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1.I took the Fifth when asked whether I was married or not. [误译]当被问及是不是已婚时, 我采取第五条。[正译]当被问及是不是已婚时,我不做声。[背景知识]这里的the Fifth指美国(宪法)第五条修正案,该法案允许证人拒绝回答任何问题。在法庭上,证人可以根据它保护自己的利益,如:Henry took the Fifth when asked whetherhe was a member of the Communist Party.后来,在非正式场合,人  相似文献   

11.给他当二把手我看也值得,他太能干了。【中式译文】I feel it worth being a second hand to him.He is socapable.【地道英语】Ifeelitworthbeingasecondfiddletohim.Heissocapable.【背景知识】英语的secondhand作名词指“中间人”、“旧货”或“助手工人”,而汉语的“二把手”是“副手”,即“第二负责人”的意思,所以二者不是一回事。Play secondfiddle则源于管弦乐队中第一提琴手(firstviolin)不在的时候由第二提琴手负责,并被人们引申为“当主要领导人的副手”,也就是我们所说的“当二把手”。由此,不难猜出“当一把手”译成英语…  相似文献   

1.经常给我写信。【中式译文】Write letters to me often.【地道英语】Write to me often.【背景知识】中文动宾结构的宾语在翻译成英文时常常省略,因为这些英语动词本身已经包含了中文宾语的意思,不言自明,除非需要强调,否则可以省略,不省略反而与英语习惯不符。上面的例句就是个很好的例子。又如:“你会唱歌吗”Can you sing“;我会付钱给你”I’ll pay you等。233.出国一年以后,她已经变成了一个道的美国人。【中式译文】A fter one year abroad,she has be-e a real A m erican.【地道英语】A fter one year abroad,she has be-e as…  相似文献   

<正>1. 我喜欢古典音乐。I enjoy classical music.I like classical music.I love classical music.I am interested in classical music.I am into classical music.  相似文献   

12.不可以貌取人/人不可貌相/外表靠不住。 a.Alla比not thieves that dogs bark at. b.Men are not to be meaoured by or in inehes. e.Never jud罗from aPPearanee. d .Never judge People byt蛋,eir apPearanee. e.Beauty 15 only skin deeP aPPearanee一 13.没有不散的宴席/朋友再好,终有一别。 a,All good things eome to an end. b .The best of friends must Part· 14.万事开头难/一切事情都是先难后易。 a.Eve汀beginning ish词.b.Beginning 15 always diffieult, e·Beginnin邵are always diffieult.d·All be乡nnings a…  相似文献   

1.活到老,学到老。a.Live and learn.b.One iS never too old to learn. c.It iS never too late to learn. 2.滴水穿石。a.Constant dripping wears away a stone. b.Constant dripping will wear away a stone.  相似文献   

1、你觉得这本书怎么样?(1)What about this book?(2)How do you like thisbook?(3)What do you think ofthe book?(4)How do you find thebook?  相似文献   

A woman was singing.One of the gueststurned to a man by his side and criticized(批评)the singer."What a terrible voice!"he said."Do youknow who she is ?""Yes."was the answer,"she is my wife.""Oh,I beg your pardon,"the man said."Of course her voice isn't bad.but the songis very bad.I wondered(想知道)who wrotethat awful(糟糕的)song?""I did,"was the answer.  相似文献   

Passage 1Jim:Do you have any children?Mary: Yes. Three of them.Jim:How are they doing?Mary: Well, Fred graduated last year from Harvard with a PhD in physics and in astronomy . He discovered a new planet just last month. Ann graduated yesterday from most prestigious art school in the city, she's top of the class and she has just been chosen as one of the Top Ten Young Sculptors of the region.  相似文献   

在生活中经常会发生一些让你哭笑不得的事情,比如:在动物园里戏鸳鸯的时候,你一不小心以最最难看的姿势摔进水里--身上还穿着厚厚的棉袄;从厕所出来,发现外面站着一个异性,两人都脸红红的,心里思量着到底谁进错了;骂脏话的时候不小心给你最最尊敬的长辈听见;和父母一起看DVD的时候,突然有10秒左右"儿童不宜"的内容,一时间咳嗽声大起……先别笑,虽然这些是发生在我身上的"糗事",可也随时可能发生在你自己身上(我一定会笑得更大声!!)。这期的主题故事我们就专门编辑了这样的一些尴尬瞬间,而正如英文里说的Anticipationishalfthejoy.(就这句英语,我觉得翻成"等吃的人是幸福的"最让我满意。)我们没有提供汉语翻译,就由读者自己去慢慢品味发现吧!(AlHo)  相似文献   

