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从语言与社会的关系开始,试探索语言与文化传承间的相互影响和相互推动的关系。  相似文献   

语言是文化的载体,是文化表达和传达的重要手段。文化差异是客观存在的,英汉两毽语言之间的差异是由语言的文化差异所决定的。在不同的语言文化里,相同词语可有不同的含义,不同的词语可有相同的含义。  相似文献   

当今人文科学领域内,教育与文化相脱节的现象甚为严重,以外语教育为例,在有些院校里,教育中追求实用之风颇盛,语言已经成为职业化和技能化的学科。这与全球经济和文化发生碰撞与交融的现实是矛盾和背离的。如何高质量地在跨文化交际中实现语言的运用与传递,实现文化的有效交流与传播,已成为高校英语专业教学应该和必须重视的问题。文章从语言和文化的关系入手,深入分析了语言学习过程中文化所起的关键性、决定性作用,强调了文化对语言学习的重要性。  相似文献   

本文分别从石器时代到先秦时期生活在中华大地上各个族群的文化、图腾、语言、文字等方面的逐步融合,分析华夏民族形成的历史过程,论证汉民族的先民华夏民族起源的多元性。  相似文献   

英汉文化差异一直是阻碍我国人民与讲英语国家的人进行交流的重要因素.对英汉文化差异知之甚少或缺乏必要了解,在交际过程中会遇到许多问题,造成误解或陷入尴尬境地.本文就语言与文化的关系以及汉英文化差异在语言符号和语义方面的反映作简单的分析和比较.  相似文献   

Does studying about the nature(s) of science contribute to a prospective teachers' effectiveness as a science teacher? This research grew out of a course created by a science educator and historian of science who believed prospective teachers needed more complex understandings of the cultural wars surrounding science. The research team consisted of five prospective teachers who participated in the course as well as the two instructors. This paper describes the experience of participating in the course from both perspectives. We argue that studying the cultural wars over science contributes to prospective teachers' professional growth as much because the course elicits tacit beliefs about school science as it introduces more complex understandings of science. We found that prospective teachers' tacit beliefs about school science were their greatest barrier to developing more complex understandings about the nature(s) of science. We contend that willingness to grapple with complexity and developing a professional identity by locating oneself in the conversations about the nature(s) of science are better criteria for determining the professional growth of prospective teachers than knowledge measures. Finally, we argue that prospective teachers should be viewed as professionals who are responsible for finding their own voice, making their own decisions, and considering the consequences of their beliefs on their practice. This study raises questions critical to teacher education programs for prospective teachers and teacher‐educators alike. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 37: 895–915, 2000  相似文献   

<正>Body language is related to culture, which serves for communication and can make people communicate effectively and smoothly. People with different culture background have their own system of expressing body language in communication. However, because of some similar common customs between the American and Chinese, there appear some same body languages with the same meanings. But because of different cultures,they may cause misunderstandings or even conflicts in Sino-American intercultural communication.  相似文献   

宗教是人类的文明成果,人类社会的语言与宗教文化有着密不可分的关系.云南是我国少数民族种类最多的省份,也是我国宗教文化类型极为丰富的地区,特有的宗教文化对云南少数民族的语言产生了巨大影响.笔者从宗教文化角度,就原始宗教和神学宗教对云南少数民族语言的影响进行分析,目的在于深入了解宗教文化对少数民族语言发展的促进作用.  相似文献   

文化外译关乎文化的自我认同,关乎文化的传承流布,更关乎国家软实力的提升与国际形象的塑造。通过考察接受主体对接受对象的吸收融合过程,将其分为两组四对范畴。经分析,明晰接受方式或类型有助于解释接受主体的接受方式、态度及其心理变化,进而有利于改善及提升外译成效。  相似文献   

对外汉语教学研究既要重视汉语言研究也要重视汉文化研究,特别是区域文化研究。开展皖江文化的对外教学研究、对外传播和弘扬皖江文化,既顺乎皖江地区及安徽省经济、社会、文化建设的重要战略,亦是皖江地区高校安庆师范学院和安徽省其他高校对外汉语专业的重要职责。以皖江文化的对外教学研究为个案,可从研究内容体系、研究特色形成等方面构建区域文化对外教学研究的框架。  相似文献   

文章着重从生存环境、宗教信仰与历史典故及价值观念和思维方式等方面分析对比英汉语言中的文化因素,找出文化的共通性和差异性在语言中的反映.认为语言是文化大系统中的子系统,语言就是文化.  相似文献   

语言和文化均属于社会现象。语言是社会文化的要素之一,是文化的载体,文化通过语言的存储与传播世代相传,两者关系密切。在英语教学中,教师应重视语言和文化的关系,在传授语言知识的同时同步传授文化知识,真正做到在语言中教文化,在文化中教语言,使二者融为一体,相互促进,培养和提高学生的跨文化交际能力。  相似文献   

国内外文化通过传统媒介进行传播,主要包括新闻、书籍等,体现着国与国之间的文化交流和发展。我国在十九大前后提出"一带一路"战略,意在文化融合的前提下打造国际命运共同体,这充分表明目前国家旨在下大气力将中华文化向外传播,同时吸收外国文化,实现各国文化与经济的互利共赢发展。从区域文化传播的影响力出发,提出文化外译的重要性,指出目前文化外译传播途径的缺陷,进一步提出对应的优化探析方案。  相似文献   

外语教育与少数民族文化传承的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
世界上任何民族的语言都承载着本民族的心理意识和思维习惯,记载着本民族历史文化和社会生活中延续不断的思想意识表现。民族语言既能反映本民族的发展历史,又能规范本民族对客观物质世界的认知方式和对现象的解释方法。本文从外语教育的视角,论述外语教育对云南少数民族文化传承的影响,从而进一步展示外语教育中民族文化传承与民族文化传承的关系。  相似文献   

Summary As is often the case for the counsellor, initial referrals when explored further lead to other issues. In this paper, a methodology was presented for dealing with scapegoating problems and a negative classroom atmosphere. The methodology involved the use of structured questions designed to help children: explore problem areas, express feelings, understand conflicts and activate the motivation to change and act positively. The sequencing of the format is important in that it allows for movement and transformation of thoughts and feelings. In addition, particular attention was paid to entry and exit stages and to shifts from self to other, facts to problems and problems to solutions. The model is easily understood by teachers and after a few modelling sessins by the counsellor most are able to use it on their own with minimal supervision.University of British ColumbiaThis article will also be published in Elementary School Guidance and Counseling, a journal of APGA.  相似文献   

With the increasing number of teaching and classroom assistants across the UK there is now much debate about what their role should be. In particular concerns have arisen about the extent to which they overstep the boundary from supporting teaching and learning into teaching pupils. This study assesses this issue within Scotland. It draws on a national survey of 2000 head teachers, teachers and classroom assistants and interviews with directors of education in nearly half of all Scottish local authorities. Findings from the research suggest a small number of classroom assistants in Scotland are overstepping the boundary into teaching. The paper concludes with an explanation as to why this is happening taking into account aspects such as local authority policy, school size and the individual characteristics of the classroom assistants.  相似文献   

中华优秀传统文化是我们民族赖以生存的灵魂,其精髓在于人人落实优秀传统美德,"孝"道是优秀传统美德的核心思想。由于历史原因,现今社会对传统文化产生了误解、曲解,导致国人丢失传统,传统文化将面临断层的危险,我们从以身作则、狠抓落实,邻里守望、一带一组,课上课下、不舍一人,把握时机、寓理于事等方面将其宝贵的价值理念与道德规范应用到我们的课堂教学中。  相似文献   

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