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新世纪德育课程改革已走过十年历程,取得了显著的成绩:建构了生活化德育的基本理论,推动了德育教师的专业化发展,促进了学生道德学习方式的多样化,把德育教材建设带入多姿多彩的新时代,从而变革了学校德育的整体面貌。当然德育课改中也存在着教学目标虚化、教学设计偏颇、教材使用迷失、忽视农村学生生活等问题。今后十年德育课程改革的发展趋势,强调要坚持并发展生活德育理论,提升德育课程的教学品质和研究品质,深化德育课程资源建设。  相似文献   

大德育反思:一种基于德育政策视角下的实践建构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
无所不包的大德育是我国的特色,并且得到了国家德育决策者的确认。从政策层面重新审视大德育,将道德教育作为整个德育的奠基平台,以其为核心推动大德育的协调发展,在某种程度上可以改变大德育的混乱状态,既为国家德育政策变革与完善提供思路,也为中小学德育实践的深入推进提供政策支撑与方向引领。  相似文献   

大德育反思:一种基于德育政策视角下的实践建构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
无所不包的大德育是我国的特色,并且得到了国家德育决策者的确认。从政策层面重新审视大德育.将道德教育作为整个德育的奠基平台,以其为核心推动大德育的协调发展,在某种程度上可以改变大德育的混乱状态,既为国家德育政策变革与完善提供思路,也为中小学德育实践的深入推进提供政策支撑与方向引领。  相似文献   

新形势下学校德育面临种种困境,存在功利化、过度理想化、外铄化等弊端。要使德育走出低谷,必须转变观念,正确认识德育的功能,实现德育向生活的回归,体现德育对人性的关怀。  相似文献   

试论新时期大学生思想道德教育的创新   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新时期加强高校思想道德建设,积极推进大学生思想道德教育的创新,必须按照“三个代表”的要求,贯彻“以德治国”的方略,要立足于我国高校思想道德教育的现实,站在代表先进文化前进方向的高度,实施以德治校、以德育人、以德修已,增强思想道德教育的系统性、层次性、科学性。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This article explores the discourses of choice in the context of the current, and international, public policy debates about providing freedom of choice for parents as consumers in the education market place. In particular it explores the public and private discourses of choice to illustrate the argument that mothers as parents are not 'free to choose' but act within a range of constraints. We term these both structural and moral constraints and offer evidence about them as experienced by mothers over time in relation to bringing up children, from resources to negotiations about relationships and expectations about both the nature of family life, employment and their children's place within the future. It also offers some evidence from our various research studies of mothers from their perspectives, about the processes of choice, in the context of both structural and moral constraints, including issues about involvement in their children's education and schooling. Consideration is also given to mothers' evaluations of their satisfaction or dissatisfaction with their possibilities of child rearing and education. The article concludes with the argument that mothers' experiences of the processes of bringing up and educating their children are not at all in harmony with the, albeit contradictory, public policy discourse of their being free to choose. Mothers' various perspectives from their varied vantage points are indeed limited by structural and moral possibilities in a patriarchal and racist society.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to reconstruct two counter-intuitive Aristotelian theses—about contemplation as the culmination of the good life and about the impossibility of undoing bad upbringing—to bring them into line with current empirical research, as well as with the essentials of an overall Aristotelian approach to moral education. I start by rehearsing those essentials. I then illustrate the two theses and their counter-intuitive ramifications by dint of three life stories of imaginary persons. Subsequently, I offer a reconstruction of Aristotle’s theses which, while going beyond the textual evidence, remains faithful to core elements of his moral and educational theory. I finally bring some considerations from the current literature on self-change to bear on this Aristotelian reconstruction, arguing that the effects of bad upbringing can be undone through contemplative activity. I also elicit some implications of the proposed argument for contemporary moral education and schooling.  相似文献   

社会转型期学校德育的生态性建构   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
生态世界观从最广泛的意义上把握科学与人类生存的关系,提供一种考察自然和社会现象的新的思维方式和研究方法。以生态世界观观照我国现代德育,发现其存在生态系的断裂与凝滞、漠视生命、疏离生活,具有刻板化和概念化的生存性危机。这样的德育不能适应我国社会转型对教育的要求,因此必须注重生态性德育理念的确立,采取综合渗透德育模式,引导学生积极参与道德化建设以实现其个体生命的道德价值。  相似文献   

申卫革 《教育科学》2012,28(1):17-21
德育政策的价值取向主要通过德育纲要、德育课程标准、德育教材而体现,我国当下的德育改革扭转了传统德育的成人化倾向。通过对小学德育课程结构、课程标准和德育教材以及德育课程实践形式的分析,反思了我国当下德育政策的去成人化转向。  相似文献   

德性教育是教育的永恒主题,但现实生活总在变化,在变化的世界中,人如何进行德性教育呢?身在"触屏时代"的我们,面对即将而来的"大数据时代",应该认识到技术并不总与德性格格不入,它可以服务于德性教育和幸福生活的获得。因而,当下的德性教育应当需要树立德性与大数据和谐共存的意识,培养人合德性的价值判断能力,提高人利用新技术为德性的实现的服务能力,从而使人们在大数据时代中能过上有德性的生活。  相似文献   

中华传统美德是中华民族经过五千年的文明发展而流传下来的优良传统。在学校中开展中华民族传统美德教育实验,对于继承、弘扬和发展中华民族的传统美德,加强中学生道德修养,实行全面素质教育具有十分重要意义。通过在中学中开展中华民族传统美德教育实验研究,寻求传统美德教育新模式,为中小学德育探索新途径提供借鉴。  相似文献   

