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Teacher observation is regarded as an essential procedure in the teacher training process. However, the vast majority of observation experiences have a top-down approach, as they are usually established by experts such as university teaching staff or school inspectors working for the administration. With a bottom-up approach in mind, this paper examines the attitudes of a wide range of teachers towards observation by focusing the analysis on three classes of attitudinal components: the cognitive, the affective, and the conative components. 185 infant, junior, secondary, university, and private language school teachers completed a questionnaire concerning the role of observation in the language classroom. The main result is a decalogue of prerequisites, a how-to handbook for successful classroom observation, compiled by teachers themselves.  相似文献   

Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability - Researchers and practitioners sometimes presume that using a previously “validated” instrument will produce “valid”...  相似文献   

Teacher evaluation and development policies around the world are undergoing significant reform. Classroom observation often carries a considerable weight in teacher appraisal and improvement systems, and provides the critical formative anchor informing professional development. This study examined a purposively selected sample of sixteen classroom observation systems in six countries, including high performing Singapore and Japan, regional exemplar Chile, the three largest school districts in the United States, and other interesting examples in Australia, Germany and the United States to add diversity to the sample. The study offers an analytic framework for understanding classroom observation systems across contexts, distinguishing conceptual, methodological and policy aspects that shape these systems. The sixteen systems were remarkably consistent in their stated overall purposes, but there was variation in terms of how they operationalized good teaching, the degree of standardization of the observation process, emphasis on validation, and information uses. The paper describes and discusses these characteristics in order to help researchers and policymakers reflect on the available options and take more informed decisions in designing classroom observation for evaluating and improving teaching.  相似文献   

实施素质教育,使教与学的关系得到和谐统一的发展,要求在课堂教学中,培养学生良好的习惯及课堂参与意识,采用讨论式的课堂教学增强学生的学习能力。  相似文献   

This article describes an action research study, undertaken in an experientially-based educational psychology course, in which resistance to learning associated with a particular working-class masculinity appeared to be overcome. The project involved male tradespeople, employed as technology studies teachers in secondary colleges while undertaking a teacher education programme. In the past, such people had created learning group cultures that promoted anti-academic, sexist and excessively authoritarian attitudes. This had profound implications for the subsequent social environment created in their school classes and especially the educational aspirations of the girls within them. Yet, resistance appeared to develop because many of the activities and content of the teacher education programme were threatening to an occupationally constructed masculine identity. Ways in which such constructions were relinquished and more appropriate identities built form the substance of this article. Implications for feminist pedagogy involving men and boys are discussed.  相似文献   

吕洁  韩芳 《成人教育》2015,(12):68-70
教学活动中,教师和学生如何可能互相了解彼此行动的意义?文章认为以主体间性为价值基础的对话教学不仅能够在理解、沟通、移情的基础上生成知识、共享价值和文化,而且能够不断改善学生理性面对自然界、社会和自身的行动能力.  相似文献   

课堂观察为教师教育研究者所推崇。由于中小学教师工作繁忙、传统儒家思想影响、教学竞争的激烈环境以及多数教师缺乏必要的观察技能等原因,课堂观察在实践中开展的并不理想。学校尚需营造良好的学校课堂观察文化、提供必要的政策支持与保障、开展必要的课堂观察技能培训。定量与定性、宏观与微观、精细与粗化、针对与宽泛相结合多视角课堂观察研究方法应是未来课堂研究之路。  相似文献   

大众化背景下的中国高等教育的教学更加注重规模效益,但教育教学质量问题也成为人们普遍关注和担心的敏感问题之一。文章主要从教育学、心理学的角度对目前高等教育大众化背景下的课堂教学的状况进行剖析,并就如何提高教育教学质量以及培养学生知识向能力转化方面提出了具体的改进意见。  相似文献   

梁平 《中学生物学》2007,23(1):55-56
新课标下的生物课堂应该面向全体学生,学生的态度、情感、求知更是教师要考虑的问题.要体现新课程的理念,在课堂上就要进行情感渗透,从学生的情感出发,让其感知生活是学习,学习是生活,从而以感受生活的态度去学习生物.  相似文献   

《语文课程标准》指出,不要过于强调接受学习的教学方式,要倡导学生主动参与、乐于探究,培养学生收集处理信息的能力,获取新知识的能力以及交流与合作的能力。针对不同的学习内容,选择不同的学习方式,使学生的学习变得丰富而有个性。  相似文献   

<基础英语>作为英语专业本科基础阶段的专业主干课在培养学生专业兴趣,奠定学生专业能力,提升学生专业素质上承担着其他课程不可替代的重要作用.因此<基础英语>的课程改革成败与否对于英语专业的人才培养质量至关重要.本文试图阐释认知理论在<基础英语>课程改革中运用的必要性.  相似文献   

中国是抗生素生产大国,也是抗生素使用大国。抗生素不仅能杀灭细菌而且对霉菌、支原体、衣原体等其它致病微生物也有良好的抑制和杀灭作用。但是近年来,抗生素滥用的情况日益突出。本文对抗生素滥用的原因、滥用的危害和如何合理使用抗生素作一简单的阐述。  相似文献   

实施导学课堂教学,是应对素质教育的背景下学时少、教学任务重、学生课余时间长、课下辅导不足等现状的高效课堂教学策略。它能推进教学"由教师带着书本走向学生,到教师引导学生走向书本,学生带着问题走向教师"的根本转变。关注导学课堂模式下科学习题课的有效性,让科学课堂的教学质量不断提升。以下是在"导学课堂"课改背景下七年级科学习题课的创新探究。  相似文献   

运用网络化教学手段构建充满生命力的教学体系是当前教学改革的一项重要举措。网络环境下的小学数学教学,为学生提供了与现代数学教学接轨的平台。网络技术的先进性和时代性,逼真地营造和创设出不同的生活情景.让学生轻松地接触到现实社会的生活景象,缩短与现实社会的距离,感受现实生活的数学化。  相似文献   

信息技术环境下提高学生课堂参与性的策略探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长期以来学生的课堂参与性存在着若干问题,信息技术以其强大的多媒体性与交互性在提高学生课堂参与性方面存在着独特的优势,给传统的课堂教学提供了新的发展空间.利用信息技术可以创设教学情境,引发学习动机;可以化抽象为形象,促进学生理解;可以实施新的教学方式,培养学生的自主学习能力等等.  相似文献   

1.《色戒》究竟是一部什么影片?2.《色戒》究竟存在什么问题?3.《色戒》是否已经涉嫌违法?4.《色戒》公映有哪些负面影响?5.谁受益、谁受损、谁应承担责任、谁是始作俑者?6.《色戒》如果不禁,我们必须正视哪些问题?  相似文献   

慎重对待辩诉交易   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
辩诉交易是产生于美国的一项刑事司法制度。它有助于提高刑事诉讼效率,节约诉讼资源,但是并不适合我国的刑事司法体系。目前在我国尚不具备实行这一制度的基础和条件。  相似文献   

朗读是语文阅读教学中最经常、最重要的训练,正确地把握好朗读教学,能有效激发学生学习语文的兴趣,培养学生的思维能力、审美能力、语言表达能力和语感能力。因此,在初中语文教学中必须重视朗读教学,充分发挥其在课堂中的作用。  相似文献   

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