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Akane Yoshida 《今天.双语时代》2008,(6):89-94
顺利生产Sabrina一个人照顾孩子经常忙的手忙脚乱,为了替好友分忧,Lily、James和Elena等一行朋友前去帮忙。结果,丝毫没有经验的一帮人不仅让宝宝大器,还因为给宝宝取名字而闹出不少笑话。 相似文献
Brent D. Maher 《History of education quarterly》2016,56(2):301-330
The National Defense Education Act (NDEA) of 1958 was the first federal investment in low‐interest student loans and became a precedent for expansion of student loans in the Higher Education Act of 1965. In its controversial loyalty provisions, the NDEA required loan recipients to affirm loyalty to the U.S. government. Between 1958 and 1962, thirty‐two colleges and universities refused to participate or withdrew from the NDEA loan program, arguing that the loyalty provisions unfairly targeted students and violated principles of free inquiry. This essay argues that debate over the loyalty provisions fractured a partnership between progressives who favored general aid to education and conservatives who supported short‐term investment for defense purposes. Although debates over the NDEA loyalty requirements seem specific to the Cold War, a close examination of the arguments illuminates their alignment with long‐standing ideological conflicts over legitimacy of federal aid to higher education. 相似文献
There are differing opinions about how to achieve the national goal of “No Child Left Behind.” Concerns involve relevance and fairness of tests students must pass, merits and drawbacks of retention policies, access to tutoring, qualification of teachers, and sufficient funding. These issues may expand to include debate about whether college and vocational training should become an entitlement. Related factors are rising tuition, financial aid, demographic changes, career planning, curriculum practicality, and labor market forecasts. 相似文献
The Changing Debate on Internationalisation of Higher Education 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Ulrich Teichler 《Higher Education》2004,48(1):5-26
Internationalisation, the growing border-crossing activities between national systems of higher education is losing ground to globalisation, increasing border-crossing activities of blurred national systems which is often employed to depict world-wide trends and growing global competition. This article addresses recent issues of knowledge transfer. It points out tensions between increasing diversity in higher education and efforts to facilitate recognition of prior studies on student mobility. It shows the diversity of steering and management policies with respect to internationalisation and globalisation. Finally, it asks whether globalisation of higher education has to be viewed as a manifestation of turbo-capitalism or could be viewed instead as a move towards global understanding. 相似文献
《Journal of Education & Work》2012,25(2):51-59
Abstract Strategies in schools for developing students’ action‐planning skills are explored. The student skills required for effective action planning are defined, and means of developing them are identified. Attention is also paid to the nature of the teacher skills required to foster the development of the student skills, and the means of developing these teacher skills. Potential links with teacher appraisal schemes and with institutional development planning are noted. 相似文献
