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PKI/PMI是新兴技术,PMI标准为移动代理的授权管理实现提供了一条新思路。PKI通过方便灵活的密钥和证书管理方式,提供了在线身份认证的有效手段,为应用系统奠定了安全基础。从基本理论、组成和各部分功能分析了PKI/PMI技术。  相似文献   

近年来,随着宏观经济的波动加剧,制造业PMI指数受到越来越多的关注。制造业PMI指数的研究主要可以从定义、测度目标以及定性和定量角度出发对该指数的质量进行评估,其中在定量角度上,可进一步从以制造业PMI指数作为宏观经济监测指标和领先指标上做深入分析。研究发现:虽然PMI指数存在一定的缺陷,但制造业PMI指数整体上仍然是一个良好的经济核心指标。  相似文献   

大成基金:PMI数据好于预期中国物流与采购联合会及汇丰均于3月1日发布了中国制造业采购经理指数(PMI),大成基金认为,两大机构发布的PMI数据虽然环比略有下降,但均好于预期,反映经济仍在扩张,惟扩张速度有所放缓。这说明信贷  相似文献   

采用2006年1月至2016年3月间我国制造业采购经理指数(PMI)和消费者价格指数(CPI)的月度数据,建立VAR模型,通过Johansen协整检验、方差分解等方法,实证检验了制造业PMI和CPI的关联性。实证结果表明,制造业PMI与CPI之间存在双向的传导关系,且CPI对制造业PMI的影响作用较大。最后,根据实证结果提出相关政策建议。  相似文献   

中国物流与采购联合会、国家统计局服务业调查中心发布数据显示,8月份中国制造业采购经理指数PMI为51.1%,较上月下降0.6个百分点。汇丰PMI指数终值为50.2%,较上月回落1.5个百分点。8月PMI数据在连续数个月反弹之后出现回落。业内人士表示,PMI的下滑反映出内需的疲弱,经济活力需要政策提振。  相似文献   

正6月中国官方PMI升至51中国政府支持的对3000家企业的调查显示,6月中国制造业状况达到今年以来最佳水平。官方采购经理人指数(PMI)由50.8攀升至51,为去年12月以来最高值,符合估计值。PMI高于50表明制造业正在扩张,这是PMI连续第22个月高于荣枯分界线50。这表明经过一系列的调控,中国经济已在今年第2季度企稳。  相似文献   

南方基金:流动性宽裕局面不改4月PMI指数为53.5%,连续5个月上升表明经济复苏比较明显。从分行业PMI指数看,投资拉动设备制造业景气强劲回升,出口订单指数明显反弹。PMI指数强劲回升,对于  相似文献   

3月制造业PMI、非制造业PMI双双回落3月份,中国制造业PMI、非制造PMI和综合PMI产出指数分别为49.5%、48.4%和48.8%,低于上月0.7、3.2和2.4个百分点,三大指数均降至临界点以下,表明我国经济总体景气水平有所回落。市场人士称,在海外地缘政治冲突加剧,以及国内疫情多点爆发的影响下,我国经济面临的供给冲击、需求收缩、预期转弱三重压力再度突显。往后看,除货币政策外,财政政策、产业政策也均有进一步发力的必要性和可能性。  相似文献   

正3月PMI结束了此前连续3个月的下滑趋势,达到50.3%,比2月回升了0.1%,显示进入传统开工旺季,企业生产经营活动有所回暖。但今年3月PMI反弹幅度明显弱于以往,说明实体经济仍旧疲软,一季度GDP或将降至7.2%,而经济下滑风险加大之下,笔者预计,4月开始有望呈现积极财政政策与改革加速的双驱动格局,以使经济回归到合理区间运行。3月PMI反弹幅度是以往最低。实际上,从2005年至今的9年时间里,3月PMI皆比2月有回升,最高时回升幅度达到5%,最低时也0.8%的增幅,平均为2.8%,而今年0.1%的增幅十分微弱,显示总体情况仍不容乐观。同时,不同类型企业依旧分化,中型企业运行最不乐观。大型企业PMI指数为51%,比2月回升了0.3个百分点。小企业PMI为49.3%,比1月回升了0.4个百分点,且两月连续回升,显示伴随着早前工商登记制度改革的加快推进、"营改增"以及对金融支持小微  相似文献   

中国12月财新综合PMI53.5中国12月财新综合PMI53.5,前值52.9,创45个月以来最高纪录。12月财新服务业PMI53.4,前值53.1,服务业成本则创近两年来最大涨幅。数据显示中国整体经济活动进一步大幅增长,增速环比上升。  相似文献   

There is an increasing interest in the role of peers in facilitating the social interaction skills of pupils with autism spectrum disorder through peer-mediated interventions (PMI). Several reviews provide promising evidence for the effectiveness of this approach; however, there has been limited consideration of the range of outcome foci and methods used to evaluate PMI. The purpose of the current review is to provide an overview of methods used to evaluate the impact of PMI and illuminate key examples of innovative practice. Database and web searches were conducted between July and August 2015 to identify PMI studies published between 2000 and 2015. Ten studies met criteria for inclusion. The review found that although measuring the outcome of PMI at the level of target pupils has been a focus, less attention has been given to exploring the experiences of participants; the impact on peers and the extent to which PMI can truly be implemented within an educational context. Implications for future methods of evaluating PMI are discussed.  相似文献   

