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The Behavioural Approach to Teaching Package (BATPACK) for training primary teachers in the necessary skills of classroom behaviour management was adapted for use with teachers in secondary schools. Drawing on further research carried out in secondary schools, a prototype version of BATSAC (Behavioural Approach to Teaching Secondary Aged Children) was designed and developed and was subsequently piloted in two independent, one‐shot studies. In the first study, carried out with nine staff of a mathematics department, teachers and their classes were observed before and after experiencing the six‐session package. Teachers’ use of disapproval decreased significantly and pupil on‐task behaviour increased significantly but teacher approval was not appreciably different following the course. In the second study, a modified version of BATSAC was employed with a group of 14 teachers and their classes in another secondary school and again teachers were observed before and after the course. In this study teacher approval increased, the use of disapproval decreased and pupil on‐task behaviour increased, all significantly. It is argued that pupil on‐task behaviour changes largely as a result of improvements in the ratio between teachers’ use of approval and disapproval.  相似文献   

Effective classroom instruction is contingent upon successful classroom management. Unfortunately, not all teachers successfully manage classroom behavior and need in‐service professional development. In this study, we replicated a targeted professional development approach that included a brief one‐on‐one training session and emailed visual performance feedback to increase novice teachers’ use of behavior‐specific praise, an evidence‐based classroom management skill. Dependent variables collected through direct observation included teachers’ behavior‐specific praise along with average student engagement and disruptions. Four elementary teachers participated and, based on a multiple‐baseline single‐case design, we found a functional relationship between the targeted professional development and teachers’ increased use of behavior‐specific praise. However, because of variability and one teacher's limited response, effect sizes were small for behavior‐specific praise and little change was observed in student behaviors. These findings warrant further research to determine which classroom management skills affect student behaviors overall, as well as continued evaluation of this professional development model and using school‐based coaches.  相似文献   

Ten teachers in infant schools and 10 teachers in junior schools had their teaching recorded while their classes were being observed. Subsequently, an analysis was made of the teachers' use of approval and disapproval in relation to pupil on-task behaviour. For both types of school, there was a positive trend between teacher approval and pupil on-task behaviour. However, only the infant school trend was statistically significant. For both types of school, there was an almost zero correlation between teacher disapproval and pupil on-task behaviour. Scattergram analysis indicated a curvilinear relationship between teacher disapproval and pupil on-task behaviour in both infant and junior schools.  相似文献   

Direct behavioral consultation is an extension of traditional behavioral consultation and focuses on assessment and training in the classroom during ongoing classroom activities. This study evaluated direct behavioral consultation services in two elementary alternative classrooms referred following a program evaluation in which data suggested behavior‐specific praise was not being delivered at a desired level. A multiple baseline design across classrooms was used to evaluate indirect and direct training procedures for increasing teachers’ implementation of behavior‐specific praise. Results indicated that indirect training did not result in substantial improvements in teachers’ use of behavior‐specific praise. Direct training procedures resulted in immediate increases in behavior‐specific praise for both teachers, but only one teacher maintained those increases immediately following training. For the other teacher, when performance feedback was added to direct training, increases in behavior‐specific praise were maintained. Data are also presented regarding student disruptive behavior. Results are discussed in terms of direct behavioral consultation theory and practice for educational settings.  相似文献   

Teacher praise is an effective strategy that decreases preschool students’ disruptive behavior. It is well established that school‐aged students with behavior problems receive fewer teacher praises than their peers; however, it is unclear whether these findings are consistent among preschool students. The purpose of this study was to collect praise frequency data in general, at‐risk, and special education classrooms. Over 10 hours of direct observation data were used to examine six preschool teachers’ natural use of praise. Teachers’ use of praise was not statistically different based on classroom type; however, special education teachers used twice as many praises compared to general education and at‐risk teachers. Teachers used more general praise compared to behavior‐specific praise, which was statistically significant. Finally, teachers delivered more praise to individual and large groups of students compared to small groups of students, which was also statistically significant. Future directions and implications for using praise to prevent behavior problems among preschool students are offered.  相似文献   

