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论现代高等教育与市场经济的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育与经济的关系是教育外部关系中最为基本的关系。现代高等教育与市场经济的关系是我国高等教育发展中的新的课题。高等教育与市场经济的关系是不断变化和发展的,现代高等教育以市场经济为基础,在管理理念和管理方式上受市场经济的影响,同时也为市场经济提供人才动力和智力支持。国家干预是现代高等教育和市场经济的重要特点,建立国家干预下的现代高等教育体系是我国高等教育发展的重要前提。  相似文献   

Market forces are being introduced in public spheres such as higher education and public health, which hitherto were closed to such forces. Ironically, it is the state that is responsible for this process of marketisation. Some see this state action as leading to a growing influence of the state in public policy while others see an attenuation of its role. Critiquing this market–state incompatibility thesis from a geo-spatial perspective on globalisation, this paper calls for an articulation of state–market relations that emphasises their interpenetration. Using Botswana as a case study, the paper argues that although on-going tertiary education reforms in the country are characterised by the state's promotion of market forces this does not mean that the state is retreating, leaving the sub-sector to the vagaries of the market. Contrarily, the state is employing marketisation to reform the sub-sector so that it is responsive to labour and skills demands of an economy aspiring to be knowledge-based.  相似文献   

Tang  Fun Hei  Joan  Keith Morrison 《Compare》1998,28(3):245-262
For centuries Macau has experienced extended market principles for schooling, with very limited state intervention in education, and only a recent history of regarding schooling as a public good. This paper suggests that laissez‐faire market principles have failed to provide high quality schooling in Macau and that considerable state intervention is required to ensure that education develops as a public good in Macau. The case is made for a ‘mixed economy’ of public and private providers of schooling as a public good in Macau, thereby building on the existing extensive private provision that exists there, with attention still needing to be given to quality control and increased governmental support. A state‐regulated market might be more effective than a genuinely open market. The case of Macau is used to demonstrate that public goods and private services are neither polar opposites nor mutually exclusive. The greater involvement of the state in education in Macau, with the impending handback of Macau to China in 1999, might be problematic if it becomes too intrusive and repressive, although there are indications from Macau's immediate neighbours in China's regions that China itself is moving towards marketisation, diversification of providers of education, decentralisation of administration, and increasing privatisation. This may facilitate integration and harmonisation. Macau's situation of a small state in transition to re‐incorporation is compared to the situation of other former colonies, and an agenda for reform is suggested.  相似文献   


A dominant discourse in western higher education circles is currently concerned— even obsessed—with the marketisation of knowledge as a commodity to be purchased and traded [Healy (1998); Poole (1998); Richardson (1998)]. These developments are broadly allied with managerial changes that some have called ‘steering at a distance’ [Kickert (1991); Marceav (1993)] whereby the control by the state of individual higher education workers is maintained and intensified at the same time that pressure is applied to 'wean' universities from government funding. This paper explores a different kind of 'steering', the kind that is being engaged by Australian teacher educators confronted by developing competitiveness in higher education. We argue that these changes compel teacher educators to (re)negotiate their professionalisms; to re-examine their attitudes towards, and values within, education and its practices as they (individually and collectively) steer new courses through the state and the market. We illustrate our argument by referring to three critical incidents in the professional lives of teacher educators located within a globalised, multi-campus and provincial Australian university, yet with important implications also for teacher educators outside Australia. We posit the (re)negotiated professionalisms manifested in those incidents as a few among several potential kinds of steering by Australian teacher educators.  相似文献   

The article explores the impact of the modernisation drive in education in post‐Mao China on the education and employment of women. It argues that the market forces unleashed in the Chinese economy, after the death of Mao and the rejection of his policies, have affected women's education and employment adversely. The rhetoric of modernisation when linked to the logic of the market in a political context where the state does not countenance opposition, and an emerging civil society that is only just beginning to establish itself, leads to women being disadvantaged in new and significant ways. In both education and employment, women are being disadvantaged. Traditional values regarding the roles that women play in society, that had never been confronted by the communists under Mao, are being used to marginalise women in the areas of education and employment. Women are putting up resistance, but in the context of political control by the'Communist Party, this is a difficult task.  相似文献   

Political change and declining economies have forced the higher education systems of the countries of east and central Europe to undergo restructuring, in particular to develop new financing mechanisms and to permit the emergence of private higher education. The Hungarian experience is described with reference to the situations in Poland and Czechoslovakia. Reference is made to the “base and addition” model of higher education finance as it evolved in eastern Europe beginning in the 1950's. This model went into crisis in the 1980's because it failed to encourage institutions to search for sources of funding other than government grants. In the post‐Communist situation, new types of funding mechanisms are being explored in the three countries. Czechoslovakia has so far made the fewest fundamental changes because of the relative strength of its economy. Poland has adopted a policy of professional co‐ordination for academic survival. Hungary is experimenting with professional and market co‐ordination.  相似文献   

