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我国营利性学校具有合法律性。从法律规范的效力渊源规则来看,营利性学校具有合法律性。从特别法效力规则来看,就基本法而言,营利性学校具有合法律性;从单行法来说,除了民办高等学校,其他民办学校可以是营利性学校;就行政法规而言,营利性学校具有合法律性;从部门规章来看,从事学历教育的民办学校不能办成营利性学校,而从事非学历教育的民办学校可以是营利性学校。按照前后法相关规定的分析,营利性学校具有合法律性。  相似文献   

为了解智力落后学生家长对辅读学校的态度,我们对上海市一些辅读学校的智力落后学生家长及随班就读的智力落后学生家长进行了问卷调查。内容主要包括家长与学生的基本情况、对辅读学校的认可度、学生的学习情况、家长对教师的态度、学生在校的情绪、家长对辅读学校的心态等方面。结果表明,随班就读学生家长对辅读学校的认识明显较少,对于在辅读学校就读抱着较消极的态度,辅读学校学生家长对辅读学校的评价普遍较高。此外,本研究根据研究结果提出了一些相关建议。  相似文献   

A census and survey of schools in selected poor areas of Lagos State explored the nature and extent of private education, and compared inputs to public and private schooling. Of all schools (71%) were found to be private, with more unregistered private than government and registered private schools. It was estimated that 33% of school children were enrolled in private unregistered schools, and 75% in private schools in general. Teaching activity was found to be considerably higher in private than government schools, and teacher absenteeism was lowest in private schools. Most school inputs showed either comparable levels of provision in government and private schools, or superiority in private schools.  相似文献   

This article investigates the monitorial system of education in Sweden between 1820 and 1843. In contrast to previous research, which has emphasised monitorial education as a method for disciplining poor children, this article compares the use of the method in schools for the working classes and in academic schools. Using concepts such as segmentation and discipline, the article analyses sources from 30 schools for the working classes and 40 academic schools to show how monitorial education was used in different schools. The mechanical exercises used in schools for the working classes were not implemented in the academic schools, where the role of monitors was more that of a teacher than a monitor. As this article demonstrates, these distinctions correspond to the different purposes of the schools. The schools for the working classes were directed towards instilling obedience, while the academic schools sought to awaken self-activity.  相似文献   

陈建超 《教育与考试》2012,(4):80-82,87
开展县域内义务教育学校教师校际交流,要坚持组织选派与教师个人志愿相结合,鼓励多种形式开展教师校际交流,组织教师由优质学校向薄弱学校、城镇学校向农村学校、超编学校向缺编学校合理流动,优化师资配置,提高师资配置效益。  相似文献   

美国营利性私立中小学发展状况与环境分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美国营利性私立中小学是私立学校中的一个较为特殊的群体。在对其进行调查的基础上,结合案例,探讨了营利性与非营利性学校划分的标准,并分析了营利性私立中小学的发展特点和环境因素。  相似文献   

Toronto boasts a large and diverse system of public alternative schools: schools where democratic practices, student access and a commitment to public education are fundamental. There are academic schools; schools with thematically focused curricula; schools driven by social movement principles such as antiracism and global education; schools for students who do not thrive in mainstream schools; and schools with alternative scheduling and delivery practices for students who must work. The schools are small, supporting personalized relationships among teachers and students, with teacher-driven curricular programs that are responsive to student interests. Curricular innovation is made possible because alternative schools are only loosely coupled with the rest of the public education system, but they still must comply with school system regulations. This paper describes how teachers’ work and the structural elements of alternative schools support school-based innovation.  相似文献   

Various arrangements have existed to ensure the participation of pupils' parents in school life, in particular, parent committees, which are obligatory in public schools. Private schools merely had the obligation to permit parents to form such a committee. This distinction was abolished by the new law concerning participation in education that went into effect February 1, 1982. This law is equally applicable to private or public education, nursery schools, primary schools, special schools, secondary schools, and higher professional schools (for a provisional period pending the establishment of specific regulations), as well as to part-time instruction and evening schools.  相似文献   

