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知行合一如阴阳一体,是不分先后的。知行合一可以解决言行不一之二重道德问题。知行合一了才能致良知。  相似文献   

Knowledge,Action and Pro-environmental Behaviour   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
This article begins by clarifying and discussing the concept of 'pro-environmental behaviour', which (implicitly) constitutes the central concept--or aim--of environmental education in the article. This is followed by a discussion of the concept of knowledge per se and its position in working with environmental problems. These two concepts require further refinement if research efforts are to make a contribution to the development of environmental education. A few examples and conceptual models will be proposed to clarify the discussion. Finally, comments and suggestions are offered for an elaboration of the model proposed by Kollmuss and Agyeman. This present article primarily draws on research and insights into environmental education in schools. Furthermore, the article primarily explores work with environmental problems in Danish schools and focuses on the general pedagogical dimensions of work done in schools in order to relate these directly to issues discussed by Kollmuss and Agyeman.  相似文献   

王阳明是明代中叶中国伟大的思想家和教育家,其教育思想是中国古代教育思想的重要组成部分。他继承了程朱理学及前儒学说,在自己的戎马生涯中,悟出了“教化”之道,提出“人人皆可以为圣人”的教育理念;他教育思想中蕴含的立志勤学、有教无类、戒傲戒躁、慎交友、重人伦、师生和谐等精神在当代仍然闪烁着智慧的光芒。对我国当代教育事业仍具有重要的价值。  相似文献   

行动研究始于第二次世界大战时期的美国,经过半个世纪的发展,今天已成为一种具有世界影响的教育研究范式。行动研究的崛起对传统的教育研究产生了强劲的冲击,教育知识的生产及其表述方式正在发生一场静悄悄的革命。  相似文献   

《义务教育学校校长专业标准》是我国第一个关于校长职业的规范性标准。《标准》的颁布和实施为进一步加强高素质专业化的中小学校长队伍建设提供了基本依据,为校长的专业化发展指明了未来方向,提供了行为准则。把握《标准》的基本理念,理解《标准》的基本要义,将有助于校长更好地依据《标准》主动进行专业发展。  相似文献   

贺麟的知行合一论其实质是两层结构,贺麟重点发挥了知行合一的学理内容,而其知主行从的观点则是"新心学"体系的必然结论。  相似文献   

The Columbus Group definition of giftedness is considered within a wider framework of theories of self. Traditions of environmental influence on development, together with motivational drive, conceptualize the experience of children of high intellectual potential. It is argued that, as described in the definition, asynchrony represents this interaction, with implications for self‐definition. This article analyzes archival data collected on 535 high IQ children (IQ ≥ 126) at the CHIP (Children of High Intellectual Potential) Foundation (Australia). The purpose was to identify patterns of behavior that could be interpreted as evidence of asynchronous development. Five such patterns were found related to home/school contexts. These were anxiety, self‐critical, overly sensitive, easily upset and easily frustrated, with depression evident in adolescents. Although the analysis is limited and exploratory only, some further research directions are suggested.  相似文献   

自20世纪80年代始,我国不断探索生态文明建设之路.生态文明建设迫切需要知行合一精神.没有知行合一精神,生态文明建设实践可能要推迟相当长的时间,或者说根本不可能出现.本文尝试从经济学角度分析"知"与"行"合一思想在应用中的效益问题,提出在生态文明建设中倡导知行合一精神的必要性及践行知行合一思想的具体路径.  相似文献   

梁漱溟赞成本然的知行合一论——情意之知和情意发动之行的合一。他在吸收克鲁泡特金的本能说、柏格森的生命冲动说等的基础上,发挥王阳明的知行合一论和致良知说。梁漱溟对知行合一论的诠释主要采取功夫论的进路;他劝人致知践行,实质上是在教导一种功夫,而不仅仅是教授一种认识;从默会知识论的角度看,他对情意之知的理解带有默会整合的向度。但梁漱溟也有偏失之处,他相对忽略了知解之知与行动的关系。  相似文献   

近些年来,行动研究的发展对教学论研究产生了不可忽视的影响.行动研究隐含着相对主义、实用主义、工具主义、操作主义等知识假设,对教学论研究提出了严峻挑战.正确对待行动研究、坚守教学论的理论品格、保持理论与实践之间的适当张力是教学论研究应对挑战的基本策略.  相似文献   

