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构建高校思想政治教育环境系统的现实路径在于:一是发挥政府的主导作用与调控作用;二是整合思想政治教育资源,实现"三个结合";三是建立激励机制,创设优良的思想政治教育环境.高校思想政治教育环境系统就是依据协调发展、目标一致、互动互融的指导原则,由影响高校思想政治教育活动开展的一切外部因素和条件的总和而构成的思想政治教育环境体系.  相似文献   

王畅 《辽宁高职学报》2008,10(7):105-107
以马克思主义思想政治教育原理和高等教育管理科学为指导,根据我国高等教育的实际,从学校、家庭和社会三个方面,全面系统地论述了如何科学构建大学生思想政治教育环境保障机制,为进一步加强和改进大学生思想政治教育提供环境方面的保证。  相似文献   

把造成环境问题的思想根源归结于人类中心论,无论是从历史维度、现实层面分析,还是就理论形态转换过程透视都有失偏颇。作认为,必须批判的态度去超越和扬弃建立在近代工业明-人类强大主体经济王国基础上的人类中心论,新人类中心论,以人与自然的和谐发展为目标,高扬人的价值理性,它构成了可持续发展的哲学观念前提与基础。  相似文献   

本文通过敦煌壁画论述佛教宣传的众生平等、因果报应是古代敦煌佛教环保 意识的思想理论基础,认为只有建立在一定思想理论基础上的环保意识,才有利于环保行动 和环保建设的可持续发展。  相似文献   

环境是高校教育的基础和外围,面对目前高校成人思想政治教育发展的瓶颈,我们应该从环境入手探讨其应为高校成人思想政治教育做些什么。既要对高校成人思想政治教育和环境有一个详细的描述和定位,也要深入分析高校成人思想政治教育目前所面临的危机,更要从危机入手宏观考虑高校成人思想政治教育发展的环境策略,以达到解决问题的目的。  相似文献   

大学生的环境美德对实现我国环境保护有着重要的意义。高校思想政治理论课作为高校德育的主渠道,理应将大学生的环境美德培养纳入教学中。要有效培养大学生环境美德,思想政治理论课教师必须在教学内容中渗透环境美德教育,充分发挥榜样示范作用,积极开展社会实践,通过实践强化环境美德行为。  相似文献   

This paper develops existing arguments about the need to rethink ways in which environmental education is conceptualised, interpreted and enacted by schools, teachers and students working within their communities. In doing this, it critiques what it sees as the narrowing and constraining influence that socially critical theory has exerted over the field, and calls for multiple approaches, carefully and communally deliberated on, in order to deliver the (environmental) educational goals deemed appropriate and necessary by schools and communities. Such an approach, it is argued, will likely be cross-disciplinary and multi-faceted in that it will be informed by a combination of traditions and ideological persuasions which together will offer more than any one of them could alone.  相似文献   

生活在黄土高原上的周人形成了“天哲学”,十分重视绿色生命。在这种思路中,山川、河流、树木、森林等等都是“天物”,而不是人可随意毁除的对象。“关学”在继承保护自然环境的传统方面旗帜鲜明,首先提出“天人合一”哲学命题的就是张载。周公一张载“天人合一”哲学是关中重视生态环保传统的思想基础。对今日“关天经济区”建设而言,首先要继续发扬这种重视生态环保的传统。  相似文献   

在改革开放和现代化建设的进程中,我国社会环境中出现了一些"异化"的表现,而作为社会群体中一份子的大学生们,身处这个环境中,也受到了不小的影响。如今,大学生学习动力不足已成为我国高校思想政治教育工作者普遍面临的难题,无论是社会、学校还是家庭,都对大学生学习动力的不足产生了至关重要的影响。高校须通过对环境异化的理性判断,在科学发展观的指导下,认真鉴别,切实提高大学生学习动力。  相似文献   

古村落作为历史文化遗产的重要组成部分,是中华民族文化的源头与根基。古村落中孕育的传统哲学思想营造出一种"人与自然"和谐相处的环境观,在古村落的选址,空间布局,景观甚至是诗篇绘画中我们都可窥见一二。这些对于中国环境教育来说都是难能可贵的资源。通过利用古村落文化的思想资源,开发古村落文化的教材资源并加强古村落内外课程人力资源建设,可以让我们充分挖掘古村落文化中环境教育资源。  相似文献   

生态保护与可持续发展课程属于环境专业的一门基础前导课程。结合生态保护与可持续发展课程的自身课程环境专业属性特点,将“思政元素”纳入“生态保护与可持续发展”专业课程教学体系,实现在专业知识技能传授中培养提升学生良好的环保意识、职业素养、文化素养等综合素质的教育教学目标。以“思政融入专业课程”为主线,挖掘思政元素在环保教学过程中的有效融合方式;设计“生态保护与可持续发展”课程思政融入的教学方案;评价、反思思政进课堂的效果。利用专业课堂教学实践主渠道,充分发挥思政元素引领作用,提高学生的德育水平已成为当前生态文明建设的重要思想保障。  相似文献   

