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实施办法:首先召开全体教职工大会,全体教职工投票推选教学水平高、管理能力强的同志为班主任候选人,学校行政会根据推选结果指派各班班主任。其次核定各科任教师满负荷的工作量。最后班主任与任课教师双向选择,确定各班任课教师。在选择中被淘汰的教师由学校安排其他工作,并进行业务自修,参加下年的竞争。  相似文献   

绩效评估又称为绩效评价、绩效考核,是学校对教职工工作绩效进行管理的主要手段,同时也是学校行为合理化的重要环节。学校管理绩效评估的内容包括对教师的工作完成、工作效率和工作效益等各方面情况的综合反映,它对教师工作态度、工作纪律、工作效率、工作量和工作效果进行全面考核与评定。学校通过绩效评估这根指挥  相似文献   

<正> 各位代表,各位来宾、同志们: 南宁职业大学第一届第一次教职工代表大会现在开幕了。 我们这次教代会的主要任务是:(一)听取黄丹心同志代表学校所作的工作报告,讨论学校的发展规划;(二)讨论通过以岗位责任制为核心的学校基本规章制度,由校长颁布后施行;(三)讨论通过教师工作量暂行办法,人事制度改革办法等几项改革方案;(四)讨论决定有关教职工福利的有关规定等。  相似文献   

绩效评估又称为绩效评价、绩效考核,是学校对教职工工作绩效进行管理的主要手段,同时也是学校行为合理化的重要环节。学校管理绩效评估的内容包括对教师的工作完成、工作效率和工作效益等各方面情况的综合反映,它对教师工作态度、工作纪律、工作效率、工作量和工作效果进行全面考核与评定。学校通过绩效评估这根指挥棒,调控管理全校教师,优化组织内部管理,  相似文献   

为适应学院发展的需要,进一步规范、促进学院科研管理工作,鼓励广大教职工积极争取并承担各类科研任务,多出科研成果,学院近期出台了《青岛职业技术学院科研工作量计算办法(试行)》。整个办法共分13条,分别从科研工作量的界定、计算、不同职称专业人员应完成的科研工作量、计  相似文献   

经过多年的发展,萧山电大已形成了一套比较完善的教职工工作量酬金计算制度,极大地提高了全校教职工的工作积极性。 但是,在酬金计算过程中,由于涉及的因素多,人工计算很烦琐,且容易造成错误,因此,我们用Visual Basic实现了计算机化。 1、Visual Basic实现的特点 Visual Basic面向用户图形界面,交互性强,它的用户图形界面程序数很少,开发程序的效率高,且调试  相似文献   

我校内部管理体制一直沿袭旧的管理模式,制约着学校的办学活力。学校在职教职工55人,其中有20%化程度低,不适应现代教育的要求。而这部分人仍然捧着“铁饭碗”;有的人一个学期才承担40课时的工作量,但工资照拿不误;有的人闲着没事干。却热衷于搞“窝里斗”。分配上的平均主义和工作上的苦乐不均,挫伤了大多数教职工的积极性。  相似文献   

近来,有些教工来函,询问教职工的工龄计算问题。现请市教育局人事处做如下答复:一、教职工在私立学校工作的时间如何计算工龄? 一九七九年十二月十五日教育部《关于各级学校教职工退职、退休时有关工龄计算间题的复函》中,对这一间题作了如下答复:  相似文献   

教师绩效考核中的问题和对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我们学校在教职工代表大会上通过了对全校教职工进行绩效考核的动议,一开始学校设计出的是一个分三个等级的考核方案,把各个方面对教师的要求尽量都转化成可以计算的分值,但是遭到了教师的激烈批评,甚至是反对。后来学校又经过几次讨论,重新设计考核方案,经过几个月的酝酿和设计,出台了一个教职工绩效考核奖励ABC方案。方  相似文献   

河南省桐柏县第一职业高中为进一步稳定教职工队伍,从关心教职工的思想、生活入手,收到了显著效果。 学校时刻关注教职工的思想动态,针对教职工中出现的热点问题,审时度势,及时解决,校领导采取深入调查、座谈讨论等形式搜集批评意见和建议,统一了教职工的思想认识,避免了消极因素的发生。如学校及时采纳教师提出的建立内部激励机制和加快学校实习工厂的筹建工作的建议,有力地推动了学校工作的开展。 学校针对教职工的身体状况请县社会保险医院的医师到学校运用先进仪器对全体教职工进行了全身病情信息检测,受到了教职工的好评。对住房问题,学校  相似文献   

高职学生顶岗实习的难点透析与策略   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
实习单位和岗位落实难以与专业对口、实习指导难以到位、实习质量难以监控和评价,以及实习成绩考核难以科学客观等是高职学生顶岗实习中存在的主要问题,据此,高职院校应与合作企业建立一批深度合作的校外实训基地,建好校内校外两支指导教师队伍,实施顶岗实习校、系、专业三级管理,同时实现考核主体、考核重点、考核内容、考核标准四个转变。  相似文献   

