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The Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale with Kansas Supplement (NBAS-K) was administered midway between feedings to 60 newborns who were between 32 and 122 hours old. 35 of the newborns were classified as extremely healthy and normal (Subgroup I), whereas 25 (Subgroup II) were characterized by slight perinatal problems including gestational age 36-37 weeks or 42+ weeks, and fetal distress during labor. All of the newborns were healthy enough to be cared for in a healthy newborn, Level I nursery. Immediately following administration of the NBAS-K, a blood sample was obtained for plasma cortisol determination. Correlations between behavioral responding on the NBAS-K and levels of plasma cortisol revealed few significant relations for the sample as a whole. When the 2 subgroups were examined separately, a number of significant relations emerged. Newborns in Subgroup I who were more competent in their motor control and state regulation capacities as assessed by Lester's Cluster Scores for the NBAS-K exhibited higher levels of plasma cortisol. In contrast, newborns in Subgroup II who exhibited a greater adrenocortical response to the examination showed more behaviors indicative of high behavioral arousal and distress. This pattern of relations for Subgroup II appeared to be mediated by the number of hours that had elapsed since delivery. As postpartum time increased, the strength of the association between adrenocortical activity and behavioral arousal/distress decreased for Subgroup II. A systems theory approach is used to interpret the difference in patterns of correlations found for the 2 subgroups.  相似文献   

Neonatal behavioral organization and visual processing at three months   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In 2 studies, the Range of State cluster derived from infants' scores on the Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale with Kansas Supplements (NBAS-K) was found to correlate significantly with visual discrimination performance at 3 months of age. Contrary to the expectation that NBAS-K orientation scores would predict visual discrimination at 3 months, it was neonatal behavioral state organization that related to later cognitive functioning in infancy.  相似文献   

中国古代阶级形式的国家自夏代产生以后,到春秋战国时期,诸侯国林立,国与国之间交往频仍,形成了中国古代各诸侯国之间的国家关系及处理国家关系的政治活动。这种实践活动催生了先秦国家关系哲学思想,即“为政以德”、“协和万邦”、“和而不同”、“禁暴除害”。这些哲学思想对和谐世界的提出和构建具有重要的意义,同时也为和谐社会的构建提供了提供深厚的哲学基础和文化渊源。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate whether (a) states have altered their definitions and/or eligibility criteria for learning disabilities (LD) since the last review; (b) states have specified-IQ cutoffs below which a child would not be eligible for LD services; (c) the types of methods states use to quantify an ability/achievement discrepancy vary; and (d) an increase in the number of children identified as LD is related to the method or criterion used to quantify an ability/achievement discrepancy. States' guidelines and/or information obtained from state directors of special education were analyzed for all states and the District of Columbia. Results of the review revealed that 40% of states had revised their guidelines between 1988 and 1990; 76% of the states specified a method for determining an ability/achievement discrepancy and the method recommended most frequently was the standard score comparison method. No significant differences were obtained between type of discrepancy method employed by a state and its yearly increase in LD. However, a significant relationship existed between magnitude of a state's ability/achievement criterion and its yearly increase in LD from 1987-88 to 1988-89. The review also revealed an increase in the number of states that specified an IQ cutoff below which a student would not qualify for LD services.  相似文献   

文章运用密度泛函方法B3LYP/6-311++G(2d,2P)研究了最低单态和三态硝基甲烷单分子的电子结构和红外频率,绘制了分子在这两种电子态下的红外振动光谱,对它们的红外振动频率进行了理论归属,分析并比较了两种电子态下分子结构和红外振动情况的变化,结果发现三态的硝基甲烷分子的结构要比基态分子结构稍显松散,稳定性下降,分子振动模式中NO2的相关振动有所加强,红外光谱线左移.因此,最低三态分子沿C-N键分裂而致分子分解的可能性较大.  相似文献   

研究了与单模腔耦合的两大半导体量子点相干激子态的线性熵演化.线性熵是gt的理想周期函数,表明在此情形下能制备最大激子纠缠相干态.还讨论了绝对零度环境下对激子相干态线性熵的影响.  相似文献   

