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How do children use phonological knowledge about spoken language in acquiring literacy? Phonological precursors of literacy include phonological awareness, speech decoding skill, and lexical specificity (i.e., the richness of phonological representations in the mental lexicon). An intervention study investigated whether early literacy skills can be enhanced by training lexical specificity. Forty-two prereading 4-year-olds were randomly assigned to either an experimental group that was taught pairs of new words that differed minimally or a control group that received numeracy training. The experimental group gained on a rhyme awareness task, suggesting that learning phonologically specific new words fosters phonological awareness.  相似文献   

Linguists generally conceive of speech as a sequence of elementary soundunits or phones. On the other hand, cognitive psychologists have established the existence of a close link between segmental awareness (SA) and alphabetic literacy: the best speech segmenters are also the best readers; conversely, the lack of SA leads to lagging in the acquisition of the written code. Studies carried out with illiterate adults and preliterate children suggest that SA does not arise outside the context of learning to read and write. Furthermore, cross-cultural studies have so far supported the hypothesis that SA is promoted by alphabetic literacy only, and not by logographic or syllabic literacy. The present study is inspired by Mann's (1986) research and aims at studying the phonological (i.e. syllabic and phonemic) analysis abilities of Japanese first-graders who are learning to read in a syllabic writing system. The relatively poor performance of subjects tends to confirm the starting hypothesis that SA is closely linked to alphabetic literacy. Moreover, the subjects apparently resorted to spelling-based strategies to accomplish the tasks presented. This comes to support the general idea that the written characters used to transcribe a language tend to exert a strong influence on the conscious perceptual representation of the phonology of this language.This study would not have been possible without the precious help of Miss T. Yamamoto for the construction of the experimental items. We are also much indebted to Mrs. A. M. Van Craen for her good advice and for having introduced one of us (Carmela Spagnoletti) to the Japanese School of Brussels. We also wish to thank the Director of the Japanese School of Brussels for his permission to carry out the experimental work with his pupils, and to all the professors for having invited the parents to cooperate and provided us with many useful information. We are especially grateful to the children who participated to the experinmental sessions as well as to their parents. The present work has been partially supported by the Belgian Fonds de la Recherche fondamentale collective (convention n° 2.4562.86) and the Ministry of scientific Policy (Action de Recherche concertée: Processus cognitifs dans la lecture).  相似文献   

一个人的成功从一定意义上说归因于情绪能力的发展。幼儿早期情绪情感经历影响其今后个性和人格的形成,因此必须通过情绪教育提高幼儿情绪能力,促进幼儿心理健康发展。  相似文献   

很多人甚至包括从事美术教育工作的人,都认为美术教学只是教美术基础知识和基本技能,并以“训练”学生的基本技能为主。从幼儿园开始,以临摹为主的教学方法大行其道,课堂上老师画一笔,学生就跟着画一笔,因而使得诸如固定的笔墨程式、简笔画、填色画,甚至于描红本之类的书四处充斥。绘画技能过于强化的训练,结果不是培养艺术人才,而是技术工人,创造力成了最缺乏的东西了。孩子们的创造力究竟在哪里?它是在教师的粉笔下,还是在调色碟里?我们说,创造力就攥在孩子们的手心里。其实艺术的创作过程,是通过“观察——想象——发现—…  相似文献   

视听觉障碍儿童的认知能力   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
本篇主要探究视听觉障碍儿童的基本认知能力。视觉障碍儿童的听觉注意、听觉记忆和听觉表象比正常人更好 ;听觉障碍儿童的视觉搜索 (视觉注意 )、视觉表象、运动表象和视觉记忆比正常人好。这些实验研究更好地支持了特殊教育的三原则  相似文献   

对学龄前语言障碍儿童,适宜采用一体化的教育形态,将他们安置在正常教育机构与普通儿童一起接受教育.本文分析了在这种形态的教育中,家庭参与的重要性和优越性;阐明了父母在儿童语言矫治中具有不可替代的作用;在此基础上,进一步论述了父母如何配合幼儿园对语言障碍儿童的教育;以及在家庭中对儿童进行语言矫治的方式和内容.文章还探讨了家庭与幼儿园联系的必要性,并且就如何加强家园联系提出了几点建议.  相似文献   

Research on the ways in which special needs children in Russia can more fully participate in the same educational settings as other children shows that a wide array of services and programs needs to be developed before Russia will be able to achieve significant progress in this area.  相似文献   