Higher education has become the new star ship in the policy fleet for governments around the world. The public policy focus on higher education, in part, reflects a growing consensus in macroeconomics of 'new growth' or 'endogenous growth' theory, based on the work of Solow, Lucas and Romer that argues that the driving force behind economic growth is technological change (i.e. improvements in knowledge about how we transform inputs into outputs in the production process). Knowledge about technology and levels of information flow are now considered critical for economic development and can account for differential growth patterns. In short, universities are seen to be a key driver towards the knowledge economy. Accordingly, higher education institutions have been encouraged to develop links with industry and business in a series of new venture partnerships. This emphasis in higher education policy also accords with initiatives to promote greater entrepreneurial skills and activity within so-called national systems of innovation. This paper focuses upon the economic importance of higher education as a key component of the knowledge economy. It discusses the genealogy and contributing strands to the newly emerging discourse and considers universities in the knowledge-driven economy by reference to the UK White Paper Our Competitive Future. It also considers the arguments advanced by Joseph Stiglitz (ex-Chief Economist of the World Bank) for the 'analytics of the knowledge economy' and discusses universities in terms of 'knowledge cultures'. Finally, the paper provides a critique of the policy discourse of the knowledge economy as a basis of the new challenges facing universities under knowledge capitalism.  相似文献   


In this article, the author begins by examining the ubiquitous concept of 'globalisation' - a key theme of the New Labour Government. He question whether developments named as such are as widespread as proclaimed and whether the assumptions underlying the concept are misleading and occlude more than they reveal. The author concludes that, rather than 'globalisation' being viewed as a new epoch, the global movement of capital, which informs and underpins the globalisation thesis, might more accurately be described as an ongoing process, one which began 400-500 years ago. 'Globalisation', however, he suggests, is used ideologically to justify the New Labour programme, or the 'Third Way', which has two major anchors; competitiveness and modernisation. The former entails an economy in which everyone works, where the need for the untrammelled expansion of the free market is promoted as natural and inevitable and where there is the requirement for flexibility in the labour market and for low wages, in the context of the diminution of the welfare state. Since Keynesian demand management has been abandoned, one of the few strategic levers available to the New Labour Government to achieve these ends is to police the education and training of the workforce in the economy and in the educational market-place. This is all carried in the spirit of the 'essential modernisation' of British capitalism.  相似文献   

Community colleges employ more than one-third of the nation's higher education faculty. Nevertheless, the labor market through which faculty are recruited, selected, hired, evaluated and retained or replaced is one of the least understood aspects of these institutions. Functional management and effective policy both require a clear understanding of the workplace dynamics and employment dilemmas associated with this labor market. This article begins by recognizing that the 21st century economy is being transformed by large scale social, political, and technological developments—developments often referred to as the emergence of a new economy. This new economy is transforming the nature of work and the character of worker-employer relations. Four core ideas in the new economy literature are developed to show how they are creating fundamental labor market dilemmas for community colleges. The concepts are (a) information age technology, (b) globalization, (c) neo-institutional theories of organization, and (d) work spatialization. Analysis of these concepts shows how the transformation of work and of workplace relationships produced by the new economy is creating five troublesome dilemmas for community college management, policy, and research. These dilemmas are examined to build theory and frame policy issues for research and action. The dilemmas involve distinguishing work spatialization from secondary labor market status, separating institutional from bureaucratic forms of control, identifying symbolic and substantive faculty work roles, clarifying managerial control structures and roles, and identifying the career pipelines that bring individuals into this occupation. Responding to these dilemmas shapes college management, frames higher education policy issues, and defines a research agenda for anyone interested in understanding and improving community college performance.  相似文献   

《Higher Education Policy》1997,10(2):151-157
Reforms of higher education in P.R.C. since the overall promulgation of the socialist market economy have impacted both the employment of graduates and the funding mechanism of higher education. All students are charged tuition starting from the academic year of 1995/96 and are “employed” rather than “assigned to jobs” after graduation. It is evident that market forces start to have a role to play in marketization of higher education in P.R.C. because it influences both the students' choices of disciplines leading to future career opportunities and the government's allocation of public spending in higher education. British universities are ahead of their Chinese counterpart in experiencing the impact of market forces on higher education. The framework of marketization of higher education in Britain will be discussed with considerations of unique characteristics of higher education in the P.R.C.  相似文献   

The access policies of South African universities are influenced by sets of global, social, and economic factors. Although the second and third sets are predominantly local (South African), they are influenced by the first factor that gives rises to a fourth imperative, the economic factor. The latter, which is of increasing importance and is affected by the fact that students can ''vote'' for higher education institutions and programmes with their feet, is tricky. For if institutions sacrifice their core values to market imperatives, they will lose much of their utility as education institutions.  相似文献   

