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Twenty six primary school headteachers in the Midlands of England were interviewed about headteacher appraisal at a point when all of them had been appraised at least once and when in most cases they had been involved in the appraisal of other heads. One set of questions related to the benefits heads perceived that they had received from the headteacher appraisal process. The majority of heads did perceive such benefits and this article explores the nature of these claimed benefits. They included the opportunity to reflect on one or two longer term developmental issues, as opposed to the normal headteacher routine of crisis management on a number of fronts simultaneously; the chance to have a second opinion on their managerial practice; the feeling that someone was observing their work with care and could give praise when due; the possibility of making comparisons with the practice of other heads. Some heads felt they gained more benefits from being an appraiser of other heads than from being appraised themselves. Some of the arrangements for headteacher appraisal had involved more mutuality than the government had originally envisaged, but it is argued that this may have also brought about some unanticipated benefits.  相似文献   

王矗  陈琳 《成人教育》2011,(10):19-22
构建成人终身学习的学习型社会是我国全面建设小康社会的重要目标。学习型社会为成人学习者提供了一个良好的终身学习环境,促进了成人学习不断向全民化、终身化方向发展。通过成人学习者与普通学生不同的心理特征和学习特征的对比分析,结合终身学习的特点提出了成人终身学习的四个模式,即主动式学习模式、发现式学习模式、合作式学习模式、开放式学习模式。最后,在四个模式的基础上进行分析和探讨。  相似文献   

王红英 《继续教育研究》2006,(4):175-176,F0003
学习型社会作为一个“终身学习、全民学习”的观念已深入人心。作为传播先进文化和文化建设阵地的图书馆,更应该抓住机遇,更好地利用自身的优势,为创建学习型城市和学习型社会、为社会发展和人类进步提供精神动力和智力支持。  相似文献   

In the past decade, extensive research on gender and learning styles has produced a multitude of findings: gender differences in learning styles are small on average, but across studies quite different results are observed. In the present study, this heterogeneity is the central focus of our attention. Two possible interpretations concerning the educational context and the concept of gender identity are investigated: the teacher and the subject he or she teaches. Besides the variable gender as a dichotomous variable, the variable gender identity is included to reflect the theoretical standpoint of the social construction of gender differences. Using multivariate techniques on a data set of 432 adult secondary students, the observed relations between gender, gender identity and learning styles are described. Gender identity turns out to explain more variance in the use of learning styles compared to gender. Furthermore, it is shown that gender (identity) differences in learning styles do not vary across teachers and, with one exception, they do not vary across subjects.  相似文献   

徐琦 《当代教育论坛》2006,(23):105-106
一、学习城市的概念人们通常运用“学习”和“学习城市”的术语,而不是“教育”或者“教育的城市”。我们为什么要区分这些术语呢?因为“教育”这个概念是有相当局限性的,它主要侧重于一个特定的教育系统。学习这个概念更注重学习的过程,它包含了教育。学习兼顾了教育与学习过程向前发展的方式,也涉及了许多传统教育与职业需求以外的技能和核心能力。很容易将学习城市看成是这样一个地方,它鼓励并使得它的市民在闲暇时间教育他们自己,因为市民们对于他们的教育与发展越来越赋有责任。在这样的学习城市的模型中,定义的特征是教育投资的性质和…  相似文献   

秦洁 《教育科学》2005,21(6):19-20
随着我国构建学习化社会理论与实践的发展,构建学习化小区已成为实现学习化社会的重要途径。本文从知识经济、社会结构、个体发展、全面建设小康社会、和谐社会的角度分析构建学习化小区的必要性,并从转变观念提升居民学习力、培育学习化家庭和楼组、创设学习化小区的保障机制、建立小区教育的操作体系等四方面提出构建学习化小区的对策。  相似文献   

开放性的学习型社会之生活构造   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
开放性的学习型社会经过近半个世纪的发展沿革,其内在本质表达出:人需要不断地学习来提升能力;这实质上就是主体生活的不断被发现、被开启、被创造的过程,从而体现出生活的本质.这是与马克思主义生活哲学之精神具有深刻的一致性.由此,本文阐述学习型社会是对市民社会的一种超越,是塑造未来社会生存的一个基本模式.  相似文献   

学习社会理念作为一种未来社会的构想而被提出,不同的人对此持有不同的看法,本文主要分析了学习社会一词的演变及其产生的背景,进而阐述了终身教育、终身学习和学习社会三者之间的关系及倡导学习社会的价值指向,最后本文就学习社会的提出给“学习”带来的影响作了简要的论述。  相似文献   