学前教育阶段作为国民教育的奠基阶段,是创新能力发展的关键阶段,需要从小发展和培养好幼儿的学习能力、思维能力、合作能力以及领导能力。通过游戏活动、同伴交往、操作活动、教学活动能培养幼儿的学习能力。通过营造民主宽松的学习环境、丰富幼儿的感性知识经验、发展幼儿的语言表达能力、激发幼儿的求知欲、鼓励幼儿多想多问能发展幼儿的思维能力。通过体验合作的快乐、榜样示范、活动渗透、学习合作的方法能培养幼儿的合作能力。通过尊重幼儿的梦想、鼓励冒险精神、训练发散性思维、培养服务态度能发展幼儿的领导能力。  相似文献   

That neurological dysfunction accounts for many cases of academic failure is well documented, but specific research on programs designed to overcome this dysfunction is sparse. In this study fifty kindergarten children having perceptuomotor and/or psychomotor deficits as identified by several well-known scales were assigned to an experimental or control group. The experimental group was then given a program of cross-patterning exercises for 3 minutes a day over a 3-month period. The obtained results suggest that a neurological training program does not significantly improve the psychomotor functioning of kindergarten children.  相似文献   

中度弱智儿童语言能力的初步分析   总被引:2,自引:10,他引:2  
本研究从中度弱智儿童的自然言语和测试言语中提取研究样本,从汉语语法功能角度对样本进行了言语能力、语法偏误以及言语活动中的心理机制等方面的初步分析,提出中度弱智儿童语言获得和发展的基本观点,即中度弱智儿童的语言习得过程与正常儿童大致相同,他们具有先天的语言获得机制和语言能力.造成中度弱智者语言发展滞后的主要原因是认知能力和语言环境刺激的不足.因此,有效的语言训练和认知补偿对于中度弱智儿童有重要的意义.  相似文献   

We describe seven essential lessons for anyone involved in teaching or research on education. These lessons emerged from our research on developing thinking skills in children and adults. The lessons focus on helping children develop self‐confidence and a belief in self‐efficacy, teaching children to ask good questions, helping children discover their true motivations, encouraging children to take intellectual risks, teaching children to take responsibility for themselves, showing children the value of delaying gratification and encouraging children to put themselves in another's place. We discuss the insights of each lesson through examples from our own and others’ work, and review the recommendations of each lesson for educators and researchers.  相似文献   

孤独症儿童目前受到了广泛的社会关注,心理学、教育学、医学等学科围绕这一群体已有较为丰富的研究成果,然而音乐治疗这一学科在该领域的研究目前仍相对较少。  相似文献   

社会工作是一项以促进社会公正为职业的专业性工作,它在国外特殊教育领域中发挥着重要的作用.本文分析了社会工作在国外特殊教育中的介入角色与方式,介绍了社会工作的实践模式,以期为在我国特殊教育领域中开展社会工作提供参考与建议.  相似文献   

学业不良儿童基本学习能力培养的研究对当前基础教育课程改革具有现实意义。只有提高学生的学习基本能力,学生在学习中遇到困难的种种表现都会得到缓解和克服。对学业不良儿童的概念要作出界定和分类,目的是确定学业不良儿童诊断的模式与方法,并在吸收国外对学习能力困难学生干预的基础上,提出符合中国教育实际的学习能力优化训练的新模式与操作方法,从而从根本上解决学习困难儿童存在的问题。  相似文献   

语言能力是一种基于一定的遗传基础并以生理活动为机制的人体机能。个体通过将外部刺激所提供的语言信息与原有的语言知识结构加以整合,从而改变语言知识结构,形成语言能力。基于此,个体语言能力的培养应是在人际协作交流基础上借助语言学习目标、内容资源环境、学习方式和学习评价而实现的学习主体的主动建构。  相似文献   

Early Childhood Education Journal - Evidence suggests that acting mindfully, that is, by stressing the purpose of the action and monitoring its current state, may benefit health, wellbeing, and...  相似文献   

选取二、三、四年级数学学习困难和数学学习正常的儿童共84名。采用数字线估计任务考察两类儿童数量估计能力的发展特点及差异。结果表明:(1)二年级儿童完成数字线估计任务的精确性显著低于其他两个年龄组;(2)数学困难儿童完成数字线估计任务的精确性显著低于普通儿童;(3)二年级数学困难儿童完成数字线估计任务时采用指数和线性函数进行表征,而其他年龄组儿童均采用线性表征形式。  相似文献   

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