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The well-established tradition of teaching andlearning in India has retained its inherentstrength even under adverse circumstances. Thepost-independence period was characterized bymajor efforts being made to nurture andtransform teacher education. The system ofteacher preparation has come under considerablepressure as a result of the expansion andgrowth of school education, through efforts touniversalize elementary education. Havinginherited a foreign model of teacherpreparation at the time of independence fromBritain in 1946, major efforts have been madeto adapt and up-date the teacher educationcurriculum to local needs, to make it morecontext based, responsive and dynamic withregard to best meeting the particular needs ofIndia. The current system of teacher educationis supported by a network of national,provincial and district level resourceinstitutions working together to enhance thequality and effectiveness of teacherpreparation programs at the pre-service leveland also through in-service programs forserving teachers throughout the country.The changing role of teachers and the changingdefinitions of teacher effectiveness have beenincreasingly studied and analyzed, withresearch undertaken and the outcomes being fedback into the system to facilitate the processof education reform. The current focus ofresearchers, policy makers and practitionerswith regard to teacher education is on thedevelopment of professional competencies, andon the most effective ways of achieving higherlevels of commitment and motivation forhigher-level performance on the part ofteachers. In addition, important possibilitiesare arising with regard to current developmentsinvolving the new information and communicationtechnologies. As a result, teacher educationin India is on the brink of a majortransformation.  相似文献   

教师教育体制的变革涉及教师教育的指导思想、基本理论、培养模式、行政体制、学校内部管理模式、课程与教学制度等诸多因素。新时期以来,尽管我国的教师教育在这诸多方面取得了一定的进步,但仍然需要进一步改进和完善。它包括构建有中国特色的教师教育指导思想;研究和充实教师教育的基本理论;开创有中国特色的教师教育行政体制;构建灵活开放的教师教育培养模式;规范教师教育学校的内部管理模式;改进教师教育的课程与教学制度。  相似文献   

在社会政治、经济、科技、文化教育诸方面的影响下,教师教育从萌芽成长期、发展成熟期进入改革创新期,由自发的分散体系、封闭的独立体系向开放的系统体系过渡;教师职业专业化,教师教育高学历化、开放化、信息化、规范化、一体化、综合化、国际化。  相似文献   

新世纪以来,苏格兰教师教育进入了改革的新时期。2001年麦克隆探究,改善了苏格兰教师的待遇和工作环境,同时对教师专业发展提出了有时代意义的入职教育计划和特许教师计划;十年后,唐纳森研究和麦克科马克研究系统地考虑了苏格兰教师教育的新路线。尤其是唐纳森报告提出职前教师教育和入职教育的一体化和双轨制学位路线以及建立新的国家伙伴关系集团。这些改革进一步优化了苏格兰教师教育的制度,不仅是对“卓越课程改革”的响应,也进一步推动了苏格兰教师专业发展。  相似文献   

Peter Hare  Harold Thomas 《Compare》2002,32(2):193-203
Inner Mongolia, as an under-developed autonomous region of the People's Republic of China, provides an interesting insight into the process of higher education reform in China. Drawing upon experience of a recent English language teaching project at the Inner Mongolia Teachers' University (IMTU) this article considers the effect of the reform process on teacher education in Inner Mongolia. These reforms are placed within the general context of international trends in higher education over the past decade and the more specific reforms taking place in China since the commencement of the 'Open Door' policy in 1979.  相似文献   

高师院校教师教育体系的现实挑战与改革创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高师院校教师教育体系面临的现实挑战当前,我国的高师院校教师教育体系正面临着三个方面的挑战。这三大挑战,有的来自外部环境,有的来自自身发展,正严峻考验着高师院校教师教育体系的适应能力与发展前景。挑战之一:基础教育的全面改革要求高师院校教师教育体系与其迅速接轨。高师院校的教师教育体系是为基础教育培养教师服务的,直接面向基础教育,理应满足基础教育的一切需要,并且适应基础教育的一切变化。我国目前的高师院校教师教育体系建立于20世纪50年代,从专业设置、课程结构到教学组织,基本上都是建立在对当时的基础教育相适应基础之上…  相似文献   

主题为"教师教育改革与提升教师专业化水平"的第六届中日教师教育研讨会,2004年7月17-19日在香港大学教育学院召开。此次会议分别以大会主题报告、大会发言和小组发言等形式,就中日两国教师教育改革与发展的现状、问题,特别是教师专业化的理论与实践探索,展开了深入的研讨与交流。  相似文献   

Significant achievements have been made in the quality of the teacher base in China's higher education institutions, yet problems remain that cannot be ignored. Higher education institutions must therefore cultivate the concept of scientific development, become more knowledgeable, and set up policy mechanisms to improve the quality of the teacher base. This will enable them to structure a system of ongoing education for teachers, start such measures as selecting and appointing teachers and improving ideological and political work with teachers, and proceed to raise the quality of teachers in real earnest.  相似文献   