一、日本人境签证申请书 注意事项 ①日本法务省所辖各入国管理局签发的《在留资格认定证明书》的有效期限为三个月,按规定自签发日起为三个月内,申请者必须在日本的入境口岸办理登陆手续。 ②日本国驻华使总领事馆一般会在离三个月有效期到期以前的适当时间停止受理签证申请。因此,申请者一般必须在《在留资格认定证明书》签发之日起的两个半月内提出签证申请。  相似文献   

Bee,bee,Fly up to me.Let’s make honey In the flower sea.Bee,beeM ouseM ouse,m ouse,G et into the house.No,no,m y dear,It’s a cat’s m outh.C at,catCat,cat,G et out of bed.W ash your faceAnd put on your hat.一译到底(英文)$哈尔滨市南岗区马家沟小学三(4)班@  相似文献   

U nit51.我劝他学点法语,可他认为这不是一个好主意。【误】I persuaded him to learn som e French,but he didn t think itwas a good idea.【正】I tried to persuade him to learn som e French,but he didn tthink it was a good idea.【析】persuade指以道理、请求等“劝服”、“说服”。“劝说某人做某A School G arden Of English中学英语园地事”常用“persude sb to do sth”或“persude sb into doing sth”来表达。persuade sb to do sth只能表示“劝某人做某事”并取得成功,如果未收到说服之效,只可说“try to persuade sb…  相似文献   

1.那架飞机正以每小时500英里的速度飞行。【误】The airplane is flying with a speed of500m iles an hour.【正】The airplane is flying ata speed of500m iles an hour.【析】名词speed作“速度”、“速率”解时,既可作可数名词又可作不可数名词用;作“快速”、“迅速”解时,总是用作不可数名词。汉语“以高速”,在英语中习惯上说atspeed。speed前面用with,表示的速度概念较模糊,例如:with speed,with allspeed,with greatspeed等。speed前面用at,表示较具体的速度,或者表示极端的对比速度。例如:atfullspeed,athigh speed,attop spee…  相似文献   

U nit91.要是那个国家的人不自相残杀的话,他们就会过上幸福的生活。【误】Ifthe people in thatcountry were not killing each other,theywere living a happy life.【正】Ifthe people in thatcountry were not killing each other,theycould be living a happy life.【析】如果虚拟条件句中的谓语动词用进行时,表示“如果……正在……”,主句的谓语动词须用“would/m ight/should/could+动词原形”,并根据情况选用适当的时态。例如:If she were living a hard life,he should be responsible for it.要是她生活艰难的话,他应该对此负…  相似文献   

U nit131.骑自行车到我哥哥家要十分钟时间。【误】Ittakes ten m inutes to getto m y brothers fam ily by bike.【正】Ittakes ten m inutes to getto m y brothers hom e by bike.【析】fam ily侧重指组成家庭的成员,不指住房,特指父母及其子女,有时仅指子女,相当于children。如:John is the eldestofthe fam ily.(约翰是兄弟姐妹中年龄最大的。)hom e侧重指某人出生及日常生活的环境,即家人共同生活的地方,不涉及家庭成员。2.我们应采取行动防止事故。【误】W e should take actto preventaccidents.【正】W e should take action t…  相似文献   

名篇名著是人类文明的结晶,不论这些经典是从哪一个学科或哪一个民族中凝聚而成,都代表着人类的智慧思考与审美追求。读名篇名著的历程,是一个人积极成长的历程、心灵净化的历程、人格完善的历程。让我们共同步入名篇名著的世界,阅读人类文明长河中传承下来的经典,走向那真善美的境界,去吸收人类文明的精华。  相似文献   

清晨,我支着画板,对着窗外的雪沉思。 早就想为冬天画点什么,却总也无从下笔。最能表现冬天的是雪,雪的冷峻,雪的诗情,无一不是冬天的神髓。可是,怎样才能在宣纸上表现呢? 正在这时,三位从中  相似文献   

“哇——”,一个生命诞生了。“龙还是凤?”一个苍老的声音迫切地问道。“一个漂亮的妹儿,”产婆安慰道,“女娃,挺好的,会做事,又孝顺,我家仔整天不着家,在外玩……”  相似文献   

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