Guidance officers who received referral information in which a child's sex, age, reason for referral, attainment and IQ levels were systematically varied, were asked to indicate the likelihood that the child was emotionally disturbed (ED), learning disabled (LD), mildly intellectually handicapped (MIH), or perceptually‐motor impaired (PMI). There was inconsistency in their identification of children as ED, LD and PMI; most cases were classified as MIH with IQ as the main influencing factor. The least exceptional children were the most likely to be categorized as PMI.  相似文献   

Peer‐mediated interventions (PMIs) have been shown to be effective for increasing adaptive social and academic behaviours of children and youth. Although PMI efficacy is generally well supported, there have been relatively few published intervention studies that focus on elementary, middle and high school students with emotional and behavioural disorders (EBD). The present review examines selected empirical literature in order to identify characteristics and relative efficacy of PMI. Findings of 12 peer‐reviewed journal papers including research designs and outcomes were examined. Results provide support for the efficacy of PMI for improving behavioural and social skills of students with EBD. Recommendations include further research on PMI for high school students and longitudinal research of PMI.  相似文献   

Immediately after the handover of Hong Kong to China, the teaching of Chinese in Putonghua was promulgated by the Hong Kong SAR government as a long-term goal. However, no clear definition and guidance regarding Putonghua instruction has been provided to teachers to facilitate the smooth implementation of this change. A review of the literature indicates that teachers’ beliefs have great value in assisting them to make sense of changes and govern their thoughts and behaviours. However, little is known about how teachers’ beliefs help teachers to understand the transition to a new medium-of-instruction (MOI). Thus, the aim of this case study is to examine how teachers’ beliefs help teachers to conceptualize the Putonghua medium-of-instruction (PMI) and how these beliefs affect their curricular decisions as well as the implementation of PMI. Data were collected from 10 secondary Chinese Language teachers in one school using semi-structured interviews and classroom observations. The findings revealed that since teachers held misconceptions about PMI in the initial phase, the implementation of PMI led to a shift of focus away from Chinese content knowledge. In the second phase, PMI was perceived merely as a code-switching device, and, as a result, only a surface change occurred that appeared unlikely to facilitate effective teaching and deep learning. This paper concludes with the observation that code switching alone is insufficient to achieve a successful transition of MOI if the deeper issue of teachers’ beliefs is neglected.  相似文献   

构建安全、高效和公平的企业系统资源的统一访问控制系统,是目前一个重要的研究方向。分析了面向服务的架构技术(SOA)、面向角色的访问控制(RBAC)技术、公钥基础设施PKI和权限管理基础设施PMI在安全管理方面的作用,并重点分析了欧共体PERMIS工程的优缺点,在此基础上把SOA和PKI/PMI很好的结合起来构建了访问控制子系统,克服了PERMIS工程的不足,实现了企业系统的安全、高效的访问控制功能,为企业系统的访问控制提供了一种参考方案。  相似文献   

Studies suggest that pre-service teachers' existing beliefs often serve as a lens to interpret the subject matter to be taught, guide their thoughts in lesson planning and shape their behaviour in classroom practices during their teaching practicum. This study examines how these beliefs affect pre-service teachers' conceptualization of Putonghua-medium-of-instruction (PMI) and their teaching. The findings indicate that the conceptualization of pre-service teachers about PMI ranged from code switching to curriculum integration. Their focus of lesson planning and teaching practice varied from transmission of Putonghua knowledge and detailed explanation of text information to integration of Chinese Language and Putonghua.  相似文献   

研究我国PMI的变化趋势,对观察宏观经济运行状态、制定相应的政策和措施、指导企业生产经营、促进国民经济健康发展都具有重要意义。针对传统马尔科夫预测模型存在对历史数据的作用均衡看待的弊端和预测结果比较笼统的问题,通过对不同时期的历史数据设置权重以及采用模糊数学处理预测结果的方法对模型进行改进,然后应用改进后的模型对我国PMI进行预测,得到2019年4月我国PMI为50.365。  相似文献   

长期以来,我国现实经济生活中存在通货膨胀现象,其成因与过程非常复杂。国内现有文献对通胀影响因素的看法各不相同。本文采用2008年1月-2013年3月的月度数据,分析了我国居民消费价格指数CPI、广义货币供应量M2、工业品出厂价格指数PPI和采购经理人指数PMI的运行现状,并且针对广义货币供应量增量、工业品出厂价格指数和采购经理人指数对居民消费价格指数的影响,运用计量分析方法作了实证分析,进行了序列的平稳性检验、协整检验,并通过VAR脉冲响应分析出M2对CPI的影响大约滞后8期,最后提出相应的货币政策建议。  相似文献   

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