教育程度与阶层嵌入的关系是改革开放以来我国教育理论和社会结构研究中的一个重要议题。改革开放初期,当“制度”先行变化,高等教育发展与劳动力市场的供需呈现出一种双向驱动。知青返城与高等教育改革几乎是同步进行的。“返城知青”是切入这一历史进程的关键性历史客体。教育的“拨乱反正”给了返城知青重塑文化资本的机会,教育考试制度的恢复使得其“再知识化”有了体制化确认的渠道。返城知青“再知识化”的自为建构过程可分为纵向教育系统的“高考”和继续教育系统的“成教”两部分。将改革开放初期的高教改革与返城知青的文化资本重塑联系起来,对于理解当代中国“制度—教育—社会”三者间的张力具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Hans N Weiler 《Compare》2000,30(3):333-339
The construct of the market is an interesting new element in the discourse on higher education in Europe. It has generated serious initiatives in deregulating higher education, in developing performance-based models of resource allocation, in fostering inter-institutional competition and efficient management structures, and even in considering the 'privatisation' of higher education. These developments affect particularly the financing of higher education, where new models of resource generation and allocation, institutional steering and controlling, and accountability are being explored. Within this context, and with a view towards the future of higher education in Europe, four issues are being examined in more detail: formula funding, the mobilisation of external resources, the introduction of tuition fees, and the creation of private institutions of higher education.  相似文献   


The concept of the 'knowledge economy' is increasingly used to underpin education policy in developed countries. In Australia, it has been applied to post-compulsory education policy, with efforts to increase retention in senior secondary education and reform of vocational education in the senior years. The article draws on two research projects with senior secondary schools. Many students (and their teachers and parents) perceived qualifications not so much as providing the knowledge considered necessary by government policy for the contemporary economy, but rather as a 'screen' used by employers to sort and select. Knowledge of opportunity structures and access to resources, while not only defined by social class, operated to create differential access to available choices in the educational market place. Despite ongoing inequality, the article argues that the hope many students expressed in relation to education can be fulfilled in practice.  相似文献   


The British Labour Party has continued to make progress on education, following two broad policy paths and adopting a pragmatic approach that does not attempt to force these to cross or converge. One path is that of the quasi market inherited from the previous Conservative administration; the other is characterised as 'intervention' to support those for whom the market remains almost entirely irrelevant. Some observers regard this dual approach as 'opportunism' and Labour's education policy as a 'betrayal' of principle, by which is meant the principle of 'equal opportunity'. Of course, that principle provides equal opportunity to fail as much as to succeed. Rather than leaving education to the market, Labour has focused on the needs of those most likely to be failed by the principle of 'equal' opportunity in a quasi market.  相似文献   

ELENI PROKOU 《Compare》2003,33(3):301-313
This article argues that in the 1960s-1970s, two international organisations, namely OECD and the World Bank, influenced educational policy in Greece: higher technical education was expected to contribute to economic development and modernisation. This process took place within the framework of the 'semi-peripherality' of Greece during that period: the so-called 'internationalisation' process, which included foreign investment and technological transfer. By the end of the 1970s, there was a dramatic expansion of the education system. Nevertheless, particular emphasis was attached to higher technical education to promote economic development and modernisation, in view of Greece's accession to the European Economic Community (EEC). In the 1980s-1990s, the major actor influencing higher technological education policy in Greece was the EEC. Within the context of an expansion of the higher education system, higher technological education was upgraded also to promote modernisation and a 'self-reliant' economic development, for the full adaptation of Greece to the EEC. However, the respective reforms were incompatible with the state of the Greek economy and the nature of the Greek State, which was one of the main reasons for Greece's difficulty in adapting to the EU on equal terms.  相似文献   

The development of a market economy in Russia is greatly affecting the structural reform of education. One result is the establishment of non‐state educational institutions which are offering various types of higher education programmes and educational services. This short article describes the possible role of non‐state educational institutions as a part of the general higher education system.  相似文献   

Higher education as a system is a recent phenomenon. In the developmental process, particularly over the past 35 years, tensions have built up which are grounded in competing beliefs and aspirations about the form and shape of higher education. This paper examines some of the competing tensions and evaluates some of the implications of progressing from an élite to a universal higher education system. The pressure by Government to raise standards and to provide an educated skill base to maintain a competitive edge in a global economy can be seen against an internal higher education world holding on to 'élite instincts and traditions'.  相似文献   

This article examines young Syrians' perceptions of higher education after the 2001 reforms, which expanded access to higher education and permitted the establishment of private universities. Data come from in-depth interviews conducted with 22 Syrians residing in Damascus, aged 18–32 in 2009. Analysis indicates youth are critical of the higher education system broadly, and that their discontent stems from two sources: (1) the high level of state involvement in determining youth life paths when uncoupled from labour market security; and (2) the perceived unfairness in university admissions stemming from connections and new forms of privatisation. This youth discontent reflects a larger rejection of the state's role in the higher education admissions process. Given Syria's long-term commitment to a model of state-led development in the post-independence era, the failure of the Syrian state to successfully link expanded higher education to secure employment in the neo-liberal era has contributed to a de-legitimisation of the Syrian state as a whole in the eyes of its youth.  相似文献   

发展民办高等教育是我国国情的需要,更有其内在的必然原因:政府经费投入不足是高等教育民办的直接推动力;具有经济功能是高等教育民办的价值基础;产业性是高等教育民办的物质前提;市场调节是高等教育民办的市场基础。  相似文献   

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