构建德育新理念——从知性德育到生活德育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
知性德育专注道德知识的教与学,注重道德思维能力的训练,不是真正意义上的德性培养,要想使学校德育有所成就,就必须构建生活德育模式。生活德育是指把理想化的道德教育回归现实生活中,以道德主体为核心,围绕其社会现实生活而进行道德教育的一种新的德育模式。这种德育模式的实施必须借助其内容和方法的改革。  相似文献   

In this article, we will explore Finnish adult graduates’ social positioning in relation to age and ageing, and the new discursive framing of employability that is firmly expressed in national as well as in European policy agendas. Age is here understood as a social construction and ageing as a lifelong process. We will analyse our joint interview data of general upper secondary school and university graduates, aged 30–60, from a discursive and narrative point of view. We will explore how the adult graduates we have interviewed negotiate and interpret age(ing) in relation to the employability discourse. Furthermore, we will explore some of the consequences of undertaking formal, academically oriented education in adulthood and not normatively in youth. As a result, we argue that age(ing) may be interpreted as a positional (dis)advantage notwithstanding the chronological age of the graduate or the level of the degree achieved in adulthood. Furthermore, becoming an entrepreneur of one’s own life willing to invest in continuous learning and education is the requisite at any age, and in no lesser extent for an older adult, willing to enhance her/his employability and stay actively involved in working life.  相似文献   

知性体验与道德教育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
知性体验是主体通过知性把握对象时产生的体验。知性体验在道德教育中发挥着重要作用,与感性体验相比,它能深化对道德范畴及道德本身的认识,为道德规则提供存在的深层基础。并把道德及人生引向更高的层次。  相似文献   

论网络社会的道德规范   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络社会已经是我们生活的一部分和生活的环境,新的网络生活世界、交往方式、关系结构,需要有相应的交往规则系统来框定社会交往范型,明确基本权利义务关系。新的网络社会空间中,人也应当有自己的精神家园,建设自己灵魂的居所。因此应当提供一个具有合理性与现实有效性的意义系统,这个意义系统就是网络社会的新型道德规范。  相似文献   

在对道德教育现状的反思和对生活与道德教育之关系的重新理解的基础上,可以看到,道德教育陷入困境的根源在于长期以来严重脱离了生活,这主要表现为道德教育的政治化倾向和知识中心主义的扩张。生活的观点在道德教育中应该具有基础性地位,回归生活有深厚的哲学基础,要实现道德教育向生活的回归,应注重对受教育者生活情感,自主理性以及道德实践能力等方面的培养。  相似文献   

今天,人类已步入信息时代。信息技术在推动人类明进步的同时也造成了社会伦理道德的冲突与混乱。其中青少年的道德发展问题尤为人们 所关注。本着重从道德判断、道德控制力、道德动机三个方面对其进行了理论 上的分析和探讨,以期对青少年的道德教育有所启示。  相似文献   

Decoste  Jordan  Boyd  Dwight 《Interchange》2009,40(3):309-334
This paper is grounded in a deep appreciation of Nel Noddings’ “ethics of care” as an important contribution to moral philosophy and moral education. We seek to offer some philosophical reflections that have the potential to strengthen this important alternative to mainstream ethics and to how moral education might be conceived and practiced differently. After identifying some ambivalence in Noddings’ own position toward abstract philosophy, and despite the practical reasons for this that we share, we then find grounds for pressing in this speculative direction, some of which indeed accord with Noddings’ own statements and philosophical concerns. To show how such further philosophical reflection upon her relational morality could help, we focus on elaborating a perspective on ontological issues that we find in the work of Thomas Hill Green, a 19th century idealist, and seek to show its compatibility with Noddings’ more pragmatic stance. A concluding point addresses, and dispels, a possible worry that the grand narrative structure of Green’s idealism might undercut Noddings’ aim of having an ethic that is melioristic and open.  相似文献   

易连云 《教育学报》2005,1(5):63-67
学校德育的实效性问题仍是当前学校道德教育中一个重要难题.文章在分析当前学校道德教育理论与实践中存在问题的基础上,提出学校道德教育问题的实质是在长期的学校道德教育中,道德的意义被异化,道德教育被视为一种知识教育,忽略了道德作为人的一种生存方式所具有的内在主体性和动态生成性,其后果是导致了道德价值观念形成与道德行为中的生命意义的缺失.作者通过对中国传统文化中道德意义的追述,充分肯定传统文化中"道"与"德"的动态转化及"天之大德日生"所孕含的丰富生命意识,提出在新的历史时期应重新审视与理解传统文化中的道德内涵,以现代意义铨释传统道德,以"生命·实践"为目标构建新的道德教育体系,重建道德教育生命基础.  相似文献   

韩国现行小学《道德》教科书评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩国作为一个以儒家思想为主要道德理念的国家,历来重视道德教育。自当代韩国建国以来,为传承儒家思想,国家正式把儒家思想的道德伦理列入大、中、小学的教育科目,《道德》课也始终保持着它的主要课程地位。《正确生活》作为韩国现行小学《道德》课教材不仅体现了第七次教育课程改革的基本精神,还使之更加符合学生的心理、文化特点。本文就《正确生活》教科书进行简单的评析,希望能给我国小学《品德与生活》、《品德与社会》新课程有所启示。  相似文献   

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