生态文明是一种先进的价值观,我国当前的社会经济建设必须严格按照生态文明观的要求贯彻和执行,才能发挥积极作用。王阳明的“知行合一”强调“知”与“行”相结合,思想和行动的结合是当今生态文明建设的出发点,只有将生态文明的真谛落实于生态文明建设的行动中,才能实现生态和谐、社会发展。  相似文献   

冯友兰提出了道德“知易行难”“知难行易”的观点。理解两种“对立”观点的关键在于辩证把握“知”的深义:“知易行难”的“知”是基础层次的认知,是通常具有的感知;“知难行易”的“知”不仅包含知道、认识,还蕴含“了解”。深层意义的“知”和“觉解”存在内在联系,它们都含有了解之意,即对发出的道德行为具有清楚的认知,属于理性认知。...  相似文献   

小学生的道德意志薄弱,自控能力水平低,道德行为缺乏坚持性,极容易受到各种因素的影响。"知行不一"的现象在小学生道德品质形成过程中时有出现,教师应该针对小学生的特点,在课堂内外锻炼他们的道德意志,促进学生良好道德品质的形成。  相似文献   

基于情境建构主义的行动引导型教学模式与知识传授型教学模式有着本质的区别。这两种教学模式在理论依据、教师角色、学生角色、教学方法和学习环境等方面都存在差异,通过对它们的比较研究,以期对从事教学工作的实践者和教学理论的研究者提供一定的帮助。  相似文献   

Mr. [Wang] Yang ming says, "Knowledge is the beginning of action; action is the completion of knowledge." I do not agree. Action is the beginning of knowledge, and knowledge is the completion of action. Let us begin with children. They know that fire is hot only after they have felt the heat. They know that snow is cold only after they have chilled their hands. Only after they have tasted sugar do they know it is sweet; only after they have run into a rock do they know that rocks are hard. When you have lived for awhile in a sunny place, when you have gone into a kitchen a few times when food is being cooked, and when you have lived through several summers, then you have an abstract idea of heat. When you have made a few Bodhisattvas out of snow, when you have breathed the frosty wind a few times, and when you have had a few dishes of ice cream, then you have an abstract knowledge of cold. When you have eaten white candy, red candy, sesame candy, sugar cane, and licorice, then you have an abstract idea of sweetness. When you have run into iron, copper, and wood several times, then you have an abstract knowledge of hardness. When you first burn your hand and then freeze your face, you understand hot and cold even better. When you eat licorice and then bitter herbs, you can understand sweet and bitter even better. When you run into a rock then touch a ring of cornflowers, you know the difference between hard and soft even better. In all of these things, we can see clearly that action is the beginning of knowledge and knowledge is the completion of action. Only after Franklin flew a kite did it become known that electricity could be attracted from the atmosphere to earth. When Watt heated water and saw that steam could move the teapot cover, he knew steam could also move machines. When Galileo dropped balls of unequal weight from the tower of Pisa, he knew that balls of unequal weight fall to earth at the same speed. In these scientific examples, we can again see that "action is the beginning of knowledge and knowledge is the completion of action."  相似文献   

高等教育研究者往往也是教育教学或管理领域的实践者,他们负有将自身的研究成果(知)转化为相应的教育教学或管理实践(行)从而使知行统一起来的责任。知行统一既是必要的,也是可能的。就高等教育研究队伍中的大学教师而言,其必要性在于教师的角色要求、根除教育研究成果与实践不一致的弊病、推动教育实践发展以及研究成果发挥作用、检验、完善、丰富与发展之需要;而研究成果的可转化性、高等教育研究者与实践者的双重角色则为知行统一提供了可能。但实践转化的意识缺失、教育责任感不足、研究质量的制约、自主权缺乏以及评价制度的消极导向等原因制约了高等教育研究者的知行统一。为此,大学教师应树立既要求"知"也要求"行"的观念、强化教育责任感、提升研究质量;同时,大学应保障教师的教学自主权、改革重科研而轻教学的评价制度。  相似文献   

王阳明“知行合一”学说发展的三个阶段   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王阳明的“知行合一”学说可分渐次深入、不断成熟的三个发展阶段,不仅每一发展阶段有一典型事件作为标志,而且每个阶段有其自身的特点,值得人们去探索和了解。  相似文献   

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