学习型社会中的教育变革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建设学习型社会的提出必将带动教育的变革。本文从教育年限和教育场所、教育资源和教育方式、教师角色和师生关系等方面加以论述。  相似文献   

The Macro- and Micropolitics of Personnel Evaluation: A Framework   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this article, the authors explicate a conceptual framework for analyzing the politics of personnel evaluation in an educational context. Using several elements of their framework, they discuss the politics of teacher evaluation in California in relation to the types of personnel evaluation decisions, the actors, their access to these decisions, their sources and level of power, and the outcomes related to their decisions. The authors further portray how politics enters into personnel evaluation at the district level by describing an actual case.  相似文献   

终身学习社会背景下教师的角色定位   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
终身学习社会对学校教育尤其是教师的角色提出了严峻的挑战。教师的角色需要重新定位:教师必须成为学生未来成长的参谋与顾问、学生学习的引导者和促进者、教育教学的研究者、新型的社交家。为达成上述角色的转化,教师角色定位应具备专业化的价值取向;教师角色的成熟应着眼于自我效能的拓展。  相似文献   

学习型社会是人类社会进步的产物, 有其历史发展的必然性。研究学习型社会及其形成的根源, 对于增强成人教育工作者的责任感与使命感, 推动全社会的成人学习实践运动的发展, 具有重要的现实指导意义  相似文献   

我国成人教育在获得了前所未有的发展的同时,也遇到了不少问题。青海藏区成人学生学习品质方面存在诸多不同的特点,如年龄特点、自主学习能力、学习动机等等。只有解决好了学习品质的问题,青海藏区成人教育才能取得进一步发展。  相似文献   

李俊 《成人教育》2009,29(5):10-14
文章根据美国后现代主义教育理论学派的研究者:堪尼斯·文(Kenneth Wain)所著的《后现代世界的学习型社会》(《The Learning Society in a Postmoden world》)专著的第二章的译文进行了编译。在当今世界的发展进程中,建设学习型社会已经作为了21世纪世界各国重要的社会发展策略之一。教育与复杂变化的职业世界之间存在着差距与变化,这种差距就表现在劳动力世界对职业技能上的不断变化与需求,而对这种变化应对的不及时,将会直接威胁着社会经济的发展速度以及社会民主化的进程而终身学习是应对劳动力世界变化的有利武器。我们正处于一种终身学习与学习型组织建设的社会要求中,而学习型组织的发展在终身学习与学习型社会的理论与实践中,都具有重要的意义。文章揭示了无论未来的社会怎样发展,学习型社会都会是一个不可逾越的社会形态。  相似文献   

学习化社会的特征和创建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学习化社会是一个人人均能终生学习的理想社会,它具有学习进程的终身性、学习机会的平等性、学习者的主体性、学习内容的全面性和学习空间的开放性等特点。创建学习化社会要从营造良好的学习氛围、加大对教育的投入、构建终身教育体系和塑造学习型组织四个方面入手。  相似文献   

This article draws on work undertaken as part of the Economic and Social Research Council's Learning Society Programme. The project from which data are drawn, entitled 'The Meaning of the Learning Society for Adults with Learning Difficulties', focused on lifelong learning opportunities available to people with learning difficulties and experiences of these services. The article begins by examining theories of late modernity, their use by feminist and disability studies theorists and their relationship to ideas of a learning society. Subsequently, using case study material, it is argued that the identities of people with learning difficulties are not chosen freely from a range of options but are socially ascribed. The status of learning difficulties is used as a dominant category to justify deprivation of basic political and economic rights. In addition, the lives of people with learning difficulties are structured by gender and class, and these intersect with the category of learning difficulties. For both women and men, the advantages of middle-class social and economic capital are overridden by the negative category of learning difficulties. In relation to gender, men with learning difficulties are more likely to receive post-school training, but in inappropriate areas of the labour market. Their domestic needs are also likely to be attended to by others, but in the absence of employment, they find themselves without any valued social role. Women with learning difficulties are also likely to be excluded from the labour market, but are more likely to be involved in reciprocal, albeit limited, social relationships. It is concluded that postmodernist theories are inadequate to describe the structuring of the lives of people with learning difficulties.  相似文献   

学习化社会的基本特征主要表现在学习性、主体性、发展性、开发性和服务性等方面;现代学习化社会的时代特征是现代社会的终身教育和人的终身学习;学习化社会的知识传播已从传统的教育园地——学校扩展到社会(区),政府在促进学习化社会的互动、各要素以协调与合作中起着主导性作用;学习化社会知识传播的目标是实施全面的素质教育。促进人的全面发展;学习化社会是迈向知识社会的必经之路。  相似文献   

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