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对量子力学中的线性算符概念进行了研究,通过建立算符函数的微分学引入了超算符概念,并给出了各类超算符的定义,在此基础上利用超算符概念分析量子力学中的典型问题,结果表明超算符概念在量子力学中具有广泛的应用,且使物理意义更加清晰.  相似文献   

给出了不确定关系的一些具体的讨论及相关的例子.  相似文献   

柳永亮 《德州学院学报》2004,20(6):25-26,103
提出了一种多比特未知量子态的隐形传送方案.方案中,用EPR对纠缠态的直积态来传输一个未知信息粒子的量子态,通过N次联合测量与么正操作,实现N比特未知量子态的传输,与单粒子量子态传输相比,多比特量子态可以传送更多信息.  相似文献   

There exists an essential underdetermination in the interpretation of the formalism of quantum mechanics and this extends even to the question of whether or not physical phenomena at the most fundamental level are irreducibly and ineliminably indeterministic or absolutely deterministic. This is true in spite of the widespread belief that logic and empirical considerations alone demand an indeterministic world view in physics. This lends support to Martin Eger's analysis of a role for hermeneutics in science education.  相似文献   

对量子力学中的几种具有代表意义的么正矩阵的性质作详细的讨论。  相似文献   

We describe how Wilson’s concept of the renormalization group revolutionized our understanding of the physics of phase transitions, and of quantum field theory in general. We underline the key ideas of Wilson, based on earlier ideas of Landau, Ginzburg, Kadanoff and many others, which gave us an insight into the observed universality of diverse physical phenomena, and the remarkable efficacy of a few simple models to describe them.  相似文献   



The relationship between classical mechanics and quantum mechanics is illustrated by considering how we form the images of moving objects. Brownian motion is an helpful example because it can be analyzed in two related, but different frames which show how the images we construct depend on the conditions of our observation and on some intrinsic characters of the observed objects.  相似文献   

TimeandEnergyOperatorsinQuantumMechanicsLiChunfangWangQi(ColegeofSciences)AbstractStartingfromatimeoperator,theformoftheso-ca...  相似文献   

本文运用量子力学中的完全性关系分析了数学中整数的构成和色度学中颜色的合成问题,证明了完全性关系在其它领域也有着广泛的应用,从而有助于进一步研究数的构成和线性展开以及颜色、光谱的合成和分解问题.  相似文献   

分离变量法是量子力学中求解问题时最常用的方法之一.本文在分析分离变量法特性的基础上阐明了它在量子力学中的应用,以便于教师和学生在教与学的过程注意总结量子力学的基本特点与方法.  相似文献   

We discuss the significance of Einstein’s second postulate of the special theory of relativity (STR) stipulating the constancy of the speed of light in vacuum. The causality that follows from the STR may be a more general principle to organize our knowledge of all phenomena. In particular, quantum dynamics can be derived using the causality principle. Causality does not prohibit quantum mechanics to be non-local, and this has implications in the real world.  相似文献   

We discuss the aspects of non-locality and nonseparability of states of composite quantum systems. The probabilistic nature of quantum mechanical predictions, and the impossibility of cloning, are shown to safeguard causality in the quantum world. An example of a game which can be won exploiting quantum entanglement, but which can never be won classically, is described.  相似文献   


The study reported in this paper is a survey (n=236) that examines how upper secondary students (18-19 years old) in Norway come to terms with the wave-particle duality as presented as part of a short introduction to quantum physics. The main conclusion is that this concept is poorly understood. Some students demonstrate clear and explicitly formulated misconceptions rooted in a classical physics world-view. Scholars in physics have stated that the concept of duality is unnecessary, but still included in school and university physics. It is argued that school physics should give a more explicit focus to the challenge that quantum physics presents to the classical worldview, thus introducing the importance of an affective dimension in the learning and teaching of quantum physics. This study replicates evidence from other studies that wave-particle duality does not introduce such a challenge.  相似文献   

根据广义相对论 ,爱因斯坦对万有引力的本质给出了一种解释 :由于物质的存在和物体的运动使时间空间变得不均匀 ,即时间空间发生弯曲 ,因而产生万有引力。广义相对论进一步揭示了物质运动与时间空间的相互联系。近年来 ,由于脉冲星 ,即高速旋转的中子星的发现 ,以及探测和研究“黑洞”成为热门 ,广义相对论再次成为科学界注意的中心。广义相对论成了现代宇宙论所不可缺少的理论基础。新的观测表明 :在现代天文学所观测到的宇宙世界 ,即一百多亿年和一百多亿光年的时空尺度内 ,表现出许多共同的普遍的整体的特征。很有可能人类目前观测到的宇…  相似文献   

爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein,1879-1955)的 相对论,已经成为当今每一个人应当多少了解一 点的知识。除了物理学专业工作者以外,在研究 自然辩证法中,关于自然观、科学观、方法论,都 需要涉及相对论的知识,例如,时间空间,物质运 动,理想实验,探索性演绎法,等等。20世纪人类 开始使用和控制巨大的核能,其理论基础就是相 对论的著名的质能关系式(E=mc~2),这是生活 在20世纪的人们都应当具备的常识。因此,了解  相似文献   

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