尊重是现代社会中人和人交往过程中基本的道德准则和行为规范。对于课堂教学而言,尊重学生既是课堂教学过程中教师应坚守的基本师德要求,也是制约课堂教学成功与否的关键因素。课堂教学中尊重学生意味着教师不体罚学生、维护学生的人格尊严、接纳学生的不同意见。要使尊重学生的理念真正体现在课堂教学实践中,教师应该学会低下身子倾听学生,学会赞赏学生,学会宽容学生,并且能将学生当作自己的朋友对待。  相似文献   

确立现代教学与现代管理的观念,掌握基本的教学管理方法是形成课堂教学管理艺术的基础。现代教学管理观念包括学生是教学主体的观念、教学管理是服务的观念、教学管理创造与维护教学活动的观念等。教师应学会使用自我管理、分组控制、激励等现代管理方法。教学管理艺术形成的内容包括沟通与化解矛盾艺术的形成、表扬与批评艺术的形成等。在形成化解矛盾艺术的过程中。教师应学会使用分析问题。区分矛盾,“制造”矛盾,让学生解决矛盾的能力。为了形成表扬的艺术.教师应掌握表扬的方法,在教学实践中应学会表扬的设计。批评手段的有效使用对教学的顺利进行.学生学习任务的完成有十分重要的意义。掌握批评原则、学会批评设计有利于形成批评艺术。  相似文献   

Summary This study was designed to test the hypothesis that group orientated classroom management procedures may achieve their apparent success merely by raising still further the on‐task behaviour of non‐troublesome pupils. To this end, 1812‐13 year old pupils in a secondary school remedial class were observed and their individual levels of on‐task behaviour recorded. The class teacher's use of approval and disapproval was also noted.

Following the collection of baseline data, a modified, simple ‘rules, praise and ignoring’ intervention strategy was implemented, followed by a partial reversal to baseline conditions. Mean class on‐task behaviour was clearly shown to increase from 77% at baseline to 91% during intervention and this was maintained during the partial reversal. Moreover, it was shown that every pupil's on‐task behaviour increased, these increases varying between 3 and 33%, the pupils with the lowest baseline levels making the biggest gains.  相似文献   

Research has indicated a gender disparity in early education environments. This disparity has been recognized in terms of the student–teacher interaction, the differing types of play fostered, the varying use of praise and gender-specific messages, and the stereotypical messages evident in children's literature or play materials. The purpose of this article is to outline areas within a classroom that prospective teachers or childcare providers can update to reflect a more gender-fair environment. Suggestions for assessing classrooms for an antibiased environment are also offered.  相似文献   

The incidence of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is increasing in the United States. The rate of diagnosis, combined with the trend towards more inclusive classrooms, means that general education teachers will most likely be teaching some students with ASD. In their teacher preparation course in special education, pre-service teachers learned about characteristics of students with ASD by reading literature with positive portrayals of individuals with ASD. In conjunction, pre-service teachers received instruction on teaching strategies to use in the classroom for students with ASD. By combining good literature with instruction in inclusive teaching practices, teacher educators can model the use of disability literature in the classroom to the benefit of all students.  相似文献   

Three procedures to modify excessive absenteeism were implemented by an elementary school principal and assessed with an across-subjects multiple baseline design. In one condition, the principal praised the child in the classroom for attending school. In a second and third condition, parents were contacted by telephone and either praised for their child's attendance or given disapproval for absences and prompts for future attendance. Results indicated that classroom intervention with the child produced a transitory increase in attendance. However, intervention with parents, both approval for attendance and disapproval for absences, produced sustained increases in attendance and parent-initiated contacts with the school. The data suggest that intervention with parents of elementary school children is more effective and efficient than direct intervention with the child in the modification of excessive school absences. School-based intervention strategies for early reduction of absenteeism may be important in the prevention of chronic truancy and of the necessity for extensive remediation.  相似文献   

Chronic disruptive behaviors during early childhood are associated with many poor developmental outcomes including, but not limited to, school dropout and conduct disorder during adolescence. Much is known regarding effective intervention procedures for disruptive classroom behaviors by preschool children. Unfortunately, evidence-based intervention procedures may not be implemented with integrity in applied settings. Direct behavioral consultation may increase teacher intervention integrity because of direct training procedures used with teachers and students during routine classroom activities. This study evaluated a nondisruptive direct training method for increasing Head Start teachers' use of praise and effective instruction delivery. Results indicated that the direct training procedure implemented during routine instructional activities resulted in increased use of praise and effective instruction delivery that maintained following training. Additionally, increased use of praise and effective instruction delivery resulted in reductions in children's disruptive classroom behavior.  相似文献   

