小理想)的推广,证明若半群S含有极小I_稠密子集,I_j(j∈J)是S的I_极小理想的全体,而x_j是I_j—I中的任意一个元素,则U{x_j}是S的极小I_稠密子集。  相似文献   

运用分块矩阵思想,对符号空间有限型子转移具有稠密混沌的系统作了具体刻画,得到了稠密混沌的一个充要条件.  相似文献   

教师面部语言艺术探微汤福球心理学研究认为,人的面部表情在200叩种以上,它参与着各种不同情绪的信息传递,成为社会无饲海讯和人间相互通晓和理解的重要窗口,是人体语言的“稠密区”.人们往往能通过脸上的形态与色彩的变化,把那些难以或不宜用语言表达的错妙、复...  相似文献   

杨小勇 《考试周刊》2011,(87):92-93
排除语言歧义是机器翻译中最难的难题,如果语言歧义不能排除,机器翻译的译文质量就不会有质的提高。本文从词汇歧义和句法歧义两方面对英语语言中的歧义现象进行分析,阐明其形成过程,探析其形成原因,并提出英汉机器翻译的一些消歧方法,以提高机器翻译的译文质量。  相似文献   

对外汉语教学已经成为国内外一门显学,但目前各种类型的教学组织都没有将汉语方言考虑进教学内容,也没有提出相应的教学策略,更谈不上方言偏误的分析。任何语言都包括标准语和方言,二者相互依存,对立统一。掌握任何一门语言均不可偏废方言,汉语也不例外。既要重视对外汉语标准语教学,也要重视对外汉语方言教学。运用偏误理论将标准语的消错和方言的消错置于同等地位。偏误理论是一种事后的管辖,应该在对外汉语方言教学过程开始时就预见偏误点,提出相应的消错策略。预应理论的核心是由普到方,找出对应规律,为高级阶段的对外汉语方言教学奠定基础。  相似文献   

文献[1]证明了半群S含有极小I-稠密子集的充要条件是S满足弱I-极小条件 在此基础上进一步证明了半群S含有有限I-稠密子集的充要条件是S满足I-链条件,并由此还得到一个半群是Artin半群的充要条件  相似文献   

In this study, we examine how bilingual students in elementary school use their languages and what this means for their meaning-making in science. The class was multilingual with students bilingual in different minority languages and the teacher monolingual in Swedish. The analysis is based on a pragmatic approach and the theory of translanguaging. The science content was electricity, and the teaching involved class instruction and hands-on activities in small groups. The findings of the study are divided into two categories, students’ conversations with the teacher and student’s conversations with each other. Since the class was multilingual, the class instruction was carried out in Swedish. Generally, when the conversations were characterised by an initiation, response and evaluation pattern, the students made meaning of the activities without any language limitations. However, when the students, during whole class instruction, were engaged in conversations where they had to argue, discuss and explain their ideas, their language repertoire in Swedish limited their possibilities to express themselves. During hands-on activities, students with the same minority language worked together and used both of their languages as resources. In some situations, the activities proceeded without any visible language limitations. In other situations, students’ language repertoire limited their possibilities to make meaning of the activities despite being able to use both their languages. What the results mean for designing and conducting science lessons in a multilingual class is discussed.  相似文献   

教师教学有声语言是一种语言范畴内的言语表达形式,是动态的言语行为,以一种带有书面色彩的规范口语语言形态存在。以有声语言为主体,非有声语言为辅助;以预设语言为主,随机语言为辅;以传统教学语言为基础,辅助运用多媒体有声教学语言的的话语表达形式。在运用时,要注重何故、何事、何人、何地、何时、何如六个要素的合理运用,以便在课堂语境中达到教学信息传播效果的最佳化。  相似文献   

俄罗斯的医学专业高等院校数量众多。本科生学制根据专业培养方向的需要而确定。外国留学生可根据自己情况选择俄语授课或者英语授课。医学专业学费因地区、专业及授课语言的差异而不同。本科教学过程注重实践,学生有大量机会到医院进行临床实习,这种医学教学模式非常值得借鉴。  相似文献   

本文介绍了学习风格的定义、分类及特点等,通过感知学习风格调查问卷时硕士研究生进行了调查,统计分析结果表明:被调查对象有多种风格偏好,学习风格与专业,性别等因素有关。笔者提出一些将学习风格与成绩相结合来提高成绩的有效办法。  相似文献   

跨文化交际中的肢体语言   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肢体语言与学外语一样,都是文化的一部分。除一些世界公认的肢体语言外,不同的文化还有各自的肢体语言。跨文化交际时,相同的肢体语言形式可能具有完全不同的意义。本文简单对比中关肢体语言的差别,并介绍了一些国外常用的肢体语言,以此来说明在学习外语的同时,多了解一些国外常用的肢体语言是会有帮助作用的。  相似文献   

本文通过对论汉英词汇在形态特征、构词特点、词类划分、词义容量等方面的对比,找出两个系统间词汇层面的差异及其对英语词汇学习所产生的影响,并试将这一对比应用到英语词汇教学中去。  相似文献   

浅谈英语教学中跨文化意识的培养途径   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
在英语教学中,教师应适时讲授语言点的相关文化背景知识,对比两种语言的文化特点,让学生通过比较文化差异、课内练习与课外阅读等学习逐步培养跨文化意识。  相似文献   

就英汉语言基拳结构的相似性进行了探讨。从英汉两种语言的比较可以看出不同语言间确实在语法结构上存在着相似性。揭示、研究英汉语言基本结构相似性的特征,对学生学习语言、掌握语言很有必要、很有意义。  相似文献   

新晃汉语方言与其他语言和方言的频繁接触影响和加速了它的变异.这种变异在外出求学和工作人员的语言中尤为突出,有些变异是暂时的,有些变异则体现了这种方言总体性的变化方向。新晃高139班40名同学1997—2007年问方言在语音、词汇、语法方面的变异能为我们探讨方言的变化趋势提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

Due to misconceptions about the challenges of language learning, foreign languages classrooms have not always been accessible spaces for all learners. This article seeks to address the needs of students with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) in the foreign languages classroom and challenge the notion that this group of students cannot or should not learn languages. Current research tends to focus on specific learning difficulties in language learning, but little research considers the language learning experiences of children with SEND more broadly. Accordingly, this article delineates the advantages of language learning for learners with SEND, drawing on emerging research that shows that second language acquisition is not only possible but positive for many learners with additional needs. It then considers some of the specific challenges that SEND learners may face in the foreign languages classroom before outlining key strategies to facilitate inclusion among this diverse group of learners.

Key points

  • Learners with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) should not routinely be removed from the foreign languages classroom, but instead should be provided with opportunities to thrive within it. This article discusses the unique importance of foreign language learning for learners with SEND.
  • Research evidence suggests that learning new languages is, on the whole, possible—and perhaps hugely beneficial—for children with developmental differences and learning difficulties, but will depend on the circumstances and profile of the individual child.
  • The article explores some specific challenges that students with different additional needs might encounter in their foreign languages education, based on the four areas of need outlined in the SEND Code of Practice: communication and interaction; cognition and learning; social, emotional and mental health difficulties; and sensory or physical needs.
  • To conclude, the article presents a range of key strategies that foreign languages teachers might implement in the classroom to support learners with different special educational needs and disabilities.

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