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INTRODUCTIONTheOSSI(OffsetSurface/SurfaceIntersection)problemisasub-problemofgeneralSSI.AlthoughtheOSSIproblemcanberesolvedbyapplyinggeneralSSIalgorithm,itiscomputationallyexpensiveandexhaustive.Inrecentdecades,effortshavebeenfocusedoncomputingSSIexactly,efficiently,androbustlyinageneralsetting(Abdel-MalekandYeh,1997;Changetal.,1994;BurkeandSabharwal,1996;Mullenheim,1991).Thesetechniquescanbeclassifiedmainlyintofivecategories:algebraic,latticeevaluation,marching(tracing)method,…  相似文献   

Conventional methods for solving intersections between two offset parametric surfaces often include iteratively using computationally expensive SSI (surface/surface intersections) algorithm. In addition, these methods ignore the relations between the intersection curves of parametric surfaces with different offset distances. The algorithm presented in this paper, makes full use of the topological relations between different intersection loops and calculates intersection loops with the help of previously calculated intersection loops. It first pre-processes two parametric surfaces to obtain the characteristic points, called topology transition points (TTPs), which can help in the subsequent finding of the topologies of the intersection curves. Then these points are categorized into several distinct groups, and we can determine the calculation strategy for searching initial points by analyzing the properties of these TTPs on the surfaces. Hence, all intersection curves can be marched from initial points by the tracing algorithm. The proposed algorithm could calculate intersection curves robustly and effectively, and has been tested to be capable of overcoming the degenerate conditions such as loop and singularities leaking that occur frequently in conventional algorithms. Project supported by the National Research Foundation for the Doctoral Program (No. 2000033554) of Higher Education of China and the Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province, China (No. 6001107)  相似文献   

基于三坐标测量的复杂曲面边界线的获取与构建   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出了利用三坐标测量机测量曲面边界线、获取曲面边界点数据和构建曲面边界线的方法。  相似文献   

基于链码匹配技术的断层间复杂轮廓线三角曲面重建方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用链码理论对已获取的层间轮廓线进行编码,将二维的轮廓曲线转化为包含轮廓形状信息的一维链码;以包含轮廓形状相似信息的“链间距离”为目标函数,采用链码匹配技术完成相邻层轮廓特征点的匹配,将复杂轮廓线分割为若干简单的曲线段,重构的曲面由这些分片构造的三角片曲面拼接而成、实验表明该算法能够找出复杂轮廓线上恰当的对应特征点,从而构造出较真实的曲面。  相似文献   

运用逆向工程专用软件可以使点云生成三角网格面,它是原始模型的线性逼近,光滑度较低。为了改善曲面的光滑度,经过对细分造型技术的研究,在分析Loop细分模式和细分模式的基础上,揭示GeomagicStudio软件中细分造型功能的原理.建立在三角网格面模型基础上的细分曲面造型技术可以改善曲面光滑度。  相似文献   

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