伴随工业化进程,环境危机使人们日益关注环境问题,把环境因素纳入现行会计体系是大势所趋。本文主要从环境成本方面对环境会计的建设作了初步的探讨,包括环境成本的概念与内容、环境成本资本化、费用化与直接费用、间接费用的判定,环境成本的管理与控制等。  相似文献   

信用在社会主义市场经济建设中的作用越来越重要,信用环境建设也越来越受到各方面重视.在信用环境建设中,要摆正信用思想建设的位置,将信用法制建设与信用思想建设统一起来.  相似文献   

The present study proposed an Environmental Literacy Components Model to explain how environmental attitudes, environmental responsibility, environmental concern, and environmental knowledge as well as outdoor activities related to each other. A total of 1,345 university students responded to an environmental literacy survey (Kaplowitz and Levine in Environ Educ Res 11:143–160, 2005). The structural equation model revealed that high levels of environmental knowledge stimulate a university student’s concern, attitudes, and personal responsibility toward environmental protection. More specifically, environmental knowledge was reported to be a significant predictor of environmental concern, attitudes, and responsibility. Environmental knowledge had significant indirect relationships with environmental attitudes and responsibility. Moreover, while attitudes toward the environment were found to be a significant determinant of environmental responsibility, environmental concern held significant association with attitudes toward the environment and outdoor activities. Findings promise to give clues for finding an answer to the question “how education for sustainability can be improved in higher education curricula?”  相似文献   

Purpose: Educational methods to diagnose and improve the level of environmental conception are required. The present work reports a methodology based on studies about the environmental perception of a university public, divided into general students and those related to the forest sciences, who are involved with disciplines and researches related to e.g. environmental management.

Design/Methodology/Approach: The environmental perception obtained from the graphical representation of environment and the most relevant actions indicated by the students to achieve the environmental conservation, divided in four levels of complexity, were correlated using principal component analysis.

Findings: The students from both groups having the highest scores in environmental perception prioritize actions related to the comprehension and responsibility levels, while the ideal scenario would be to indicate actions related to competence and citizenship. Thus, the complex concept about environment of the students is still incipient and, therefore, educational strategies can be traced based on the profiles obtained.

Practical Implications: The method for environmental perception can be designed for different populations and a scheme relating environmental perception with four levels of actions on behalf of the environmental conservation is proposed to diagnose environmental conceptions, as well as to guide educational strategies about socio-ecological system.

Originality/Value: A semi-quantitative method was developed to estimate, clearly and directly, the level of complexity about the environmental knowledge of university students and, consequently, to predict the actions on behalf of the environmental conservation that they would probably perform.  相似文献   


This Editorial to the current collection provides a brief historical, cultural, regional and contemporary picture of environmental education research in Brazil. Its main purpose is to offer readers a short background and orientation to the collection, and in so doing, illustrate how its contributions relate to some wider tendencies, trends and issues in environmental education, as well as to different locales of research and knowledge generation in the country. Of particular note for environmental education in Brazil are: the effects of social and political backdrops and issues, the unique environments on which environmental education is grounded, and how environmental education research, in turn, may echo or influence particular educational and public policies.  相似文献   

A sharper profile of environmental education is needed to improve the quality of future environmental education. This involves an understanding of the conceptions related to ‘environmental issues’. It is argued that environmental issues have to be understood as issues in the community with conflicting interests at several levels. At the same time the authors argue for the development of the ‘action competence’ of the pupils as the main goal of the new generation of environmental education and refer to promising findings from Danish environmental education, mainly from the MUVIN Programme.  相似文献   


This essay provides a selective review of interdisciplinary research of the bases for and obstacles to effective environmental advocacy. Analyses of the social backdrop of contemporary environmental advocacy are synthesized and research associated with environmental communication is considered in the context of how people process information and appeals associated with the environment. Theory and research involving social cognition is used to indicate ways in which advocates might better promote environmentalism. The analysis concludes with a call for research examining how the perceptions of the self and the environment influence people's understanding of environmental advocacy.  相似文献   

公民环境权与企业环境资源使用权   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在法律的层面上,公民环境权是宪法和行政法上的权利,实质上是一种请求权;企业环境资源使用权既可以是民法上的物权,也可以是行政法上的请求权,二者之间是对立统一的关系。公民享有环境权有利于遏制企业滥用环境资源使用权,有利于实现人与自然的和谐。协调公民环境权与企业环境资源使用权的矛盾应当坚持一般利益优于特殊利益并兼顾特殊利益的原则,平等保护原则,利益权衡原则。  相似文献   

Efforts to introduce environmental education can be viewed as a process of educational change. This paper questions whether efforts to introduce environmental education in the last 10‐20 years have given lasting and widespread results (are sustainable) and suggests that this work could be made more sustainable by following a systemic approach to changing the institutional framework for environmental education. Such an approach would focus on placing responsibility for environmental education with the educational authorities; curriculum revision; competence; building and development of networks of intersectoral cooperation with institutions outside the school. The environmental education strategy developed by the Norwegian Education Ministry is presented and discussed as an example of a systemic approach.  相似文献   

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