Full-time virtual schooling is a growing alternative to traditional schools, although it is an option still unknown to many students. The ability to inform students through marketing is thus foundational to the success of virtual schools. Using a qualitative case study methodology, this article examines marketing patterns for nonprofit virtual schools, including how students find out about virtual schools; the ways in which school leaders market their schools; and changes reported in schools’ marketing and recruitment needs and strategies. This analysis suggests that students find out about virtual schools in many ways, including being referred, rejected, and urged by their local schools. Implications include issues around socioeconomic equity, especially in terms of school access, funding, and educational quality.  相似文献   

A distinctive characteristic of the education system in Northern Ireland is that most Protestant and Catholic children attend separate schools. Following the partition of Ireland the Protestant Churches transferred their schools to the new state in return for full funding and representation in the management of state controlled schools and non-denominational religious instruction was given a statutory place within such schools. The Catholic Church retained control over its own system of voluntary maintained schools, initially receiving only 65% of capital funding; however all grant-aided schools in Northern Ireland are now eligible for full funding of running costs and capital development. This paper highlights the emergence of a small number of integrated schools since the 1980s. Catholic and Protestant parents have come together as the impetus for these schools and this presents an implicit challenge to the status quo of church involvement in the management and control of schools. In practical terms the integrated schools have had to develop more inclusive arrangements for religious education, and legislation that permits existing schools to 'transform' into integrated schools also presents new challenges for the society as a whole.  相似文献   


This paper employs a stochastic production frontier model to assess the efficiency of the senior secondary schools in the Gambia. It examines their efficiency in using and mixing the educational inputs of average teacher salary, average teacher education, average teacher experience and students to teacher ratio in producing the number of students scoring credit and above in English and Mathematics. The schools are categorized into three types: the Government schools, the subsidized schools and the private schools. The paper finds no evidence that the private schools are different from the subsidized schools, but there is robust evidence that the private schools are significantly different from the Government schools. The average teacher salary is found to be irrelevant to the student performance, whereas high average teacher experience significantly improves student performance, and high student-to-teacher ratio significantly negates the student performance. Private schools appear to be the most efficient in 2006, but from 2007 to 2008, the performance of the schools in general is found to be highly volatile and unpredictable. Only one school emerges to consistently maintain a superior efficient performance throughout the three years studied.  相似文献   

全纳教育、全纳学校、全纳社会   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
全纳教育是一个全新的教育理念 ,也是国际教育研究的一个新领域。全纳教育的理念需要全纳学校来实践 ,因而全纳学校是不同于以往的普通学校和特殊学校、也不同于后来的一体化学校 ,它是一种新型的教育模式 ,在教育、社会、经济方面均具有极大意义。全纳教育理念和全纳学校实践的目的是要促进形成一种追求社会公正、机会平等和民主参与的全纳社会。为此 ,在现存社会中对阻碍这种追求的任何障碍都应该加以确认、质疑和消除。全纳教育的理念指导我们实施全纳学校 ,全纳学校的实践促使我们走向全纳社会。  相似文献   

This paper examines the specialist schools programme in England and, in particular, the issue of co-operation between specialist and non-specialist secondary schools. It explores the policy and how it has evolved over time, before examining literature relating to specialist schools, segregation and achievement. A small-scale research study, which involved interviews with officials at national and local levels, and in specialist schools, and a survey of non-specialist schools is described and results analysed. Although the specialist schools programme appears to have facilitated co-operation between schools, there are some major barriers that need to be overcome. One of the most significant is the competitive environment in which schools in England operate. Notwithstanding this barrier, the research suggests that other initiatives covering local education authority areas such as 'Excellence in Cities' and 'Diversity Pathfinders' might serve to foster co-operation between schools, although it is argued that school autonomy is unlikely to be the most productive way to foster co-operation.  相似文献   

《Support for Learning》2004,19(1):31-37
Conductive education is a distinctive style of teaching and learning for pupils with physical difficulties. It is practised in the UK in some maintained, non‐maintained and independent special schools and centres (here collectively termed ‘conductive‐education schools’). In this article Mike Lambert investigates the extent to which these conductive‐education schools have links with mainstream schools, and the purposes and nature of such links It discusses what conductive‐education schools may need to do if they are to develop effective and valuable roles in respect to mainstream schooling This report has relevance for all schools, but particularly for those special schools with an interest in, or practising, conductive education and for mainstream schools interested in working with them.  相似文献   

