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继续教育是北京教育学院一项一以贯之的重要工作,对学院、特别是对承担继教任务的一线教师也始终是一个重大的挑战。教师必须加强对专业基础理论和专业基础知识、继续教育的理论和实践、中小学教育教学的学习和研究,不断提高自己的专业素养,不断推进自己的专业发展,从而把继续教育工作搞得又快又好。  相似文献   

作为教育家的陈独秀,其职业教育思想独具特色。他认为在社会形态中教育属于上层建筑,中国从来就不大重视职业教育,而欧美各国都注重职业教育。主张“一切教育都建设在社会的需要上面”,讲究“实际应用”,强调理论要联系实际,学习要学以致用,希望教育是平民的而非贵族的。陈独秀的职业教育思想在当今仍有现实意义。  相似文献   


Correspondence study represents the first and most persistent distance education format in American universities. Later called independent study, it enabled universities to disseminate instruction far beyond their campuses. Yet, national‐level leadership provided by the National University Continuing Education Association (NUEA) and its divisions has been relatively restrained. In contrast, leadership in the private correspondence school sector has been assertive, and sometimes even aggressive. The NUEA and its members shunned this approach, choosing instead to lead by persuasion and example. The NUEA developed standards of practice concerned primarily with replicating on‐campus teaching styles and values, rather than the promotion of distance education. With the abolition of its division structure, the NUEA's successor, the University Continuing Education Association (UCEA), has opted out of a leadership role in independent study. This paper concludes that the NUEA's initial attempt at leadership in distance education— while reasoned and principled—contained flaws that made failure inevitable.  相似文献   

Education in Hong Kong has developed rapidly since the 70s in parallel with the economic boom. To support such development, the government has invested heavily in initial teacher education and will soon impose professional training and graduate qualifications as prerequisites for entering the profession. Continuous teacher education (CTE), generally regarded as equally important as initial teacher education if not more so, is not given comparable emphasis. This paper aims to study CTE in Hong Kong, including its policy, practice and provision at the system level. Some special features of the system are identified and scrutinized, including ad hoc, policy led, and competence based. The centrally provided CTE is also closely examined in terms of its relevance to the profession, impact on schools, and cost‐effectiveness. The paper ends with a close look at its latest developments, obstacles encountered and prospects.  相似文献   

As the national teacher education institute in Singapore, the National Institute of Education (NIE) prepares all teachers seeking to be employed within the education service in Singapore. In the last decade, NIE's enrolment for initial teacher preparation programmes has grown significantly, with peaks in numbers during the recession years. There is also some evidence of attrition when beginning teachers complete their 3-year bond with the Ministry of Education, which sponsors their teacher education programme. It is thus important to determine empirically the reasons why pre-service teachers join the teaching profession, to see whether this can inform us about measures that can be taken to ensure they stay on in the profession. As part of a longitudinal study on beginning teachers' attitudes towards teaching and professional development, a research survey, the first of three data collections, was administered to whole cohorts of pre-service teachers entering NIE's three main teacher preparation programmes in July 2004. This paper presents the survey findings on pre-service teachers' reasons for choosing teaching as a career and discusses the differences between cohorts of different programmes. The implications of the study are discussed in terms of informing future policy and practice in the areas of teacher recruitment, retention and professional development.  相似文献   

本文以益阳电大工商管理专业社会实践教学为个案,探讨其中存在的问题,并提出了深化社会实践教学改革的思路。  相似文献   

This article examines the impact of professional education on students' dedication to and identification with a profession. The premise is that professional education is not only about knowledge acquisition and reasoning but also about attitudes and aspirations. In fostering dedication and identification, students' experiences of relevance seem to be important. The concept of coherence seen as an expression of relevance is introduced and measured by four kinds of interactions: Theory–practice interaction, teacher–student interaction, peer interaction and supervisor–student interaction. Analysis indicates that coherence, particularly as theory–practice interaction, peer interaction and supervisor–student interaction, has a significant impact on dedication to and identification with a profession. Longitudinal survey data – collected from students in colleges for teaching, nursing and social work – are analysed.  相似文献   

The Kellogg funded Faculty Seminar on Future Directions in Continuing Education was a continuing professional development project for young assistant and associate professors of adult continuing education. The Faculty Seminar was developed and conducted by Jerold Apps, Alan Knox, and Jack Ferver, professors at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, from January, 1987, through March, 1989. Thirty-three early career faculty members focused on enriching their leadership roles within their academic departments and across the field of adult/continuing education, as well as on personal career development. Within each of these areas, participants normatively considered future directions for the field.Judith G. Adrian is completing her dissertation in Adult/Continuing Education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She also served as Project Assistant for the two year duration of the Kellogg Faculty Seminar on Future Directions in Adult/Continuing Education.Jerold W. Apps of a Professor of Adult/Continuing Education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is the author ofHigher Education in a Learning Society (Jossey-Bass, 1988) and several other books.  相似文献   

立足教师专业发展 改革教育实习课程结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教师专业发展主要包括专业知识发展、专业技能发展和专业精神发展。实践性知识是教师专业知识结构的重要内容。教育实习为教师专业发展提供真实情境,但现有的教育实习忽略了教师专业发展的经验性和反思性成份。改革教育实习课程结构就应当更新教育实习观念,完善教育实习内容,延长教育实习时间。  相似文献   