基础教育课程改革与教师职业新技能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新一轮的基础教育课程改革对教师的传统职业技能提出了挑战,在知识经济的社会背景下,教师要树立“以人为本”的教学观念,建构对教学各要素的全新理解,在教学的实践中学习和研究、反思和合作,体验新课程改革的深刻内涵。  相似文献   

作为一种全新的学习范式,终身学习已经成为欧盟教师教育改革的主导理念。基于终身学习的要求,欧盟提出了教师教育改革的一体化提升措施,集中体现在教师角色的定位、教师教育体系的重塑、教师教育质量的提升、教师教育的评价等方面。欧盟改革可以为我国教师教育的路径优化提供有益的启示,具体包括重塑教师角色、重构教师教育体系、提升教师教育质量和完善教师教育评价。  相似文献   

高等师范音乐教育是培养中小学音乐教师的摇篮,当高师毕业生走出校门跨入中小学教师队列的时候,同时也是对高师教育教学质量的检验。新的《音乐课程标准》对中小学音乐教师提出了更高的要求,面对音乐新课程新标准的启用,高师音乐教育教学的改革迫在眉睫。本文从高师音乐教学的培养目标、课程设置、课堂模式、考核评估几方面提出了改革的构思和建议,以达到为基础教育培养合格音乐师资的目的。  相似文献   

关于高师院校引领基础教育课程改革的一些思考   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
高师教育既具有人才培养、社会服务、科研开发等一般性的高等教育功能,又具有自身的特殊功能,即为基础教育服务。高师院校引领基础教育课程改革,是一项具有开拓性、创新性的工作。引领是一个观念转化的过程,是一个基础教育和高等教育结合的过程,是一个学校教育模式的创新过程。引领的实质,就是理论对实践的指导,理论与实践之间的对话,理论与实践的紧密结合。高师院校引领基础教育课程改革需要做好的几项工作是:充分认识高师院校引领基础教育课程改革这一具有现实意义和理论意义的工作;结合高师院校自身的发展规划、发展目标来研究有关引领的问题;提高学生的课程理论修养,加大教育实习的力度,重视创新和科研意识的培养;有一定的政策与组织保证,以促使高师院校引领基础教育课程改革工作的顺利开展。  相似文献   

从“控制”走向“自觉”——教师评价改革的理性思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在教师评价改革过程中存在一些简单思维,从价值立场的选择、评价目标的定位、评价内容结构的侧重点、评价过程中主体间的关系、评价标准设计的立足点等几个方面,而教师评价改革的重心在于认识并调和从"控制"向"自觉"转移的过程中所凸现出来的矛盾。  相似文献   

教师评价若干变革评析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于种种原因,以往的教师评价在评价的主体、目的、手段等方面存在许多问题。近年来随着教育改革的推进,特别是国外教育评价理念的引进,我国教师评价也在慢慢发生变革。这种变革主要体现在落实评价主体的多元化、进行发展性评价、加强质性评价三个方面。不过,教师自我评价以及评价主体多元化的真正实现还有待时日;而要开展以促进教师发展为目的的教学评价则有待学校领导和教师的共同努力;在加强质性评价的同时,今后应当利用好量化评价手段。  相似文献   

The effective implementation of educational reform is an issue that confronts both those that plan and sponsor those reforms and those that are affected by them. This article discusses networking processes in the context of reform in vocational and professional higher education. When exploring failures in educational change processes, issues associated with facilitating the adoption, adaptation and implementation of educational change have not been sufficiently addressed. Here, we use the concept of social innovation, which is relatively new in innovation research, to explain the mechanisms that facilitate educational reform, and emphasise the relationship between interaction and the perception of change. In this paper, we examine how networking among teachers is related to their perception of educational change and how the effective implementation of educational reforms can be influenced by such networking. By differentiating the various types of networks we explore the relationship between networking and educational change. The article is based on the findings of a quantitative survey of 228 Estonian teachers in vocational and professional higher educational schools administered in 2010.  相似文献   

在过去的20多年里,法国对教师教育进行了大刀阔斧的改革,不仅建立了专门化的教师教育机构和统一而严格的教师资格证书制度,而且不断改革教师教育课程与教学、提高教师培养的层次和专业知能、完善教师教育相关法令法规。法国在推进教师教育改革的过程中积累了一些有益的经验。  相似文献   

The author reviews twelve of 111 articles focusing on teacher efficacy published in Teaching and Teacher Education since 1985. The twelve articles are placed in three sections that include a) instruments, factor analyses, and cultural influences, b) participants, contexts, and teacher instruction, and c) teacher wellness. These sections offer research and studies from various teacher efficacy investigators that share insights, understandings, and interpretations. The selected TATE articles provide a plausible (expanding) sphere of growing and developing research and studies in teacher efficacy.  相似文献   

教师教育与教师专业化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
积极推进教师专业化 ,使教师职业像医生、律师一样专业具有不可替代性 ,应该成为“十五”教师教育的热点与主旋律。这就要求教师的培训机构、教师管理保障制度、教师教育培训制度 ,都实现相应的重大变革。这是师范教育及教师培训机构必须面对的重要问题  相似文献   

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