我国民办学校政府规制:实践与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
民办学校具有公益性和民办学校进行市场化运作时可能出现"市场失灵"的情形,是政府对民办学校规制的重要理由;而民办学校"以自愿求公益"的特点,又要求政府对民办学校的规制区别于公立学校。有效的政府规制要求政府消除对民办学校的观念歧视和体制排挤,在此基础上采取有效的规制模式和手段,谋求实现民办学校的自主性和公益性的平衡,真正促进民办学校的健康发展。  相似文献   

陕西省中小学信息技术教师专业化成长有效途径研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陕西省中小学信息技术教师专业化成长存在许多现实问题,在新课程改革实施的今天,如何有效地解决问题是课题研究的意义所在。在对陕西省中小学信息技术教师进行调查、走访、座谈的基础上,本文罗列出总结分析的主要问题及其原因,提出解决问题的思路与办法——学历教育培训、网络教研、教育行动研究,旨在推进中小学信息技术教师专业化成长的进程,促进陕西省中小学信息技术教师队伍的发展。  相似文献   

Low-performing schools in rural settings can face challenges common to all struggling schools, such as low student motivation and maintaining a qualified teaching staff. However, aspects of rural schools’ settings, such as the distance from urban areas and the commute between the schools and the students’ and teachers’ homes, can exacerbate the challenges that rural schools face. This article focuses on the experiences of nine rural schools that were part of a study for the U.S. Department of Education on the school improvement process in a purposive sample of 35 schools receiving federal funds through the School Improvement Grants (SIG) program. In particular, it examines how respondents in the rural schools perceived that the schools’ rural setting influenced the schools’ challenges and improvement actions and presents findings on the recruitment and retention of teaching staff, an activity integral to school improvement efforts under SIG.  相似文献   

A census and survey of schools in the slums of East Delhi, India, explored the nature and extent of private education serving low-income families, and compared inputs to public and private schooling. Around two-thirds of all schools were private unaided, with more unrecognised private than government schools. Teaching activity was found to be considerably higher in private unaided than government schools, although teacher absenteeism was lowest in government schools. Most inputs showed either comparable levels of provision in government and private unaided schools, or superiority in private unaided schools. Possible implications are explored, concerning targeted vouchers, increased regulation and self-regulation.  相似文献   

This article reports the findings from a survey of special schools in England and Wales regarding their links with mainstream schools. This survey was a follow-up of two previous surveys undertaken in mid-1987 and 1993 respectively. Data were elicited about visits made by pupils, teachers and support assistants both from special schools to mainstream schools and from mainstream schools to the special schools. Over two-thirds of special schools in England and Wales responded, the sample reflecting the distribution of types of special schools nationally. Findings indicated that the degree of link activity has been maintained over the years but it is relatively restricted in terms of the number of pupils and staff involved, and there does not seem to be evidence of the strategic use of placements.  相似文献   

It has been suggested common schools might have something to learn from spiritual education in Steiner schools. This arguably assumes practice in Steiner schools to be compatible with the aims of spiritual education in common schools. I question this by considering whether the former is confessional, as the latter should not be. I begin by highlighting how my concern about the potentially confessional nature of Steiner spiritual education arose. I argue for a nuanced understanding of confessional education, which distinguishes between ‘weak’ and ‘strong’ confessional education, as well as between confessional education as intentional and as defined by outcome. I then argue that spiritual education in common schools should prepare pupils for spirituality, without being confessional. I consider whether Steiner schools are confessional by drawing upon findings from research conducted at six Steiner schools. I conclude that spiritual education in Steiner schools is weakly confessional in an intentional sense. I further conclude that practices which might contribute to preparation for spirituality and which can be implemented in a non-confessional manner are worthy of consideration for transfer to common schools. Common schools committed to preparation for spirituality as an educational aim could learn from spiritual education in Steiner schools.  相似文献   

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