Education and Social Cohesion: Recentering the Debate 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Social capital theory has tended to treat social cohesion as a mere aggregation of individual and community-level characteristics, ignoring the long tradition of theory on social solidarity and social cohesion at the societal level. However, the key indicators of social capital-associational membership and social trust-do not covary cross-nationally, and societies rich in community-level social capital are not always cohesive societies. Social capital and societal cohesion are not necessarily the same thing, and education may have different effects on each. This article seeks to put the analysis of education and societal cohesion back in the center of the picture. We do this first through a critical review of some of the existing literature on education and social capital, which points to the limitations of individual-level analysis of what are fundamentally societal issues. Second, we outline some alternative models for understanding how education influences social cohesion in different societies, drawing on an analysis of some of the aggregated cross-national data on skills, income distribution, and various indicators of social cohesion. The argument suggests some causal mechanisms for the social impacts of education that are quite different from those that normally underpin arguments about human and social capital. 相似文献
论辩式教育模式是指学校教育者有意识地通过论辩式的方法、媒介等形式向学生传递信息,期望以此影响学生的精神世界或心理状态,帮助或阻碍学生获得某种(些)观念、素质、能力的社会活动方法。其价值表现在教育理念、教育环境、教育内容、教育拓展和教育效果等方面。其实施需要组织、人事和程序的宏观机制和理性的主题、冲突的观点和合理的辩论的微观运行。论辩式教育的误区是教师和学生的两极化,虚假性、煽动性和数量式的形式化。 相似文献
美国全国教育协会是美国最具影响力的教育社团之一,中外学界曾对其给予一定的关注。就已有的研究成果来看,国内学者尚未深究全国教育协会与重大联邦教育立法《国防教育法》之间的关系。通过梳理《国防教育法》的出台过程以及全国教育协会争取联邦资助教育的历程,可以发现,全国教育协会将《国防教育法》的通过视为实现自身诉求的"垫脚石"。对于协会而言,1958年《国防教育法》的通过是一次"复杂的胜利"。法案背后承载的是全国教育协会与政策制定者的对弈。 相似文献
大学教育学术性与职业性之争对工程教育的启示 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
历史上德国和美国在大学教育思想上都发生过学术性与职业性之争,争论的结果是学术性与职业性的融合,不同类型的高校取得了对学术性或职业性的价值认同。这对我国在高等教育大众化的条件下,应用型本科院校如何开展高等工程教育很有启示。 相似文献
随着社会和教育的改革发展,死记硬背的旧式思维逐渐被淘汰,有着自己想法且能充分表达观点的能力越发被重视,而辩论正是培养这个能力的有效方式。让学生养成正确的思辨习惯、创造优质的思辨平台,让辩论能真正地"融辩入教",是每一个辩论教育工作者的责任。现今中学辩论教育存在师资缺乏、教材不系统、与常规教育不能有效融合等问题。未来辩论教育发展应该注重以下几点:在教学上更加切入思辨核心;逐渐完善比赛制度;扩大目标指向,使其融入社会等。 相似文献
北美殖民地创建之初,古典教育①占据着教育系统的主导地位。在美国立国后,急于为美利坚探寻新路的改革者们对传统的古典教育发起了挑战,他们认为,随着时代的演进,古代语言和知识已经失去了原先存在的实用功能价值。这引起了支持古典教育者的不满,他们发文维护古典语言和文化的权威地位。双方掀起了美国立国后关于古典传统教育的大辩论。由于这场辩论发生在美国国家建构的语境下,所以从学术讨论上升到了政治论争的层面。在这场论争中,反对者和辩护者双方表达了对共和国公民素质和教育功能的考量,以及明确对未来社会的发展方向的思考,辩论为日后美国教育和社会的变革预留了重要的思想和话语资源,推动了教育多元化的发展趋势。这场关于古典教育的讨论对于当代教育的发展而言有着重要的意义。 相似文献
基础教育阶段的国学教育 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
高松寿 《成都教育学院学报》2006,20(6):12-14
从广义上讲,国学指的就是中国的传统文化。中国传统文化是世界上最优秀的文化之一;但是近代以来,国学在内部挫折和外来文化的侵蚀之下,一蹶不振,所以当前进行国学教育势在必行。中小学生是国家民族的未来,基础教育时期是其成长的关键阶段,因此在这个阶段应该对其实施国学教育。有关部门应当尽快制定政策措施,教学参与者应当行动起来,使国学教育落到实处。 相似文献
胡娟 《佳木斯教育学院学报》2014,(6):380-381
全人教育主要关注的是"完的人",注重人与自然、人与人、人与社会的和谐发展。现代"全人"素质构建应该是全方位、多层次的,对道德、知识、能力、素养各方面都有较高要求。英语辩论课程的教学内容丰富,能满足现代"全人"对知识的要求;教学过程及方法能很好的培养学生的自学能力、创新能力、交际能力、获取信息的能力等,从而满足现代"全人"对能力的要求;辩论课程教学评估能提升学生的思想道德素质、文化素质、业务素质和身心素质。因此英语辩论教学是很好的实践全人教育理念的方式。 相似文献
高等教育学费有"成本分担说"和"价格说"两种观点,由此也产生了"政府定价"与"市场定价"的论争.主张"政府定价"的学者认为,高等教育学费定价应基于"获利原则"和"能力支付原则";主张市场定价的学者认为,高等教育学费定价应基于"社会福利效应最大化".本文结合学者们的论争,时我国高等教育学费制订的主体、依据、监管等进行梳理和分析. 相似文献
王晖 《北京大学教育评论》2019,17(1):52-61,187-188
《普罗塔戈拉》记叙了年轻的苏格拉底初始登上公共教育舞台,通过挑战普罗塔戈拉从而宣称一种新的教育方案的故事。澄清普罗塔戈拉与苏格拉底的教育之争,可以进一步探究苏格拉底教育理念的背景与发端。普罗塔戈拉对德性教育进行世俗化的改造,他用"技艺知识"取代了内在的德性,用修辞术和法律取代了统治的智慧和正义。苏格拉底试图重建人们对内在德性的追求,他的教育建立在"整全知识"和"美德即知识"的假设上,他一方面为公民塑造了有利于"节制"的"知识神话",另一方面鼓励智慧者"勇敢"地热爱智慧、追求智慧。由此,苏格拉底的哲学教育是通过"整全知识"统合"节制"与"勇敢"的教育,他提醒人是追求美好的动物,但人必须节制而勇敢地忍受着追求美好过程中注定的艰难与失败。 相似文献