高职服装类专业实践教学体系的构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建立具有服装特色实践教学体系的主要做法是:设计体现服装类学生职业能力培养的实践教学课程体系与实施方案;强化“双师型”师资队伍建设;加强校内外实验、实习场所及实训基地的建设;编写一批具有高职特色的实践课程教材;通过搭建师生专业工作室平台,推进产学研结合,实现人才培养目标。  相似文献   

This article considers how primary school staff may be supported with developing their capacity for ‘evidence-informed policy and practice’ (EIPP) through partnerships involving academic researchers. It reports on one such partnership, a collaborative research project focused on improving the transition between key stages of the National Curriculum for pupils in the middle years of schooling. A case study of one participating primary school is presented. The headteacher opportunistically capitalised on the unexpected evidence emerging during the project that the vision for the school held by members of the senior management team had not been communicated to other teachers. The headteacher's response was to initiate a management review involving all staff. It is suggested that this sort of approach to collaborative research involving school staff and academic researchers holds great promise as a starting point for many initiatives to strengthen the evidence base informing school policy and practice.  相似文献   

加强校内外实习基地的建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了该院校内外实习基地建设的措施及如何提高实践教学质量的方法。近年来通过校内外实习基地建设,提高教学质量的实践表明:实践教学是高等教育中提高教学质量的一个重要环节;加强校内教学实习基地建设是做好校外实习基地工作的前提。  相似文献   

In this article, we investigate how the shift towards inclusive education in Danish schools changes and affects the ways in which educational-psychological advisory service (in Danish, PPR) units and school staff collaborate. Since inclusion is generally a matter of ensuring that every child can be accommodated within the mainstream school system, the increased inclusion agenda has altered the type of support that PPRs typically offer. Classic psychological assessments now play a lesser role, with PPR staff expected to conduct consultative work to promote the school staff’s reflection on their own practice, with the aim of supporting the inclusion of children. Based on an ethnographic study of the collaboration between PPR and school staff, we investigate the impact of the changes on the forms of knowledge and professional subjectivities that are produced, as well as the emotional work that is involved.  相似文献   

“文化制造”是人为地控制学校文化变迁的过程,是在学校群体中建立有关教育的事与物的共同解释、共同知识的过程。新的文化见解通常由学校精英提出,并受到学校外部各种力量的约束。新的文化见解要变成文化现实,必须对群体成员产生价值诱惑,并在行动的过程中不断得到论证,成为共同信念。  相似文献   

"文化制造"是人为地控制学校文化变迁的过程,是在学校群体中建立有关教育的事与物的共同解释、共同知识的过程。新的文化见解通常由学校精英提出,并受到学校外部各种力量的约束。新的文化见解要变成文化现实,必须对群体成员产生价值诱惑,并在行动的过程中不断得到论证,成为共同信念。  相似文献   

This study aimed to explore peer bullying events in schools by using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) to consider the experiences of young bystanders: the perceptions and understandings of students who had witnessed bullying. Participants were aged 12–13 and attended two neighbouring secondary schools in the UK. Four themes were generated: the power and limits of language in bullying incidents; the power of moral frameworks; the presence of dynamic social systems, both inside and outside peer groups; and the psychological consequences of being a bystander. Implications of the research are discussed, for the practice of school staff and for educational psychologists.  相似文献   

Inclusive education for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) presents challenges for school staff and professional development is lacking. Training is not always available when needed, strategies suggested by external experts can be impractical and staff lack autonomy in choosing the best way of being resourced. Additionally, the experience and knowledge of the range of school staff is not utilised. A collaborative working group of school staff and a researcher explored an alternative method of ADHD resourcing. Co-construction of knowledge defines how the group discursively identified actionable knowledge from the different perspectives and knowledge brought by individual group members. A systemic framework was used to critically reflect on the collaboration. The framework enabled reflection on four areas to understand how and why the collaboration led to a published web-based school staff ADHD resource. Firstly, starting conditions and assumptions were considered to identify and articulate the rationale for the resource. Secondly, the context and system dynamics enabled consideration of the socio-cultural and political landscape of the project and the impact of COVID-19. Thirdly, the different voices of participants and power dynamics were reflected on. Finally, emergence was a frame in which to elucidate knowledge production and changes in practice. The collaborative working group addressed the research–practice gap and the need for diversity of voices to be heard across the school. Knowledge co-construction positions staff as knowledge bearers and, together with different forms of knowledge, they can be empowered to create new, contextualised evidence-based knowledge.  相似文献   

特色学校是在独特的办学思想指导下,从本校的实际出发,经过长期的办学实践,形成了独特、稳定的办学风格,取得了优秀的办学成果,并形成被社会所公认的学校。笔者等认为,特色学校的建设要以先进理念为先导。通过选好突破口、强化队伍建设、营造良好氛围、构建课程体系、抓好科研支撑等方面工作来促进特色学校的建设。  相似文献   

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