试论全球化与民族国家的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在全球化的全方位冲击中,首当其冲的就是民族国家。民族国家既是全球化的产物,又是全球化进程的最大推动。但是,随着全球化的进一步发展,两的矛盾也越来越突出。作为客观过程的全球化,无时无刻不在改造民族国家,对国家主权地位形成严峻挑战。  相似文献   

If the measuring signals were input to the chaotic dynamic system as initial parameters, the system outputs might be in steady state, periodic state or chaos state. If the chaotic dynamic system outputs controlled in the periodic states, the periodic numbers would be changed most with the signals. Our novel method is to add chaotic dynamic vibration to the measurement or sensor system. The sensor sensitivity and precision of a measurement system would be improved with this method. Chaotic dynamics measurement algorithms are given and their sensitivity to parameters are analyzed in this paper. The effects of noises on the system are discussed. Project support by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 59805017) and the 863 High-Technology Project of China (No. 863-512-9805-08).  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the ability of several state characteristics to predict progress in the implementation of Part H of P.L. 99-457. This analysis utilizes two scales developed by investigators at the Carolina Policy Studies Program. One is intended to measure four potentially influential characteristics of the states: political climate, resources, policies, and interagency systems related to Part H. The second scale is an indicator of the progress states are making in the three stages of policy implementation (policy development, policy approval, and policy application). This study reports findings regarding the relationships between geographic region and state progress, as well as between influential characteristics and progress in the three stages of policy implementation. No statistically significant differences were found in state progress by geographic region. However, the four influential characteristics together predicted overall state progress and progress in each of the three stages. The dimension of system uniquely accounted for a significant proportion of variance in overall state progress, and progress in policy development and policy approval. The results suggest that an administrative structure, mechanisms, and process that promote multiagency planning are important to the successful implementation of Part H of P.L. 99-457.  相似文献   

The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) emphasizes educational accountability for all students. Twenty-eight states have policies to aggregate student participation and proficiency data for schools for the deaf in NCLB reports. The remaining states account for these students in other ways: referring student data to "sending" schools and aggregating data to the district or state level are most prominent. In reports of student assessment results for academic year 2002-2003, three schools for the deaf made "Adequate Yearly Progress" under NCLB: These schools demonstrated at least a 95% participation rate in assessments, and at least 95% of their students met or surpassed state proficiency benchmarks in reading and mathematics. Proficiency levels for other schools varied by report, but were often comparable to those of students with disabilities. Challenges and strategies for capturing the impact of NCLB accountability policies on deaf students are discussed.  相似文献   

通过双眼竞争范式考察了个体的情绪状态对其自上而下视觉选择性注意的影响.随机抽取了50名在校大学生,考察被试对重叠的面孔与房子的反应.结果发现:①在所有的情绪状态条件下个体对面孔的反应时显著长于对房子的反应时;②处于消极与积极情绪状态下个体分别偏向关注闷闷不乐的面孔与微笑的面孔;③性别对个体视觉选择性注意无显著影响.整个研究表明个体的情绪状态促进了对情绪面孔的视觉选择性注意.  相似文献   

通过对量子态对称性的要求,本文提供了对N-量子比特多体纠缠态的一种可能分类。对称基可以被建立起来,通过两个整体特征:周期结构和循环单元,对称基底态可以分为若干类。并与相变现象类比,重新建立了对纠缠态等价性质的理解:不等价的纠缠态对应不同的相,他们之间的转变必然伴随相变现象。除此之外,包含不同相的量子态被归为对称破缺相。  相似文献   

众所周知.压缩光场态的量子涨落是紧密地依赖于场相位的.本文将单模光场的相位算符推广到多模光场中.用SW表示和PB表示的相位算符及其本征态.推导出相应的双模相位算符本征态失空间中的双模压缩光场的态函数.在此基础上,深入地研究了双模压缩光场的相位特性.  相似文献   