This paper is an edited version of a lecture in celebration of the twenty‐fifth anniversary of the Cambridge Journal of Education given at the Cambridge Institute of Education on 12 February 1996. The author, who was editor of the Journal for it's first eleven years, recalls the features of the East Anglian educational community for which the Journal initially provided a platform and the overlapping sets of professional values which, he claims, underpinned much of its educational practice. The Journal provides a source for the history of this community and of the issues and concerns which dominated it particularly in those early years. The paper focuses in particular on the issues to do with teacher education which concerned contributers twenty‐five years ago and reflects on the ways in which these have developed. The author suggests that there has been a loss of intellectual vitality over this period and places the blame for this squarely on government policies including, centrally, the extension of market principles to education. Finally he suggests an agenda for the educational community and perhaps for the Journal which is aimed at re‐establishing ‘the intellectual capital’ of the teaching profession  相似文献   

继续教育创新体系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
继续教育创新体系,是通过培养从事国家创新研究、开发及相关活动的人,以及直接研究生产创新产品,使继续教育成为国家创新体系的培养基。知识经济的兴起、教育地位功能的变化,为继续教育创新提供了条件和动因。构建继续教育创新体系,需要从观念创新、结构创新与管理创新入手,在制度创新和机制创新上不懈的努力。  相似文献   

美国第一职业学位是一种特殊的高层次职业学位,它是为进入某一特定专业领域而设立的一种学位制度,专业技能水平要求高于一般学士学位,起点与硕士相同,终点接近博士;其领域涵盖医学、法律、神学等,具有职业性、后续性、实践性等特征。第一职业学位的产生与发展,丰富了美国高等教育学位体系,对美国高等教育以及经济社会发展起了重要作用;其对我国专业学位与职业资格的衔接、设置独立的职业学位和发展应用型专业博士学位等方面也有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

"多元文化主义"产生于二战以来的各种社会变革思潮,旨在促进跨越种族、宗教、国家的文化理解和文化宽容,其概念被广泛地使用于各个学术领域,包括历史的、政治的、教育的等等。Peter Mclaren教授是美国加州大学洛杉矶分校教育和信息研究学院的教授,他被誉为批判教育学的领军人物之一。近年来,Mclaren教授主要运用马克思的政治经济学说,并与诸多学者和社会人士合作,积极致力于美国以及拉美地区的多元文化教育运动。Mclaren教授访问我所之际,笔者有幸与其主要就美国多元文化教育的历史发展过程以及批判的多元文化主义的核心内容进行探讨和交流。  相似文献   

Continuing education is a defining characteristic of work in the professions. Yet the approach various professional groups take to continuing professional development (CPD) differs widely in terms of regulatory frameworks and requirements, modes of delivery and funding. Importantly, little is understood about how CPD impacts on practice.This paper compares the regulatory context of different professional groups and devises a two‐dimensional model to explore differences in CPD practice by mapping control over CPD content and mode. The emergent quadrants we label as liberal, regulated, managed and controlled. The paper continues by using empirical data from two studies of continuing education in dentistry and the wider literature to explore factors affecting CPD impact. The paper ends by considering how the regulatory context may affect impact and concludes that changes in the control of CPD have potential to influence the power of education to make a difference to professional practice.  相似文献   

领导能力的培养是当前高层次人才培养中的重要问题.清华大学继续教育学院政府管理培训中心引进并创新了一种适应当代领导干部实际需要的公共管理培训体系--领导力实验室体系.其七大特色体现为综合通识的培训目标、多元个性的课程设置、学术专业的科研环境、专家型的师资队伍、科学灵活的培训方式、基于区域运作的教务模式以及学员为本的教学评估体系.这一体系是继续教育发展的增长点,也是高等教育服务社会的重要途径,对领导力培养理念和学习型组织文化的形成都具启发意义.  相似文献   

The report of the National Inquiry into Higher Education (the Dearing Committee) makes much play of lifelong learning, and the last decade has seen a rapid increase in the proportion of mature learners in higher education overall. In 1993 the National Institute for Adult Continuing Education argued that the advent of lifelong learning and an adult majority in higher education called for a radical rethinking of the nature and purposes of higher education. There has been some positive change, and the Dearing report is broadly positive, but by failing to recognise the nature of the lifelong agenda, it may be too little too late.  相似文献   

The professional development of college and university administrators is a problem which receives attention in many discussions on the policy and planning of higher education. In this connection we give below information based on an article by Charles F. Fisher, Director of the Institute for College and University Administrators of the American Council on Education.  相似文献   

摘要:继续教育是我国教育体系的薄弱环节。《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010—2020年)》把加快发展继续教育,搭建终身学习“立交桥”列为重要任务。而在其他国家和地区推行的学分银行制度的功能和特点符合这一任务要求。结合我国实际,自学考试制度在学分银行构建中有强劲优势,可能发挥枢纽作用。当前在我国建设学分银行制度,应重点解决好两个问题,分三步走,同时需要创造有利环境和保障条件。  相似文献   

教育硕士教育类课程设置的问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育硕士专业学位是以教师职业为背景的专业学位,具有实践性、职业性和复合性的特征。通过对教育硕士教育类课程设置的现状调查发现,我国现行的教育硕士教育类课程设置没有很好地体现实践性,课程结构不太合理,课程目标和课程内容倾向于学术性。回归教育硕士本质,应从思想上高度重视,将硕士教育培养工作纳入学位与研究生教育改革与发展的重要内容,适当调整公共必修课程的比例和内容,增加专业选修类课程,拓宽学科教育类课程,强化实践环节。  相似文献   

The social work profession has struggled with an uncertain identity since its beginning. The split between clinical practitioners and those who engage primarily in social action and social policy analysis is particularly diversive. The author proposes that "Community Education" could be an integrative framework for the profession. Direct practice could shift from an obsolescent allegiance to a therapeutic model, to a less stigmatizing educational model which could include psychodynamic practice. Those professionals concerned with macro-issues can be conceptualized as educating the community regarding their clients' needs. Such a change of identity would have implications for professional training.  相似文献   

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