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This study examines Finnish and English primary student teachers' ideas when planning to teach a physics topic during their science education studies. Many primary student teachers lack sufficient subject knowledge, which prevents them from constructing the scientific pedagogical content knowledge that enables them to concentrate on pupils' thinking and process skills needed in a physics topic. Therefore they will have problems constructing learning environments that encourage pupils to take active control of their learning. In order to develop effective pedagogical content knowledge it is of the utmost importance that the science educators responsible for physics courses pay special attention to the promotion of favourable attitudes towards the teaching of physics topics. This can be done by focusing on how to teach some basic familiar topics. Quality, not quantity, is important in focusing on both subject knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge. The construction of pedagogical content knowledge is a complex interrelationship of attitudes, subject, and pedagogical knowledge. All three of them need to be developed to enable students to confidently and effectively teach young children.  相似文献   

地理教学应该重点培养学生环境保护参与意识、可持续发展意识、人口意识、人均与国情意识、环境资源意识、环境科技与经济意识、环境法制意识、环境公德意识、全球意识。  相似文献   

若用脱离社会生活的学习方式获取知识,会使学生将来在参加社会实践活动中感到"学习无用".借助地理科学的特征,则可实现"学生到生活中学习"这一符合新课程理念要求的学习方式.作为地理教师,在教学中必须引导学生将地理知识融入生产生活,在生产生活中学习地理知识.  相似文献   

This study employed the repertory grid technique to investigate how a sample of 27 student teachers in Hong Kong developed a personal sense of teaching efficacy. The analysis indicated that the third year students' perceptions were more homogenous than were those of the first year students. The results also indicated that teaching efficacy was viewed in terms of the dimensions of concern for instructional participation and learning needs of pupils, communication and relationships with pupils, academic knowledge and teaching skills, lesson preparation, management of class discipline, teaching success, teaching commitment, and a sense of self-confidence. Experiences of teaching practice, electives, pupils, and teaching practice supervisors (Electives) were the major sources for the development of a sense of teaching efficacy. Implications of how those aspects of teacher training can be more effective in engendering a sense of efficacy in the student teachers are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to discover physics student teachers' objectives forpractical work in teaching physics. The subjects of the study were physics studentteachers participating in a course titled Experimental school physics. The theoreticalbackground of the course was based on a quite unique perceptional approach, and theresults indicate that after attending the course student teachers found that the practicalwork which they had done was very useful. In particular, they felt that practical workcan foster both an understanding of the content of physics and also the actual processof learning it.  相似文献   

国际人文地理学长足发展,基础和高等地理教育改革对高师人文地理教学提出了新要求.在分析高师人文地理教学存在的主要问题的基础上,提出了改革人文地理教学课程体系、教学内容、教学方法与教学手段等内容,特别强调加强人文地理研究方法和实践环节教学,注重学生人文地理创新精神和实践能力培养,为基础教育改革培养合格地理师资的设想.  相似文献   

教育实习对高师生教育学知识发展的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用中学教师资格考试的教育学试卷在高师生教育实习前后分别进行测试,并运用访谈法访谈部分参加实习的学生。结果显示:教育实习前后的教育学成绩存在显著性差异,实习后的成绩高于实习前的成绩,高师生的教育学知识明显地增加;进一步分析发现,实习前后记忆型教育学知识与理解型教育学知识的成绩存在显著性差异,实习后,前者明显下降,而后者明显提高,教育实习加深了高师生对教育的理解。学生对教育实习的认识与态度、有效时间(讲课次数)、实习场所(农村学校和城市学校)、指导教师等是影响实习效果的主要因素。为有效地实现教育实习的专业发展价值,需要解决师范生的态度与认识、有效时间、实习指导的实效性等问题。  相似文献   


Teachers' evaluation of pupil learning should be consistent with identified learning outcomes at the intended level of performance. To the extent that curriculum and assessment are aligned, the validity of inferences about pupil knowledge is strengthened. The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the assessment practices of preservice teachers who have successfully completed coursework in educational measurement. Three hundred and nine lesson plans from 65 preservice (student) teachers were reviewed. The authors found that, during student teaching, preservice teachers do not follow many of the assessment practices recommended in their coursework. Perhaps implementations of recommended classroom assessment practices seem to depend on more than possessing the requisite knowledge.  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this study was to develop and apply a method for assessing teachers' context beliefs about their science teaching environment. Interviews with 130 purposefully selected teachers resulted in 28 categories of environmental factors and/or people who were perceived to influence science teaching. These categories were used to develop items for the Context Beliefs about Teaching Science instrument and provided evidence for content validity. Construct validity was partially confirmed through factor analysis that resulted in 26 items and two subscales on the final instrument. Using Ford's Motivation Systems Theory and Bandura's Theory of Collective Efficacy, additional evidence for construct validity was found in the modest correlation of context beliefs with outcome expectancy beliefs and the low correlation with science teaching self‐efficacy beliefs. The instrument was tested using 262 teachers participating in long‐term science professional development programs. These teachers possessed fairly positive context beliefs and, according to Ford's theory, should be capable of effective functioning in the classroom. It was concluded that the assessment of context beliefs would complement current science teacher self‐efficacy measures, thereby allowing researchers to develop profiles of science teachers' personal agency belief patterns. It could also be used to determine the factors which predict particular personal agency belief patterns, and assess teachers' perceptions of the strengths and weaknesses of school science programs, and could be used in planning and monitoring professional development experiences for science teachers. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 37: 275–292, 2000.  相似文献   

