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听力是高中英语考试的重点,也是同学们英语考试中的难点。英语听力试题设计的目的是要考查考生对听力材料的理解能力,它强调口头语言的真实性,也强调情感、情绪因素在口语表述中的作用,同时还强调听力技能的熟练运用。这就要求同学们在平常的英语学习中,要有针对性地加强听力的训练,以提高听力水平。一、整体浏览所设问题,预测话题和答案利用听录音前的时间,迅速捕捉每个小题题干选项所提供的信息,预测短文或对话可能涉及到的内容,这样听录音材料时就能有的放矢,有所侧重,提高答题的准确性。如下面某段听力材料的试题:1.WithwhomdoPolishpe…  相似文献   

王声余 《初中生》2012,(21):30-35
正听力一般位于试卷的第一部分,解题的成功与否将直接影响考生解答后面试题的情绪。因此掌握听力技巧尤为重要。在放录音材料前,大家一定要利用间隙时间迅速浏览题干及选项,联想相关背景知识,进行预测。然后带着预测答案去听录音原文,把听到的信息与事先的预测进行比较,有的放矢地捕捉期待的信息内  相似文献   

听力测试主要考查学生通过听录音获取语言信息并加以处理的能力。从考查的听力技能来看,大体分为三类:听音辨音题、听音理解题和听写题;从试题的形式上看,大部分由选择题组成,加上部分听写题。做听力题要注意以下几点。一、做好听前准备。听前要集中精力,利用播放录音前的时间,读一下听力试题,对将要听到的材料做出预测。这能帮助学生展开想象和推理,有助于理解所听到的内容。二、边听边记笔记。听力测  相似文献   

听力实际上是训练听的各项技能的综合运用能力,它涉及对语境的体验、对谈话人社会角色的分辨、对情境交流策略的运用等项技能的实际运用,预测则是其中尤为重要的一项认知技能。预测是指听者在做听力理解之前,根据各种暗示,如所给答案选项、段落或对标题等已有知识,对即将听到的对话内容进行预测,或者在听的过程中,根据已获得的有关信息线索,  相似文献   

要上好一堂听力课,一般可经过三个阶段。即:听前阶段、听时阶段、听后阶段。听前准备能够降低听力材料的难度,减轻学生对材料理解的困难;听时阶段要求学生静听录音,边听边记,通过分析、对比、判断得出答案;听后阶段鼓励学生复述大意,组织学生探讨深层问题,同时总结本课要点,以达到预期目的。虽然这三种模式缺一不可,但做好听前准备活动至关重要。  相似文献   

听力教学,从宏观的确定目标到具体的选择内容,教具和练习方案的实施都必须经过充分的酝酿和准备。特别是在听力教学活动的设计上,要合理安排,选择听力材料,要体现由易到难,练习形式多样的特点。对于有些听力材料,教师要准备介绍必要的背景知识,提供必要的辅助材料来扩展学生的知识面。那么该怎样进行听力教学和听力活动的设计,本文就针对这两个问题将整个听力教学设计为三部分即听前,听时和听后活动来进行阐述。  相似文献   

英语听力语境的创设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
语境在英语听力教学活动中,起着不可低估的作用。在学生听一些内容生疏、语言难懂的材料时,为学生创设语境是很有必要的。语境的创设主要在听前阶段,具体步骤可分为:提问启发、讨论启发、背景知识、呈现生词、布置任务。在教学实践中这一具体步骤的运用活跃了听力课堂气氛,增强了学生听的信心,提高了学生听力理解水平。  相似文献   

中学英语教学中听、说、读、写四项技能缺一不可,其中"听力"尤为重要,它是学生语言运用、接受信息能力的重要方面,必须努力予以培养、提高。那么,如何提高英语听力解题能力?下面就结合本人教学经验谈谈几点看法:一、掌握听力方法,提高答题能力提高英语听力效率主要的方法有如下几种:(一)预测:预测是指听者根据所给答案选项、段落或对话标题等利用已有知识对即将听到的段落或对话内容进行预测;或者在听的过程中,根据已获得的有关信息线索,如标题、句子结构、语言环境等,预测情节的进一步发展或下一步要叙述的内容。一般有:  相似文献   

语言最本质的外壳是声音,听是人们进行语言交际的重要手段。英语听力理解作为一种接受性技能,在语言交际中占有很重要的地位。听力理解是一个复杂的过程,一个熟练的听者除了需要具备语言知识,还应具备一定文化背景知识,并且要有一边听一边进行预测、猜想、推断、归纳和演绎等综合能力。因此听力理解决不是一个单纯的辨别语言材料的过程,而是一个多种技能共同配合的思维过程。职中学生英语听力训练应从以下几个方而进行:一、听力技能训练1听前准备(1)教师提供背景知识。教师口头介绍听力材料题目,创设与材料有关的情景,扫除生…  相似文献   

听力课作为英语专业的一门实践性很强的英语基础必修课,一直是语言学家和英语教师们探索和改革的问题。ICM为理想化认知模型,是人类认知世界的的新视角,以此理论为依据,建构一个以学生为主体的新的英语听力教学模式,从听前、听中、听后三个阶段训练学生的学习技能,培养学生激活、预测和巩固认知世界知识(ICM+背景知识)的能力,从而提高学生的听力水平,并培养其对听力课程的兴趣,实现探索英语专业听力教学改革与实践的新途径。  相似文献   

图式理论与大学英语听力教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
图式是“先存知识”或“背景知识”,是人们存储头脑中所有对世界的一般认识。有关读者运 用图式知识进行语言理解和文本解读的学说被称为图式理论,图式理论注重两种信息处理 方式,一是至下而上法,二是至上而下法。听的过程也是信息处理的过程,听力理解不仅需 要语言知识,更要依赖于图式知识。  相似文献   