Despite a considerable body of literature devoted to the ‘behaviour management’ of pupils, there is little that actually considers the experience of beginning teachers in learning to cope with that behaviour. Here we consider the experience of student teachers and illustrate their attempts to form deeper understanding, connections between theory and practice and the contribution made by other teachers. It is argued that students at this first stage of classroom teaching experiences are, despite the inevitable anxieties in their new encounters, starting to make deeper sense of them than can be provided by tips on discipline. There is a need for caution against over‐emphasis of behaviour management as misleading, premature categorisation that could inhibit new teachers' capacity to build the relationships with pupils on which good teaching depends.  相似文献   

Forty-eight Head Start teachers and 48 parent volunteers from 24 classrooms were randomly assigned to either the Collaborative Training (CT) or Workshop Training (WT) approach. CT teachers and parents were involved conjointly in experiential training which included receiving guided practice and feedback from exemplary peers. WT consisted of a series of workshops conducted by outside trainers for separate groups of parents and teachers. Training methods were compared with respect to (a) teacher and parent reports of their level of involvement in training and satisfaction with the training experience, (b) teacher and parent reports of parent classroom activity, and (c) observation of adult-child classroom interactions. CT teachers and parents reported significantly greater levels of active involvement in and satisfaction with the training, as well as significantly greater levels of parent classroom activity than WT participants. With respect to adult-child classroom interactions, CT teachers demonstrated significantly more positive initiations and praise than WT teachers. Parent reports of their perceived role in the classroom as well as parent levels of initiation with children did not differ between training groups. Implications of these findings for further research were discussed.  相似文献   

There continues to be a gulf between what have been identified from the literature as the potential benefits of using computer‐aided practical work and the difficulties of realizing them as reported by practising teachers, even from those who are committed to the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). This article reports on a pilot study that aimed to explore ways in which teachers could be supported as they explore the extent to which this approach could enhance the development of pupils’ understanding of physics concepts. The study was based on a collaborative partnership between a researcher and a classroom teacher. The indications are that there is the potential for considerable benefits from such an approach, with the need for further development of materials and teaching methods being identified.  相似文献   

Technology use in schools has great potential to improve student learning outcomes. However, it is imperative that teachers possess a set of technical skills required to implement high‐quality technologies in the classroom. Research conducted during the late 1990s and the early 2000s had pointed to the existence of a digital divide that existed in schools within the United States of America (USA), with higher‐needs schools typically having less access to technology than their lower needs counterparts. The purpose of this paper is to examine whether there is any indication of current differences in technology access, skills and classroom integration practices as reported by teachers participating in an online professional development initiative. The researchers found that, while significant differences existed between teachers in high need and non‐high need schools in the USA, context is a vital component of considering any persisting digital divides.  相似文献   


The central hypothesis of this study was that conflicting values are related to a lack of acceptance of the school’s curriculum on the part of the faculty. The data were collected through the employment of three instruments (Differential Values Inventory by Prince, an adaptation of the Kreitlow Scale by Kreitlow and Dreier, and a Teacher Attitude Scale.) School faculties which expressed the greater differences in educational values also expressed the greatest amount of disapproval of the school’s curriculum. However, individual teachers with extreme values indicated more favorable attitudes toward the curriculum than teachers with more neutral values. Values held by principals were related to teachers approval of the curriculum.  相似文献   

The use of teacher praise in the classroom has been the subject of empirical research since the 1970s, but despite more than four decades of research on the use of teacher praise, large gaps continue to exist in the literature. Clarifying the role and benefit of teacher praise is particularly important because the use of positive, proactive strategies is promoted by large‐scale behavior initiatives (e.g., Positive Behavior Interventions and Support). The goal of this review is to summarize the existing research on teacher praise, including rates of praise, types of praise, and the association between praise and student behavior. In addition to summarizing the extant literature, future directions for research are highlighted. This review reveals that there is a need for current, large‐scale studies with consistent operational definitions that measure the rate of different types of praise across different grades and instructional activities, while simultaneously measuring student behavioral outcomes.  相似文献   

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