学前教育实习生实习前后心理健康状况调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育实习是学前教育学生第一次承担幼儿教师职责,角色的转换会造成较大的心理压力。及时了解、掌握实习生的心理健康状况,进行有针对性的培训、辅导是使实习生顺利渡过实习期的关键。本研究采用症状自评量表对学前教育专业实习生的心理健康水平进行测查,发现:(1)与国内大学生常模相比,我院学前教育专业实习生的心理健康水平偏低,其中人际关系敏感、抑郁、焦虑、恐怖等4个因子得分显著高于常模;(2)学前实习生的症状自评量表中各因子得分在实习前与实习后未出现显著差异,这与其他专业实习生有所区别,究其原因主要是实习工作适应难度大及从业前景不乐观所致。  相似文献   

旅游地理学教学中学生创新能力的培养   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
结合旅游地理学授课内容及课程的特点,在教学尝试的基础上,提出了在教学中如何培养学生的创新能力的做法和建议。  相似文献   

旅游地理学是一门新兴学科。结合旅游地理学授课内容及课程的特点,在教学尝试的基础上,提出了在教学中如何培养学生社会责任意识的做法和建议。  相似文献   

本研究选取大四教育实习阶段的实习教师,采取质的研究方法,对实习教师教学反思行为进行考察。研究发现,实习教师的教学反思的内容多是集中在对教学方面和对学生方面的主动的反思,反思的时机多是选择在教学后,反思的层次上以技术的反思居多,实际的反思次之,而批判的反思则是明显不足。教师个人特质和学生的反应对实习教师的教学反思有很大的影响。通过本研究,研究者对实习教师的教学反思有了比较全面的认识和深刻的了解,并根据研究的发现和所获得的结论提出一些启示与建议。  相似文献   

以世纪之交世界地理学科的最新发展为背景 ,分析了师专世界地理课程教学中在教材、教学辅助资料、教学手段方面存在的主要问题 ,以素质教育为目标 ,提出了师专世界地理课程教学改革的具体设想  相似文献   

地理学科的特点以及全球范围内的生态环境问题表明了地理学科教育中环境教育的重要性。分析了环境教育概念的发展及其基本内涵;结合地理学科知识特点和教育改革的时代背景探讨了地理教育中“关于”、“通过”、“为了”环境的教育的三条途径。  相似文献   

由于自然和人为的原因,环境问题日益严重,甚至威胁到了人类的生存和发展。因此,探讨环境问题意义重大,对学生乃至全民进行环境教育,更显紧迫。作为地理教师,在地理教学中进行环境教育具有十分丰富的内涵。地理学科本身的指导思想就是从人类和地理环境的关系入手,给予学生有关的地理环境基础知识,使学生对如何合理利用环境、改造环境和保护环境有一个基本的了解和认识。基于这一点,在地理教学中渗透环境教育具有其他学科不可替代的作用。这既是地理素质教育的一个重要体现,又能使学生掌握有关环境方面的知识,同时还能通过实践培养…  相似文献   

环境地学是一门理论与实践相结合的学科。针对环境地学课程理论教学与实践脱节等问题,从环境地学课程体系设置、立足本地的理论与实践教学和结合科研的教学实践等方面,探讨改革课程理论与实践教学,为环境地学及学科的理论与实践教学提供参考。  相似文献   


This paper represents our struggle to interpret the practical intent of critical theory as a resource for teaching in a postgraduate degree in education. In this paper we argue for the increasing need for critical teaching about teacher's work at a time when the possibilities of engaging in a curriculum making practice capable of delivering on commitments to social justice seem less likely. We describe the struggle to develop a practice which opens up opportunities for our students (experienced teachers) to connect the life‐worlds of their classrooms with the relentlessly changing surrounding sociocultural milieu. On this nexus teachers have an opportunity to investigate the possibilities for developing agency as the makers of culture as opposed to the delivers of somebody else's curriculum  相似文献   

数学教师知识的主要构成成分有数学知识、教育学知识、心理学知识等,这些成分之间相互联系、动态发展,共同对数学教学产生影响.研究实习数学教师的知识成分,可以为师范教育提供一些理论性参考.相对在职数学教师而言,实习数学教师认为数学知识、教育学知识、心理学知识对数学教学的影响依次递减.对于数学知识而言,实习数学教师和在职数学教师所做的评价不存在显著性差异.对于教育学知识、心理学知识而言,他们所做的评价都存在显著性差异,且后者比前者高.  相似文献   

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