Classwide instructional strategies to improve not only reading fluency but also comprehension and vocabulary knowledge are essential for student reading success. The current study examined the immediate effects of two classwide listening previewing strategies on reading comprehension and vocabulary knowledge. Twenty‐one, fourth‐grade general education students were exposed to three experimental conditions including a silent reading control condition, a listening previewing condition, and a listening previewing with vocabulary previewing condition. For all conditions, students read grade‐level passages, answered 10 comprehension questions, and completed a vocabulary‐matching task. Results showed that both listening previewing conditions led to improvements in comprehension as compared to silent reading. Adding a vocabulary previewing component to listening previewing procedures resulted in the highest levels of comprehension and vocabulary. Applied implications and directions for future research are discussed. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

<正>1.Know the students from different aspects A better understanding of the way to check students English competence should be integrate.Teachers are able to get useful information of the students from different perspectives.For example,a student preparing for IELTS exam,the private English teachers firstly gave him a English listening test;then answer questions on another exam paper to check his knowledge of gr  相似文献   

英语听力课教学初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要阐述为提高英语听力教学应处理好几个方面的问题,总结出强化基础训练,了解背景知识,精听和泛听结合是提高英语听力的主要方法。  相似文献   

We examine the relationship between high school students' beliefs about the nature of knowledge, or epistemological beliefs, and their attitudes toward education. High school students completed an epistemological questionnaire assessing their beliefs in fixed ability to learn, simple knowledge, quick learning, and certain knowledge. Then they answered open-ended questions on a hypothetical character named Billy. They were to advise Billy if he should go on to college even though his grades were poor and his parents had no money. Finally, they completed questions about their own feelings toward high school and their expectations of the demands of college. Attitudes toward school were then regressed on epistemological belief factor scores. The less students believed in fixed ability to learn and quick learning, the more likely they were to encourage Billy to go to college and to appreciate the role of school in furthering their education, gaining employment, and living everyday life.  相似文献   


This study aimed to increase our understanding on the relationship between reading and listening comprehension. Both in comprehension theory and in educational practice, reading and listening comprehension are often seen as interchangeable, overlooking modality-specific aspects of them separately. Three questions were addressed. First, it was examined to what extent reading and listening comprehension comprise modality-specific, distinct skills or an overlapping, domain-general skill in terms of the amount of explained variance in one comprehension type by the opposite comprehension type. Second, general and modality-unique subskills of reading and listening comprehension were sought by assessing the contributions of the foundational skills word reading fluency, vocabulary, memory, attention, and inhibition to both comprehension types. Lastly, the practice of using either listening comprehension or vocabulary as a proxy of general comprehension was investigated. Reading and listening comprehension tasks with the same format were assessed in 85 second and third grade children. Analyses revealed that reading comprehension explained 34% of the variance in listening comprehension, and listening comprehension 40% of reading comprehension. Vocabulary and word reading fluency were found to be shared contributors to both reading and listening comprehension. None of the other cognitive skills contributed significantly to reading or listening comprehension. These results indicate that only part of the comprehension process is indeed domain-general and not influenced by the modality in which the information is provided. Especially vocabulary seems to play a large role in this domain-general part. The findings warrant a more prominent focus of modality-specific aspects of both reading and listening comprehension in research and education.


小学语文说话训练的方法有以下三十种:组词造句法;回答问题法;整理句子法;观察事物法;观察画面法;听讲故事法;联想法;活动法;演讲法;实用法;演说法;扩说法;看说法;换说法;仿说法;听说法;变说法;对说法;续说法;评说法;复说法;电教法;操作法;回声法;概括法;见闻法;音响法;转述法;互问法;口技法。  相似文献   

交互式听力理解的过程包括释义和应答两个部分。释义过程的实质是听者运用头脑中原有的信息与听到的新信息共同组成前提进行推理的过程 ;应答的过程是礼貌的需要 ,同时也是促使交际进行下去的必不可少的部分。通过对交互式听力理解的过程解释 ,文章指出了在外语教学中讲授学习策略的重要性 ,并提出了主题式听力教学和讨论式的课堂教学模式  相似文献   

大学生英语听力弱是个普遍现象。许多大学新生经过中学阶段数年的英语学习,进入了大学,却发现听不懂英语讲课。对于平时听力训练较少的学生来说,要想从根本上解决英语听力难的问题,除了要具备坚实的语言基础,丰富的文化背景知识外,还应掌握一定的听力技巧。  相似文献   

What level of government subsidy of higher education is justified, in what form, and for what reasons? We answer these questions by applying the hypothetical insurance approach, originally developed by Ronald Dworkin in his work on distributive justice. On this approach, when asking how to fund and deliver public services in a particular domain, we should seek to model what would be the outcome of a hypothetical insurance market: we stipulate that participants lack knowledge about their specific resources and risks, and ask what insurance contracts they would take out to secure different types of benefit and protection in the domain in question. The great benefit of the hypothetical insurance approach is that it allows us to take apparently intractable questions about interpersonal distribution and transform them into questions about intrapersonal distributions: that is, questions about how an individual would choose to distribute risks and resources across the various lives that they might end up living, in light of their individual ambitions and preferences. Applying this approach to higher education, we argue that the UK model of higher education funding in which the costs of an individual's higher education are shared between general taxation and the individual herself, with the latter element to be paid retrospectively through an income‐contingent state‐backed loan, is vindicated as just. In particular, we argue that it is more just than alternatives such as a graduate tax, full funding through general taxation, and full privatisation.  相似文献   

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