新国家理论述评   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
20世纪80年代以来,政治学理论的一个重大发展是在最为传统的国家理论方面。从国家和社会关系出发,吉登斯提出了新的国家类型即传统主义国家、绝对主义国家和现代民族国家;新制度主义的代表人物诺思以国家目的悖论理论有力地解释了第一批现代化国家的得与失;而20世纪70-80年代很多国家的政治变迁则使亨廷顿等人总结出国家转型理论。本文结合中国和其他主要国家的现代化进程,验证这些国家理论的解释力与限度。  相似文献   

西周初年,周王将其两个股肱之臣——周公旦和姜大公封于今山东境内。虽两国地城毗连,但因采取了不同的治国方略,使两国走上不同的历史发展轨道。在后来的春秋战国时期,两国的实力及在各诸侯国中的地位大为不同,齐国保持了强国地位,而鲁国却一直未能称雄于诸侯。两国不同的治国、用人方式值得我们研究与思考。  相似文献   

The effect of changes in state revenue, property wealth, and enrollment from 1969–1970 to 1976–1977 on the equality of total educational revenue was investigated for nineteen states with available data. An exploratory two-stage methodology allowed a simulation of the effects of holding each of these factors at their 1969–1970 values and comparing the result with 1976–1977 predicted values. It was found that changes in state revenue were most equalizing, while changes in property wealth and enrollment were disequalizing. In addition, it was found that the change in the behavioral relationship between state revenue, property wealth, and enrollment, and local revenues from 1969–1970 to 1976–1977 was equalizing in twelve of the states and was larger than the change in the value of the most important of these factors (state revenue) in seven of the states.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to examine how the relationship between comprehensive school reform (CSR) and state accountability systems helps or hinders school improvement efforts. This article draws on case study data collected in schools in 3 states that received funding to implement reforms through the federal CSR program. Findings show that the 3 states all had high-stakes accountability systems in place (albeit of varying levels of maturity) and these accountability systems often had much more of an impact on teacher practice than the CSR models themselves. In some cases, there was synergy between the models and the states' own reform agendas, but in other cases, teachers felt as if they were being asked to achieve 2 independent goals. The states varied in their levels of support of schools' CSR efforts, depending on the primacy of CSR in the state reform picture and the political will and experience of the individuals in charge of CSR at the state level. Implications for the policy and practice of states, reform design teams, and district and school educators are discussed.  相似文献   

雅典原本是古希腊世界的二流城邦,公元前6世纪初至公元前5世纪中期经过梭伦、克里斯提尼及其伯利克里相继发动的三次大规模社会改革,为雅典社会注入了不竭的发展活力,打破了社会僵滞不前的状态,导引雅典逐步走出衰微困局,使其在政治、经济、军事、文化、艺术、建筑等领域渐次领先于古希腊其他城邦,并最终跃升为古希腊世界的文明中心。  相似文献   

孙权的东吴政权在三国鼎足而立达六十年之久,表现出顽强的生命力。其主要原因有:孙坚、孙策奠定的创业基础;孙权杰出的政治才能;周瑜、鲁肃、陆逊、吕蒙等英才的鼎立相助;灵活有效的外交政策;长江天险的天然屏障等。孙吴充分利用了各种有利因素,国小而长存,值得我们深思。  相似文献   

Nina Howe 《Child development》1991,62(6):1503-1512
This study examined relations among preschoolers' sibling-directed internal state language, perspective-taking abilities, and sibling-directed affective behaviors in 32 sibling dyads (aged 14 months and 3-4 years) during naturalistic home observations. Preschooler references about internal states (emotions, wants, abilities) were significantly more likely to be (a) about the toddler than the self, and (b) made in the mother's absence and during sibling conflict and play. Relative to poor perspective takers, skillful perspective takers (a) engaged in more instances of internal state discourse and (b) talked more frequently about both the toddler and themselves. Preschoolers engaging in high levels of positive affective behavior also spoke more frequently about internal states than children engaging in low levels of positive affective behavior. Discussion of results highlights the notion that internal state language may be one way of regulating sibling interaction and also a potential means for siblings to construct shared meanings about their world.  相似文献   

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